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FORD WSD-M2C200-C2-2004 LUBRICANT GEAR SYNTHETIC BASE  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《合成齿轮润滑剂  与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用 》.pdf_第1页
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FORD WSD-M2C200-C2-2004 LUBRICANT GEAR SYNTHETIC BASE  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《合成齿轮润滑剂  与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用 》.pdf_第2页
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FORD WSD-M2C200-C2-2004 LUBRICANT GEAR SYNTHETIC BASE  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《合成齿轮润滑剂  与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用 》.pdf_第3页
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FORD WSD-M2C200-C2-2004 LUBRICANT GEAR SYNTHETIC BASE  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《合成齿轮润滑剂  与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用 》.pdf_第4页
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FORD WSD-M2C200-C2-2004 LUBRICANT GEAR SYNTHETIC BASE  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《合成齿轮润滑剂  与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用 》.pdf_第5页
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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONDate Action Revisions 2004 08 31 Revised Para 3.0 inserted; para 3.20 & 4 deleted 2001 05 22 Activated M. V. Swain Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2004, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 1 of 5 LUBRICANT, GEAR, SYNTHETIC BASE WSD-M2C200-C2 1. SCOPE The m

2、aterial defined by this specification is a multiviscosity transmission lubricant using synthetic base fluids compounded with viscosity index improvers and extreme pressure additives. 2. APPLICATION This specification was released originally for material used to provide lubrication for manual transax

3、les and transmissions. The material has specific frictional characteristics for this application 3. REQUIREMENTS Material specification requirements are to be used for initial qualification of materials. 3.0 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTION MATERIALS Material suppliers and part producers must co

4、nform to the Companys Standard Requirements For Production Materials (WSS-M99P1111-A). 3.3 VISCOSITY 3.3.1 At 100 C Rate and Report (ISO 3104) 3.3.2 At - 26 C, max 8,000 mPa.s (ASTM D 2983) 3.3.3 At -40 C, max 50,000 mPa.s (ASTM D 2983) 3.3.4 Shear Stability 11.5 mm2/s (CEC L45-T 93 C, min viscosity

5、) Used bearing shear loss after run in period with Reference Oil RL 181/3 9 to 13% 3.3.5 Viscosity Index, min 150 (ISO 2909) 3.4 POUR POINT, max -42 C (ISO 3016) 3.5 FLASH POINT, min 210 C (ISO 2592) ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSD-M2C200-C2Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2004, Ford

6、Global Technologies, LLC Page 2 of 5 3.6 COPPER CORROSION (ISO 2160) 3 h at room temperature, max 1a 3 h at 120 +/- 2 C, max 1b 3.7 ANTI FOAMING PROPERTIES Foam Tendency Foam Stability (ASTM D 892) at end of 5 min at end of 1 min blowing period settling period Sequence 1, max 10 mL 0 mL Sequence 2,

7、max 10 mL 0 mL Sequence 3, max 10 mL 0 mL Sequence 4, max 10 mL 0 mL (Sequence 4 to consist of 150 +/- 3 C, 200 mL/minute air) 3.8 FOAMING AFTER AGEING Foam Tendency Foam Stability (ASTM D 892) (CEC-L-48-A-95) at end of 5 min at end of 20 sec 140 C, 10 L air/Hour, 24 Hours blowing period settling pe

8、riod Sequence 1, max 10 mL 10 mL Sequence 2, max 20 mL 10 mL Sequence 3, max 10 mL 10 mL 3.9 MOISTURE, max 0.1% (ISO 3733) 3.10 ODOR Materials shall produce no objectionable odour during any test performed herein. 3.11 RUBBER COMPATIBILITY (ASTM D 471, para. 6.1, with aluminium block 168 hours at 15

9、0 +/- 3 C Material 70 ACM 121433 Volume change from original +5 +/- 3% Durometer hardness change from original +3 / -6 Material 75 FKM 595 Volume change from original +3 +/- 3% Durometer hardness change from original 0 / +6 3.12 OXIDATION TEST (CEC L-48-A-95/B) Blotter spot test, min 100 Viscosity i

10、ncrease at 100 C, max 15% Change in TAN (ASTM D 664, max) 2 mgKOH/g Sludge Not permitted ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSD-M2C200-C2Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2004, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 3 of 5 3.13 CONTAMINATION BY SOLID PARTICLES, scale number 20/16 (ISO 4406) 3.14

11、FRICTION AND WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF DOUBLE-CONE SYNCHRONISER DEVICES The material must fulfil the following requirements on friction and wear behaviour in one-step endurance life tests. The results must be confirmed by at least two tests with less than 20 % standard deviation of the mean endurance life o

12、f the tests. 3.14.1 Shifts to Failure, min 100,000 3.14.2 Coefficient of Friction See Figure 1 Figure 1 3.14.3 Clashing and Wear Report number of cycles up to clashing for each individual test and rate of wear for 1st and 2nd gears. 3.14.4 Ring Clearance Report difference in ring clearance between t

13、est start and end. Mean value of three determinations. ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSD-M2C200-C2Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2004, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 4 of 5 3.14.5 Trend Plots Submit trend plots for each individual test with the following data. Axial Load

14、 Coefficient of Friction Friction Torque vs. Sliding Time 3.14.6 Test Plots Submit test plots of the following shifts with data from 3.12.5 versus carried out shifts. Shifts 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 20,000 etc. 3.14.7 Problems and Difficulties Report any observed problems o

15、r difficulties during the test run. Test Method: A complete synchroniser unit type IB5 1st/2nd gear comprising the following parts must be used for the investigations. Latest level parts must be obtained from Ford Manual Transmission Engineering and are to be returned after testing. 1 x gear, transa

16、xle, 1st speed 7100 1 x gear, transaxle, 2nd speed 7102 1 x hub, transaxle, synchroniser 7C115 2 x ring, transaxle, inner blocking 7107 2 x ring, transaxle, outer blocking 7107 2 x cone, transaxle, synchroniser mesh 7M000 3 x insert, transaxle, synchroniser hub 7C396 2 x spring, transaxle, synchroni

17、ser retain 7109 1 x gear, transaxle, reverse mainshaft (sleeve) 7K013 Test Conditions: Speed difference 1,100 rpm Axial load 500 N Reduced inertia 0.06 kg.m2Cycle time 4 s Oil temperature 80 C Oil flow 5 L/minute (Injection lubrication on FZG Standard Synchroniser Test Rig) Sliding speed 4 m/s Conta

18、ct pressure 3.1 N/mm2Running-in conditions Speed difference 50% of Test Conditions Axial load 50% of Test Conditions Cycles 20 3.15 GEAR PROTECTION PROPERTIES FZG Step Test A10/16.6R/90, failure stage, min 8 (FVA sheet 243/2, May 1996) Pitting capacity test PT C/10/90, min 250 Hours (FVA sheet 2/4,

19、July 1997) ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSD-M2C200-C2Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2004, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 5 of 5 3.16 BEARING WEAR TEST (E DIN 51819 at 50, 80, 110 and 140 C) Rollers, weight loss, max 30 mg Cage, weight loss, max 100 mg 3.17 FUNCTIONAL APPROVAL Mat

20、erials being evaluated for initial approval may be subjected to a functional trial. Functional trial results shall be evaluated by Manual Transmission Engineering prior to material approval and release. 3.18 APPROVAL OF TEST FACILITIES The test facilities used for tests described in paragraphs 3.3.4

21、, 3.3.5, 3.12, 3.15, 3.16 and 3.17 must have prior approval from Manual Transmission Engineering. 3.19 MISCIBILITY TEST The fluid shall be compatible with WSD-M2C200-C material when equal volumes of each are heated to 150 +/- 5 C for one hour and then cooled to -40 +/- 5 C for one hour. There shall be no visual sign of deposits or separation.


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