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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Action Changes1990 02 01 C01031532 released C E Herriott concurred J SchultWP 3948-a Page 1 of 13PAINT, METALLIC BASE COAT IN BASE COAT/CLEAR WSK-M32J124-ACOAT SYSTEM, BAKING, EXTERIOR TOP COAT1. SCOPEThe mat erial defined by

2、this specification is a metallic base coat of abase c oat/clear coat system required to provide the best exterior qualitymetallic finish. It consists o f a physical drying metallic base coat witha ther mosetting acrylic clear top coat, which are applied wet on wet andconcurrently stoved. It shall be

3、 suitable for spray application2. APPLICATIONThis spe cification was released originally for material used as the basecoat for a wet on wet final colour top coat system on au tomotive bodies andot her exterior parts. It shall be satisfactory for use over specifiedprimer s, primer surfacers or over b

4、aked enamel, as in repair or tu-toningoperations.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 STATISTICAL PROCESSSupplie rs must conform to the requirements of Ford Quality SystemStand ard Q-101. A mutually acceptable Control Plan as describedtherein is required for material/source approval. Appropriatestatist ical tools mus

5、t be used to analyze process/product data sothat variation in the final product is continually reduced.3.2 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY AND/OR THERMAL ANALYSISFord Motor Company in its option, may conduct in frared and/or thermalana lysis of materials/parts supplied to this specification. The IRspectr

6、a and thermograms established for initial approval shallconst itute the reference standard and shall be kept on file at thedesignated Material Laboratory. All samples sha ll produce IR spectraand thermograms that correspond to the reference standard when testedunder the same conditions.3.3 ULTRA VIO

7、LET SPECTROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS(FLTM tbd)All approved materials shall contain with Initial Sample Report anUV- spectroscopic analysis. This shall be recorded and filed byQuality Control or relevant Testing Laboratories of the Ford MotorCompany.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M32J124-AWP 3948-b Pag

8、e 2 of 13 Subsequent material UV-spectroscopic analysis sh all correspond to thedata of the Initial Sample.3.4 CONDITIONINGAll panels shall be aged for 72 h at 23 +/- 2 C or 16 h at 43 +/- 2 Cbefore testing for resi stance properties unless otherwise specified.In the event of differences between tes

9、t results, the results afterageing at room temperature shall govern.Al l tests according to this specification shall be performed in acontrolled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 C and 50 - 65 % relative humidityif not otherwise specified.3.5 FLASH POINTThe flash point shall conform to the safety regu lations

10、applicable tothe plant and/or country where the material shall be used.3.6 COMPOSITION3.6.1 ResinEssentially a synthetic resin system capable of meeting thisspecification requirements.3.6.2 PigmentThe pigment shall have weather and light resista nt propertiesan d be balanced and blended so that the

11、finished enamelmatch es the Master Appearance Sample (MAS) Panel inappear ance, colour and lustre, and shall give sufficientperformance to meet the requirements of this specification.3.6.3 SolventThe volatile portion shall contain sufficient ac tive solventsto give satisfactory adhesion when the ena

12、mel is applied overa previously baked coat of the enamel.The properties of solvents in the volatile portion shall beso arran ged that the enamel will level out satisfactory onspray application. The volatility of the solvent s is to be sochosen that the material will give a dry film th ickness of 40m

13、icrometre without sagging and with satisfactory freedom fromroughness or dry spray.3.6.4 Clear Top CoatBase coat meeting this specification shall be totallycompat ible with the Ford Engineering approved clear coatWSK-M32J125-A or approved equivalent materials a pplied on it.After baking to the requi

14、red conditions the base coat/clearcoat system shall present an exterior topcoat finish of thehighest quality.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M32J124-AWP 3948-b Page 3 of 13 3.6.5 Specific CompositionWhen i t is necessary to obtain specific data regardingmaterial formulation, it is understood t

15、hat the supplier willfurnish such data on request.3.6.6 Ultra Violet Light AbsorberIn case of critical colours (e.g. red), the enamel mayco ntain sufficient amounts of suitable Ultra Violet lightabsorber packages. These will be selected by th e supplier toprovide long term durability.3.6.7 Special D

16、ataAll in itial and batch submissions must indicate density,no n-volatile content, and volume solids of the material assupplied on the sample report.3.7 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES3.7.1 Non-volatile Initial Sample +/- 1,0 %(FLTM BI 102-01)Minimum solid content 19,0 %unless otherwise releasedThese solid limi

17、ts apply to base coats adjusted to aviscosity of 20 s Ford Cup 3, at 25 C (FLTM BI 111-01).Solvent may be specifie d by vendor but shall be Ford ProductEngineering Approved prior to use.3.7.2 Density Initial Sample +/- 0,02 g/mL(ASTM D 1475)3.7.3 Viscosity(FLTM BI 111-01, Ford Cup 3, 25 C)Package Vi

18、scosity Initial Sample +/- 5 s3.7.4 Shelf StabilityDuring a storage of 3 months at room temperature, thematerial as received shall not gel or liver upon standing andmu st be free from settling which cannot be dispersed bynormal a gitation. The viscosity of the material shall notin crease in excess o

19、f 25 s (FLTM BI 102-03, Ford Cup 3,25 C).ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M32J124-AWP 3948-b Page 4 of 13 3.7.5 Solvent Emissions, max 0,096 kg/L(ASTM D 3960)This r equirement is as determined by the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency Reference Method #24 but isonly applicable to mate

20、rials used in the USA.3.7.6 Volume Solids Not less than Initial Sample.(FLTM BI 154-02)3.8 PREPARATION OF TEST PANELS(FLTM BI 103-02, Method B, b)3.8.1 SubstrateFord Engineering Approved Standard Steel Test Panels coatedwith Ford Engineering approved zinc phosphate an d prepared inaccordance with Fo

21、rd Manufacturing Standard U-MA18004/U-MA18005 or Equivalent.3.8.2 Cathodic ElectrocoatFord Engineering approved current production materials.Apply the above primer to a minimum dry film thickness of 25micro metre and bake as defined in relevant materialspecification.3.8.3 Primer SurfacerFord Enginee

22、ring approved current production material.Apply the above primer to a minimum dry film thickness of 30micrometre, and bake as defined in relevant materialspecification.Do not sand the primer surface.3.8.4 Base CoatApply base coat under test (reduced to spray viscosity assp ecified by vendor) to a dr

23、y film thickness of 15 - 20micrometre.3.8.5 Clear CoatApply approved clear coat against specification WSK-M32J125-A(reduced to spray visco sity as specified by vendor) to a dryfilm thickness of 35 - 45 micrometre.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M32J124-AWP 3948-b Page 5 of 13 Minimum total dry

24、 film thicknessBase coat and clear coat 50 micrometre3.8.6 Flash-Off Time 1 minute between base and clear coat application.3.8.7 Baking CyclesBase coat and clear coat baked simultaneously3.8.7.1 Standard Bake Bake 10 minutes at 130 C metal temperature.3.9.1 Colour3.9.2.1 Gloss3.9.2.2 Gloss after re-

25、bake3.10.4 Hardness3.11 Resistance properties includingAdhesion3.12 Weathering3.13.1 Repair colour match3.8.7.2 RebakeStandard Bake and then bake 10 minutes at 140 Cmetal temperature.3.9.1 Colour3.9.2.2 Gloss after rebake3.13.2.3 Intercoat adhesion3.8.7.3 In Plant RepairEnamels containing acid catal

26、yst (item 3.13)Bake 10 minutes at 100 C metal temperature.3.9 APPEARANCE3.9.1 Colour(FLTM BI 109-01)Colour of clear coat fi lm shall remain water white after allbaking cycles described in item 3.8.7.Colour of base coat and clear coat shall match the relevantapproved Master Appearance Sample (MAS) Pa

27、nel.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M32J124-AWP 3948-b Page 6 of 13 3.9.2 Gloss(FLTM BI 110-01, 20 deg glossmeter) Standard Bake, min 903.9.2.2 Rebake GlossA decrease of not more than 4 units gloss ispermitted when panel is rebaked per item LevellingThe surface of the mate

28、rial under test shall be equal to orbe tter than current approved production material forsmoothness when applied and baked under identica l conditions.3.9.4 HoldoutThere shall be no evidence of dulling or change of imageclarity when enamel colour coat is applied over sanded andunsanded primer surfac

29、er, and no difference in gloss of thecolour coat between san ded and unsanded primer. There shallbe no prominence of sand scratches. Tests shall be made atboth maximum and minimum bake cycles.3.9.5 Distinctness of Image tbd(FLTM BI 110-03)3.10 FILM PROPERTIES3.10.1 General AppearanceThe enamel shall

30、 bake o ut to a presentable, serviceable filmshowing no craters, pinholes or abnormal roughness.It sha ll not show excessive metallic mottling in the basecoat.It shall have a reasonable tolerance for ordinary cleaningand s how excellent polishing characteristics when wheelpolished with wide range of

31、 various compounds and cleaners.3.10.2 Wet on Wet CompatibilityThe mate rial must be compatible for wet on wet applicationwith current production primer surfacer and clear coat.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M32J124-AWP 3948-b Page 7 of 13 3.10.3 Film Thickness(FLTM BI 117-01)Base coat plus c

32、lear coat, min 50 micrometreCo ating must be sufficient to meet all performancerequirements of this specification.3.10.4 Final Hardness3.10.4.1 Penetration, full system, age 72h at 23 +/- 2 CTukon, min 6,0 KHN(FLTM BI 112-02) SurfacePencil, min H(FLTM BI 151-01)3.10.5 PolishingTh e enamel su

33、rface shall be capable of being sanded andpolished, or polished only. No noticeable chang e in gloss orapp earance, except for a minimum of polishing lines shallresul t. Deep polishing lines or swirl marks are notacceptable.Ha rdness and polishing characteristics shall be such thatair-borne dirt dri

34、ed in the film and dry spray a reas or othersurface defects can be removed by sanding and polishing.Aft er sanding with 600 grit paper lubricated with mineralspirit a nd then wheel polished with a medium grit compoundthere shall be no noticeable change in appearanc e between thepolished and unpolish

35、ed area.3.10.6 Hiding Power, Dry, max 15 micrometre(FLTM BI 158-01)Complete visual hiding3.11 RESISTANCE PROPERTIES3.11.1 Paint Adhesion(FLTM BI 106-01, Methods A & B)Method A No chippingMethod B Grade 0No chippingThere shall be no flaking of clearcoat from the basecoat.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFIC

36、ATIONWSK-M32J124-AWP 3948-b Page 8 of 13 3.11.2 Water Resistance 240 h(FLTM BI 104-01)No blistering, softenin g, dulling, colour change and/or lossof adhesion.Adhesion shall be tested according to item 3.11.1 Method B.3.11.3 Salt Spray Resistance min 480 h(FLTM BI 103-01)No rust spots, blistering, c

37、hipping, peeling, gloss loss,adhesi on loss or rust creepage more than 3 mm from scribedline.Adhesion shall be tested according to item 3.11.1 Method B.3.11.4 Water and Soap Spot Resistance(FLTM BI 113-01) Water Spottingmax discolouration AATCC Rating 4- Soap Spottingmax discolourat

38、ion AATCC Rating 4-53.11.5 Acid Spot Resistance(FLTM BI 113-05, Base/Clear, 30 minutes)Max discolouration None3.11.6 Xylene Wipe ResistanceNo dulling, softening or other undesireable effe cts after theena mel, which has been aged 72 h, is rubbed 10 times in acircular motion with a wad of cheesecloth

39、 wetted with Xyleneand allowed a 30 minute recovery period.3.11.7 Stone Chip Resistance, max Rating 3(FLTM BI 157-04)3.11.8 Cold Check Resistance, 10 cycles No cracking(FLTM BI 107-02) or dulling3.12 WEATHERING3.12.1 Florida Exposure, 12 Months AATCC Rating 4(FLTM BI 160-01)5 deg south, directweathe

40、ring inlandENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M32J124-AWP 3948-b Page 9 of 13 3.12.2 Accelerated, min AATCC Rating 4(SAE J1960)Radiant Exposure tbd GJ/m2Accele rated Weathering is only to be considered if forEngineering concurred s pecial reasons no Florida results areavailable. Under such circum

41、stances comparative testing onlyis allowed against mate rials of known Florida stability withidentical chemical type of resin.In case of differences in the test results of Floridaex posure and the accelerated weathering the results of theFlorida exposure shall prevail.Prior to examination the expose

42、d samples must be cleaned withapproved soap solutionAf ter exposure in accordance with 3.12.1 and 3.12.2 washedbut unpolished exposure samples shall show a minimum degreeof dulling, change of colour and distinctness of image withboth standard and catal yzed repair paint when compared to anunexposed

43、retained master.Both original and repair shall alter in colour, tone andgloss t o the same degree in the same direction. Only thesl ightest colour change is permitted. These samples shallshow no colour change, or irridescence in excess of specifiedAATCC rating (AATCC Grey Scale for Evaluating Change

44、 inColour, 10 step).Gloss after exposure shall be minimum 70 units (20 degglossmeter FLTM BI 110-01).The film shall be free from dirt and mildew. Un soiled panelsshall be preferred to those soiled by exposure.No chalking is permitted.The panels shall be completely free from evidence ofcracking, chec

45、king, rusting, blistering, and peeling.One sma ll area of the exposed panel shall be slightlypolished with a current polish followed by a 24 h waterimmers ion test of the complete panel according to FLTM BI104-01 . The panel is then again compared to the unexposedpanel. Only a slight colour change i

46、s permitted on thepolished as well as on the unpolished area of the panel.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M32J124-AWP 3948-b Page 10 of 13 3.12.3 After Weathering Adhesion(FLTM BI 106-1, Method C)No loss of adhesion of clear coat or total paint systempermitted.3.12.4 After Weathering Water Res

47、istanceAf ter Florida exposure and/or accelerated weathering, testspecimens shall be test ed according to FLTM BI 104-01 for 24hours. Adhesion shall be tested according to item New Vendors and Resin FormulationsSu bmissions of the above shall require weather resistanceover an extended

48、period up to 5 years. Prior use withoutProduct Engineering approval is not permitted.Sufficient panels shall be initially sent to Flo rida to allowinterim evaluation afte r each 12 months during this exposureperiod.Lon g term Florida exposure panels prior to exposure shallhave 1/3 of the surface pol

49、ished with a surface grindingcompound. Using cotton wool the surface shall be rubbed 10times under medium pres sure in a straight longitudinal line.Wipe excess compound away using clean towel.Grinding compound as recommended by Materials Engineering.3.12.6 ReflectanceMeasure and record reflectance of Florida test panels as agraph prior to and afte r each year of exposure up to 5 yearsusing spectrophotometer or other suitable equipment.Recommended equipment i s Zeiss Spectrophotometer Type DMR 21with reflectance attachment.3.12.7 Weather Exposure Control PanelsFor all exterior weather exp


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