FORD WSK-M98P4-A-1990 FUEL LINE POLYAMIDE (PA) 11 12《聚酰胺(PA)11 12燃料管路》.pdf

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FORD WSK-M98P4-A-1990 FUEL LINE POLYAMIDE (PA) 11 12《聚酰胺(PA)11 12燃料管路》.pdf_第1页
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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Release No. Release/Revision1990 07 02 EP00E01031537000 Released C L Voss conc. J. S chultWP 3948-a Page 1 of 5FUEL LINE, POLYAMIDE (PA) 11/12 WSK -M98P4 -A1. SCOPEThe material defined by this specification is an extruded plas

2、tics tubing madeof polyamide 11 or 12.2. APPLICATIONThis specification was released originally for material used for fuel lines.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 STATISTICAL PROCESSSuppliers must conform to the requirements of Ford Quality SystemStandard Q -101. A mutually acceptable Control Plan as described ther

3、einis required for material/source approval. Appropriate statistical toolsmust be used to analyze process/product data so that variation in thefinal product is continuously reduced.3.2 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY AND/OR THERMAL ANALYSISFord Motor Company, at its option, may conduct infrared and/or th

4、ermalanalysis of material/parts supplied to this specification. The IRspectra and thermogram established for initial approval shall constitutethe reference standard and shall be kept on file at the designatedmaterial laboratory. All samples shall produce IR spectra andthermograms that correspond to

5、the reference standard when tested underthe same conditions.3.3 CONDITIONING AND TEST CONDITIONSAll test values indicated herein are based on material conditioned in acontrolled atmosphere 23 +/ - 2 C and 50 +/ - 5 % rel ative humidity fornot less than 24 h prior to testing and tested under the same

6、 conditionsunless otherwise specified.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M98P4-AWP 3948-b Page 2 of 53.4 FINISHED PARTAll tests shall be performed using straight tubing sections only.3.4.1 AppearanceThe finished part must be free of pores, foreign matter, cracksor any other defects which may affe

7、ct its use.3.4.2 ColourBlack or as specified on engineering drawing3.4.3 DimensionsAs specified on engineering drawing.3.4.4 Flexibility as Rec eivedAfter test the finished part shall show no distortion, cracks orother defects which may affect its use.Test Method: A section of the tube of approx. 40

8、0 mm lengthshall be bent within 8 s round a mandrel with a diameter that is50 times the wall thickness of the tube. The tube must be bentround the mandrel for at least 1 1/2 turns. Examination shallbe done in bent condition.3.4.5 Heat AgingAfter heat aging the finished part shall show no distortion,

9、cracks or other defects which may affect its use.Test Method: A section of the tube of approx. 400 mm lengthshall be placed on a glass plate and stored for 3 days in amechanical convection oven maintained at 150 +/ - 2 C. Examination shall be done after cooling to room temperature. Save sample for t

10、est according to Flexibility After Heat AgingNo distortion, cracks or other defects which mayaffect its use.Test Method: The section of tube heat aged according to para 3.4.5 shall be bent within 8 s around a mandrel with a diameter that is 50 times the wall thickness of the tube. Th

11、e tube must be bent round the mandrel for at least 1 1/2 turns. Examinationshall be done in bent condition.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M98P4-AWP 3948-b Page 3 of 53.4.6 Cold Impact ResistanceThe finished part shall show no cracks, breaks or other defectswhich may affect its use.Test Method

12、: A section of two tubes of approx. 100 mm lengthshall be stored for 24 h at 80 +/ - 1 C prior to test. Immersethese tubes for 16 h in test fuels (as defined in paras. at 23 +/ - 2 C. Remove the tubes from the testfluids and wipe them dry. Then place the specimens for 6 h in acol

13、d box maintained at - 40 +/ - 1 C mounted on a metal platewith 4 guidance pins to fix the specimens so that they will beimpacted by the steel ball right in the middle. At the end ofthe cold storage period remove the test device from the coldbox, place in horizontal position and within 5 s after remo

14、valdrop a steel ball of 225 +/ - 5 g and approx. 38 mm in diameteronto the tube from a height of 600 mm. Test Fuel85 % by volume Liquid C/Fuel C (ISO 1817/ASTM D 471) +15 % by volume methanol3.4.6.2 Test FuelDiesel Fuel (ISO 1817, Liquid F)3.4.7 Resistance to FuelsThe finished part shall show

15、 no evidence of cracks or otherdefects which may impair its serviceability. Furthermore, theextension in length shall not exceed 3.3 % within the first 9days and 1.6 % after 31 days exposure.Test Method: Seal off two tubes with lengths of 6 00 mm at oneend with a short and light weight metallic stop

16、per orequivalent. For measuring change in length place two gage markson the tube specimens 500 mm apart and 30 mm away from thestoppered ends. Fill with test fuel according to and3.4.6.2, seal off and suspend in vertical position at roomtemperature. Pour off test fuel every 2 days (week days

17、) andevery 3 days (over weekend), measure change in length and refillwith fresh test fuel. After a total exposure time of 31 daysdetermine final change in length. Flexibility After Fuel ImmersionAfter 5 days exposure as defined above, test andevaluate tube specimens according to 3.4.4 immedia

18、telyafter draining fuel.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M98P4-AWP 3948-b Page 4 of 53.4.8 Engine Oil ResistanceThe finished part shall show no cracks or other defects whichmay affect its use.Test Method: Immerse a section of the tube of approx. 400 mmlength, sealed on both ends, for 24 h in IS

19、O Oil No.3/ASTM OilNo.3 (according to ISO 1817/ASTM D 471) at 23 +/ - 2 C. Removethe tube from the test solution, rinse with warm water and bendtube around a mandrel. Test method and evaluation according topara Battery Acid ResistanceThe finished part shall show no cracks or other defect

20、s whichmay affect its use.Test Method: Immerse a section of tube of approx. 400 mmlength, sealed on both ends, for 24 h in sulphuric acid with adensity of 1.28 Mg/m3 at 23 +/ - 2 C. Remove the tube from thetest solution, rinse with warm water and bend tube around amandrel. Test method and evaluation

21、 according to para ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSAdditional specific requirements for the finished part, if required,shall be as specified on the engineering drawing.3.6 BASE MATERIALSPolyamide 11, flexible, according to WSK -M4D700 -APolyamide 12, flexible, according to WSK -M4D701 -Aor as speci

22、fied on engineering drawing3.7 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITYAll materials supplied to this specification must be equivalent in allcharacteristics to the material upon which approval was originallygranted.Prior to making any changes in the properties, composition,construction, color, processing or labelli

23、ng of the material originallyapproved under this specification, whether or not such changes affectthe materials ability to meet the specification requirements, theSupplier shall notify Purchasing, Toxicology and the affected MaterialsEngineering activity of the proposed changes and obtain the writte

24、napproval of the Materials Engineering activity. Test data, test samplesand a new code identification are to be submitted with the request.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M98P4-AWP 3948-b Page 5 of 5Substance restrictions imposed by law, regulations or Ford apply to thematerials addressed by t

25、his document. The restrictions are defined inEngineering Material Specification WSS -M99P9999 -A1, unless a differentsuffix (e.g., A2 or A3) is specified on the engineering document for theapplication.4. APPROVAL OF MATERIALSThis specification is intended to define the performance and/or properties

26、offinished parts or systems of combined materials. An Engineering MaterialApproved Source listing is not applicable for this specification. ProductEngineering materials referenced in this document and/or the affectedengineering drawing which require prior Engineering approval are shown in theEngineering Material Approved Source List under the specification cited.


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