FORD WSS-M13P12-A-2012 BODY GREASE PERFORMANCE TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A 《车身润滑脂性能 与福特WSS-M99P1111-A 一起使用》.pdf

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FORD WSS-M13P12-A-2012 BODY GREASE PERFORMANCE  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《车身润滑脂性能  与福特WSS-M99P1111-A  一起使用》.pdf_第1页
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FORD WSS-M13P12-A-2012 BODY GREASE PERFORMANCE  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《车身润滑脂性能  与福特WSS-M99P1111-A  一起使用》.pdf_第2页
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FORD WSS-M13P12-A-2012 BODY GREASE PERFORMANCE  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《车身润滑脂性能  与福特WSS-M99P1111-A  一起使用》.pdf_第3页
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FORD WSS-M13P12-A-2012 BODY GREASE PERFORMANCE  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《车身润滑脂性能  与福特WSS-M99P1111-A  一起使用》.pdf_第4页
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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Date Action Revisions Rev 3 2012 01 23 Revised See Summary of revisions L. Sinclair, FNA 2009 01 08 Revised See summary of revisions L. Schmalz, FNA 2007 07 12 Activated L. Kane Controlled document at www.MATS Copyright 2012 Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 1 of

2、 4 BODY GREASE PERFORMANCE WSS-M13P12-A 1. SCOPE This specification defines the requirements for approval of grease used in body applications. 2. APPLICATION This performance specification was originally released for body closures (latches and hinges), sliding mechanisms and general body related app

3、lications. 2.1 LIMITATIONS Limitations relative to the application of this grease must be listed in Supplement A Part 3 of the Data Submission Spreadsheet. 3. REQUIREMENTS Material performance requirements per paragraph 3.3 are to be submitted for qualification of materials. Additional data for spec

4、ific applications must be submitted in Supplement B of the Data Submission Spreadsheet. Contact the appropriate materials engineer to obtain a copy of the spreadsheet. 3.1 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTION MATERIALS Material suppliers and part producers must conform to the Companys Standard Requi

5、rements For Production Materials (WSS-M99P1111-A). 3.2 FUNCTIONAL TRIAL Materials being evaluated to this specification shall be subjected to a functional trial. Functional trial results must be approved by the affected assembly operation and Design Engineering. Results shall be made available to Ma

6、terials Engineering prior to material approval and release. The design engineer will document the functional trial and supply the information in Supplement A Part 2. 3.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.3.1 Penetration (ASTM D 217, DIN ISO 2137) Worked 60 cycles Report Worked 100,000 cycles, max +/- 15% c

7、hange from 60 cycle result 3.3.2 Oxidation Stability, kPa, Report (ASTM D 942 or DIN 51808, 100 hr at 99 C) ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSS-M13P12-A Copyright 2012, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 2 of 4 3.3.3 Dropping Point, C, min 130 (ASTM D 566 or ASTM D 2265, DIN ISO 2176) 3.3.4 Water

8、 Resistance Note: Select either water spray-off or washout depending on application. Water Spray-Off, max 25% (ASTM D 4049, 5 min at 38 C) Water Washout, max 10% (ASTM D 1264, DIN 51807 T02 at 38 C) 3.3.5 Interface Compatibility Production representative materials specific to the app

9、lication should be used for the following tests. Chemical Attack to Painted Surfaces No staining or softening (FLTM BJ 126-01) of automotive finishes. Note: Include chemical attack test when used in contact with paint surfaces. Resistance to Stress Cracking No cracking or crazing (FL

10、TM BO 127-03) Note: Include resistance to stress cracking when used in contact with polymers such as PC, ABS, PC+ABS, ASA or acrylic. Elastomer Compatibility (ASTM D 4289, DIN 53505, DIN 53504, 70 h, 100 C) Volume change 0 to 30% Hardness change, max -30% to 0 Tensile Strength change, Report

11、 % Note: Include elastomer compatibility when used in contact with elastomeric materials. Application specific elastomer should be used for testing instead of a reference elastomer. 3.3.6 Low Temperature Torque Report Starting Torque (ASTM D 1478, -40 C) gf-cm, Report Running Torque 3.3.7 Oil Separa

12、tion, max 10% (ASTM D 1742 or Federal Standard 791C, Method 321.3, DIN 51817) 3.4 INFORMATION TO INCLUDE ON DRAWING The following call-out information must be included on any engineering component/assembly drawing that specifies grease. Option A is the preferred method. Use Option B in special circu

13、mstances, when the grease product information is considered proprietary. Option B must be reviewed and concurred by Materials Engineering. ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSS-M13P12-A Copyright 2012, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 3 of 4 Option A (preferred method) WSS-M13P12-A Supplier: _ Pr

14、oduct Code: _ Trade Name: _ Option B WSS-M13P12-A Record ID: _ 4. GENERAL INFORMATION Supplied supplemental test data for approved greases will be added to the Ford Materials Database (FMD), which can be accessed by Ford Motor Company employees at . The grease Record ID will be needed to retrieve th

15、e data. Contact Materials Eng for assistance in using the FMD. Grease Life Estimation Report Line Equation & Test Temperature (ASTM E 1858, Method B) Generate OIT data using at least the following PDSC (Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry) test temperatures: 200 C, 175 C, 160 C, & 150 C After

16、 obtaining the OIT data, plot the log (OIT) vs. (1/T), where: OIT = Oxidation Induction Time in minutes T = PDSC test temperature in degrees Kelvin Use a suitable spreadsheet software package (such as Microsoft Excel) to plot and generate the line equation. See Appendix 1 for example. Note: Contact

17、Materials Engineering if other test temperatures are desired. 5. SUMMARY OF REVISIONS 2012 01 23 Editorial change. Corrected section 3.4 call out option by removing 1C in the material specifications. 2009 01 08 Added DIN ISO 2137, DIN 51808, DIN ISO 2176, DIN 53505, DIN 53504, DIN 51817 Moved Grease

18、 Life Estimation to General Info. Removed Method A (DSC) from Grease Life Estimation ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSS-M13P12-A Copyright 2012, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 4 of 4 APPENDIX 1 Grease Life Estimation Example Determine the Oxidation Induction Time (OIT) for a grease at the se

19、rvice temperatures of 70 C and 100 C. Per ASTM E1858 Method B, the following data was collected: PDSC Test Temp (C) PDSC Test Temp (K) OIT (min) 200 473 30.4 175 448 180 160 433 578 150 423 1236 Plotting the data and fitting a linear trend line provides the following chart and equation: Using the ca

20、lculated equation, determine the OIT for T = 100 C = 373 K, Log (OIT) = 6464.1 * (1/T) 12.178 Log (OIT) = 6464.1 * (1/373) 12.178 OIT = 141915 minutes = 100 days Obviously 100 days would not be a sufficient to meet the durability requirements for long term, high mileage applications with a 100C service temperature. Using the calculated equation, determine the OIT for T = 70 C = 343 K, Log (OIT) = 6464.1 * (1/343) 12.178 OIT = 4653423 minutes = 9 years 9 years would be a sufficient to meet the durability requirements for long term, high mileage applications with a 70 C service temperature.

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