1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONDate Action Revisions 2006 01 05 Activated M. Dumitrescu Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2006, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 1 of 2 FABRIC, VERANDA PATTERN, WARP KNIT WSS-M1H1013-A 1. SCOPE The material defined by this specification is a VERANDA PATT
2、ERN, 4 bars, 56 Gauge, Single Needle bar, body cloth of good quality and uniform composition. 2. APPLICATION This specification was released originally for material used as an interior trim fabric for 2007 U387 seat insert. 3. REQUIREMENTS In addition, to the requirements listed herein, the fabric s
3、hall meet all requirements of WSS-M8P18-A1/A4 as applicable. 3.1 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTION MATERIALS Material suppliers and part producers must conform to the Companys Standard Requirements For Production Materials (WSS-M99P1111-A). 3.2 FABRIC CONSTRUCTION 3.2.1 Fabric Count, +/- 5% toler
4、ance (ASTM D 3887) Wales 165 wales/10 cm Courses 161 courses/10 cm 3.2.2 Fabric Weight, +/- 5%, g/m2(FLTM BN 106-01) Face w/ no Backcoat 321 Laminated to 3 mm foam 453 3.3 COMPOSITION (ASTM D 629) Tolerance as specified in WSS-M8P18-A1/A4 Fabric 100% Polyester Backcoat No backcoat ENGINEERING MATERI
5、AL SPECIFICATIONWSS-M1H1013-A Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2006, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 2 of 2 3.4 YARN CONSTRUCTION (ASTM D 1244) Face A 15% 11.1 tex f34 (text polyester) B 15% 11.1 tex f34 (text polyester) Middle 35% 16.7 texf36 (text polyester) Back 35% 7.8 tex f34 (text polyester) 3.5 METHOD OF DYEING Piece Dye 3.6 FINISHING OPERATIONS Knit, Heat set, Setmake, Dye, Tenter dry, Inspect