1、0 I ADAM OPEL AG 1 TECHN. LIEFERBEDINGUNGEN I QS 18M 000 TEZ Zentrallaboratorium FR WERKSTOFFE Gueisen mit Kugelgrafit t ,Hinweis: Diese T. L. fr Werkstoffe wurden ersetzt durch GMWlOM-IR-C. Sie drfen nur noch fr laufende Projekte einschlielich yPlattform angewendet werden. Fr alle zuknftigen Projek
2、te ab A und E sind die GMW verbindlich. Referenrbeziehungen alt zu neu fr 1 Angaben in Zeichnungen etc. siehe Anhang. l- 1.1,: i Bezeichnung QS 16MZ 35 Uerwen2unos fcrm Ausiert:gucgs-Nr : 2 Unbescnace: etwalger mrch der: Avenmer etolender; Sttc2proDenprfungen tragt der Lieferan6te Verantwonung dafur
3、. daG dle gelrefefle Ware die Opel-Zelchnungsvonchnflen efflt. Em PrufSencht rnli zahlenmaigen Ergebnissen aus Prfungen der Lleferung selbst 1st Del leder Bemusrmng. Erstbellefemnc un? Ausfuhnrngsanderung mttzugeben. LBSP r. WSD 7 :;m I “.,- Ler” ,I c2Ec 1 Ausgefeclgt:-G 1 Genehm: H I 1 Selte 1 von
4、7 I COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling ServicesHerstellunnsve=fahren Falls nicht anders vereinbart, bleibt die Wahl geeignete= GieB- und Formver- fahren dem Euhersteller berlassen, Verwendunaszweck Fr GuBteile, an die erhehte Anforderungen hinsichtlich Festigkeit, Zhiq- keit, Verschleife
5、stigkeit sowie Bestndigkeit gegenber Wrmeschocks und Abtunderung gestellt werden. Sorten mit einer Zugfestigkeit von mehr als 600 N/mm 2 kennen rtlich rand- sthichtgehrtet werden, Bernerkuno Qualittsmuster, fr die diese Vorschrif: zutrifft,mssen van der ?EH nac? dieser Vorschrift geprft und genehmig
6、t sein, ehe eine Lieferung erfolger. kann . finderunoen undfoder Abweichungen des Werkstoffes von der bemusterten und freigegebenen Lieferqualitt erfordern eine erneute Bemusterung und Ge- nehmigung durch die FEH. Anfnrderuncgn an den Werkstof COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling Servicesj
7、 i.2.1.1 ! I I ! ; “2.1.3 .r 5.Z.L -4 - -i -t -. L I r 2.2. l. 10 Biegewe hselfesiigkeit 5 in N/mm i i 5.2-7.11 Zug-Druck-Wechsel- festigkeit in K/mm 2 AI “ ! I ,I : I I 235 bis 2E5 2 ISSO 2 :23s =C,f . Zugfeszigkeit E, COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSorten mit gewhrl
8、gisteter Kerbscnlagarbeit 6.2.2 Bezeichnung Brinellhrte HB mit F = 300 2 QS 18MZ 35 110 bis 150 4s 18MZ 40 120 bis 165 : Zugfestigkeit R, in M/mm min 0,2 X Dehngrenze in N/m min 2 2 350 400 220 2 50 Eruchdehnung A5 in X min Biegefestigkeit in N/mm 2 Druckfestigkeit in
9、 N/mm2 min 22 18 an0 ois SOO 700 700 bis 800 600 6-2.2.7 Herbschlagarbeit in J bei + 20 C min bei - 20 C min O D DVM - Prob B, gere- : 17 - 11 hei - 40 C min O .2.2.3 6.2.1-7 bis Weitere mechanische Eigenschaften siehe Pos. Die in Pos. 6-2.2-5 ur,d 6.2-2.5 angegebenZ
10、n Merte sind Richtwerte. 5-3 Gefge Dichte bei +20C cerlitisch 7,3 kg/dm “165 kN/m 2 - 6-3.2 Faissonsche Zahl r “ i: ,L= bis 0,29 j 5-3.7 I ElektTische Leitfhig- keit bei +23 C G i COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSezeithnuns - “ I I I Fom nach Fieihc VI 11 n Il COPYRIGHT OPELLi
11、censed by Information Handling ServicesNormalsorten (Pos. 1.1.1 bis 1.1.5) EGG - 40 bis GGG - 80, Sorten mit geuhrleisteter Herbschlagarbeit (Pos. 1.2.1 bis 1-2.2) EGG - 35.3 und GGG- 40-3 nach DIN 1693, Blatt 1, 10,1973, Zustzliche Forderunoen Abweichungen von den in diesen Techn. Lieferbedingungen
12、 festgele3te1-1 An- fozderungen oder zustzliche Anforderungen sind in den jeweiligen Teile- zeichnungen nder Materialfreigaben vorgeschrieben, Prfverfahrm Falls nicht anders angegeben, sind die Prfungen bei +23C 2 5K durchzu- fhren, Fr die Prfungen der mechanischen Eigenschaften gelten: Opel 101 Hrt
13、eprfung nach Brinell“ DIN 50 106, 12,1976 “Prfifung metallischer Werkstoffe, Druckversuchn DruckaoSen, 2Gmn Nenndurciunesser, dis aus getrennt I 1 gegossenen Probestcken mit 3Unn RohpudurcfimessE? nezauq- gea=belte: wernen. I COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling Services15.02.99 Darum Hinw
14、eis hinzugeig:. war Ausfertiaunas-Nr. l. Datum 11/80 Beschreibung nderungen Georih Genehmig i I Ausfemungs-Nr.: 2 Datum: 0299 Ausgeferfigt: Genehmigt: Seite 7 von 7 ! COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling ServicesADAM OPEL AG TDC Central Laboratories ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION QS 18
15、M000 Nodular Cas: Iron Note: This Engjneering Material Specification has been superseded by GMWlOM-IR-C. It may be appiied only for current projects including y-platform. For all future projects from A and E upwards the GMW are binding. References old to new for indications on drawings etc. see Appe
16、ndix. Translation of Technische Lieferbedingungen fr Werkstoffe QS 18MO 00, GuBeisen mit Kugelgraf it 1. 1.1 ?. 1.1 7. T.2 %. ?. 7.3 7.1.G 1.7.5 y.2 7.2. 1 1.2.2 2. Material Unalloyed and low alloy cast iron. The graphitic carbon is predominantly formed largely in spheroidal nodules. Depending on th
17、e requirements, the material is used as cast or in the heat-treated condition. The specification covers the following grades classified by guarantee0 mismmum tensile strength: -“ Standard Grades structure (reference data) designation predominantly ferritic QS 18MO 40 predominantly pearlitit QS 18M0
18、73 pearlitic qs 18HO 90 ferri tic castings made of this material must 50 annealed ferritic predominantly ferritic QS 18MZ 35 QS 18MZ 40 Form of Suoplv Castings as indicated on component drawing with wall thickness up to 7c m. Despite spct checks posslbly performed by Opel. I: :S the supoiiers respon
19、sibility tha! the deiiverdparts are In line with the Opel drawtngr Deliveries of samples, first off-tool pars ana parts, whose performance has been changed, must be accompanled by a test report ShOWlng th test results in terms of figures. LBSP n WSE 1 7 119s “ COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information H
20、andling Services1 c * o2 l i -1 I l COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling Services1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.Y.2 6.2.1-9 Standard grades Designation QS 18MO 60 Brinell hardnes HR with F = 30D* 135 to 165 Tensile strength Rm in N/rnm min
21、 400 O, 2% Proof st ess Rp,2 in N/m min 2 50 Elongation at fracture Ag in%nin 15 Rending strength in N/m Compres ive strength in N/mm min 80 o Shear S rength in N/mm O, 2% Compressive prooz stress in N/mflI O, 2% Torsional shear proos sfress in N/m Fatiguo strmgth under reverseg bending str=sses in
22、N/m Fatigue limit under com- pletely reversed tension- comp ession stpesses in N/lIXl Imgactenergy in joclo a; +ZO“C 8G $3 :SO Notched bar impact energy in joule at 2 5 2 aoo to goo 9 3 5 +2O0C ln to 19 qS 16MO SO 170 to 220 50 O 3 20 7 E50 to IOUC 900 QS IMO 60 QS IBMO 70 qs IEMO ac 200 to 253 235
23、to 285 27C tc 335 600 700 ao0 380 L40 500 3 2 2 900 to 1100 1000 to 120C 1100 to 130 OD0 I I -U,9 x tensile strength in Rm YI, 2x0,2% proof stress Rp O, 2 0,.75d, 2% proof stress RpU, 2 (C,61 ta U,OD26 .b)xtensile strength Fim w(S,C3 to 0,00192 . Rmlxtensile strength Fiin 62 to 100 3 to ?O ! $0 to 8
24、G Z! to 60 5 max 5 rnax 5 max Issue: 2 Page 3 of 7 Approved: Date: 02/99 / COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling ServicesErades with guaranteed notched bar Designation Brinell hardness HB with F = 30D Tensile strength Rm in N/mm min D,2 % hoof stress in N/mm min Elongation at fracture Ag in
25、 % min Bending strength in N/m Compressive strength in N/mm min Notched bar impact energy in joule 2 2 2 2 2 G at i20 C min at -c“c min at -40 C min o impact energy OS 18HZ 35 6.2.2 6.2.2-2 QS 18MZ 40 120 to 165 I10 to 150 3 50 400 I 220 2 50 22 700 to 800 18 6-2.2.4 i 1 6.2.
26、2.6 600 700 I 17 - 11 For further mechanical pronerties refer to clauses thru The values indicated under clauses and 6.2.2-6 are approximate values. 6.3 7,3 kg/drn3 185 kN/mm 2 6.3.1 Density at +20 C o 7, to to NGuLs ef elastizity 150 6.3.3 Modulus in shear
27、q0,L . modulus of elasticity E.3.L Pcisson S ratic 2,5 to 0,29 6.3.5 1 Coeffitiort of tho:- mal expansion at +20C to +500GC IC to 6.3.6 Thermal conductivity at +2O*C to +4OO0C O, 38 to W rz5 K . cm 6.3.7 Electrical conducti- vity at +20c 292 to COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling Services
28、The rating charts for cast iron in Ope1 107 shall be evaluation of the microstructure. Designatin PS 18MO 40 PS 18MO 50 PS 18MO 60 95 18MO 70 QS 16MO BO .5 C. i QS 18MZ 35 QS 18MZ 40 form to chart VI photo 3 and better Il photo 2 and better n photo 3 and better a spheroid structure proportion to cha
29、rt VI1 photo 2 and more n n n n photo 1 U size ta chart VIX photo 6 and smaller II n n n photo 6 and smai 1 er n Heat treatments to reduce casting stresses shall not definf tive for matrix ferrite/pearlite ratio to chart IX 90% of area ferrite min photo 6 60% of area ferrite min photo 4 20% of area
30、ferrite max photo 2 10% of area ferrite max photo 1 totally pearlitic densly laminated totally ferritic , fine grained 90% of area ferrite min photo 6, fine-grained change the structure. The castings must be dimensionally accurate and clean. The surface must be free from molding and core sand and fr
31、ee of unevenness affecting the servicea- bility. The castings shall be free from defects detrimental to machinability and/tr serviceakilify e.g. cracks, sand and slag inclusions, cold laps, scabs etc. Such defects may only be removed, with the approval of the purchaser. The repair of defects shall n
32、ot impair the machinability and/or the servicea- bility. The resairod SPCS must be marked. COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling Services-. 5.6 6.6.1 6.6.2 The materials spetified in these technical terms of delivery correspond with: Standard grades (clauses 1.1.1 thru 1.1.5) GE - GO thru G
33、GG - 80 Grades with guaranteed notched bar impact energy (clauses 1.2.1 thru 1.2.2) GG - 35.3 and GEG - L0.3 to DIN 1653, sheet 1, 1G.1973. Additional Reouiremcnts Deviations form the requirements specified in these technical terms of delivery or additional requirements are specified in the respecti
34、ve part drawings or material releases. Test Procedure Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be carried out at a temperature of +23OC 2 5 H. The following specifications are applicable when testing the mechanical properties, Ope1 10: Brinell. hardness test DIN 50 106, 12.1578 Testing. of metall
35、ic materials; compression test : compression test piece, 223 mm normal ciiameter, machined from sepazately cast test bars with en as cast diameter of 30 mm. 2 Ir: 53 ;zy 2, 562 Testing cf grey cast iron; transverse bending test : bending test piece 30 gu, separately cast, umnachined, span 600 mm. DZ
36、N 5C 15, 2.1975 Tertinc of metallic inaterials; notched bar impact bending test: notched bar impact energy: 3VN test piece; impact energy: unnotchcd DUM test piece; machined from seaarately cast test bars (refer to DIN 1693, sheet 1, clause 7) DIN 50 145, 5.7975 Testing of metallic materials; tensil
37、e test : tensile test piece machined from separately cast test bars (refer to DIN 1693, sheet I, clause 7). The structure shall be evaluated microscopically by comparison with opel 107 structure rating charts. ! i Issue: * 1 Date: 02/99 Page 6 of 7 Approved: Prepared: 1 COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Inf
38、ormation Handling Services15.02.99 Date Note added. was lssue-Nc l. Date 11180 Descnptlon Revislons qb8 QS 18M000 Checked 1 Issue: 2 Date. 02/95 Prepared: Approved: Page 7 o: 7 COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling ServicesTECHN. LIEFERBEDINGUNGEN ADAM OPEL AG FR WERKSTOFFE TDC Central Labo
39、ratories ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION QS 18M000 Gueisen mit Kugelgrafi? Nodular Cast Iron Anhang / Appendix: Referenzbeziehungen ah zu neu fr Angaben in Zeichnungen. aeferences old to new for indications on drawings. 3eisiele / Examdes: 1 KDC Grades I I Equivalent Global Grade I I ITDC Gteklas
40、sen quivalente Gteklasse QS 18M040 QS 18MZ40 GMWlOM-IR-GN350A-22 QS 18MZ35 GMWlOM-lR-C-N700-2 QS 18M070 GMWlOM-IR-C-N600-3 QS 18M060 GMWlOM-IR-C-N500-7 QS 18M050 GMW1 OM-IR-C-N400-15 GMWlOM-IR-GN400A-18 Fr Rckfragen oder weitere Details stehen wir geme zur Verigung. ITEZ-Zentrallabor, Tel.: 72097 od
41、er Spetifikationswesen 7551 9 a: 67745 ra Laboratories, Tel.: 72037 or Specifications 755 1 9 Fax: 61745 I l I I Ausferdgungs-Nr.: Approved: Page 1 of 1 Date: 02/99 1 Prepared: u Issue: Genehmigt: Seite 1 von 1 Datum: 02/99 Ausgefedgt: Unbeschadet etwaiger durch den Abnehmer ertolgenden Stichprobenp
42、rfungen trgt der Lieferant Ware die Opei-Zeichnungsvorschritten erfllt. Ein Prfbericht mit zahlenmigen Ergebnissen aus Prfungen der Lieferung selbst Ist bel leder Bemusterung, Erstbelieferung und Ausfhrungsindenrng mitzugeben. Desolte spot checks possibly performed by Opel. i: is me suppliefs resDon
43、sibility that the delivered parts are in llne with the Opel drawngs. Delivenes of samples, first off-tool pans ano pans, wnose performance has been changed, must be accompanred by a test repon showin5 the fest resu!ts in terms of figures. LBS? L 3 i 1195 COPYRIGHT OPELLicensed by Information Handling Services