GMKOREA EDS-M-6466-2010 Polyurethane Leather for Covering.pdf

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1、 GMDAT ENGINEERING STANDARDS Material Specification Textiles SUPERCEDED EDS-M-6466 Polyurethane Leather for Covering This standard may be applied only for current project. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW14122. -7 E(*7)8 88x 7 , F6* 72T8p) F$ . 1.1 +95 . ., 8t 8% =8 !887

2、957%L# E(*7)07 38%P E:48x 957F$ . 2.1 17 E:4 / . F$-1F 68 2.2 GM E:4 / . EDS-M-0102 EDS-T-7301 EDS-T-7415 EDS-T-7603 EDS-T-7605 EDS-T-7611 EDS-T-7615 EDS-T-7626 EDS-T-7642 EDS-T-7646 EDS-T-7648 EDS-T-7694 GMW3059 EDS-T-7132 EDS-T-7402 EDS-T-7602 EDS-T-7604 EDS-T-7607 EDS-T-7614 EDS-T-7624 EDS-T-7638

3、 EDS-T-7643 EDS-T-7647 EDS-T-7649 GMW3001 2.3 dA E:4 / . F$-1F 68 GMDAT ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-M-6466 Copyright 2010 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved September 2010 Page 2 of 7 Version : 2 3 Requirements 3.1 General Properties 3 7 1F 3.1 d., ,p2e Table 1: General Properties / E 1: d., ,

4、p2e Designations / 4G F+ Test Methods / 4G - Specifications / 3.1.1 Total Weight per unit area. / $88 +95$- Q:E( . EDS-T-7611 510 580 g/m2 3.1.2 Thickness. / % . EDS-T-7624-1A 1.20 0.15 mm 3.1.3 Structure. / 9 . Knitted Fabric. Weight per unit area. / $88 +95$- :E( . Weav

5、e Density. / :9 -4$ . Wales. / 9 -F . Courses. / G -F . Composition. / 2e. . Cover layer and Foam. / E+?i0 E0 . Material. / 8: . Thickness. / % . x Measured with measuring microscope, magnification 100:1. / x G8-, ?U9I -G$4/x8 (100:1). 3.

6、 Residue on Ignition. / 7$2 88T( . EDS-T-7611 EDS-T-7638 EDS-T-7301-A2 145 g/m2 min. / 145 g/m2 81 . R 9 wales/cm. R 14 courses/cm. Polyester / Cellulose. / E(*73Bd / 2t*$)7: . Polyurethane. / E(*7) 2e.( (+100 E ). EDST-7694 60 % min. / 60 % 81 1.0 mg max. / 1,0 mg 8F . 3.1.19 Resistance to r

7、ubbing. / *=d =12e . Dry. / 9 . In wales direction. / 9 -F . In courses direction. / G -F . EDS-T-7643 Rating 5 min. / 5 = 81 . Rating 5 min. / 5 = 81 . GMDAT ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-M-6466 Copyright 2010 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved September 2010 Page

8、 6 of 7 Version : 2 Designations / 4G F+ Test Methods / 4G - Specifications / Wet. / 38X . In wales direction. / 9 -F . In courses direction. / G -F . Rating 5 min. / 5 = 81 . Rating 5 min. / 5 = 81 . 3.1.20 Seam strength. / .=F I$ . In wales direction. / 9 -F

9、 . In courses direction. / G -F . 45to courses direction. / $452T -F . EDS-T-7648 200 N /cm min. / 200 N /cm 81 . 200 N /cm min. / 200 N /cm 81 . 250 N /cm min. / 250 N /cm 81 . 3.1.21 Resistance to odour. / ?d2e . A1. B1. EDS-T-7603 Rating 6 min. / 6 = 81 . Ratin

10、g 6 min. / 6 = 81 . 3.1.22 Flammability (Burn rate). / !7$2e (7$22$ ). EDS-T-7602 90 mm/min max. / 90 mm/min 8F . 3.1.23 Abrasion resistance. / ! *+2e . x Abrasion wheel: H-18, 500g load, 300 revolutions. / x *+* : H-18, F:E : 500g, G983L : 300G . EDST-7614 No visible abrasion. (Such as damage of gr

11、ains, change of gloss and change of color). / G894F *+ 68x . (Grain8 21 -C EB-G 878 11-G ). 3.2 Additional Requirements 3.2.1 Color, grain and surface gloss of the leather shall be in accordance with the master sample which is approved and distributed by GMDAT technical center 3.2.2 A permanent chan

12、ge of basic property and appearance after prolonged storage is not permitted 3.2.3 Use of commercial cleaning agents shall cause no detrimental changes of the surface 3.2.4 Forces similar to those of writing must leave no permanent trace on the leather surface. 3.2.5 For details, see part drawing. 3

13、.2 4 7 1F 3.2.1 4:18 11 , E+ 7= , E+ EB8t $-1 d3T7$ 272P 38 , -dE %P E:4., (Master Sample)7 :4F$ . 3.2.2 4:18t 8d8 948 G7$ ,p2e -C 748 75 95 -G4 86!2P# 6| %P$ . 3.2.3 8% =* 88F B1958 2l9P8 17 4 E+7 8TFF -G4 862P# 6| %P$ . 3.2.4 4:18 E+7 48x 6$# 9I$8 H8x 4F748x & 75 958 H958 !6x2P# 6| %P$ . 3.2.5 dA

14、82lF 1F8x .E $+8x =l9F . GMDAT ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-M-6466 Copyright 2010 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved September 2010 Page 7 of 7 Version : 2 3.3 Approval and Quality Assurance Procedure. All raw materials shall be approved and regularly inspected for its quality prior to and duri

15、ng mass production delivery according to approval and quality assurance procedure for chemical raw materials (Spec. No. EDS-M-0102). 4 Manufacturing Process Not applicable. 5 Rules and Regulations 5.1 All materials supplied to this standard must comply with the requirements of GMW3001, Rules and Reg

16、ulations for Material Specifications 5.2 All parts or systems supplied to this standard must comply with the requirements of GMW3059, Restricted and Reportable Substances for Parts. 6 Approved Sources Not applicable. 7 Notes 7.1 Glossary. Not applicable. 7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols. Not

17、 applicable. 8 Coding System This standard shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, etc., as follows: EDS-M-6466 9 Release and Revisions This standard was originated in November 2004. It was first approved by GMDAT Engineering Standards in November 2004. It was first published in November 2004. 3.3 38 -C E:.(: 9) 9P9I / -PF%L6$ . Issue / P9I8)Y Publication Date / 38 88 Description (Organization) / 9PP9I76 (:04.2P ) 2 SEP 2010 Superceded (Appearance Material Engineering Team) / F9I957 =* (Appearance Material 2XD4 )


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