GMKOREA EDS-T-7017-2011 Screws with Microenclosed Adhesive Coating.pdf

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1、 ENGINEERING STANDARDS General Specification LIMITED USE EDS-T-7017 Screws with Microenclosed Adhesive Coating Do Not Use on New Program; No Replacement. !1 9I7 9E=9P 4G - Note: 8 E:48t G8 =97 FF7 957%L+ , FG P-P Program 72P# 957%L: 6#$ . Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved Jul

2、y 2011 Originating Department: GM Korea Engineering Standards Page 1 of 6 Version : 5 1 Introduction Note: Nothing in this standard supersedes applicable laws and regulations. Note: In the event of conflict between the Korean and English language, the Korean language shall take precedence. 1.1 Purpo

3、se. This test specification determines the requirements and test method for screws with regulating-and fine thread, on which microenclosed adhesive is coated. 2 References Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified. 2.1 External Standards/Specifications. DIN 5

4、0049 DIN 928 2.2 GM Standards/Specifications. EDS-M-8207 EDS-T-7012 GMW3059 2.3 Additional References. None 3 Test Preparation and Evaluation 3.1 Resources. 3.1.1 Calibration. The test facilities and equipment shall be in good working order and shall have a valid calibration label. 3.1.2 Alternative

5、s. Alternative test facilities and equipment may also be used. However, all measuring variables as specified in this standard shall be determined correctly with respect to their physical definition. 3.1.3 Equipment. Suitable Test Apparatus and Devices for performance of screw test and measur

6、ement of torques and torsion angle. Suitable Heat and Cold Chamber. 1 P7 :0 : ., E:48 6&F !7$ :4-8! 9I8x $4=F 3L 6$ . :0 : F67t 7568 18 88x 7 , F6* 72T8p) F$ . 1.1 +95 . ., E:48t !1 9I7 9E=9P4 $E %P 9I-4 D# 8-L 4)!1 (Screw)8 8-L958 ,p2e4G 7 $4F7 9IF 8$ . 2 4) E:4 / :0 : C-H +d%P 9I8 6# F 48

7、07 38%P E:48x 957F$ . 2.1 17 E:4 / . DIN 50049 DIN 928 2.2 GM E:4 / . EDS-M-8207 EDS-T-7012 GMW3059 2.3 dA E:4 / . None 3 4G :4/x -C D4 3.1 4G 88 . 3.1.1 9I . 4G 2X/x7t 8/x# 9P 2e#8x -PHLF 8TGF 9I Fx:8x J66 F$ . 3.1.2 $4= 3L$ . $4= 4G 42X0 8/x4 17%T 3L 8$ . ,) ! ., E:47 +d%P +& ?U9I -3L&8t , ,p*95 9

8、I87 8 9IGF 9I%L66 F$ . 3.1.3 4G 8/x . 8-L958 !18 4G d -C BA , /xC*5 (Torsion Angle)8x ?U9IF 3L 8# d . F7 =- . GM KOREA ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-T-7017 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved July 2011 Page 2 of 6 Version : 5 3.1.4 Test Piece. If nothing els

9、e specified, minimum 20 pieces of microenclosed screws shall be tested according to this specification. Screws shall satisfy the test in DIN 50049-2.3, prior to coating with adhesive. 3.2 Conditions. 3.2.1 Conditioning. If nothing else specified at the individual tests, the tests are perform

10、ed without conditioning in the delivery state at +23 E 5K. The test piece surface shall be free from pollutants, such as anticorrosive or parting agent. 3.2.2 Test Conditions. Deviations from the requirements of this standard shall have been agreed upon. Such requirements shall be specified on compo

11、nent drawings, test certificates, reports, etc. 3.3 Safety. This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not propose to address all the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropri

12、ate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.4 Documentation. Samples of components or material released to this standard shall be tested for conformity with the requirements of this standard and approved by the responsible GM Department p

13、rior to the start of delivery of production level components or materials. Any change to the component or material, e.g., design, function, properties, manufacturing process and/or location of manufacture requires a new release of the product. It is the sole responsibility of the supplier to provide

14、 the customer, unsolicited, with documentation of any change or modification to the product/process, and to apply for a new release. If not otherwise agreed to, the entire verification test shall be repeated and documented by the supplier prior to start of delivery of the modified or changed product

15、. In some cases, a shorter test can be agreed to between the responsible GM department and the supplier. 4 Requirements and Procedure 4.1 General Requirements. The metallic screws to be coated and their surface treatments must be free from dust, oil and grease, in order to guarantee an efficient adh

16、esion of microenclosed adhesive. 3.1.4 4G D . C-H $+7 9P%L6 8: 68t 7 , 2F 20 P8 D9!14 ., 7 8F 4G %L66 F$ . 9E=9P D9988 !1# DIN 50049-2.37 8F 4G 8x +9F6 F$ . 3.2 8-L 9 . 3.2.1 4G D8 98=* . C-H 5 4G -8 7 9I%L6 8:68t 7 4G D8t 23 E 5K * 8T:F6 F+ , 4G D E+8t -=9P D# 8GI9P &% E+ 7X70 ,p:8

17、666 F$ . 3.2.2 4G 9 . .,E:48p).Bd-6!#7 1F8t $-188 F8F6 F+ , 4)$+ , 4G 2e952P , .(2P&%7$+d%L66F$ . 3.3 6|987 $4F 7 9 . ., E:48t 88G ,p: , 86 , 8/x &%8x E FF 3L 8$ . ., E:48t 87 $4F 170 4)%P +& 6|98 ,l9P8 F8x 9P4F:# 6#$ . &d(2P 17 987 95FF 6|980 I 1B* 9DF , -18 9PF 728 957 7 .* 9IF# 8t ., E:4 1788 =y8

18、 1F8$ . 3.4 : 2P* 9P) . 8 E:47 8F 9P%P .E8! 8*8 4G D8t ., E:47 9I%P 4G 8x 7 98x +94P6 F+ , 61 )= 987 GM :04 .2P8 388x -O6x6 F$ . .E8! 8*7 862P &H88 , d# , 22e , 9P9 )9I ,* /D# 21:7t 4)%P 6&F -8($ -P2%T 7 49PE 4* 7F$ . )=8# +88 7= 7 .7t 14 68 9PE /21 )9I 18 - Gm8t P97 4F 2P* 9P)F6 F+ 4 9PE 4 4=8x F6

19、F$ . $* F84 6# F , )=8# P9 Gm8t -%P 9PE8 )= 987 98= : 4G 8x -L.) 3LFF 0* ,l2PGF6 F$ . 8. 77 86 GM :04 .2P7t )=888 F87 8F $%P : 4G 8x 44F 3L 8$ . 4 7 9 -C 4G 96 F$ . 4.1.4 8=7 8TFF 2e.8 68x . 4.1.5 8-L958 972P !1 = 4 C-F 2l= )9I8 66$ 178 4#F6 F$ . 4.1.6 !118 *=d 3L (Friction Coefficient)# 0.10 0.208

20、-888 . 4.1.7 D9 !18 = 4G 4 “=+8 Q 9E=+8 %L$) F$ . !18 98 +C# 360o G98 4 10 20 min-18 2$) ?U9IF+ E 1 8 98 +C* 8 F7%T 3L 8$ . 4.1.10 8172e . 3L* &%8 88T) D9 !18 8F4 !17 C-F D28 6# 7 61 GDd2e !1 9I9P* 17F7 8FF 3L 866 F$ . 4.2 G 1B8 ,p2e . 4.2.1 4 7 1F . 4 7 1F8t $+7 +dF$ . 5 2T957 $4F 9F 6 768 9I8 6.1

21、98,l 76 . Microenclosed Adhesive: ?3 (Microcapsule)7 4,8 9E=9P7t 8* 9IF# 3L:) 2e%L6 8# 9E=9P)4 !1 = 4 ?38 Dh%L+2P 9E=G0* !A!6 !18 E* -:78p) 17%L# 9E=9P . GM KOREA ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-T-7017 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved July 2011 Page 6 of 6 Version : 5 Anaerobic Sc

22、rew Fixing Agent: Adhesive hardened only under circumstances devoid of contact with oxygen in the presence of metal ions 6.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols. Not applicable. 7 Additional Paragraphs 7.1 All parts or systems supplied to this standard must comply with the requirements of GMW3059,

23、Restricted and Reportable Substances for Parts. 8 Coding System This standard shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, etc., as follows: GDd2e !1 9I9P : ) 9P9I / -PF%L6$ . Issue / P9I8)Y Publication Date / 38 88 Description (Organization) / 9PP9I76 (:04.2P ) 5 JUL 2011 Apply new Engineering Standard Template. Limited use with no replacement (Polymer / Organic Material Lab Team) / 4 d3TE:4 64 957 . F9I957 ($4=E:4 68 ) =* (G)8*4G D4 )

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