GMW GMW16546-2011 Effect of Metal Lubricants on Paint Pretreatment Issue 1 English《金属润滑剂对涂料预处理的影响 第1次出版(英文版本)》.pdf

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GMW GMW16546-2011 Effect of Metal Lubricants on Paint Pretreatment Issue 1 English《金属润滑剂对涂料预处理的影响 第1次出版(英文版本)》.pdf_第1页
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GMW GMW16546-2011 Effect of Metal Lubricants on Paint Pretreatment Issue 1 English《金属润滑剂对涂料预处理的影响 第1次出版(英文版本)》.pdf_第2页
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GMW GMW16546-2011 Effect of Metal Lubricants on Paint Pretreatment Issue 1 English《金属润滑剂对涂料预处理的影响 第1次出版(英文版本)》.pdf_第3页
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GMW GMW16546-2011 Effect of Metal Lubricants on Paint Pretreatment Issue 1 English《金属润滑剂对涂料预处理的影响 第1次出版(英文版本)》.pdf_第4页
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GMW GMW16546-2011 Effect of Metal Lubricants on Paint Pretreatment Issue 1 English《金属润滑剂对涂料预处理的影响 第1次出版(英文版本)》.pdf_第5页
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1、 WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS Test Procedure GMW16546 Effect of Metal Lubricants on Paint Pretreatment Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved September 2011 Originating Department: North American Engineering Standards Page 1 of 9 1 Scope Note: Nothing in this standard supercede

2、s applicable laws and regulations. Note: In the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall take precedence. This standard details the test procedures to validate removability of metal applied lubricants in the Pretreatment Paint system and ensure compatib

3、ility with subsequent paint processes and materials. 1.1 Purpose. To determine the removability of lubricants which are applied to sheet metal for corrosion protection and/or formability of metal substrates (oils, drawing compounds, and blankwashes). This is a prerequisite for subsequent problem fre

4、e, defect free processing of the body through pretreatment and electrodeposition applications in the Paint shop. 1.2 Foreword. Not applicable. 1.3 Applicability. Not applicable. 2 References Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified. 2.1 External Standards/Sp

5、ecifications. ASTM D609 ISO 11014-1 2.2 GM Standards/Specifications. GMW3011 GMW15192 GMW3008 GMW16170 3 Resources 3.1 Facilities. The test procedure for Lubricant Cleanability (Section 4), has been validated by ACT Test Panel Technologies (273 Industrial Drive, Hillsdale, MI 49242, Phone: (517) 439

6、-1485, Fax: (517) 439-1652 and approved by the GPPC Global PT and ECoat Technical Team. 3.2 Equipment. Laboratory simulated Cleaner Baths and Phosphate system (Figure 1), substrate panels and samples of materials for test evaluation. 3.2.1 Pretreat Cleaner Bath Equipment. (Reference Figure 2). x Sta

7、inless steel or hard polypropylene tank with lid, capacity approximately 380 L (100 usg), 90 cm Depth 60 cm Wide 86 cm Height. x 12 Spray Systems, VeeJet H3/8U Stainless Steel Nozzles (2 vertical rows of 3 nozzles located on the front and back insides of tank). Distance from nozzle to panel surface

8、is approximately 30 cm (12 in). x Eductors (Immersion Cleaners). x Recirculating Pump with in-line 0 to 30 psig (0 to 200 kPa) Pressure Gage to nozzles. x Immersion Heater. x Temperature Controller/Thermocouple Probe. x Timer. x Panel Rack Reciprocator (100 mm stroke length at 25 mm/second). x Racks

9、 capable of holding test panels vertically with 25.4 mm (1 in) space between. Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16546 Copyr

10、ight 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved September 2011 Page 2 of 9 x Small containers, 3 to 18 L (1 to 5 gal) capacity. x Electrodes and power source, to fit small container. x Wet film measuring device. 3.2.2 Test Panels. x Galvanized Steel or Aluminum Test panels. x Phosphated/Thin Fi

11、lm Coated panels: 100 300 mm (4 12 in) and 100 150 mm (4 6 in). 3.2.3 Other Equipment/Chemicals. x Toluene. x Draw bars: Numbers 8 and 0 (having a latex rubber tubing inserted over the bar). x Oven: Capable of 50 C (122 F). 3.3 Test Vehicle/Test Piece. Not applicable. 3.4 Test Time. Not applicable.

12、3.5 Test Required Information. Before any testing is initiated, review testing scope and detail with requesting engineer. 3.6 Personnel/Skills. Not applicable. Figure 1: Example of Pretreatment Laboratory Line used for Panel Preparation Figure 2: Example of Spray Cleaner Bath Tank with Panels 4 Proc

13、edure. 4.1 Preparation. (See 4.7). 4.2 Conditions. (See 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9). 4.2.1 Environmental Conditions. Not applicable. Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM

14、WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16546 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved September 2011 Page 3 of 9 4.2.2 Test Conditions. Deviations from the requirements of this standard shall have been agreed upon. Such requirements shall be specified on component drawings, test certifi

15、cates, reports, etc. 4.3 Instructions. 4.4 Pretreatment, Lube Cleanability Test Procedure. Preparation of panels using uncoated metals to determine how much of the contaminate (lube) the Paint Pretreatment and Cleaner stages can handle and remove. This method is used to check the product-specific re

16、movability properties under the described conditions. The test applies to spray, dip or combination of spray/dip processes. x Two 10.16 cm (4 in) 15.24 cm (6 in) ACT Electrogalvanized (EZG E60) for each bath loading. x Two 10.16 cm (4 in) 15.24 cm (6 in) ACT Hot Dipped Galvanized (HDG G70 7 0U) for

17、each bath loading. x Two 10.16 cm (4 in) 15.24 cm (6 in) ACT Aluminum (GMW15192). 4.5 Control Cleaning Solutions. x Henkel Parco 1523 Not applicable. x Henkel Ridoline 1569 Rodisol 15 60 GM Europe. x PPG CK 2010/ 2010LP GMNA, GM Korea. x PPG CK 177 All. 4.6 Control Lubricant. FUCHS RP 4107 S. 4.7 Pa

18、nel Preparation. 4.7.1 Clean test panels per ASTM D609 Procedure C and rinse with Toluene to remove all oils. Apply lube to a coating weight of approximately 1.7 g/m2 0.2, using latex rubber covered Number 0 draw bar or equivalent method. This may require more than one pass over the clean panel surf

19、ace depending upon the lube used. Verify oil coating weight after determining lube application method. This is a weight/area oil film. Therefore: x (L W) of test panel (one side) = m2. x Weigh the panel after application of oil. x The g/m2 should meet above. 4.7.2 Place panels in a vertical position

20、 at 22 C (72 F) and age for 24 hours. Then place panels in an oven and age vertically for seven (7) days at 50 C (122 F). (Figure 3). 4.7.3 Prepare an additional set of panels using FUCHS RP 4107 S as the control lubricant. 4.7.4 An additional set of non-lubed, non-aged panels are to be processed th

21、rough the various cleaner lube bath conditions, as further controls. Figure 3: Example of Panels Aging Vertically in an Oven Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM

22、 WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16546 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved September 2011 Page 4 of 9 4.8 Preparation of the Test Solution. Heat drinking water in the test device using the immersion thermostat to a bath testing temperature of 46 C (115 F). Add the specified

23、amount of testing cleaner components per manufacturers (material suppliers) recommendations. 4.8.1 A minimum of one suppliers approved cleaners are to be used in testing (4.5). Use typical Pretreat Cleaner Stage Condition times as shown in Table 1, unless otherwise specified by requesting engineer.

24、Table 1: Typical Cleaner Bath Time and Temperature Stage Time Temperature Pressure (seconds) Cleaner 1 60 46 C (115 F) 25 psi Cleaner 2 120 46 C (115 F) Immersion Water Rinse 3 60 Ambient 20 psi 4.8.2 Add each of the lubes to separate cleaner baths, to contaminate each bath to 0.50%. 4.8.3 Maintain

25、additional control baths for each lube at 0.0% contamination. 4.8.4 Run (2) test panels for each lube and each bath level of contamination. 4.9 Water Break-Free (WBF) Test. Visually rate all panels after stages I, II, and III of the cleaner system for Water Break-Free per Figure 4. Compare to contro

26、l panels as to whether they perform equally, less equally or better than control. Photograph and review with requesting engineer. 4.9.1 After removal from the cold rinsing bath, the test panel is evaluated immediately. 4.9.2 The test panel is checked for total removal of the testing lubrication usin

27、g the water break test. 4.9.3 A retraction of the water film from the lateral edges (approximately 1.0 cm/0.4 in) or a breaking up of the water film at the upper edge is not to be evaluated as negative and is not to be included in the percent WBF rating. 4.9.4 The removability of the tested product

28、is rated OK (100% WBF) if there is no breaking up or congealing of the water film on the test side within 10 seconds. 4.9.5 After a maximum of 6 tests, the entire testing bath solution is to be replaced and the testing bath container with all the equipment is to be thoroughly cleaned to avoid malfun

29、ction of the ultra filtration, blockage of the membranes (at cleaning bath temperature) and undesired material build-up in the bath. 4.9.6 Record the WBF results in the format per Appendix A, Table A1: Water Break-Free Data. Figure 4: Example of Water Break-Free Percentages Copyright General Motors

30、Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16546 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved September 2011 Page 5 of 9 5 Pretreatment Cleaner

31、Emulsification Test (For Information Only). The objective of this test is to determine the rate at which the lubricant will separate from an approved Pretreatment cleaning solution. 5.1 Equipment. x Heating Plate or Chamber. x 4 L beaker suitable for heating water. x Immersion thermostat or thermome

32、ter. x Cylinder - 1000 mL Graduated with stopper. x Analytical balance. x Volumetric pipets. x 250 mL glass beaker and disposable pipets. x Timer. 5.2 Preparation of Test Solution. 5.2.1 Prepare three concentrations of 3.75, 7.50 and 15.0 kg/m3 (0.25, 0.50, 1.0 and 2.0 oz/gal) cleaner, to water. 5.2

33、.2 Add 4 mL of test lube to 200 mL of each concentration. (See 5.2.1). 5.2.3 Heat solution to 63 C (145 F) and place in a 250 mL glass bottle. 5.2.4 Holding the bottle vertically, agitate vigorously for 10 seconds. 5.3 Emulsification Test. Rate the percent of separation of cleaner/lube at 5 and 60 m

34、inutes, and after 24 hours. (See Table 2). 5.4 Control. Compare emulsification results of the same cleaner solutions, using the control lubricant. (See 4.6). 5.5 Results. Record the results in format per Appendix A, Table A2: Emulsification Data Table. Table 2: Rate of Emulsification Chart Example C

35、leaner Concentration 5 Minutes 60 Minutes 24 Hours Kg/m3 oz/gal % % % 3.75 0.05 100 - - 7.5 1.0 50 100 - 15.0 2.0 0 50 100 6 Pretreatment Cleaner Bath Foaming Test. The purpose of this test is to determine the amount of contamination of the test lube that a pretreat cleaning stage can tolerate, befo

36、re foaming of the bath is affected. The foaming potential of the subject and a control cleaner or lubricant shall be determined using the following procedure. 6.1 Equipment. (See 5.1). 6.2 Preparation of Test Solution. A minimum of one suppliers approved cleaners are to be used in testing (see 4.5)

37、and conditions must be repeated, using the control lubricant (see 4.6). The cleaner bath shall be loaded with oil at the same level and composition as used in Pretreatment Cleanability, see 4.8 of this standard. The foam level generated shall not exceed that of the control cleaner and lube, after 60

38、 seconds. The new lubricant material shall be tested versus the control lubricant at the high and low end of the recommended operating parameters for temperature and concentration. 6.2.1 Predetermine quantity of an approved cleaner, needed for a 300 gm solution, ensuring that manufacturers (cleaner

39、material supplier) recommendation is met (see 4.5). 6.2.2 Heat drinking water in the test device using the immersion thermostat, to a 9 C (20 F) above target cleaner bath temperature of 46 C (115 F). 6.2.3 Weigh concentrate and place in 1000 mL cylinder. 6.2.4 Add heated water with beaker to a total

40、 weight of 300 g. Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16546 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved Septemb

41、er 2011 Page 6 of 9 6.3 Test Procedure. 6.3.1 Place the stopper in the cylinder and invert twice, venting the stopper after each inversion to release the air pressure. 6.3.2 Remove the stopper and measure the temperature. A minimum of (2) test sample temperatures must be evaluated: the minimum of 46

42、 C (115 F) and a higher temperature of 9 C (20 F). 6.3.3 Placing one hand under the cylinder and one hand over the stopper, shake the cylinder using an up-and-down motion 12 times (once up and once down = 1 shake). 6.3.4 Give the stopper a quick twist, to vent, and leaving the stopper in the cylinde

43、r, place the cylinder on a level surface. Note: Immediately start the timer, and measure the foam volume from the liquid/foam interface to the top of the foam using the graduated markings on the walls of the cylinder. Record the result in “milliliters“ as the initial foam volume. As indicated by the

44、 timer, record foam volume at 60 seconds. 7 Pretreatment Compatibility. The objective of this test is to rate the panels that have been cleaned through the Water Break-Free (WBF) test, for phosphate or thin film coatability. Treat all panels from the WBF test in an approved phosphate or thin film ba

45、th solution (spray applied), using manufacturers (supplier source) recommended time and temperature. For all regions, the supplier of the material under test must have an approved GM phosphate system/Thin Film Pretreatment source perform the test using approved GM Phosphate/Thin Film Pretreatment sy

46、stem materials. Contact the Responsible GPPC Engineer for review and approval of test results. These panels should exhibit 100% WBF after the final water rinse and before drying. Prior to rating panels, dry at 100 C (212 F) for 15 minutes. The dry, pretreated surfaces on all substrates, shall be uni

47、form (no visible holes in the coating when magnified 250X and 500X), when visually compared. The material shall meet the requirements according to: 7.1 Thin Film Pretreatment Appearance. Thin Film Pretreatment appearance shall be as specified in GMW16170. 7.2 Thin Film Coating Thickness Weight. Thin

48、 Film Pretreatment Coating Thickness Weight shall be as specified in GMW16170. 7.3 Phosphate Appearance. Phosphate appearance shall be as specified in GMW3011. 7.4 Phosphate Crystal Size. Shall be no greater than 25 microns when viewed under 200X magnification or as specified in GMW3011. 7.5 Phospha

49、te Coating Weight. Phosphate coating weight shall be as specified in GMW3011. 8 Waste Treatment. The material shall be compatible with current waste treatment processes so that total removal can be achieved. The supplier shall be responsible to make known the processing procedures for any component of the material for which the

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