GMW GMW16850-2013 Transit Coating Film Generic Qualification Issue 1 English.pdf

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1、WORLDWIDEENGINEERINGSTANDARDSMaterial Specification GMW16850Transit Coating Film Generic Qualification Copyright 2013 General Motors Company All Rights ReservedMarch 2013 Page 1 of 81 ScopeThis standard covers the requirements for films designed to protect exterior paint from damage caused by ironpa

2、rticles that fall on the vehicle during rail shipment and other environmental damage. These films may or maynot be adhesive backed. This film is typically an adhesive backed white colored or clear film. It is applied atambient temperatures on clean, dry surfaces.1.1 Material Description. Materials q

3、ualified to this standard must meet the performance shown inAppendix A.Suppliers must demonstrate the technology as being production capable to reduce undue risk prior to releasein a production facility. Any material development issues, such as chemical or performance values that falloutside of spec

4、ified ranges, shall be discussed with the appropriate material engineer for resolution. Materialmust successfully complete a production trial in a target facility prior to release for other facilities.1.2 Symbols. Not applicable.1.3 Typical Applications. This standard applies to films designed to pr

5、otect painted surfaces on finished cars.1.4 Remarks. In the event of conflict between this GMW standard and the local standard, the GMW standardshall take precedence. Nothing in this standard supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless specificexemption has been obtained.2 ReferencesNote: Only

6、 the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified.2.1 External Standards/Specifications.ASTM D882 ASTM D6862 SAE J25272.2 GM Standards/Specifications.9984168 GMW3002 GMW14124 GMW166259984168 GMW3008 GMW14729 HN1684B 040 1576 GMW3011 GMW14873EDS-M-8314 GMW3059 GMW161702.3 Addit

7、ional References.TMC003 Material Safety Data Sheet guidance documents (available at ).3 RequirementsThe transit coating film shall apply easily without bubbles or wrinkles. Air entrapment areas shall not permitmoisture leaks that whiten the paint film. Edge areas shall not show creep, moisture or wh

8、itening. Trimming orcutting shall be demonstrated. The film color should be white or other if deemed acceptable by the approvingregion. If applicable, the adhesive system must not transfer or disturb the paint film or low bake reprocessesareas. There shall be no damage to any current production pain

9、ts or to any other components of the vehicle(glass, rubber, plastics, etc.) from contact with properly applied coating film.3.1 Initial Submission Requirements. As part of the initial submission package, the following informationshall be provided:3.1.1 Complete material identification by code, batch

10、, general chemical composition and physical description.3.1.2 Material Safety Data Sheets.Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for Resale-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16850 Copyright 2013 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved

11、March 2013 Page 2 of 83.1.3 Film thickness range and the recommended method for measuring the film for testing and quality control.Note: The minimum film specified can be no less than 40 Pm (1.5 mils) thick. Maximum film thickness is thethickest film that can be removed easily after 6 months Florida

12、 exposure. If an adhesive backed film, thereshall be no transfer of adhesive to the paint.3.1.4 Material disposal requirements and all other health and safety concerns/control methods. Health and Safety. The transit coating film must meet all local and federal standards. Prohibited Ing

13、redients. Silicone and Benzene.3.2 Physical Requirements.3.2.1 Chemical Fingerprint. GM may conduct analyses of the materials supplied to this specification.Analyses may also be performed on representative panels. The analyses established for initial approval shallconstitute a reference standard and

14、 shall be part of the submission package. Information on the technologysingredient formulation ranges and key manufacturing control characteristics shall be provided as part of thesubmission package. If a product change is proposed that is outside the technology formulation limits, theresponsible en

15、gineer shall be notified. All ingredient ranges, key manufacturing control limits, and certificateof analysis ranges must pass standard gage repeatability and reproducibility study.3.2.2 Delivery Documentation. The supplier shall be responsible for submitting a certificate of analysis witheach batch

16、 of material arriving at the point of use.3.2.3 Mini-Submissions. Some approvals will require mini submissions when only minor changes are madeto previously approved film materials. Tests may be added or deleted according to the type and amount ofmaterial modifications. These shall be determined pri

17、or to testing by agreement between the supplier andresponsible engineers.3.2.4 Sample Size. The number of samples for each test shall be one (1), unless the responsible engineer andthe supplier agree on a different number for specific tests, prior to the start of testing. All substrates,pretreatment

18、s, and coating layers shall be fully identified with source, product code, batch number, bakedescription and film build.3.2.5 Storage Requirements. The materials approved to this standard shall be stable for 365 days, at(+10 to + 30) C (50 to 85) F), as defined by the ability to pass all initial tes

19、t requirements after 365 daysstorage in the application facility (i.e. assembly plant). If there is any disagreement with these requirements,the supplier must contact the responsible engineer.3.3 Processing Requirements.3.3.1 The application temperature shall be (+15 to +30) C (60 to 85) F). Applica

20、tion surface must be dry andclean.3.3.2 Recommended application and removal equipment and methods shall be provided.3.4 Performance Requirements. Performance is measured by protection from environmental contaminantson the film and ease of removal of the film after environmental conditioning (Require

21、ments as defined inAppendix A).3.4.1 Test panels will have two (2) film strips per panel, one to be removed and evaluated by test lab and oneto be removed and evaluated by responsible engineer.Alternative sample preparation shall be agreed upon with the responsible engineer.Film application shall in

22、clude wrinkles and bubbles.There shall be no cracking, paint swelling, hazing, discoloration, distortion, or adhesion loss to the paint finishor pronounced edge effects caused by the transit coating film. The degree of protection is measured by asubjective scale.Where:0 = no effect (etching) from co

23、ntaminants.1 = trace/slight effect.2 = moderate effect.3 = pronounced/severe effect.Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for Resale-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16850 Copyright 2013 General Motors Company All Rights ReservedMarch

24、2013 Page 3 of 8Reversibility of damage:All tests outlined in paragraph 3.4:(24 1) h at Room Temperature, if necessary2 h 5 minutes at (+60 3) C (140 5) F), if necessary(30 5) minutes at (+80 3) C (176 5) F), if necessary3.4.2 The film material shall conform to the requirements shown in Appendix A w

25、hen evaluated at (+23 5) C(75 10) F).3.4.3 Tensile strength of the film should be determined according to ASTM D882 or agreed upon equivalent.For this application, it is critical that the film not shatter or break under stress. Target cross web strength asdefined in Appendix A.3.4.4 Elongation at yi

26、eld of the film should be determined according to ASTM D882 or agreed upon equivalentas defined in Appendix A.3.4.5 Adhesion peel strength according to ASTM D6862 of the film as indicated in Appendix A. In addition, atrial shipment with a minimum of eight (8) wrapped vehicles over a minimum of 300 k

27、m (180 miles) shall beperformed to ensure sufficient peel strength during transport. Shipment by train shall be preferred.3.4.6 Humidity Resistance (GMW14729). Evaluate condition of film after (144 0.5) h exposure at 100 %relative humidity (RH), +38 C (100 F), plus a 24 h recovery period. Measure ad

28、hesion peel strength.Evaluation requirements are shown in Appendix A.3.4.7 Heat Age. Test duration 336 h at (+80 2) C (175 5) F) and check for removability. Evaluationrequirements are shown in Appendix A.3.4.8 Spotting Resistance. Apply drops of the solutions, listed below, to horizontal test panels

29、 and expose thetest panels to the test conditions below. Evaluation requirements are shown in Appendix A.x Condition 1: 24 h at room temperaturex Condition 2: 144 h at room temperaturex Condition 3: 2 h (or until drops are dry) at (+60 3) C (140 5) F)x Condition 4: 2 h (or until drops are dry) at (+

30、80 3) C (175 5) F)Solutions:x 3 pH and 4 pH acid rain according to GMW16625x Battery acid: 38.0 % solution with DI water by weight using 96 % minimum concentration of sulfuric acid byweight.3.4.9 Rust Resistance. Iron filings/powder, (150 to 200) mesh, 99.5 % purity, such as J.T. Baker 2226 oragreed

31、 upon equivalent:Apply the iron filings/powder over white panels (| 1/4 teaspoon per 100 mm x 300 mm panel). Mist with 4 pHacid rain solution (according to GMW16625) on one-half (1/2) the panel. Heat age 7 h at +82 C (180 F) andthen test for 96 h humidity. Test panels horizontally. Evaluation requir

32、ements are shown in Appendix A.3.4.10 Environmental Cycle (GMW14124) Plus Spot Resistance. Test panels in 10 cycles of Cycle I, plusspotting resistance test according to paragraph 3.4.8 with the following conditions: 2 h (or until dry) at(+60 3) C (140 5) F), with 3 pH acid rain solutions according

33、to GMW16625. Measure adhesion peelstrength. Evaluation requirements are shown in Appendix A.3.4.11 Florida Exposure (GMW14873) Plus Spot Resistance. Record dates of exposure and removal fromtest. Expose paint samples without transit film as controls to measure effectiveness of the film.x 2 monthsx 4

34、 monthsx 6 monthsx 12 months3.4.11.1 After each exposure interval, apply spots of 3 pH acid rain on one-half (1/2) of the panel. Condition for2 h (or until dry) at +60 C (140 F), and then remove film. Evaluation requirements are shown in Appendix A.Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS un

35、der license with General Motors CompanyNot for Resale-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16850 Copyright 2013 General Motors Company All Rights ReservedMarch 2013 Page 4 of 83.4.12 Regional Film Removal. After 6 months outdoor exposure (May to September) in region of use onlarge panels or a b

36、ody coated with film, the film must be removable in large pieces. The areas protected by filmmust not exhibit any differences to the exposed areas.3.4.13 Xenon Exposure (SAE J2527 Plus Removability). Expose samples for 250 kJ/m2 and 500 kJ/m2.Evaluation requirements are shown in Appendix A.3.4.14 Fi

37、eld Exposure Testing. Verification of panel testing is done on hoods or vehicles exposed atJacksonville, Florida or other selected sites during the summer months. Specific requirements are peragreement with the responsible engineer.3.4.15 Compatibility with Other Components. The transit film must no

38、t harden plastic or rubbercomponents, etch or haze glass, chrome and aluminum, or deteriorate in any way the components that it maycontact. It must be easily removed after exposure in (Florida after 4 months April to September) or comparableto above xenon exposure kJ/m2. Materials shall defined by r

39、esponsible engineer.Note: Compatibility with generic types of products is required as part of the release of a transit coating film tothe Approved Source List. Prior to release of a product to a plant, the specific plant paint system and thespecific vehicle components shall be evaluated. In addition

40、, the plant specific application parameters shall beestablished to obtain the optimum film.3.5 Panel Preparation. Test panel preparation is as follows for all tests listed in Appendix A, unless deviationsare agreed to with the specific engineer responsible:3.5.1 Panels. Panels shall have film applie

41、d within 3 h of final paint application or per agreement withresponsible engineer. Lab or production prepared steel panels - Pretreatment (GMW3011/GMW16170),Electrodeposition Primer (ELPO) (GMW3008) and Primer Surfacer (GMW3002).3.5.2 Topcoat Technologies. Technologies to be defined by responsible e

42、ngineer. Standard paint. General assembly reprocess paint.3.5.3 Topcoat Color - Designated by Test.B = Black/Black Metallic and ClearcoatW = White (w/ or w/o Clearcoat)M = Additional colors as defined by responsible engineer3.5.4 Topcoat Bake.Target = As defined by responsible engineer

43、Figure 1: Example Test Panel Preparation (OEM System)10 cm x 30 cm panel w/ film 2 film strips: 3 cm x 25 cmCopyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSGM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING

44、 STANDARDS GMW16850 Copyright 2013 General Motors Company All Rights ReservedMarch 2013 Page 5 of 83.5.5 Control Panels. Run simultaneous tests on panels without transit coating films.Note: An area on the test panel can be masked from transit coating film and used as the control. A current,approved

45、transit coating may also be required as a control. This shall be agreed upon with the responsiblematerials engineer prior to starting the qualification Test Procedure.4 Manufacturing Process4.1 Health and Environmental Review. Each Material will be reviewed for health and environmental impactby the

46、health and environmental groups from each country.5 Rules and Regulations5.1 Legal Regulations. All materials must satisfy applicable laws, rules, regulations and recommendationsvalid in the country of usage.5.2 Language. In the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the Englis

47、h language shalltake precedence.5.3 Inspection and Rejection. Samples of components or materials released to a GM material specificationshall be tested for conformity with the requirements of this material specification and approved by theresponsible Engineering department prior to commencement of d

48、elivery of bulk supplies.A new approval must be received for any changes, e.g., properties, manufacturing process, location ofmanufacture, etc. If not otherwise agreed, all testing and documentation normally required for initial releasemust be completed.It is the responsibility of the supplier to in

49、form the customer in a timely manner, without solicitation, and toinclude documentation of all modifications of materials and/or processes and to apply for a new release.If not otherwise agreed, all release tests shall be repeated and documented by the supplier prior tocommencement of delivery of non-conforming bulk supplies. In individual cases, a shorter test can be agreedto between the responsib


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