HUD 24 CFR PART 585-2010 YOUTH BUILD PROGRAM《青年培养计划》.pdf

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1、267 Ofc. of Asst. Secy., Comm. Planning, Develop., HUD Pt. 585 583.410 Obligation and deobligation of funds. (a) Obligation of funds. When HUD and the applicant execute a grant agree-ment, funds are obligated to cover the amount of the approved assistance under subpart B of this part. The re-cipient

2、 will be expected to carry out the supportive housing or supportive services activities as proposed in the application. (b) Increases. After the initial obliga-tion of funds, HUD will not make revi-sions to increase the amount obligated. (c) Deobligation. (1) HUD may deobligate all or parts of grant

3、s for ac-quisition, rehabilitation, acquisition and rehabilitation, or new construc-tion: (i) If the actual total cost of acquisi-tion, rehabilitation, acquisition and re-habilitation, or new construction is less than the total cost anticipated in the application; or (ii) If proposed activities for

4、which funding was approved are not begun within three months or residents do not begin to occupy the facility within nine months after grant execution. (2) HUD may deobligate the amounts for annual leasing costs, operating costs or supportive services in any year: (i) If the actual leasing costs, op

5、er-ating costs or supportive services for that year are less than the total cost anticipated in the application; or (ii) If the proposed supportive hous-ing operations are not begun within three months after the units are avail-able for occupancy. (3) The grant agreement may set forth in detail othe

6、r circumstances under which funds may be deobligated, and other sanctions may be imposed. (4) HUD may: (i) Readvertise the availability of funds that have been deobligated under this section in a notice of fund avail-ability under 583.200, or (ii) Award deobligated funds to appli-cations previously

7、submitted in re-sponse to the most recently published notice of fund availability, and in ac-cordance with subpart C of this part. PART 585YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM Subpart AGeneral Sec. 585.1 Authority. 585.2 Program purpose. 585.3 Program components. 585.4 Definitions. Subpart B Reserved Subpart CYouthbu

8、ild Planning Grants 585.201 Purpose. 585.202 Award limits. 585.203 Grant term. 585.204 Locational considerations. 585.205 Eligible activities. Subpart DYouthbuild Implementation Grants 585.301 Purpose. 585.302 Award limits. 585.303 Grant term. 585.304 Locational considerations. 585.305 Eligible acti

9、vities. 585.306 Designation of costs. 585.307 Environmental procedures and standards. 585.308 Relocation assistance and real prop-erty acquisition. 585.309 Project-related restrictions applica-ble to Youthbuild residential rental housing. 585.310 Project-related restrictions applica-ble to Youthbuil

10、d transitional housing for the homeless. 585.311 Project-related restrictions applica-ble to Youthbuild homeownership hous-ing. 585.312 Wages, labor standards, and non-discrimination. 585.313 Labor standards. Subpart EAdministration 585.401 Recordkeeping by recipients. 585.402 Grant agreement. 585.4

11、03 Reporting requirements. 585.404 Program changes. 585.405 Obligation and deobligation of funds. 585.406 Faith-based activities. Subpart FApplicability of Other Federal Requirements 585.501 Application of OMB Circulars. 585.502 Certifications. 585.503 Conflict of interest. 585.504 Use of debarred,

12、suspended, or ineli-gible contractors. AUTHORITY: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 8011. SOURCE: 60 FR 9737, Feb. 21, 1995, unless otherwise noted. VerDate Nov2008 07:58 Apr 27, 2010 Jkt 220079 PO 00000 Frm 00277 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220079.XXX 220079WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSN

13、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-268 24 CFR Ch. V (4110 Edition) 585.1 Subpart AGeneral 585.1 Authority. (a) General. The Youthbuild program is authorized under subtitle D of title IV of the National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 8011), as added b

14、y section 164 of the Housing and Community De-velopment Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102550). (b) Authority restriction. No provision of the Youthbuild program may be con-strued to authorize any agency, officer, or employee of the United States to ex-ercise any direction, supervision, or control over the cu

15、rriculum, program of instruction, administration, or per-sonnel of any educational institution, school, or school system, or over the selection of library resources, text-books, or other printed or published in-structional materials used by any edu-cational institution or school system participating

16、 in a Youthbuild program. 585.2 Program purpose. The purposes of the Youthbuild pro-gram are set out in section 451 of the National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12899) (NAHA). 61 FR 52187, Oct. 4, 1996 585.3 Program components. A Youthbuild implementation pro-gram uses comprehensive and multi-

17、disciplinary approaches designed to prepare young adults who have dropped out of high school for educational and employment opportunities by employ-ing them as construction trainees on work sites for housing designated for homeless persons and low- and very low-income families. A Youthbuild planning

18、 grant is designed to give re-cipients sufficient time and financial resources to develop a comprehensive Youthbuild program that can be effec-tively implemented. Youthbuild pro-grams must contain the three compo-nents described in paragraphs (a), (b) and (d) of this section. Other activities descri

19、bed in paragraph (c) of this sec-tion are optional: (a) Educational services, including: (1) Services and activities designed to meet the basic educational needs of participants. For example, a Youthbuild program may include basic skills instruction and remedial edu-cation, bilingual education for i

20、ndivid-uals with limited English proficiency, secondary educational services and ac-tivities designed to lead to the attain-ment of a high school diploma or its equivalency (GED), or counseling and assistance in attaining post-secondary education and required financial aid; (2) Vocational classroom

21、courses geared to construction terminology and concepts; and (3) Strategies to coordinate with local trade unions and apprenticeship programs where possible. (b) Leadership training, counseling and other support activities, including: (1) Activities designed to develop em-ployment and leadership ski

22、lls, includ-ing support for youth councils; (2) Counseling services to assist trainees in personal, health, housing, child care, family or legal problems and/or referral services to appropriate social service resources; (3) Support services and stipends nec-essary to enable individuals to partici-pa

23、te in the program and, for a period not to exceed 12 months after comple-tion of training, to assist participants through continued support services; (4) Job development and placement activities and post-graduation follow- up assistance; and (5) Pre-employment training plan aimed at developing job s

24、eeking skills. (c) Other activities. A local program may be designed to include other, spe-cial activities such as: (1) Entrepreneurial training and courses in small business development; (2) Assistance to correct learning dis-abilities; or (3) Drivers education courses. (d) On-site training, throug

25、h actual housing rehabilitation and/or construc-tion work. This component must in-clude: (1) Access to housing sites where construction/ rehabilitation work is being carried out; (2) Work site training plan for a closely supervised construction site; (3) Construction or rehabilitation plan and timet

26、able; and (4) Approaches to work site safety. (e) The Youthbuild implementation program must be structured so that 50 percent of each full-time participants time is spent in educational services VerDate Nov2008 07:58 Apr 27, 2010 Jkt 220079 PO 00000 Frm 00278 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220079.XXX 2200

27、79WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-269 Ofc. of Asst. Secy., Comm. Planning, Develop., HUD 585.4 and activities (paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section) and 50 percent is spent in on-site tr

28、aining (paragraph (d) of this section). Youthbuild planning grant applications must contain strate-gies, plans and approaches to be used during the planning process to ulti-mately implement these program re-quirements. 585.4 Definitions. The terms adjusted income, com-munity based organization, home

29、less individual, housing development agency, Indian tribe, individual who has dropped out of high school, institution of higher education, limited-English proficiency, low-in-come family, offender, State, and very low-income family are defined in section 457 of NAHA. The terms Secretary and 1937 Act

30、 are defined in 24 CFR part 5. 1992 Act means the Housing and Com-munity Development Act of 1992. Access to housing applies to Youthbuild implementation grants re-quired to document that the program has access to the housing project(s) for young adult on-site training, e.g. pro-gram participants hav

31、e permission to work on the housing site. Applicable residential rental housing quality standards shall mean those standards of the applicable HUD or other Federal, State or local program providing assistance for residential rental housing involved in a Youthbuild implementation grant as used under

32、section 455(a), Youthbuild Program Requirements, of the Act. Applicant means a public or private nonprofit agency, including: (1) A community-based organization; (2) An administrative entity des-ignated under section 103(b)(1)(B) of the Job Training Partnership Act; (3) A community action agency; (4

33、) A State or local housing develop-ment agency; (5) A community development cor-poration; (6) A public and/or Indian housing au-thority and resident management cor-porations, resident councils and resi-dent organizations; (7) A State or local youth service or conservation corps; and (8) Any other en

34、tity (including States, units of general local govern-ment, and Indian Tribes) eligible to provide education and employment training. Combined Youthbuild application means the submission by an applicant of a single application to HUD for a planning and implementation grant re-quest for one Youthbuil

35、d program. Consolidated Plan means the docu-ment that is submitted to HUD that serves as the planning documents (comprehensive housing affordability strategy and community development plan) of the jurisdiction and an appli-cation for funding under any of the Community Planning and Development formul

36、a grant programs which is pre-pared in accordance with the process described in 24 CFR part 91. Full-time participation for program eli-gible participants is limited to not less than 6 months and not more than 24 months. Graduates are those participants who have completed the full-time edu-cation/on

37、-site training components of a Youthbuild program and who are eligi-ble to take advantage of meaningful opportunities in continued education, in owning their own businesses, in meaningful employment or in other means by which the participant can at-tain economic self-sufficiency. Homeless Act means

38、the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 11301 et seq.). JTPA means the Job Training Part-nership Act (P.L. 102235), as amended. Participant means: (1) An individual who is: (i) 16 to 24 years of age, inclusive, at time of enrollment; (ii) A very low-income individual

39、or a member of a very low-income family; and (iii) An individual who has dropped out of high school. (2) An exception of not more than 25 percent of all full-time participants is permitted for young adults who do not meet the programs income or edu-cational requirements but who have educational need

40、s despite attainment of a high school diploma or its equiva-lent. VerDate Nov2008 07:58 Apr 27, 2010 Jkt 220079 PO 00000 Frm 00279 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220079.XXX 220079WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fr

41、om IHS-,-,-270 24 CFR Ch. V (4110 Edition) 585.201 Private nonprofit organization means any private nonprofit organization that: (1) Is organized and exists under Fed-eral, State, local, or tribal law; (2) Has no part of its earnings inuring to the benefit of any individual, cor-poration, or other e

42、ntity; (3) Has a voluntary board; (4) Has an accounting system or has designated a fiscal agent in accordance with requirements established by HUD; and (5) Practices nondiscrimination in the provision of assistance. Project-related restrictions mean Youthbuild housing restrictions appli-cable only i

43、n cases where a Youthbuild implementation grant is providing as-sistance to residential rental, transi-tional or homeownership housing projects for specific costs relating to property acquisition, architectural and engineering fees, construction, reha-bilitation, operating costs, or replace-ment res

44、erves. Recipient means any entity that re-ceives assistance under this part. Related facilities include cafeterias or dining halls, community rooms or buildings, child care centers, appro-priate recreation facilities, and other essential service facilities that are physically attached to the housing

45、 to be constructed or rehabilitated. Re-lated facilities which stand alone are not appropriate construction sites for trainees. Title IV means title IV of the Na-tional Affordable Housing Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1437). Transitional housing means a project that has as its purpose facilitating the

46、movement of homeless individuals and families to permanent housing within a reasonable amount of time (usually 24 months). Transitional housing includes housing primarily designed to serve de-institutionalized homeless individuals and other homeless individuals with mental or physical disabilities a

47、nd homeless families with children. Useful life shall mean a period of 10 years upon construction completion and issuance of an occupancy permit applicable to a residential rental, tran-sitional or homeownership property ac-quired, constructed or rehabilitated (including architectural and engineer-i

48、ng fees), or maintained (i.e., operating costs or replacement reserves), in whole or in part, with Youthbuild im-plementation grant funds (as used in section 455(a), Youthbuild Program Re-quirements, of the Act). 60 FR 9737, Feb. 21, 1995, as amended at 61 FR 5211, Feb. 9, 1996; 61 FR 52187, Oct. 4,

49、 1996 Subpart B Reserved Subpart CYouthbuild Planning Grants 585.201 Purpose. HUD will award Youthbuild planning grants to eligible applicants for the purpose of developing Youthbuild pro-grams in accordance with subtitle D of title IV of the National Affordable Housing Act. Applications will be se-lected in a national competition in ac-cordance with the selection process de-scribed in the current NOFA. 58


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