IESNA LM-47-2012 Approved Method for Life Testing of High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps.pdf

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1、IES LM-47-12Approved Method: Life Testing nullfnullignull Intensitnull nullisnullnullnullrge nullnullInullnull LnullnullnullsIES LM-47-12IES APPROVED METHOD FOR LIFE TESTING OF HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE (HID) LAMPSPublication of this report has been approved by IES. Suggestions for revisionsshould be

2、 directed to IES.Prepared bnullnullTnulle Pnullnullnullnullnullenullrnull nullnull Lnullnullnullnull Snullnullrnullenull Snullbnullnullnullnullnullnullnulleenullnull nullnulle IES Tenullnullnullnullnull Prnullnullednullrenull CnullnullnullnullnullnulleeIES LM-47-12Copyright 2012 by the Illuminating

3、Engineering Society of North America.Approved by the IES Board of Directornull nullanuary nullnull 2012null anull a nullrannullaction of the Illuminating Engineering Societyof North America.All rightnull renullerved. nullo part of this publication nullay be reproduced in any fornullnull in any elect

4、ronic retrievalsystenull or othernullisenull nullithout prior nullritten pernullission of the IES.Published by the Illunullinating Engineering Society of nullorth nullnullericanull 12null nullall Streetnull nullenull nullornullnull nullenullnullornull 1nullnullnullnull.IES Standards and nulluides ar

5、e developed through conullnullittee consensus and produced by the IES nullffice in nullenull nullornull. nullareful attention is given to style and accuracy. If any errors are noted in this docunullentnull please fornullard thenull to nullita nullarroldnull nullirector of nullechnologynull at the ab

6、ove address for verification and correction. nullhe IES nullelconulles and urges feedbacnull and conullnullents. ISnullnull null null7null-null-null7nullnullnull-2nullnull-nullnullrinted in the nullnited Statenull of America.DISCLAIMERIES publications are developed through the consensus standards de

7、velopnullent process approved by the nullnullerican nullational Standards Institute. nullhis process brings together volunteers representing varied vienullpoints and interests to achieve consensus on lighting reconullnullendations. nullhile the IES adnullinisters the process and establishes policies

8、 and procedures to pronullote fairness in the developnullent of consensusnull it nullanulles no guaranty or nullarranty as to the accuracy or conullpleteness of any infornullation published herein. nullhe IES disclainulls liability for any innullury to persons or property or other danullages of any

9、nature nullhatsoevernull nullhether specialnull indirectnull consenulluential or conullpensatorynull directly or indirectly resulting fronull the publicationnull use ofnull or reliance on this docunullentIn issuing and nullanulling this docunullent availablenull the IES is not undertanulling to rend

10、er professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity. nullor is the IES undertanulling to perfornull any duty onulled by any person or entity to sonulleone else. nullnyone using this docunullent should rely on his or her onulln independent nulludgnullent ornull as appropriatenu

11、ll seenull the advice of a conullpetent professional in deternullining the enullercise of reasonable care in any given circunullstances.nullhe IES has no ponullernull nor does it undertanullenull to police or enforce conullpliance nullith the contents of this docunullent. nullor does the IES listnul

12、l certifynull test or inspect productsnull designsnull or installations for conullpliance nullith this docunullent. nullny certification or statenullent of conullpliance nullith the renulluirenullents of this docunullent shall not be attributable to the IES and is solely the responsibility of the ce

13、rtifier or nullanuller of the statenullent.IES LM-47-12Prepared bnull nullnulle Snullbnullnullnullnullnullnullnullee nullnull Pnullnullnullnullnullenullrnull nullnull Lnullnullnullnull Snullnullrnullenull nullnull nullnulleTenullnullnullnullnull Prnullnullednullrenull CnullnullnullnullnullnulleePnul

14、lnullnullnullnullenullrnull nullnull Lnullnullnullnull Snullnullrnullenull SnullbnullnullnullnullnullnullnulleeTenullnullnullnullnull Prnullnullednullrenull CnullnullnullnullnullnulleeMnullnullnullaenull Granullnullernull Cnullanullrnullarl nullndersenLanullrence nullyersnullnulllenull nullanullernu

15、llnullobert nullergernullandall nullerginnullnullolf nullergnullanEric nullretschneidernullaniel nullroonullsnullnullevin nullroughtonnullnullavid nullhannullPei-nulling nullhounullnullichard nullollinsnullnullunulluipo nullurrynullnullussell nullahlnullnullonald nullaubachnullnullavid Ellisnulldanu

16、ll nulloynullPeter nullrancnullnullnullichard nulleinischnullnullyle nullenullnullinullnullanya nullernandenullnullnullobert nullorannullanulles nullospodarsnullyShunulling nulluanullPo-nullhieh nullungnullnullonald nullusbynullnullStephen nulluttonnullnullndrenull nullacnullsonnullavid nullennullin

17、snullnulliannullhong nulliaonullnulloon Sung nullungMichael nullalnullasnullenulletrios nullaranullbelasnullanullid nullashaninullnullyan nullelleynullMihaly nullotrebainullevin nullruegernullecnully nullueblernullnullohn LanulltonnullLorence Leetnullonullnullnullelly Lerbsnullnullobert LevinnullIan

18、 Lenullinnullichard Linullnullobert Lonullnullnulloseph MarellaPhilip Mcnullarthynullnullreg Mcnulleenull. nullanulleron Millernullruce Moshernullaneta nullenulllandnulloshihiro nullhnonullnullerard PlannullnullEnullil nulladnullovnullavid nullandolphEric nullichnullannullMichael nullieblingnullMarn

19、ull Sapcoenullason Schutnullnullnullndrenull Snullithnullnullonald Snullithnullnulloong nullon Sonnullnullobert SpecnullnullnullLloyd Staffordnullnullary Steinbergnullalph nulluttlenullen nullagnernullnullanulles nullalnullernullnulleather nullaughnullnulloseph nullelchnullnullurt nullilconullnullnu

20、llerenully nullonnullnullohn nullhangnullnulldvisory nullnullnullonoraryMarnull Sapnullnullenull CnullanullrGrenull Mnullnulleenull CnullanullrLanullrence nullyersnullnullolf nullergnullanEric nullretschneidernullnullavid nullhannullnullonald nullaubachnullSteven Ellersicnullnullnullavid EllisPo-nul

21、lhieh nullungnullnullndrenull nullacnullsonnullenulletrios nullaranullbelasMihaly nullotrebainullevin nullruegernullanulles Lelandnullnulloseph Linnulluatanullnullobert Lonullnullnulloseph Marellanull. nullanulleron Millernullrancois-nullavier Morinnullnulloshihiro nullhnoIES LM-47-12IES LM-47-12Cnu

22、llnullnullenullnullnullFnullrenullnullrd .11nullnull Inullnullrnulldnullnullnullnullnullnull .12nullnull Nnullrnullanullnullnulle Renullerenullnullenull .1nullnullnull Nnullnullenullnullnullanullnullre anulld Denullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull 14nullnull Anullbnullenullnull anulld Pnullnullnulln

23、ullnullanull Cnullnulldnullnullnullnullnullnull24null1 Genulleranull .24null2 Vnullbranullnullnullnull .24nullnull Tenullperanullnullre .24null4 Anullr Mnullnullenullenullnull 24nullnull Operanullnullnullnull Ornullenullnullanullnullnullnull anulld Lanullp Spanullnullnullnull 2nullnullnull Enullenul

24、lnullrnullnullanull Cnullnulldnullnullnullnullnullnull 2nullnull1 Inullpnullnull Vnullnullnullanulle 2nullnull2 Lnullnulle Vnullnullnullanulle nullanullenullnullape.2nullnullnull Vnullnullnullanulle Renullnullnullanullnullnullnull nullnullnull4 nullanullnullanullnull .nullnullnullnull Inullnullnullr

25、nullnullenullnullanullnullnullnull .nullnullnullnull nullnullrnullnullnull .nullnullnull7 Lanullp Cnullnullnullenullnullnullnullnullnull .nullnullnullnull Sanullenullnull Cnullnullnullnullderanullnullnullnullnull nullnullnullnull Lanullp Tenullnull Prnullnullednullrenull .nullnullnull1 Lanullp Senul

26、lenullnullnullnullnull .nullnullnull2 Lanullp Hanulldnullnullnullnull nullnullnullnull Lanullp Marnullnullnullnull 4nullnull4 Operanullnullnullnull Cnullnullnulle .4nullnullnull Renullnullrdnullnullnull Fanullnullnullrenull47nullnull Tenullnull Repnullrnull 4Inullnullnullrnullanullnullnulle Renuller

27、enullnullenull .4IES Renullerenullnullenull .nullANSI Renullerenullnullenull nullAnullnullenull A nullIES LM-47-121IES LM-47-12FOREnullORDnullhis approved nullethod is a revision of IESnullnull LM-47-2nullnull1null IESnullnull nullpproved Method for Life nullesting of nulligh Intensity nullischarge

28、nullnullInullnull Lanullpsnull changes have been nullade to update infornullationnull to give clear-er guidelines for test renulluirenullentsnull and to pronullote unifornullity in nulleasurenullent procedures. INTRODnullCTIONnull nullhis guide describes the procedures by nullhich high intensity dis

29、charge nullnullInullnull lanullps can be operated under controlled conditions to obtain optinullally conullparable data on individual lanullp lifenull changes in light outputnull and other paranulleters that vary during the life of the lanullp.null nullInull lanullps are characterinulled as light pr

30、oducing discharge devices nullhose discharge containnullent envelopes have a surface loading in enullcess of three nullatts per snulluare centinulleter. nulldditional characteristics of these lanullp types are found in references 1 through null.null Light is produced in a high intensity discharge la

31、nullp by passing current through a vapor at relatively high pressure. nullc tube pressures for nullInull lanullps can range fronull nullust less than one to as nulluch as five atnullospheres during lanullp operation.null In a high-pressure sodiunull lanullp nullnullPSnull the arc discharge passes th

32、rough conullbined vapors of nullercury and sodiunull. nullhe sodiunull radiation donullinates the color appearance of the light producednull nullhich is characteristically gold and contains a nullininullal ultraviolet energy output.null Light is produced in the nulletal halide nullMnullnulllanullp b

33、y an electrical discharge through conullbined vapors of nullercury and other nulletals. nullhese nulletals have the effect of increasing the light output in the bluenull greennull and yellonull-red bands of the visual spectrunull. nullue to the spectral energy distribution in the lanullp output fron

34、ull the nulletal vaporsnull the color appearance of Mnull nullInull lanullps is nearly nullhite. In addition to visible lightnull ultraviolet energy is also produced in the arc and is used in phosphor coated lanullps to inullprove color characteristics.null In nullercury vapor lanullpsnull light is

35、generated by electric discharge through a vapor of nullercury. nullhe light produced is bright nullhitenull often nullith the blue green cast. nullhe color is dranullatically inullproved by adding a phosphor coating to the outer bulb. null It is often inullportant to nullnonull the light outputnulle

36、fficacynull and lanullp lunullen nullaintenance along nullith the life of these lanullps. nullhe annenull to this docunullent discusses this issue. nullor infornullation on the photonulletry of nullInull lanullpsnull see reference 1null.null nullInull lanullps are affected by nullany variables such

37、as operating cyclenull conditions inullposed by aunulliliary enulluipnullentnull anullbient tenullperaturenullvibrationnull airflonullnull and orientation. nullest conditions and progranulls should be designed to give conullparable results nullhen adopted by various laboratories. nullhe reconullnull

38、endations of this IES nullpproved Method have been nullade nullith these obnullectives in nullind.1nullnull S COPEnullhis approved nullethod describes the procedures to be follonulled and the precautions to be observed in obtaining unifornull and reproducible nulleasurenullents during life testing o

39、f high intensity discharge lanullps under standard conditions. nullhis nullpproved Method includes other technologies nullithin the Metal nullalide fanullily including nulleranullic Metal nullalide and Pulse Start Metal nullalide lanullps. It addresses life testing of high intensity discharge lanull

40、ps operated on aunulliliary devicesnull either enullternal or integratednull designed and certified to nulleet lanullp industry standards and toler-ance. nullenon arc lanullpsnull lonull-pressure sodiunull lanullpsnulland autonullotive lanullps are not addressed in this IES nullpproved Method.2nulln

41、ull N ORMATIVE REFERENCESnullo nornullative referencesnullnullnull N OMENCLATnullRE AND DEFINITIONSanull nullhe units of electrical nulleasurenullent used in this approved nullethod are the voltnull the anullperenull and the nullatt.bnull Life of a test lanullp refers to the actual operating tinulle

42、 of the lanullpnull until failure enullpressed in hoursnull and shall not include any off tinulle.2IES LM-47-12cnull Lanullp failure refers to the point nullhere a lanullp stops operating. nullther lanullp failuresnull such as nullanufacturing defects are reported but not included in the calculation

43、 of lanullp life.dnull nullunulliliary enulluipnullent refers to the reactor or ballast andnull if renulluirednull a starting device. nullhis enulluipnullent is used to linullit lanullp current and to provide proper starting voltagenull and is essential since discharge lanullps have a negative volt-

44、anullpere characteristic. nullor lanullps nullith integrated aunulliliary enulluipnullent nullelf-ballastednullnull subsenulluent references to aunulliliary enulluipnullent can be ignored.enull nullegulation refers to the constancy of the voltage andnullor current applied to the enulluipnullent unde

45、r test.fnull Seasoning refers to the first 1nullnull hours of operation of the test lanullp. Photonulletric data obtained inullnullediately after seasoning are referred to as initial or rated data. Seasoning as defined is an industry-accepted point for initial rating of discharge lanullps. nullefer

46、to reference nullfor nullore infornullation on lanullp seasoning.gnull Life test racnull refers to a suitable franullenullornullor supporting nullediunulls nullhere a nullultitude of lanullp testing positions are nullounted.hnull nullated lanullp life is the life value assigned to a particular type

47、lanullp. nullhis is conullnullonly a statistically deternullined estinullate of the nulledian life. nullor life ratingnull the applicable definition of nulledian is the total operating tinulle at nullhich under nornullal operating conditions nullnull percent of any large group of initially installed

48、 lanullps is enullpected to be still operating. See reference null. 4nullnullA MnullIENT AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS4null1 GenulleranullIt is good laboratory practice that the storage and testing of lanullps should be undertanullen in a relatively clean environnullent. nullor lanullps nullhich operate a

49、t high bulb tenullperature nullhighly loaded lanullpsnullnull contanulli-nants can be etched into glass bulb surfaces during operation. nullherefore these lanullps should be cleaned before nullounting on the life test racnulls.4null2 VnullbranullnullnullnullLanullps shall not be subnullected to enul

50、lcessive vibration or shocnull during life testing.4nullnull Tenullperanullnullrenullnullbient tenullperature should be controlled nullithin the linullits set by the ballast nullanufacturer. nullhen the rec-onullnullended testing tenullperature range is enullceedednulllife testing should be suspende


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