IMO 617E-2000 CRUDE OIL WASHING SYSTEMS (Fourth Edition).pdf

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1、CRUDEOILWASHINGSYSTEMSincluding amendments adopted by the MEPC at itsforty-third session (28 June to 2 July 1999)and by the Assembly at its twenty-first session(15 to 26 November 1999)BInternational Maritime OrganizationLondon, 2000First published in 1980by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 A

2、lbert Embankment, London SE1 7SRSecond edition 1982Third edition 1983Fourth edition 2000Printed by the International Maritime Organization, London2468109753ISBN 92-801-5094-4IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: IMO-617ECopyright # IMO 2000All rights reserved.No part of this publication may, for sales purpos

3、es,be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic,magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise,without prior permission in writing from theInternational Maritime Organization.FOREWORDThis publication contains:. Revised Specifi

4、cations for the design, operation and control of crude oil washing systems(resolution A.446(XI), as amended by resolutions A.497(XII) and A.897(21);. standard format for the Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual (resolutionMEPC.3(XII), as amended by resolution MEPC.81(43);. examples of C

5、rude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manuals;. Guidelines for in-port inspection of crude oil washing procedures.REVISED SPECIFICATIONSThe International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention (TSPP Conference) convened bythe International Maritime Organization (IMO) in February 19

6、78 adopted, inter alia, the Protocol of 1978relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, which modifiedthe 1973 Convention.* MARPOL 73/78 (regulation 13 of Annex I) requires certain ships to operate with acargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washin

7、g. The crude oil washing installation, associatedequipment and arrangements must meet the requirements established by the Administration based on theSpecifications for the design, operation and control of crude oil washing systems adopted by theConference in resolution 15 and as may be revised by th

8、e Organization (regulation 13B of Annex I ofMARPOL 73/78).The Conference requested the Organization to review and revise the Specifications, as necessary, in orderthat the Revised Specifications would reflect the latest technology and practices which might be developedby the time of entry into force

9、 of MARPOL 73/78.The task of reviewing and revising the Specifications was carried out by the Marine Environment ProtectionCommittee (MEPC) of the Organization at its 10th and 11th sessions as a matter of urgency. In the courseof its work, the MEPC found that there was a need, not only to revise cer

10、tain provisions of the Specifications,but also to agree on interpretations of some of the provisions.The IMO Assembly, at its 11th session (November 1979), received and examined the recommendationsmade by the MEPC on this matter and adopted, by resolution A.446(XI), the Revised Specifications for th

11、edesign, operation and control of crude oil washing systems, together with agreed interpretations of certainof the provisions of the Revised Specifications. As stated in the resolution, the Revised Specificationssupersede the Specifications contained in the annex to resolution 15 of the TSPP Confere

12、nce.Since the 11th session of the Assembly, the MEPC has kept the Revised Specifications under review andrecommended certain amendments and additions both to the Revised Specifications and to the agreedinterpretations; these were adopted by the Assembly at its 12th session (November 1981) by resolut

13、ionA.497(XII), and at its 21st session (November 1999) by resolution A.897(21).The attention of Governments is drawn to the fact that the Assembly urged them to establish, in time for theentry into force of MARPOL 73/78, requirements for crude oil washing installations and associatedequipment and ar

14、rangements based on the Revised Specifications, and urged further that suchrequirements should not impose requirements over and above those laid down in the RevisedSpecifications.* The 1973 Convention, as modified by its 1978 Protocol, is referred to throughout this publication as MARPOL 73/78.iiiCR

15、UDE OIL WASHING OPERATIONS AND EQUIPMENT MANUALEvery tanker which operates with crude oil washing, in accordance with regulation 13, must be providedwith an Operations and Equipment Manual approved by the Administration. The Manual must detail thesystem and equipment and specify operational procedur

16、es (regulation 13B of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78).As the purpose of the Operations and Equipment Manual is not only to provide guidance to the crew of theship on the proper operation of the system but also to provide information on the system and its operationalprocedures for inspectors going on board

17、for inspection in ports, the MEPC decided to develop a standardformat for the Manual. This was adopted by the MEPC at its 12th session by resolution MEPC.3(XII). TheMEPC adopted revisions to the standard format at its 43rd session by resolution MEPC.81(43). It is hopedthat the standard format will h

18、elp shipowners in preparing the Manuals for their ships and Administrations inapproving them.The standard format contains:. standardized wording for the introduction of the Manual;. index of the Manual;. eighteen sections, detailing the information or operational instructions to be provided under ea

19、chsection as required by the Revised Specifications for the design, operation and control of crude oilwashing systems, including the revised section 9 (resolution MEPC.81(43).Administrations may require information and operational instructions to be included in the Manual inaddition to those specifi

20、ed in the standard format. Such information should be included in part 2 of theManual. If no such information or operational instructions are required, the Manual will consist of one partonly.This publication also contains two examples of the Manual, developed by tanker owners in accordance withthe

21、standard format, for two actual tankers, one of which is a conventional pipeline tanker of about 315,000tons deadweight and the other a full free flow tanker of about 270,000 tons deadweight. As will be seenfrom these two examples, the information and operational instructions under the corresponding

22、 sectionsvary considerably in their wording and presentation.It should be noted in this connection that:. what is standardized is the type of information to be included in the Manual under each section andnot its presentation;. the two examples show how the Manuals may be presented. Although some se

23、ctions may begenerally applicable to all ships, these are merely examples and should be treated as such.The attention of Governments is drawn to the recommendation made by the MEPC, inviting them to usethe standard format when approving the Manual and to ensure that, if the language of the Manual is

24、 neitherEnglish nor French, the Manual includes a translation into one of those languages.GUIDELINES FOR IN-PORT INSPECTIONBy resolution 7 the TSPP Conference recommended that the Organization take urgent action to developguidelines for the performance of in-port inspections of the results of cargo

25、tank cleaning using crude oilwashing, which should be implemented by Governments as soon as they are adopted by the Organization.Crude oil washing systemsivThe Conference recognized that in order to implement effectively the requirements of regulations 13 and13B of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78, continuin

26、g strong emphasis should be placed on the effective operationof crude oil washing procedures, and also that uniform guidelines for the extent and particulars of in-portinspections of the results of cargo tank cleaning are a prerequisite for ensuring that crude oil tankers usingcrude oil washing syst

27、ems comply at all times with the provisions of MARPOL 73/78.The MEPC at its 12th session adopted the Guidelines for in-port inspection of crude oil washing proceduresand requested the Secretariat to circulate them to Governments. Governments were invited, by an MEPCcircular, to take note of the Guid

28、elines for implementation.vForewordCONTENTSI Revised Specifications for the design, operation and control of crude oil washing systemsResolution A.446(XI), as amended by resolutions A.497(XII) and A.897(21)Appendix I List of changes when applying the specifications to new crudeoil tankers of 20,000

29、tons deadweight and above . . . 13Appendix II Training for persons intended to assume overall charge ofcrude oil washing . 15Appendix III Agreed interpretations of certain of the provisions of theRevised Specifications . . . . . . 17II Standard format for the Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipme

30、nt ManualResolution MEPC.3(XII) as amended by MEPC.81(43)Introduction . . . 23Index of sections. . . . . . 24Sections 1 to 18 . . . . . . 25III Examples of Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment ManualsExplanatory note 31Example 1 Conventional pipeline tanker. . . 33Example 2 Full free-flow tank

31、er. . . . 57IV Guidelines for in-port inspection of crude oil washing procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85viiIREVISED SPECIFICATIONS FOR THEDESIGN, OPERATION AND CONTROL OFCRUDE OIL WASHING SYSTEMSIndexPage1 Purpose . . . . . . 32 Application . . . . 33 General provisions3.1 Definitions .

32、 33.2 Initial survey . . . . . 34 Design criteria4.1 Piping . . . . 34.2 Tank washing machines . 44.3 Pumps . . . . 74.4 Stripping system . . . 84.5 Ballast lines . . . . . . 95 Qualification of personnel . 96 Operation6.1 Tankage to be crude oil washed . . . . . . 96.2 Drainage and discharge ashore

33、 of cargo lines . 106.3 Filling of departure ballast tanks . . . . . . . 106.4 Crude oil washing at sea 106.5 Discharge of oily water effluents on ballast voyage . 106.6 Use and control of inert gas . . 106.7 Precautions against electrostatic generation . . 106.8 Vapour emission . . 107 Operations a

34、nd Equipment Manual . . . . 11Appendix I List of changes when applying the Specifications to new crude oil tankers of20,000 tons deadweight and above 13Appendix II Training of persons intended to assume overall charge of crude oil washing. 15Appendix III Agreed interpretations of certain of the prov

35、isions of the Revised Specifications 17Note: The Revised Specifications comprise the annex to resolution A.446(XI), as amended by resolutions A.497(XII) andA.897(21).Crude oil washing systems21 PurposeThe purpose of these Specifications is to provide specific design criteria, operational requirement

36、s andcontrol and enforcement procedures for the crude oil washing of cargo tanks of crude oil carriers asspecified in section 2.2 Application2.1 These Specifications apply to:(a) existing crude oil tankers of 40,000 tons deadweight and above in accordance with regulation13(8) of Annex I of MARPOL 73

37、/78; and(b) new crude oil tankers of 20,000 tons deadweight and above in accordance with regulation13(6) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78, with the changes listed in appendix I.Compliance of these ships with these Specifications shall be shown on the International Oil PollutionPrevention Certificate as mo

38、dified by MARPOL 73/78.2.2 If a crude oil that is not suitable for crude oil washing is intended to be carried as cargo in a ship thatis provided with only a crude oil washing system, then that ship must comply with segregated ballast tankrequirements in accordance with regulation 13(7) or dedicated

39、 clean ballast tank requirements inaccordance with regulation 13(9) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78.3 General provisions3.1 DefinitionsFor the purpose of these Specifications:3.1.1 Arrival ballast means clean ballast as defined in regulation 1(16) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/ Departure ballast means

40、ballast other than arrival ballast.3.2 Initial surveyThe initial survey referred to in regulation 4 of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 shall include a completeinspection of the crude oil washing equipment and arrangements and shall include, except for the casesspecified in 4.2.11, an examination of the tank

41、s after they have been crude oil washed and the additionalcontrols as specified in 4.2.10 to ensure that the washing system efficiency is in accordance with theseSpecifications.4 Design criteria4.1 Piping4.1.1 The crude oil washing pipes and all valves incorporated in the supply piping system shall

42、be of steelor other equivalent material and shall be of adequate strength having regard to the pressure to which theymay be subjected, and shall be properly jointed and supported.4.1.2 The crude oil washing system shall consist of permanent pipework and shall be independent of thefire mains and of a

43、ny system other than for tank washing except that sections of the ships cargo system maybe incorporated in the crude oil washing system provided that they meet the requirements applicable tocrude oil pipework. Notwithstanding the above requirements, in combination carriers the arrangementsmay allow:

44、Revised Specifications3(a) the removal of the equipment, if necessary, when carrying cargoes other than crude oil, pro-vided that, when reinstated, the system is as originally fitted and tested for oil tightness;(b) the use of flexible hosepipes to connect the crude oil washing system to tank washin

45、g machinesif it is necessary to locate these machines in a cargo tank hatch cover. Such flexible hosepipesmust be provided with flanged connections and be manufactured and tested in accordancewith standards acceptable to the Administration and be consistent with the duties the hoses arerequired to p

46、erform. The length of these hoses shall be no greater than necessary to connectthe tank washing machines to an adjacent point just outside the hatch coaming. These hosesshall be removed to suitably prepared and protected stowage when not in use and be pressure-tested by an authority acceptable to th

47、e Administration at intervals of not more than two and ahalf years.4.1.3 Provision shall be made to prevent overpressure in the tank washing supply piping. Any relief devicefitted to prevent overpressure shall discharge into the suction side of the supply pump. Alternative methodsto the satisfaction

48、 of the Administration may be accepted provided an equivalent degree of safety andenvironmental protection is provided.4.1.4 Where hydrant valves are fitted for water washing purposes on tank washing lines, all such valvesshall be of adequate strength and provision shall be made for such connections

49、 to be blanked off by blankflanges when washing lines may contain crude oil. Alternatively, hydrant valves shall be isolated from thecrude oil washing system by spade blanks.4.1.5 All connections for pressure gauges or other instruments shall be provided with isolating valvesadjacent to the lines unless the fitting is of the sealed type.4.1.6 No part of the crude oil washing system shall enter the machinery spaces. Where the tank washingsystem is fitted with a steam heater for use when water washing, the heater must be effectively isolatedduring crude oil washing by double


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