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1、IMO GUIDELINES ONSHIPRECYCLINGCONSOLIDATED EDITION 2006includingMEPC/Circ.466Gas-free-for-hot-work certificationBINTERNATIONALMARITIMEORGANIZATIONLondon, 2007Published in 2006by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRPrinted in the United Kingdom by MPG Books246810

2、97531ISBN: 978-92-801-1471-3IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: I685ECopyright # International Maritime Organization 2006Cover image courtesy Edward Burtynsky Studio, TorontoAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any formor by any me

3、ans without prior permission in writingfrom the International Maritime Organization.Print edition (ISBN: 978-92-801-1471-3) published in 2006Electronic edition, 2007IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: E685ECopyright # International Maritime Organization 2006Cover image courtesy Edward Burtynsky Studio, Tor

4、ontoAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any formor by any means without prior permission in writingfrom the International Maritime Organization.ForewordA.962(23) and A.980(24) (consolidated text of guidelines)The 23rd sessi

5、on of the IMO Assembly, having noted the growing concernsabout environmental safety, health and welfare matters in the ship recyclingindustry, and the need to reduce the environmental, occupational health andsafety risks related to ship recycling and, at the same time, securing the smoothwithdrawal

6、of ships that have reached the end of their operating lives, andhaving considered the Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally SoundManagement of the Full and Partial Dismantling of Ships* adopted by the SixthMeeting of the Conference of Parties to the Basel Convention, and theGuidelines on Safe

7、ty and Health in Shipbreakingdeveloped by the InternationalLabour Organization (ILO), and also the Code of Practice on Ship Recyclingdeveloped by the shipping industry,adopted the IMO Guidelines on shiprecycling by Assembly resolution A.962(23) on 5 December 2003.The IMO Guidelines on ship recycling

8、 recognise that, in order to contributetowards improvements in ship recycling, it is necessary to consider the shipthroughout its life cycle, and also that the use of hazardous materials should beminimized in the design, construction and maintenance of ships, withoutcompromising their safety and ope

9、rational efficiency, and that there is a need toprepare ships for recycling in such a manner as to reduce environmental andsafety risks and health and welfare concerns as far as practicable.Furthermore, the 24th session of the IMO Assembly, recognising the need tokeep the IMO Guidelines on ship recy

10、cling updated in the light of experiencegained in their implementation, adopted amendments to the IMO Guidelines onship recycling by Assembly resolution A.980(24) on 1 December 2005, urgingGovernments to apply the IMO Guidelines on ship recycling as amended.The present publication contains the conso

11、lidated text of the IMO Guidelines onship recycling adopted by Assembly resolution A.962(23), as amended by* Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of the Full and Partial Dismantlingof Ships adopted by the Sixth Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Basel Convention on

12、13December 2002, (see on Safety and Health in Shipbreaking developed by the International LabourOrganization (ILO), (see co-operation with other industry organizations, ICS has produced the Industr

13、y Code of Practiceon Ship Recycling, outlining the measures that shipowners should be prepared to take prior torecycling (see resolution A.980(24), while also referring to the existence andrelevance of the guidelines on the same subject by ILO and by the BaselC

14、onvention.MEPC/Circ.466 (MEPC Circular on gas-free-for-hot-work certification)The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its fifty-third session (18 to 22July 2005), noting that reports of explosions at recycling facilities during cuttingoperations are all too frequent with life threatening con

15、sequences, agreed tourge all involved parties to give particular emphasis to the gas-free-for-hot-work certification needed for the implementation of the IMO Guidelines onship recycling, and in this respect, the Committee adopted MEPC.Circ.466. Thetext of the circular has been included in this publi

16、cation in view of its relevanceto the Guidelines on ship recycling.A.981(24) (the future IMO mandatory instrument)It should also be noted that the 24th session of the IMO Assembly, recognizingthe urgent need for the Organization to contribute to the development of aneffective solution to the issue o

17、f ship recycling, considered that the above-mentioned objective may best be achieved by establishing a new legally-bindingIMO instrument providing globally applicable ship recycling regulations forinternational shipping and for ship recycling facilities.The 24th session of the IMO Assembly therefore

18、 adopted resolution A.981(24)which requested the Marine Environment Protection Committee to develop anew legally-binding instrument on ship recycling that would provide regulationsfor:.1 the design, construction, operation and preparation of ships so as tofacilitate safe and environmentally sound re

19、cycling, withoutcompromising the safety and operational efficiency of ships;.2 the operation of ship recycling facilities in a safe and environmen-tally sound manner; and.3 the establishment of an appropriate enforcement mechanism forship recycling (certification/reporting requirements);It may be no

20、ted that resolution A.981(24) requests IMOs Marine EnvironmentProtection Committee to work towards completion of the above-mentioneddraft instrument in time for its consideration and adoption in the biennium20082009.The same resolution also urges Governments and all involved stakeholders, inthe mean

21、time, to apply the IMO Guidelines on ship recycling without delay.IMO Guidelines on ship recyclingivContentsPageSection 1 Introduction 1Section 2 Application 2Section 3 Definitions . 3Section 4 Identification of potentially hazardous materials 4Section 5 Green Passport . 5Section 6 Procedures for ne

22、w ships related to ship recycling 7Section 7 Procedures for existing ships related toship recycling . 9Section 8 Preparations for ship recycling . 9Section 9 Role of stakeholders and other bodies 15Section 10 Technical co-operation 25Appendix 1 List of hazardous wastes and substancesthat are relevan

23、t to ship recycling . 26Appendix 2 Potentially hazardous materials which may beon board ships delivered to recycling facilities 31Appendix 3 Inventory of potentially hazardous materialson board 33Appendix 4 List of principles for hot work on boardall types of ships 43Appendix 5 Recommendations for e

24、ntering enclosedspaces aboard ships . 45MEPC/Circ.466 Gas-free-for-hot-work certification 57v1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Ships, at some stage, reach the end of their operating life. The life cyclefor most ships, from cradle to grave or makers to breakers, gives a life spanof operation of 2025 years, or more.

25、In 2001, the OECD noted an increasingcasualty rate for older ships remaining in operation, especially for bulk ships andtankers. The steady withdrawal of older ships and their replacement by newtonnage, therefore, is a natural commercial process which provides theopportunity for the introduction of

26、safer and more environmentally friendlydesigns, greater operating efficiency and a general reduction in marine risk.1.2 In general, recycling is one of the basic principles of sustainabledevelopment. For the disposal of time-expired ships there are few alternativesto recycling lay-up only postpones

27、the issue; there is only a limited opportunityto convert ships for other uses such as storage facilities, breakwaters or touristattractions; scuttling, strictly controlled by the London Convention, gives noopportunity for the steel and other materials and equipment in a ship to berecycled.1.3 So, re

28、cycling is, generally, the best option for all time-expired tonnage.Furthermore, demand for ship recycling is expected to rise in the near future asships, particularly oil tankers, which do not conform to the new internationalrequirements set by the MARPOL Convention, reach the end of theircommercia

29、l lives.1.4 While the principle of ship recycling is sound, the working practices andenvironmental standards in the recycling facilities often leave much to bedesired. Although responsibility for conditions in the recycling facilities has to liewith the countries in which they are situated, other st

30、akeholders can contributetowards minimising potential problems related to health, safety and protection ofthe environment in the recycling facilities and should apply these Guidelines.1.5 These Guidelines have been developed to give guidance to allstakeholders in the ship recycling process. This inc

31、ludes flag, port and recyclingStates, authorities of shipbuilding and maritime equipment supplying countries,as well as relevant intergovernmental organizations and commercial bodies suchas shipowners, shipbuilders, marine equipment manufacturers, repairers andrecycling facilities. Additional stakeh

32、olders include workers, local communities,environmental and labour bodies.1.6 These Guidelines seek to:.1 encourage recycling as the best means to dispose of ships at theend of their operating lives;1.2 provide guidance in respect of the preparation of ships for recyclingand minimising the use of po

33、tentially hazardous materials andwaste generation during a ships operating life;.3 foster inter-agency co-operation; and.4 encourage all stakeholders to address the issue of ship recycling.1.7 In general, these Guidelines accept that the obligation for environmentaland worker protection in ship recy

34、cling facilities must rest with the recyclingfacility itself and with the regulatory authorities of the country in which therecycling facility operates. Nevertheless, it is acknowledged that shipowners andother stakeholders have a responsibility to address the issues involved.2 APPLICATION2.1 These

35、Guidelines have been developed to provide guidance to flag, portand recycling States, shipowners, shipbuilders, marine equipment suppliers, andrecycling facilities as to best practice, which takes into account the shiprecycling process throughout the life cycle of the ship.2.2 They take into account

36、 the Industry Code of Practice on ShipRecycling* and complement other international guidelines addressing thisissue; notably those produced by the Conference of Parties to the BaselConvention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastesand their Disposal focusing on issues related t

37、o ship recycling facilitiesandthose of the International Labour Organization addressing working conditions atthe recycling facilities.Further information on the above-mentioned guidelines isprovided in sections 9.5 and 9.6 of these Guidelines. The provisions of otherinternational instruments, or wor

38、k of their governing bodies, may be applicableto those ship recycling activities addressed by these Guidelines. The MontrealProtocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the StockholmConvention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), the Convention on thePrevention of Marine Pollution by Dum

39、ping of Wastes and Other Matter(London Convention 1972) and the United Nations Convention on the Law ofthe Sea are relevant.* In co-operation with other industry organizations, ICS has produced the Industry Code of Practiceon Ship Recycling, outlining the measures that shipowners should be prepared

40、to take prior torecycling (see Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of the Full and Partial Dismantlingof Ships adopted by the Sixth Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Basel Convention on 13December 2002, (see on

41、Safety and Health in Shipbreaking developed by the International LabourOrganization (ILO), (see Guidelines on ship recycling23 DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of these Guidelines:Administration means the Government of the State

42、 under whose authority theship is operating. With respect to a ship entitled to fly the flag of a State, theAdministration is the Government of that State. With respect to fixed or floatingplatforms engaged in exploration and exploitation of the sea-bed and subsoilthereof adjacent to the coast over

43、which the coastal State exercises sovereignrights for the purpose of exploration and exploitation of their natural resources,the Administration is the Government of the coastal State concerned.Existing ship means a ship which is not a new ship.Hazardous material means materials posing harm to human

44、health or theenvironment identified in the IMDG Code, the Basel Convention, or otherinternational authorities or instruments.New ship means a ship:.1 for which the building contract is placed on or after 31 December2003; or.2 in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid orwhich i

45、s at a similar stage of construction on or after 30 June 2004;or.3 the delivery of which is on or after 31 December 2006.Organization means the International Maritime Organization (IMO).Recycling facility means a site, yard or facility used for the recycling of shipswhich is authorized or permitted

46、for this purpose by the competent authority ofthe State where the site, yard or facility is located (recycling State).Ship means a vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the marineenvironment and includes hydrofoil boats, air-cushion vehicles, submersibles,floating craft and fixed or floating pl

47、atforms.Shipowner means the person or persons or company registered as the owner ofthe ship or, in the absence of registration, the person or persons or companyowning the ship. However, in the case of a ship owned by a State and operatedby a company which in that State is registered as the ships ope

48、rator, ownershall mean such company. This term also includes those who have ownership ofthe ship for a limited period pending its sale to a recycling facility.Ship recycling means all associated operations including, mooring or beaching,dismantling, recovery of materials and reprocessing.The operati

49、ng life of a ship means the time when it is capable of performing itscurrent functions.IMO Guidelines on ship recycling34 IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS4.1 The principal materials of a ship (e.g., steel, aluminium) are not anoverriding concern from the standpoint of human health or marine pollution.However, there are a number of potential sources of concern that should beaddressed such as:.1 fuel, lubricants, and coolants;.2 floatable materials (e.g., plastics, Styrofoam insulation);.3 mate


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