1、 CONVENTION “RELATING TO CIVIL LI ABI LlTY IN THE FIELD OF MARITIME CARRIAGE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL Procs-verbal of Rectification 10 Januaty 1977 French text The following rectification has been made: Page 27 ARTICLE 8, paragraph i. Insert “la prsente Convention stend ce territoire.” in place of “cette
2、 extension a eu lieu.” (Pubiicgtion No. 1972.1 1.B) CONVENTION RELATIVE A LA RESPONSAICITE CIVILE DANS LE DOMAINE DU TRANSPORT MARITIME DE MATIERES NUCLEAIRES Procs-verbal de rectification 10 janvier 1977 Texte. franais II est apport la rectificgtion ci-aprs au texte de la Convention : Page 27 ARTIC
3、LE 8, paragraphe 1 remplacer “cette extension a eu lieu.” par “la prsente Convention stend ce territoire.” (Publication numro 1972.1 1.B) International Legal Conference on Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Substances, 1971 Final Act of the Conference including the text of the adopted Convention Conferenc
4、e juridique internationale de 1971 sur le transport par mer des substances nuclaires Acte final de la Confrence comprenant le texte de la Convention adopte Published on behalf of Publie sous les auspices de International Atomic Energy Agency Agence internationale pour lnergie atomique Inter-Governme
5、ntal Maritime Consultative Organization Organisation intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime European Nuclear Energy Agency of OECD Agence europenne pour lnergie nuclaire de lOCDE 1972 INTERNATIONAL LEGAL CONFERENCE ON MARITIME CARRIAGE OF NUCLEAR SUBSTANCES, 1971 TABLE OF CONTEN
6、TS Page Final Act of the Conference . . . . . . 5 Convention relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage . . . . . 21 of Nuclear Material . . List of persons attending the Conference . . . . 29 . . . . . . 38 Conference Secretariat . 2 CONFERENCE JURIDIQUE INTERNATIONALE DES SUBSTA
7、NCES NUCLEAIRES DE 1971 SUR LE TRANSPORT PAR MER TABLE DES MATIERES Page Acte final de la Confrence . . . . . . 7 Convention relative la responsabilit civile dans le domaine du transport maritime de matires nuclaires . . . . 25 Liste des personnes prsentes la Confrence . . . . 29 3 Secrtariat de la
8、Confrence . . . . . . 39 3 FINAL ACT OF THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL CONFERENCE ON MARITIME CARRIAGE OF NUCLEAR SUBSTANCES, 1971 1. On the basis of decisions and co-operative measures taken in the Inter- Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, the International Atomic Energy Agency and in the Eu
9、ropean Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development a Conference on Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Substances was held in the Palais des Congrs, Brussels at the kind invitation of the Government of Belgium from 29 November to 2 December 197 1. 2. The Governments
10、of the following thirty-eight States were represented by delegations at the Conference: Argentina Mexico Australia Monaco Belgium Netherlands Brazil Norway Canada Panama Costa Rica Portugal Denmark Rom an i a Ecuador Senegal Egypt, Arab Republic of Singapore Federal Republic of Spain Finland Sweden
11、France Switzerland Greece Togo Iraq United Kingdom of Great Italy Britain and Northern Japan Ireland Korea, Republic of United States of America Lebanon Yugoslavia Liberia Zaire, Republic of Malagasy Republic Germany Syrian Arab Republic 3. at the Conference: Observers from the Governments of the fo
12、llowing States were also present Guatemala Turkey India Viet-Nam, Republic of Indonesia 4. The following inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations were represented at the Conference: Inter-Governmental Organizations Council of Europe Council for Mutual Economic Assistance European Econom
13、ic Communities International Institute for the Unification of Private Law Non-Governmental Organizations Baltic and International Maritime Conference Comit Europen des Assurances International Chamber of Commerce International Chamber of Shipping 5 5. Mr. Albert Lilar, Head of the Belgian delegation
14、, was elected President of the Conference. 6. The Conference elected Mr. Z. A. El Sadr (Arab Republic of Egypt), Mr. H. Tanikawa (Japan), Mr. G. Escudero (Ecuador) and Mr. R. Economu (Romania) as Vice-presidents of the Conference. 7. The Secretary-General of the Conference was Mr. Colin Goad (Secret
15、ary- General of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization), the Deputy Secretary-General was Mr. S. Sugihara (Director of the Legal Division of the International Atomic Energy Agency) and the Executive Secretary was Mr. Pierre Stroh1 (Head of the Legal and External Relations Division
16、, European Nuclear Energy Agency). 8. The Conference established the following Committees : Committee of the WhoIe Chairman: Mr. Maurice Lagorce (France) Vice-Chairmen : Mr. Seah Hark Loy (Singapore) Credentials Committee Chairman: Drafting Committee Chairman: Mr. U. Nordenson (Sweden) Mr. J. C. Lan
17、gley (Canada) Mr. G. E. do Nascimento e Silva (Brazil) 9. The Conference based its deliberations on the text of a preamble and a draft article of a proposed Convention together with observations and proposals thereon submitted by governments. In addition the Conference had before it a set of draft f
18、inal clauses together with comments and proposals of governments on those provisions. 10. At the conclusion of the Conference, an expression of sincere gratitude was addressed by it to the Government and people of Belgium for their warm hospitality. 11. As a result of its deliberations, contained in
19、 the records and reports of the Committees and the records of the Plenary sessions, the Conference prepared and opened for signature and accession a Convention relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material. 12. The text of this Final Act, being a single original i
20、n the English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, together with the attached text of the Conven- tion relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material shall be deposited withthe Secretary-General of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization. An of
21、ficial translation of the text of the Convention shall be prepared in the Russian and Spanish languages and shall be deposited together with this Final Act. The Secretary-General shall send a certified copy of this Final Act and, when they have been prepared, a certified copy of each of the official
22、 translations of the Convention to each of the Governments invited to send representatives to the Conference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Representatives of participating States have signed this Final Act. DONE at Brussels this seventeenth day of December, 1971. 6 ACTE FINAL DE LA CONFERENCE JURIDIQUE I
23、NTERNATIONALE DE 1971 SUR LE TRANSPORT PAR MER DES SUBSTANCES NUCLEAIRES 1. A la suite des dcisions et des mesures concertes prises par lOrganisation intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime, lAgence inter- nationale de lnergie atomique et lAgence europenne pour lnergie nuclaire d
24、e lorganisation de coopration et de dveloppement conomiques, une Confrence sur le transport par mer des substances nuclaires sest tenue, du 29 novembre au 2 dcembre 1971, au Palais des Congrs, Bruxelles, sur laimable invitation du Gouvernement de Belgique. 2. Les Gouvernements des trente-huit Etats
25、suivants taient reprsents la Confrence par des dlgations : Argentine Mexique Australie Monaco Belgique Norvge Brsil Panama Canada Pays-Bas Core (Rpublique de) Portugal Costa Rica Rpublique arabe syrienne Danemark Rpublique fdrale Egypte (Rpublique dAllemagne arabe d) Rpublique malgache Equateur Roum
26、anie Espagne Royaume-Uni de Grande- Etats-Unis dAmrique Bretagne et dIrlande Finlande du Nord France Sngal Grce Singapour Irak Sude Italie Suisse Japon Togo Liban Yougoslavie Libria Zare (Rpublique du) 3. Ont galement assist la Confrence, des observateurs des Gouvernements des Etats suivants: Guatem
27、ala Turquie Inde Viet-Nam (Rpublique du) Indonsie 4. Les organisations intergouvernementales et non gouvernementales suivantes taient reprsentes la Confrence: Organisations intergouvernementales Conseil de lEurope Conseil daide conomique mutuelle Communauts conomiques europennes Institut internation
28、al pour lunification du droit priv Orgartisations non gouvernementales Comit europen des assurances Confrence maritime internationale et baltique Chambre de commerce internationale Chambre internationale de la marine marchande 7 5. M. A. Lilar, chef de la dlgation belge, a t lu prsident de la Confre
29、nce. 6. La Confrence a lu M. Z. A. El Sadr (Rpublique arabe dEgypte), M. H. Tanikawa (Japon), M. G. Escudero (Equateur) et M. R. Economu (Roumanie) vice-prsidents de la Confrence. 7. Les fonctions de secrtaire gnral ae la Confrence ont t assures par M. Colin Goad (Secrtaire gnral de lorganisation in
30、tergouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime), celles de secrtaire gnral adjoint par M. S. Sugihara (Directeur de la Division juridique de lAgence internationale de lnergie atomique) et celles de secrtaire excutif par M. P. Stroh1 (Chef de la Division juridique et des relations extrieur
31、es de lAgence europenne pour lnergie nuclaire). 8. La Confrence a tabli les commissions suivantes : M. Maurice Lagorce (France) M. J. C. Langley (Canada) S. E. M. G. E. do Nascimento e Silva (Brsil) M. U. Nordenson (Sude) Commission plnire Prsident : Vice-prsidents : M. Seah Hark Loy (Singapour) Com
32、mission de vriJcation des pouvoirs Prsident : Comit de rdaction Prsident : 9. La Confrence a fond ses travaux sur le texte dun prambule et dun projet darticle de convention, ainsi que sur les observations et propositions soumises A ce sujet par les gouvernements. En outre, la Confrence a t saisie du
33、n projet de clauses finales ainsi que de commentaires et propositions formuls par les gouvernements au sujet de ces dispositions. 10. En concluant ses travaux, la Confrence a exprim sa sincre reconnaissance au Gouvernement et au peuple de Belgique pour leur chaleureuse hospitalit. 11. A lissue de se
34、s dlibrations, qui figurent dans les comptes rendus et les rapports des comits et commissions ainsi que dans les comptes rendus des sances plnires, la Confrence a prpar et ouvert la signature et ladhsion une Convention relative la responsabilit civile dans le domaine du transport maritime de matires
35、 nuclaires. 12. Le texte du prsent Acte final, tabli en un seul exemplaire original dans les langues anglaise, franaise, russe et espagnole et auquel est joint le texte de la Convention relative la responsabilit civile dans le domaine du transport maritime de matires nuclaires, est dpos auprs du Sec
36、rtaire gnral de lorganisation intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime. Des traductions officielles du texte de la Convention seront tablies en langues russe et espagnole et seront dposes avec lActe final. Le Secrtaire gnral de lorganisation intergouvernementale consultative de la
37、 navigation maritime adressera une copie certifie conforme du prsent Acte final et, lorsquelles auront t tablies, des copies certifies conformes des traductions officielles de la Convention chacun des gouvernements invits se faire reprsenter la Confrence. EN FOI DE QUOI, les reprsentants des Etats p
38、articipants ont sign le prsent Acte final. FAIT Bruxelles, le dix-sept dcembre 1971. 8 3AKJIIOYMTEJIbHbI AKT MEZAYHAPOAHOm K)PMAMrIECKOm KOHEPEHqMM II0 MOPCKMM rEPEB03KAM 5IAEPHbIX BEUECTB, 1971 r. 1. Ha OCHOBe PeIIIeHHfi H COJIaCOBaHHbIX MepOIIpHTHfi, IIpHHXTbIX Mem- IIpaBHTeJIbCTBeHHOM MOPCKOG KOH
40、MIO, 6bma npoBeneaa KoHepeHqm no MOPCKHM nepeo3a no 2 gea6pa 1971 r. 6bxn IlpeflCTaBJIeHbI npaBHTeJIbCTBa nopTyranm PCIIJIHKH 3ap CeHerana Cmranypa CHPHCKOM Apa6cxoi PYMbIHHM Pecny6nu BJIHKOHTHHII II CeBepHo COeAHHeHHOO KOpOJIeBCTBa IlpnaHAHH COeAIIHeHHbIX WTaTOB AMepHKH Toro eJJepaTHBHOfi Pecny6na
41、repMamw HHJIXHAHH CDpaHqHIi mseiisapau mBesHH 3KBanopa WrocnaBm %OHHEI 5. IipencenaTeneM KoHaepeHqHH 6b1n 36pa rnaa 6enbrficoG Aeneraqm r-H Arb6ep JIHnap. 6. KOHepeHsHR 36pana: r-Ha 3.A. 3nb Canp (Apa6cax Pecny6na ErHIIeT), -Ha x. TaHHKaB (BIIOHHH), T-Ha r. 3CKyAepO (3KBaAOp) H -Ha P. 3KOHOMY (PYMbI
42、HIISI) 3aMeCTHTeJIRMH npeACeAaTeJIX KoHepeHq however, nothing in this Article shall affect the obligations of the Contracting Parties to the present Convention to non-Contracting States arising under such international Conventions. ARTICLE 5 1. The present Convention shall be opened for signature in
43、 Brussels and shall remain open for signature in London at the Headquarters of the Inter- Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (hereinafter referred to as “the Organization”) until 31 December 1972 and shall thereafter remain open for accession. 2. States Members of the United Nations or
44、any of the Specialized Agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency or Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice may become Parties to the present Convention by : (a) signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval ; (b) signature subject to ratif
45、ication, acceptance or approval followed by (c) accession. 3. Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected by the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General of the Organization. ratification, acceptance or approval; or ARTICLE 6 I. The present Conve
46、ntion shall enter into force on the ninetieth day following the date on which five States have either signed it without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval or have deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with the Secretary-General of the Organizati
47、on. 2. For any State which subsequently signs the present Convention without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval, or deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the Convention shall come into force on the ninetieth day after the date of such signatu
48、re or deposit. 22 ARTICLE 7 1. The present Convention may be denounced by any Contracting Party to it at any time after the date on which the Convention comes into force for that State. 2. Denunciation shall be effected by a notification in writing delivered to the Secretary-General of the Organization. 3. A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the notification, after its receipt by the Secretary-General of the Organization. 4. Notwithstanding a denunciation by a Contracting Party pursuant to thi