1、 Guidelines forthe development ofShipboardmarine pollutionemergencyplans2010 EditionLondon, 2010First published in 1992 asGuidelines for the Development of Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plansby the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRwww.imo.orgThird edition, 20
2、10Printed in the United Kingdom by CPI Books Limited, Reading RG1 8EXISBN 978-92-801-1518-5IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: IB586ECopyright # International Maritime Organization 2010All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any formo
3、r by any means without prior permission in writingfrom the International Maritime Organization.This publication has been prepared from official documents of IMO, and every effort has been made toeliminate errors and reproduce the original text(s) faithfully. Readers should be aware that, in case ofi
4、nconsistency, the official IMO text will prevail.ForewordThe International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,1973, as modified by the Protocols of 1978 and 1997 relating thereto(MARPOL), is the principal instrument established by IMO forpreventing marine pollution. Regulation 37
5、of Annex I of thisConvention requires that every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage andabove and every ship other than an oil tanker of 400 tons gross tonnageand above carry on board a shipboard oil pollution emergency planapproved by the Administration. It is pertinent to note that MARPOL wasamen
6、ded to include the above-mentioned regulation 37 of Annex I as aconsequence of article 3(1)(a) of the International Convention on OilPollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC), 1990. ThisConvention contains a requirement that certain ships have on board ashipboard oil pollution emergen
7、cy plan. The shipboard plan requiredunder regulation 37 of Annex I of MARPOL is the same shipboard oilpollution emergency plan that is required under article 3(1)(a) of theOPRC Convention.Regulation 17 of Annex II of MARPOL requires that every ship of150 tons gross tonnage and above certified to car
8、ry noxious liquidsubstances in bulk carry on board a shipboard marine pollution emergencyplan for noxious liquid substances approved by the Administration. Ashipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substancesmay be combined with a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan, sincemost
9、 of their contents are the same and one combined plan on board ismore practical than two separate plans in case of an emergency. In this casethe title of such a combined plan should be Shipboard marine pollutionemergency plan in order to distinguish it from a shipboard marinepollution emergency plan
10、 for noxious liquid substances and a shipboard oilpollution emergency plan. Both regulation 37 of Annex I and regulation17 of Annex II require that the plans be in accordance with guidelinesdeveloped by IMO.The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) at its 32ndsession adopted Guidelines for
11、the development of shipboard oil pollutionemergency plans by resolution MEPC.54(32) to meet the requirements ofregulation 37 of Annex I. At its 44th session, it prepared Guidelines for thedevelopment of shipboard marine pollution emergency plans to meet theiiirequirements of regulation 37 of Annex I
12、 and/or regulation 17 of Annex IIon the basis of the guidelines for oil (resolution MEPC.85(44).As a result of this review, amendments to the Guidelines for thedevelopment of shipboard oil pollution emergency plans were alsoprepared by the MEPC at the same session to ensure uniform applicationof the
13、se regulations and guidelines (resolution MEPC.86(44). It ispertinent to note that shipboard oil pollution emergency plans approvedby an Administration for oil tankers of 150 tons gross tonnage and aboveand ships other than oil tankers of 400 tons gross tonnage and above inaccordance with the Guidel
14、ines for the development of shipboard oilpollution emergency plans adopted by resolution MEPC.54(32) need notbe modified in accordance with either these Guidelines or the Guidelinesfor the development of shipboard marine pollution emergency plans for oiland/or noxious liquid substances adopted by re
15、solution MEPC.85(44).Further amendments to the Guidelines for the devleopment of shipboardmarine pollution emergency plans for oil and/or noxious liquid substanceswere introduced by the Marine Environment Protection Committee at its53rd session in order to reflect changes arising from revisions toMA
16、RPOL which entered into force on 1 January 2007. In the lattercontext, in accordance with MEPC/Circ.421, updated regulationnumbers for MARPOL Annex I have also now been incorporated intothe Guidelines for the development of shipboard oil pollution emergencyplans as set out in this edition.Under the
17、provisions of article 5 of the 1973 MARPOL Convention, aship is required to hold a certificate in accordance with the provisions ofregulations and, while in the ports or offshore terminals under thejurisdiction of a Party, is subject to inspection by officers duly authorizedby that Party. In this co
18、ntext, the carriage of an appropriate shipboardmarine pollution emergency plan should also be subject to suchinspection.These Guidelines contain information for the preparation of shipboardmarine pollution emergency plans.The main objectives of these Guidelines are:. to assist shipowners in preparin
19、g shipboard marine pollutionemergency plans in conformity with the cited regulations; and. to assist Governments in developing and enacting domestic lawswhich give force to and implement the cited regulations.In the interest of uniformity, Governments are requested to refer to theseGuidelines when p
20、reparing appropriate national regulations.ivForewordContentsPageGuidelines for the development of shipboardoil pollution emergency plansSection 1 Introduction . 1Section 2 Mandatory provisions of regulation 37of Annex I of the Convention 3Section 3 Non-mandatory provisions . . . 11Appendix I: Additi
21、onal references for the developmentof shipboard oil pollution emergency plans 14Appendix II: Example format for shipboard oil pollutionemergency plan . . . 15Guidelines for the development of shipboardmarine pollution emergency plans for oiland/or noxious liquid substancesSection 1 Introduction . 25
22、Section 2 Mandatory provisions of regulation 37of Annex I and regulation 17 of Annex IIto the Convention 27Section 3 Non-mandatory provisions . . . 36Appendix I: Additional references for the developmentof shipboard marine pollution emergency plans . 39Appendix II: Example format for a shipboard mar
23、inepollution emergency plan (for oil and/or noxiousliquid substances) . . 42AppendixResolution MEPC.54(32) . 53Resolution MEPC.86(44) . 54viiPageAnnex I of MARPOL, as amended:Regulation 37 Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan . . 55Unified interpretation of regulation 37.I . . 57MEPC/Circ.421 . .
24、58Resolution MEPC.85(44) . 59Annex II of MARPOL as amended:Regulation 17 Shipboard marine pollution emergencyplan for noxious liquid substances . . 60Resolution MEPC.137(53) 61viiiContentsGuidelines for the development ofSHIPBOARD OIL POLLUTIONEMERGENCY PLANS1 INTRODUCTION1.1 These Guidelines*have b
25、een developed to assist with thepreparation of the shipboard oil pollution emergency plans (hereinafterreferred to as the Plan(s) that are required by regulation 37 of Annex Iof the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution fromShips, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating
26、 thereto, asamended (MARPOL) (hereinafter referred to as the Convention). ThePlan must be approved in accordance with this regulation.1.2 The Guidelines comprise three primary sections:.1 Introduction: this section provides a general overview of thesubject-matter and introduces the reader to the bas
27、ic conceptof the Guidelines and the Plans that are expected to bedeveloped from them.2 Mandatory provisions: this section provides guidance to ensurethat the mandatory provisions of regulation 37 of Annex I ofthe Convention are met.3 Non-mandatory provisions: this section provides guidanceconcerning
28、 the inclusion of other information in the Plan.This information, although not required by regulation 37 ofAnnex I of MARPOL, may be required by local authorities inports visited by the ship, or it may be added to provideadditional assistance to the ships master when responding toan emergency situat
29、ion. This section also provides guidance onupdating and application of the Plan.*The Guidelines for the development of shipboard oil pollution emergency plans comprisethe annex to resolution MEPC.54(32), as amended by resolution MEPC.86(44). The text ofboth these resolutions is reproduced in the app
30、endix to this publication. In accordance withMEPC/Circ.421, updated regulation numbers have been incorporated throughout the text inline with the changes arising from revisions to MARPOL which entered into force on1 January 2007.11.3 Concept of the Guidelines: the Guidelines are intended to providea
31、 starting point for the preparation of the Plans for specific ships. Thebroad spectrum of ships for which Plans are required makes it impracticalto provide specific guidelines for each ship type. Plan writers are cautionedthat they must consider in their Plans the many variables that apply to theirs
32、hips. Some of these variables include: type and size of ship, cargo, routeand shore-based management structure. The Guidelines are not intendedto be a compilation of menu items from which the Plan writer can selectcertain sections and produce a workable Plan. For a Plan to be effectiveand to comply
33、with regulation 37 of Annex I of the Convention, it mustbe carefully tailored to the particular ship for which it is intended. Properlyused, the Guidelines will ensure that all appropriate issues are consideredin developing the Plan.1.4 Concept of the Plan: the Plan is available to assist personnel
34、indealing with an unexpected discharge of oil. Its primary purpose is to set inmotion the necessary actions to stop or minimize the discharge and tomitigate its effects. Effective planning ensures that the necessary actions aretaken in a structured, logical, safe and timely manner.1.4.1 The Plan mus
35、t go beyond providing for operational spills. It mustinclude guidance to assist the master in meeting the demands of acatastrophic discharge, should the ship become involved in one.1.4.2 The need for a predetermined and properly structured Plan is clearwhen one considers the pressures and multiple t
36、asks facing personnelconfronted with an emergency situation. In the heat of the moment, lackof planning will often result in confusion, mistakes and failure to advisekey people. Delays will be incurred and time will be wasted; time duringwhich the situation may well worsen. As a consequence, the shi
37、p and itspersonnel may be exposed to increasing hazards and greater environmentaldamage may occur.1.4.3 For the Plan to accomplish its purpose, it must be:.1 realistic, practical and easy to use;.2 understood by ship management personnel, both on board andashore;.3 evaluated, reviewed and updated re
38、gularly.1.4.4 The Plan envisioned by regulation 37 of Annex I to theConvention is intended to be a simple document. Use of summarizingflow charts or checklists to guide the master through the various actionsand decisions required during an incident response is highly encouraged.These can provide a q
39、uickly visible and logically sequenced form of2Shipboard oil pollution emergency plans (SOPEPs)information which can reduce error and oversight during emergencysituations. Inclusion of extensive background information on the ship,cargo, etc., should be avoided as this is generally available elsewher
40、e. Ifsuch information is relevant, it should be kept in annexes where it will notdilute the ability of ships personnel to locate operative parts of the Plan.1.4.5 An example of a summarizing flow chart referred to in paragraph1.4.4 is included in the example format for shipboard oil pollutionemergen
41、cy plan at appendix II.1.4.6 The Plan is likely to be a document used on board by the masterand officers of the ship. It must therefore be available in a workinglanguage or languages understood by the master and officers. A change inthe master and officers which brings about an attendant change in t
42、heirworking language or languages understood would require the issuance ofthe Plan in the new languages.1.4.7 The Plan should clearly underline the following: withoutinterfering with shipowners liability, some coastal States consider that itis their responsibility to define techniques and means to b
43、e taken against anoil pollution incident and approve such operations which might causefurther pollution, i.e., lightening. States are in general entitled to do sounder the International Convention relating to Intervention on the HighSeas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, 1969 (Intervention Conve
44、ntion).2 MANDATORY PROVISIONS OF REGULATION 37 OFANNEX I TO THE CONVENTION2.1 This section provides individual guidelines for each of the fourmandatory provisions of regulation 37 of Annex I to the Convention.2.2 Regulation 37 of Annex I to the Convention provides that the Planshall consist at least
45、 of:(a) the procedure to be followed by the master or other personshaving charge of the ship to report an oil pollution incident, asrequired in article 8 and Protocol I of the present Convention,*based on guidelines developed by the Organization;2 Mandatory provisions of regulation 37 of Annex I*i.e
46、., MARPOL.Refer to the General principles for ship reporting systems and ship reporting requirements,including Guidelines for reporting incidents involving dangerous goods, harmful substancesand/or marine pollutants adopted by the Organization by resolution A.851(20), as amendedby resolution MEPC.13
47、8(53). For ease of reference, see the IMO publication ProvisionsConcerning the Reporting of Incidents Involving Harmful Substances under MARPOL.3(b) the list of authorities or persons to be contacted in the event ofan oil pollution incident;(c) a detailed description of the action to be taken immedi
48、ately bypersons on board to reduce or control the discharge of oilfollowing the incident; and(d) the procedures and point of contact on the ship for co-ordinating shipboard activities with national and local autho-rities in combating the pollution.2.3 The coastal State report: article 8 and Protocol
49、 I of the Conventionrequire that the nearest coastal State be notified of actual or probabledischarges. The intent of this requirement is to ensure that coastal Statesare informed without delay of any incident giving rise to pollution, orthreat of pollution, of the marine environment, as well as of assistance andsalvage measures, so that appropriate action may be taken.2.3.1 When required: the Plan should provide clear, concise guidance toenable the master to determin