ITU-R M 1168-1997 Framework of International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000)《框架支持服务的国际移动通信-2000(IMT- 2 000标准)》.pdf

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ITU-R M 1168-1997 Framework of International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000)《框架支持服务的国际移动通信-2000(IMT- 2 000标准)》.pdf_第1页
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1、STD-ITU-R RECMN M=1168-ENGL 1997 W 9855212 0532557 111 W Rec . ITU-R M.1168 265 RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.1168 FRAMEWORK OF INTERNATIONAL MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS-2000 (IMT-2000) (Question IT-R 39/8) (1995) CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Scope 3 Structure of the Recommendation 4 Related documents . 5 Defin

2、itions 6 Considerations 7 Recommendations 7.1 7.2 Recommendations for IMT-2000 management standardization . 7.1.1 Objectives . General requirements for IMT-2000 management 7.1.2 Service quality Service and business areas Subscriber and user a

3、dministration . Charging and billing . Inter-operator accounting Service management . Security management area Performance monitoring area System configuration aTea . Maintenance area Pro-active maintenance . Detectiodlocalizatiodisolation of failure

4、s . Reactive maintenance . Principles an - IMT-2000 are defined by a set of interdependent ITU Recommendations of which this one is a member. This Recommendation forms part of the requirements for specifying the radio interfaces of IMT-2000. IMT-2000 will operate in the worldwide bands ide

5、ntified by Radio Regulations Provision No. 746A (1 885-2 025 MHz and 2 110-2200 MHz, with the satellite component limited to 1 980-2 O10 MHz and 2 170-2 200 MHz). The subject matter of IMT-2000 is complex and its representation in the form of a Recommendation is evolving, To maintain the pace of pro

6、gress on the subject it is necessary to produce a sequence of Recommendations on a variety of aspects. The Recommendations suive to avoid apparent conflicts between themselves. Nevertheless, future Recommendations, or revisions, will be used to resolve any discrepancies. IMT-2000 management is consi

7、dered as providing the various functions necessary for planning, provisioning, installation, operation, maintenance, administration and customer services. To provide such functions, a service-specific network which permits the exchange and processing of management information between IMT-2000 equipm

8、ent andor operations systems is needed. This network could be established based on the TMN concept. TMN has been studied in the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) which has developed the philosophy and concept of TMN and made some TMN relevant Recommendations i. The basic concept b

9、ehind TMN is to provide an organized architecture to achieve the interconnection between various types of operation systems and telecommunications equipment for the exchange of management information using an agreed architecture with standardized interfaces. high degree of commonality of design worl

10、dwide; compatibility of services within IMT-2000 and with the fixed networks; use of a small pocket-terminal with worldwide roaming capability. 2 Scope The purpose of this Recommendation is to present the conceptual and methodological framework for the definition of the management of IMT-2000. The m

11、ethodology described in ITU-T Recommendation M.3020 2 is used to define management requirements, management services, management functions, information models, and management protocols related to the management of IMT-2000. This framework is the initial Recommendation on IMT-2000 management and iden

12、tifies objectives for IMT-2000 management, and provides guidelines for the specification of Recommendations on IMT-2000 management, particularly a TMN management service on IMT-2000. Other Recommendations on IMT-2000 management will be produced by ITU in the near future. 3 Structure of the Recommend

13、ation Section 4 of this Recommendation, provides a list of related documents. In 0 5, a list of definitions commonly used throughout this Recommendation is given. Section 6 states the considerations that have been taken into account in the creation of this Recommendation. Section 7 identifies object

14、ives for IMT-2000 management standardization, general requirements for IMT-2000 management, and provides principles for the specification of IMT-2000 management Recommendations, particularly the TMN management service on IMT-2000. Annex 1 discusses the application of TMN concept to IMT-2000 manageme

15、nt. Annex 2 records details which should be used to produce the future Recommen- dations on IMT-2000 management. COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU RadiocommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTDmITU-R RECMN M-LLbd-ENGL 3797 9855232 0532557 T9q D Rec. ITU-R M.1168 2

16、67 4 Related documents The following ITU-R and ITU-T Recommendations are related to this Recommendation: ITU-T Recommendation M.301 O - Frinciple for a Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) IT-T Recommendation M.3020 - TMN Interface Specification Methodology Recommendation IT-R M.8 17 - Intern

17、ational Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000). Network Architectures Recommendation ITU-R M.8 18 - Satellite Operation within International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) ITU-T Recommendation M.3200 - TMN Management Services: Overview TITU-T Recommendation M.3100 - Generic Network Inf

18、ormation Model IT-T Recommendation M.3400 - TMN Application Functions Recommendation ITU-R M.687 - International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) Recommendation ITU-R M.816 - Framework for Services Supported on International Mobile Telecommuni- cations-2000 (IMT-2ooO) Recommendation ITU-R M

19、. 1078 - security Principles for International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) Recommendation ITU-R M. 1034 - Requirements for the Radio Interface(s) for International Mobile Telecom- munications-2000 (IMT-2ooO) Recommendation ITU-R M.1035 - Framework for the Radio Interface) and Radio Sub

20、system Functionality for International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) Recommendation ITU-R M. 1079 - Speech and Voiceband Data Performance Requirements for International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000). Definitions The following abbreviations are used in this Recommendation: B-I

21、SDN: BS: CCCH: GDMO: GOS: IN: ISDN: MF: MS: MSC: NEF O b) IMT-2000, in order to provide telecommunication services to users with a certain level of quality; the importance to ensure the integrity, the configuration flexibility and the resource status monitoring of c) technology advancements, as well

22、 as different applications; the importance to provide an open architecture for IMT-2000 which will permit the easy introduction of d) that the mobility will be unrestricted in terms of location within the radio coverage area; e) that IMT-2000 will support WT; f) that management capabilities can vary

23、 in complexity from a very simple connection between an OS and a single piece of telecommunications equipment to a complex network interconnecting many different types of OSs and telecommunications equipment; g) stand-alone network; that IMT-2000 management may extend beyond the traditional operatio

24、ns and maintenance activities of a h) different countries or the same country; j) k) satisfy organizational, security, functional, naming, and communications requirements; 1) services (e.g. other mobile networks, ISDNB-ISDN, PSTN, UPT) must be addressed; that there is a need to support global termin

25、al mobility among public mobile telecommunication networks in that exchange of appropriate management information among IMT-2000 operators is necessary; that an effective and accurate exchange of management information among operators implies the needs to that the inter-operation between IMT-2000 an

26、d a wide range of existing or future partner networks and m) n) 0) P) systems; 4) the need to allow the cost effective introduction and implementation of IMT-2000; the existing work and results from other standards organizations on system management; the need for IMT-2000 management Recommendations;

27、 the importance of using management techniques for IMT-2000 which are consistent with those used in other the importance of an evolutionary approach towards IMT-2000, COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU RadiocommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTDmITU-R RECMN M-Ll

28、b8-ENGL 1997 = 4855212 05325bL b42 Rec. ITU-R M.1168 269 recommends 1 to specify IMT-2000 management according to the framework given in 0 7. 7 Recommendations 7.1 Recommendations for IMT-2000 management standardization 7.1.1 Objectives IMT-2000 management should be defined in compliance with the fo

29、llowing objectives: To provide a management architecture, in order to support a multi-vendor IMT-2000 environment. To define management information to be exchanged across standardized interfaces in terms of OS1 model. measurements, etc. NOTE 1 - This would enable an I

30、MT-2000 operator to make comparisons with its service quality criteria and objectives. To support the capability of controlling IMT-2000 itself as far as possible. To address the management and assessment of system performance and operation through the use of To improve service assistance an

31、d interaction with customers. non-IMT-2000 systems. To address a flexible billing and accounting administration, so as to support charging across IMT-2000 and To support the capability of geographical dispersion of control functions. To provide common methods for the provisio

32、ning of IMT-2000 services by IMT-2000 management. to simplify maintenance interventions. To provide the capability to report events and reaction in a common way, in order to enable remote control and To minimize the complexity of IMT-2000 management. To minimize the load ca

33、used by management traffic when the telecommunications network is used to carry it. To define methods and control to be employed to effect as quick as possible set up and changes to the system. NOTE 2 - This would enable a safe, continuing extension and enhancement of offered IMT-2000 servi

34、ces. To enable the support and control of a growing number of resources. This would allow the system to start from a small and simple configuration and to grow as needed both in size and complexity. To support the system to be configured for the condition of not only a high traffic

35、 area but also a low traffic area, e.g. rural remote area. To allow for enough flexibility in the configuration of the system such that particular IMT-2000 operator requirements concerning the availability of IMT-2000 services may be met. To address the convergence of IMT-2000 mana

36、gement for the operation of terresmal and satellite components of IMT-2000. To allow also the management of IMT-2000 radio-connected “infrastructure” (e.g. mobile base stations). To address interworking between IMT-2000 operators, whether public or private, covering overlapping or

37、adjacent areas. NOTE 3 -This will allow IMT-2000 services provision by more than one operator in any area of coverage, and a continuity of service between IMT-2000 environments. COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU RadiocommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling Services - - STD-

38、ITU-R RECMN M=LLb8-ENGL 1997 M 4855232 0532.562 589 270 Rec. ITU-R M.1168 To specify standards to support the exchange of necessary and/or desirable management information between IMT-2000 operators, whether public or private. NOTE 4 - This would support inter-operators roaming from mobile

39、users. To reuse the existing relevant standardization work on management of PLMN, IN, ISDNB-ISDN, etc. already carried out by other standardization bodies. To address IMT-2000 interworking with a wide range of existing or future partner networks and services such as other mobile ne

40、tworks, ISDN, B-ISDN, PSTN, UPT. To support and control the management of the security aspects in IMT-2000 such as cryptographic key administration and access control management. To take account of existing and developing mobile telecommunication networks and systems that may wish

41、to evolve towards IMT-2000. 7.1.2 The objectives for IMT-2000 management must now be analysed from different viewpoints (e.g. service quality aspects, management functional areas) to identify general requirements for IMT-2000 management. NOTE 1 - IMT-2000 operator refers to an IMT-2ooO network opera

42、tor or an IMT-2OOO service provider or to both of them, according to how the responsibility is shared between the network operator and the service provider. NOTE 2 - A direct assignment of O to monitor the service quality; to be able to recognize the different kinds of terminal; to support handover

43、between networks while maintaining the appropriate quality; to support the demand of users to communicate in every network with the appropriate service quality; to support the functionality to indicate degraded service quality to the user/terminal; to cooperate on service quality issues with other n

44、etwork management systems. Service and business areas This section provides the general IMT-2000 management requirements, from an IMT-2000 operator point of view, for the following aspects: - subscriber and user administration; - - - service management. charging and billing (e.g. collection

45、of charges from subscribers); inter-operator accounting (e.g. collection of charges from other operators); Subscriber and user administration IMT-2000 management should include the management functions associated with the administration of data (possibly distributed over several databases)

46、, related to the provision of IMT-2000 services to subscribers and users. The use of a unique user identification and of a unique equipment identification needs to be foreseen. Every user is associated with a subscription. Every subscription is associated with a service provider. COPYRIGHT Internati

47、onal Telecommunications Union/ITU RadiocommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesRec. IT-R M.1168 271 Charging and billing In IMT-2000 there will exist different possibilities to charge for calls: a) Normal case In this case usage records are created by the network operators.

48、These usage records will be collected by the appropriate service providers for billing. b) Hot billing er the call (credit card callings) In this case the network operator bills the credit card agency for the call after collection of all relevant usage records. c) Hot billing during the call (prepai

49、d cards or cash) In this case the network operator deducts units from the prepayment while the call is in progress. IMT-2000 management should provide the means to apply proper charging according to cases a) to c). Usage records are transferred to the service provider of the involved users. Originating, transit and terminating IMT-2000 operators should be able to do usage metering. Usage metering of network resources for the purpose of billing shall be the responsibility of the network operator. IMT-2000 management should enable IMT-2OOO operators to register certain kinds

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