ITU-R M 828-2-2006 Definition of availability for radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite service《移动卫星业务中电波通信电路可用性定义》.pdf

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ITU-R M 828-2-2006 Definition of availability for radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite service《移动卫星业务中电波通信电路可用性定义》.pdf_第1页
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ITU-R M 828-2-2006 Definition of availability for radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite service《移动卫星业务中电波通信电路可用性定义》.pdf_第2页
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ITU-R M 828-2-2006 Definition of availability for radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite service《移动卫星业务中电波通信电路可用性定义》.pdf_第3页
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ITU-R M 828-2-2006 Definition of availability for radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite service《移动卫星业务中电波通信电路可用性定义》.pdf_第4页
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ITU-R M 828-2-2006 Definition of availability for radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite service《移动卫星业务中电波通信电路可用性定义》.pdf_第5页
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1、 Rec. ITU-R M.828-2 1 RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.828-2*Definition of availability for radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite service (Question ITU-R 85/8) (1992-1994-2006) Scope This Recommendation defines the temporal availability for radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite ser

2、vice (MSS) to provide a guide to designers and planners, as well as to provide a basis for interference criteria. The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that the availability of radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite service (MSS) needs to be defined as a guide to designers

3、 and planners and in order to provide a basis for interference criteria; b) that the approach used to define availability in the fixed-satellite service is not applicable to radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite services because, inter alia, the MSS circuits are generally established o

4、n a demand assignment basis; c) that the service link availability depends inter alia on the mobile earth station (MES) location, at the time a radiocommunications circuit is sought and for the duration of the communication; d) that sometimes different system components are utilized for system acces

5、s and for communications; e) that the equipment availability (including the space station) is dependent on reliability, performance and maintainability; f) that the availability of radiocommunication circuits is determined by the combined effects of equipment and propagation availability, recommends

6、 1 that the overall availability of radiocommunications circuits should be defined in terms of access availability and communications availability by using as a basis the availability of the components (see Note 1) comprising the access channel and the radiocommunication circuits as follows: space s

7、tation; feeder-link radio path and service-link radio path under line-of-sight conditions (see Note 2) and, earth stations (land earth stations (LES), mobile earth stations (MES) and other related earth stations should be included); *This Recommendation should be brought to the attention of the Tele

8、communication Standardization Sector (Study Groups 12 and 13). 2 Rec. ITU-R M.828-2 2 that the availability of radiocommunication circuits in the mobile-satellite services should be defined by the following formula: Availability = (100 Unavailability)(%) where unavailability represents the cumulativ

9、e percentages of time of circuit interruption caused by all the components. In the mobile-satellite systems, unavailability is approximately represented by the following formula (see Note 3): Unavailability = Unavailability (space station) + Unavailability (radio path) + Unavailability (earth statio

10、n) (see Note 4) where unavailability of each component is calculated by the formula: Unavailability (component)(%) = (100 Availability (component)(%). Availability (component) represents the availability of each component and is calculated by the following formula: %100)timeoperatingscheduled(on)int

11、errupticircuit ofduration ( time)operating (scheduledcomponent =A where the scheduled operating time of the components is defined as the period of time during which the user requires a circuit to be in a condition to perform a required function at a specified level of performance; and the duration o

12、f circuit interruption is defined as the period of time during which a communication circuit experiences one of the following conditions for more than 10 consecutive seconds. (A period of circuit interruption begins when one of the following conditions persists for a period of 10 consecutive seconds

13、. Circuit unavailability begins at the beginning of this corrupted 10 s interval. The period of circuit interruption time terminates when the same condition ceases for a period of 10 consecutive seconds. Circuit availability resumes at the beginning of this non-interrupted 10 s interval): the radioc

14、ommunication circuit cannot be established; the wanted signal entering one end of the channel is not received at the other end; for an analogue-type circuit, the unweighted subjectively equivalent noise power in the hypothetical telephone reference circuit (HTRC) (Recommendation ITU-R M.547) exceeds

15、 a defined limit; for a digital-type circuit, an information bit error ratio (BER) in the appropriate hypothetical reference digital path (HRDP) (Recommendation ITU-R M.827) worse than a defined limit occurs; 3 that when determining the appropriate system components to be included in the definition

16、of availability, the guidance in Annex 1 to this Recommendation should be referred to; 4 that the following Notes should be regarded as part of this Recommendation. NOTE 1 Component refers to either a single component or an ensemble of components in a redundancy configuration. NOTE 2 Line-of-sight c

17、onditions should include ionospheric, tropospheric events and multipath fading. Persistent, heavy shadowing should, in general, be excluded from the requirement but it should be considered in designing the system. In the case of the land mobile-satellite service (LMSS), light shadowing due to trees

18、and foliage etc. should be included in the calculation of the availability. Rec. ITU-R M.828-2 3 NOTE 3 The availabilities for the space station, earth stations and radio path are assumed to be statistically independent. NOTE 4 MES, LES and other related earth stations should be included. NOTE 5 Thi

19、s Recommendation does not apply to the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service (AMS(R)S). AMS(R)S circuit availability is an area for further study. Annex 1 Availability of radiocommunication circuits in the MSS 1 Introduction The availability of radiocommunication circuits in the MSS needs to be

20、defined in order to provide guidance to system planners and equipment manufacturers, and thus to provide an adequate standard of service to the user. In deriving a suggested philosophy for availability criteria, differences between the MSS and the FSS are identified. However, it is considered that t

21、he concept of availability for the MSS should, as far as possible, be compatible with similar concepts adopted for the fixed-satellite service and for radio-relay systems. The approach adopted in this Recommendation is to consider only those factors which can be accommodated by adequate system plann

22、ing, equipment design and maintenance procedures. 2 General definitions and philosophy 2.1 Definition of circuit availability The availability of radiocommunication circuits in the MSS will depend on the availability objectives set for each component part of the circuit. In this Recommendation, cons

23、ideration is given to availability objectives for the space sector, earth-station equipment and auxiliary functions, and for the radio paths between satellite and earth stations. The overall availability of the radiocommunication circuit is thus determined. In the MSS, circuit availability, A, can b

24、e derived from the duration and rate of occurrence of interruptions to the component parts of the circuit, and can be defined as follows: ()%100=time) operating(scheduledon)interrupticircuitof (duration time) operating(scheduledA where the scheduled operating time of the components is defined as the

25、 period of time during which the user requires a circuit to be in a condition to perform a required function at a specified level of performance; and the duration of circuit interruption is defined as the period of time during which a communication circuit experiences one of the following conditions

26、 for more than 10 consecutive seconds. (A period of circuit interruption begins when one of the following conditions persists for a period of 10 consecutive seconds. Circuit unavailability begins at the beginning of this corrupted 4 Rec. ITU-R M.828-2 10 s interval. The period of circuit interruptio

27、n time terminates when the same condition ceases for a period of 10 consecutive seconds. Circuit availability resumes at the beginning of this non-interrupted 10 s interval): the radiocommunication circuit cannot be established; the wanted signal entering one end of the channel is not received at th

28、e other end; for an analogue-type circuit, the unweighted subjectively equivalent noise power in the hypothetical telephone reference circuit (HTRC) (Recommendation ITU-R M.547) exceeds a defined limit; for a digital-type circuit, an information BER in the appropriate HRDP (Recommendation ITU-R M.82

29、7) worse than a defined limit occurs. When the concept of availability is applied to individual component parts of a circuit, and in particular to equipment at LES and MES, the definition of availability for these component parts (A) may be written in terms of mean-time-between-failure (MTBF) and me

30、an-time-to-repair (MTTR), as follows: (%)100+=MTTR MTBF MTBF A (1) When considering the availability of telephone circuits, use can be made of the HRDP (see for example Recommendation ITU-R M.827). The time for which a radiocommunication circuit is said to be unavailable should include delays in set

31、ting up the call arising from failures in the satellite signalling system.1Failures in the LES-to-MES signalling channel, the MES-to-LES random access channel or, where appropriate, the LES-to-LES signalling channel, due to adverse propagation conditions on the radio paths may result in a failed cal

32、l. 2.2 Definition of interruption The following sections give definitions of interruption for telephony and telegraphy. In view of the differing nature of these services, different availability criteria may be required for them, and his should be the subject of further study. Interruptions to data c

33、hannels are also considered below. 2.2.1 Telephony The following definition for interruption to telephony circuits in the MSS is consistent with that proposed for FSS: A telephone circuit in the MSS should be considered to be interrupted if a channel experiences one of the following conditions for m

34、ore than 10 consecutive seconds: the wanted signal entering one end of the channel is not received at the other end, for analogue transmission, the unweighted subjectively equivalent noise power in the telephone channel exceeds 106pW0p. for digital transmissions a channel BER worse than 102occurs. F

35、urther information on the availability of telephony circuits can be found in ITU-T Recommendation G.821. 1Note signalling channels should be designed to have a very high reliability such that signalling outage effects are insignificant compared to other possible causes of interruptions to radiocommu

36、nication circuits. Rec. ITU-R M.828-2 5 2.2.2 Telegraphy The following definition for interruption to telegraphy circuits has also been suggested: A telex circuit in the MSS should be considered to be interrupted if N character errors are detected in a time interval less than 1.5 N s, where N is bet

37、ween 10 and 20. This definition is considered to provide for sufficient measurement time and accuracy, and to take account of character error rates of the order of one error in ten characters, In practice, a fade of 5 to 6 dB in the radio path is considered by coast earth station operators to repres

38、ent an interruption. Persistent occurrences of such an interruption will cause the LES operator to shift the traffic to a reserve carrier. 2.2.3 Data The definition of interruption will depend on the bit rate adopted for the service, the required error rate and the distribution of the errors. The av

39、ailability of data channels requires further study. 2.2.4 System element outages The following are definitions of system element outages that may result in interruption of a service: Space segment outage Any interruption of more than 10 consecutive seconds directly attributable to the operational sa

40、tellite. Network control station outage Any interruption of the vital network control functions, such as loss of call processing capability, of more than 10 consecutive seconds, affecting the LES. Network outage Any interruption of services of more than 10 consecutive seconds affecting all LESs in a

41、n ocean region caused by adverse propagation phenomena or interfering signals on any of the automatic frequency compensation (AFC) channels, request channels, LES TDM frequencies or on the common TDM frequency. Coast earth station outage Any complete loss of all telephone channels, or all telex chan

42、nels, or of both, of more than 10 consecutive seconds, or a corresponding loss of call processing capability of more than 1 min that is directly attributable to the coast earth station. 2.3 Scheduled operating time Availability criteria proposed for the FSS apply to the availability of full-time cir

43、cuits (telephony and television), where the scheduled operating time is the same as the calendar time. In the maritime MSS the shore-to-ship telegraphy/signalling channels will be operated on a full-time basis in that the carriers will be permanently activated, but telephony channels and the telegra

44、phy/signalling channels transmitted by MESs will only be activated for the duration of the call. Equipment availability at LES and MES is not affected significantly by the inherently demand-assigned nature of the MSS (compared to the availability of essentially the same equipment operating with perm

45、anently activated carriers). Hence the scheduled operating time is equated to calendar time for all equipment. 6 Rec. ITU-R M.828-2 2.4 Factors affecting availability The overall availability of circuits in the MSS will depend on the availability criteria adopted for the following: Space sector, inc

46、luding satellite equipment, the effects of satellite manoeuvres and the provision of spare satellites; Land earth station equipment, including the effects of natural phenomena on equipment performance (e.g. sun interference and natural disasters), and the effects of human error; Mobile earth station

47、 equipment, including the effects of natural phenomena on equipment performance (e.g. sun interference and environmental conditions), and the effects of human error: Auxiliary functions, such as might be performed by control land earth stations (e.g. frequency control, power control and channel assi

48、gnment); Forward and return RF links, in particular the effects of attenuation and excess noise due to precipitation, the effects of multipath fading and the effects of interference such as might arise from terrestrial and space services. Despite this, in determining realistic availability objective

49、s, it would not be practicable to take account of all the above eventualities. 2.5 Influence of natural or extreme phenomena For the purpose of this Recommendation interruptions are classified as follows: Predicted interruptions: either interruptions to correct non-catastrophic failures which may be planned to occur at some time and which can be tolerated for relatively short periods (e.g. equipment faults, propagation fading), or scheduled interruptions which are known to occur at specific times (e.g. certain types of prev


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