1、Op. ITU-R 15-3 OPINION ITU-R 15-3 1 BROADCASTING IN THE 26 MHz BAND (1953-1966-1970-1974) The CCIR. CONSIDERING (a) that it is important that long-distance broadcasting should use all frequency bands available to it; (6) carried out efficiently during daylight hours, over many routes, at frequencies
2、 within the 26 MHz broadcasting band; that when the smoothed relative sunspot number reaches 70, long-distance broadcast transmissions can be (e) that these frequencies are seldom used; (4 because of the very low atmospheric-noise intensity and the low absorption, that such transmissions on these fr
3、equencies, whenever they are possible, are particularly advantageous, IS UNANIMOUSLY OF THE OPINION 1. band for long-distance terrestrial broadcasting when ionospheric conditions are favourable; that administrations should bring to the notice of broadcasting organizations the advantages of the 26 MHz 2. their products to permit reception in the 26 MHz band. that receiver manufacturers be informed of these possibilities and encouraged to extend the tuning range of