ITU-R P 1238-9-2017 Propagation data and prediction methods for the planning of indoor radiocommunication systems and radio local area networks in the frequency range 300 MHz to 10.pdf

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1、 Recommendation ITU-R P.1238-9 (06/2017) Propagation data and prediction methods for the planning of indoor radiocommunication systems and radio local area networks in the frequency range 300 MHz to 100 GHz P Series Radiowave propagation ii Rec. ITU-R P.1238-9 Foreword The role of the Radiocommunica

2、tion Sector is to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, including satellite services, and carry out studies without limit of frequency range on the basis of which Recommendations are adopted. The regulatory an

3、d policy functions of the Radiocommunication Sector are performed by World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences and Radiocommunication Assemblies supported by Study Groups. Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ITU-R policy on IPR is described in the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R

4、/ISO/IEC referenced in Annex 1 of Resolution ITU-R 1. Forms to be used for the submission of patent statements and licensing declarations by patent holders are available from http:/ where the Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO

5、/IEC and the ITU-R patent information database can also be found. Series of ITU-R Recommendations (Also available online at http:/ Series Title BO Satellite delivery BR Recording for production, archival and play-out; film for television BS Broadcasting service (sound) BT B

6、roadcasting service (television) F Fixed service M Mobile, radiodetermination, amateur and related satellite services P Radiowave propagation RA Radio astronomy RS Remote sensing systems S Fixed-satellite service SA Space applications and meteorology SF Frequency sharing and coordination between fix

7、ed-satellite and fixed service systems SM Spectrum management SNG Satellite news gathering TF Time signals and frequency standards emissions V Vocabulary and related subjects Note: This ITU-R Recommendation was approved in English under the procedure detailed in Resolution ITU-R 1. Electronic Public

8、ation Geneva, 2017 ITU 2017 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without written permission of ITU. Rec. ITU-R P.1238-9 1 RECOMMENDATION ITU-R P.1238-9 Propagation data and prediction methods for the planning of indoor radiocommunication system

9、s and radio local area networks in the frequency range 300 MHz to 100 GHz (Question ITU-R 211/3) (1997-1999-2001-2003-2005-2007-2009-2012-2015-2017) Scope This Recommendation provides guidance on indoor propagation over the frequency range from 300 MHz to 100 GHz. Information is given on: path loss

10、models; delay spread models; effects of polarization and antenna radiation pattern; effects of transmitter and receiver siting; effects of building materials furnishing and furniture; effects of movement of objects in the room; statistical model in static usage. The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly,

11、considering a) that many new short-range (operating range less than 1 km) personal communication applications are being developed which will operate indoors; b) that there is a high demand for radio local area networks (RLANs) and wireless private business exchanges (WPBXs) as demonstrated by existi

12、ng products and intense research activities; c) that it is desirable to establish RLAN standards which are compatible with both wireless and wired communications; d) that short-range systems using very low power have many advantages for providing services in the mobile and personal environments such

13、 as RF sensor networks and wireless devices operated in TV white space bands; e) that knowledge of the propagation characteristics within buildings and the interference arising from multiple users in the same area is critical to the efficient design of systems; f) that there is a need both for gener

14、al (i.e. site-independent) models and advice for initial system planning and interference assessment, and for deterministic (or site-specific) models for some detailed evaluations, noting a) that Recommendation ITU-R P.1411 provides guidance on outdoor short-range propagation over the frequency rang

15、e 300 MHz to 100 GHz, and should be consulted for those situations where both indoor and outdoor conditions exist; b) that Recommendation ITU-R P.2040 provides guidance on the effects of building material properties and structures on radiowave propagation, 2 Rec. ITU-R P.1238-9 recommends that the i

16、nformation and methods in Annex 1 be adopted for the assessment of the propagation characteristics of indoor radio systems between 300 MHz and 100 GHz. Annex 1 1 Introduction Propagation prediction for indoor radio systems differs in some respects from that for outdoor systems. The ultimate purposes

17、, as in outdoor systems, are to ensure efficient coverage of the required area (or to ensure a reliable path, in the case of point-to-point systems), and to avoid interference, both within the system and to other systems. However, in the indoor case, the extent of coverage is well-defined by the geo

18、metry of the building, and the limits of the building itself will affect the propagation. In addition to frequency reuse on the same floor of a building, there is often a desire for frequency reuse between floors of the same building, which adds a third dimension to the interference issues. Finally,

19、 the very short range, particularly where millimetre wave frequencies are used, means that small changes in the immediate environment of the radio path may have substantial effects on the propagation characteristics. Because of the complex nature of these factors, if the specific planning of an indo

20、or radio system were to be undertaken, detailed knowledge of the particular site would be required, e.g. geometry, materials, furniture, expected usage patterns, etc. However, for initial system planning, it is necessary to estimate the number of base stations to provide coverage to distributed mobi

21、le stations within the area and to estimate potential interference to other services or between systems. For these system planning cases, models that generally represent the propagation characteristics in the environment are needed. At the same time the model should not require a lot of input inform

22、ation by the user in order to carry out the calculations. This Annex presents mainly general site-independent models and qualitative advice on propagation impairments encountered in the indoor radio environment. Where possible, site-specific models are also given. In many cases, the available data o

23、n which to base models was limited in either frequency or test environments; it is hoped that the advice in this Annex will be expanded as more data are made available. Similarly, the accuracy of the models will be improved with experience in their application, but this Annex represents the best adv

24、ice available at this time. 2 Propagation impairments and measures of quality in indoor radio systems Propagation impairments in an indoor radio channel are caused mainly by: reflection from, and diffraction around, objects (including walls and floors) within the rooms; transmission loss through wal

25、ls, floors and other obstacles; channelling of energy, especially in corridors at high frequencies; motion of persons and objects in the room, including possibly one or both ends of the radio link, and give rise to impairments such as: Rec. ITU-R P.1238-9 3 path loss not only the free-space loss but

26、 additional loss due to obstacles and transmission through building materials, and possible mitigation of free-space loss by channelling; temporal and spatial variation of path loss; multipath effects from reflected and diffracted components of the wave; polarization mismatch due to random alignment

27、 of mobile terminal. Indoor wireless communication services can be characterized by the following features: high/medium/low data rate; coverage area of each base station (e.g. room, floor, building); mobile/portable/fixed; real time/non-real time/quasi-real time; network topology (e.g. point-to-poin

28、t, point-to-multipoint, each-point-to-each-point). It is useful to define which propagation characteristics of a channel are most appropriate to describe its quality for different applications, such as voice communications, data transfer at different speeds, image transfer and video services. Table

29、1 lists the most significant characteristics of typical services. TABLE 1 Typical services and propagation impairments Services Characteristics Propagation impairments of concern Wireless local area network High data rate, single or multiple rooms, portable, non-real time, point-to-multipoint or eac

30、h-point-to-each-point Path loss temporal and spatial distribution Multipath delay Ratio of desired-to-undesired mode strength WPBX Medium data rate, multiple rooms, single floor or multiple floors, real time, mobile, point-to-multipoint Path loss temporal and spatial distribution Indoor paging Low d

31、ata rate, multiple floors, non-real time, mobile, point-to-multipoint Path loss temporal and spatial distribution Indoor wireless video High data rate, multiple rooms, real time, mobile or portable, point-to-point Path loss temporal and spatial distribution Multipath delay 3 Path loss models The use

32、 of this indoor transmission loss model assumes that the base station and portable terminal are located inside the same building. The indoor base to mobile/portable radio path loss can be estimated with either site-general or site-specific models. 3.1 Site-general models The models described in this

33、 section are considered to be site-general as they require little path or site information. The indoor radio path loss is characterized by both an average path loss and its associated shadow fading statistics. Several indoor path loss models account for the attenuation of the signal through multiple

34、 walls and/or multiple floors. The model described in this section 4 Rec. ITU-R P.1238-9 accounts for the loss through multiple floors to allow for such characteristics as frequency reuse between floors. The distance power loss coefficients given below include an implicit allowance for transmission

35、through walls and over and through obstacles, and for other loss mechanisms likely to be encountered within a single floor of a building. Site-specific models would have the option of explicitly accounting for the loss due to each wall instead of including it in the distance model. The basic model h

36、as the following form: Ltotal L(do) N log10 Lf (n) dB (1) where: N : distance power loss coefficient f : frequency (MHz) d : separation distance (m) between the base station and portable terminal (where d 1 m) do : reference distance (m) L(do) : path loss at do (dB), for a reference distance do at 1

37、 m, and assuming free-space propagation L(do) = 20 log10 f 28 where f is in MHz Lf : floor penetration loss factor (dB) n : number of floors between base station and portable terminal (n 0), Lf = 0 dB for n = 0. Typical parameters, based on various measurement results, are given in Tables 2 and 3. A

38、lthough these tables are for mainly up to 100 GHz corresponding to the scope of this Recommendation, the power loss coefficients at 300 GHz are also provided for possible future extension of frequency usage in indoor environments. Additional general guidelines are given at the end of the section. TA

39、BLE 2 Power loss coefficients, N, for indoor transmission loss calculation Frequency (GHz) Residential Office Commercial Factory Corridor Data Centre 0.8 22.5(14) 0.9 33 20 1.25 32 22 1.9 28 30 22 2.1 25.5(4) 20 21.1 17(9) 2.2 20.7(14) 2.4 28 30 2.625 44(5) 33(6) 3.5 27 4 28 22 4.7 19.8(14) 5.2 30(2

40、) 28(3) 31 Rec. ITU-R P.1238-9 5 TABLE 2 (end) Frequency (GHz) Residential Office Commercial Factory Corridor Data Centre 5.8 24 26 19.5(14) 28 18.4(12) 29.9(12) 27.6(8) 17.9(12, 13) 24.8(12, 13) 37 15.6(14) 38 20.3(12) 29.6(12) 18.6(12, 13) 25.9(12, 13) 51-57 15(10) 13(10) 16.3(4, 10) 60 22(1) 17(1

41、) 16(1) (7)(9) 67-73 19(11) 16(11) 17.6(4, 11) 70 22(1) 300 20(15) 19.5(9, 15) 20.2(15) (1) 60 GHz and 70 GHz values assume propagation within a single room or space, and do not include any allowance for transmission through walls. Gaseous absorption around 60 GHz is also significant for distances g

42、reater than about 100 m which may influence frequency reuse distances (see Recommendation ITU-R P.676). (2) Apartment: Single or double storey dwellings for several households. In general most walls separating rooms are concrete walls. (3) House: Single or double storey dwellings for a household. In

43、 general most walls separating rooms are wooden walls. (4) Computer room where there are many computers around the room. (5) Transmitter and receiver are on the same floor and both antennas are set at ceiling height of 2.7 m. (6) Path between transmitter and receiver is semi-shielded by metal materi

44、als and both antennas height is 1.5 m. (7) Transmit and receive antennas have 15.4 beam width. (8) Railway station (170 m 45 m 21 m(H) and Airport terminal (650 m 82 m 20 m(H): NLoS case, 60 half-power beam width antenna for transmitter is set at the height of 8 m, and 10 beam width for receiver is

45、set at 1.5 m on the floor. The value was obtained from the maximum path gain among various Tx and Rx antenna orientations. (9) Transmitter and receiver are on LoS corridor. (10) Transmit antenna beamwidth 56.3, synthesised 360 in azimuth at receiver with 19.7 beamwidth in elevation. (11) Transmit an

46、tenna beamwidth 40, synthesised 360 in azimuth at receiver with 14.4 beamwidth in elevation. (12) The upper number is for LoS cases and the lower number is for NLoS cases. (13) The environments are same to (8) and a Tx antenna with 60 beamwidth is set at the height of 8 m and a Rx with an omni-direc

47、tional antenna is set at the height of 1.5 m. (14) Open office (50 m 16 m 2.7 m (H): LoS case. Averaged results with Tx heights of 2.6 and 1.2 m. Rx height was 1.5 m height. Both Tx and Rx are omni-directional antennas. (15) Transmit and received antennas have 10 beamwidth. 6 Rec. ITU-R P.1238-9 TAB

48、LE 3 Floor penetration loss factors, Lf (dB) with n being the number of floors penetrated, for indoor transmission loss calculation (n 1) Frequency (GHz) Residential Office Commercial 0.9 9 (1 floor) 19 (2 floors) 24 (3 floors) 1.8-2 4 n 15 + 4 (n 1) 6 + 3 (n 1) 2.4 10(1) (apartment) 5 (house) 14 3.5 18 (1 floor) 26 (2 floors) 5.2 13(1) (apartment) 7(2) (house) 16 (1 floor) 5.8 22 (1 floor) 28 (2 floors) (1) Per concrete wall. (2) Wooden mortar. For the various frequency bands where the power loss coefficient is not stated for residential buildings, the value given for office buildings

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