1、Res. ITU-R 38-3 1RESOLUTION ITU-R 38-3 Study of regulatory/procedural matters (1995-1997-2000-2003) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that the ITU Convention includes among the functions of Radiocommunication Study Groups the study of technical, operational and procedural matters t
2、o be considered by World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences (CV 156); b) that the Radiocommunication Assembly, 1995 (Resolution ITU-R 38) established a Special Committee to deal with matters relating to regulatory/procedural issues as part of preparations for World Radiocommunication Confer
3、ences; c) that the Special Committee to deal with matters relating to regulatory/procedural issues has undertaken valuable work in preparation for World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs); d) that a significant body of work of a regulatory/procedural nature might be identified in preparation for
4、a future WRC and/or Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC); e) that a mechanism should be put in place to facilitate such preparations, recognizing a) that the activation of that mechanism shall be the responsibility of the relevant WRC or RRC, according to the case or the first session of the
5、 Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM), resolves 1 to maintain the infrastructure of the Special Committee to address the review of regulatory/procedural matters, the results of which may be used by administrations in their preparation for the relevant WRC or RRC, according to the case; 2 that a deci
6、sion to activate this Special Committee should be taken by a WRC or RRC, according to the case or the first session of the CPM authorized by the WRC; 3 that the results of the studies by the Special Committee shall be contained in reports as contributions to the work of the CPM in preparing its repo
7、rt to the relevant WRC or RRC, according to the case; 4 that the Special Committee shall be open to all the membership of the ITU-R; 5 that the Special Committee shall adopt the working methods of the Radiocommunication Study Groups wherever applicable, and shall be task oriented; 6 that the Special
8、 Committee shall identify suitable options for completing agenda items assigned to it by the CPM-1, if applicable, and, where appropriate, to draft example regulatory text in accordance with those options; Res. ITU-R 38-3 27 that the Special Committee will have a Chairman and at least two Vice-Chair
9、men appointed by a Radiocommunication Assembly, instructs the Director 1 to draw the attention of the next WRC and RRC to this Resolution and invite the Conference or the first session of the CPM authorized by the WRC to identify whether there is likely to be a sufficient body of work of a regulator
10、y/procedural nature in preparation for the following WRC or the subsequent session of RRC, according to the case to justify activating the Special Committee, and if so to task the Special Committee by identifying those agenda items for which attention will need to be given to regulatory/procedural aspects, thereby forming the primary basis of activity of the Special Committee; 2 to take the necessary measures to activate the Special Committee, if needed. _