ITU-R S 737-1992 Relationship of Technical Coordination Methods within the Fixed-Satellite Service - Section 4D2 - Coordination Methods《固定卫星业务之间技术协调方法的关系 第4D2部分 协调措施》.pdf

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ITU-R S 737-1992 Relationship of Technical Coordination Methods within the Fixed-Satellite Service - Section 4D2 - Coordination Methods《固定卫星业务之间技术协调方法的关系 第4D2部分 协调措施》.pdf_第1页
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ITU-R S 737-1992 Relationship of Technical Coordination Methods within the Fixed-Satellite Service - Section 4D2 - Coordination Methods《固定卫星业务之间技术协调方法的关系 第4D2部分 协调措施》.pdf_第2页
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1、CCIR RECMN*737 92 = q85.5212 051882b 938 I Rec. 737 206 4D2: Coordination methods RECOMMENDATION 737 RELATIONSHIP OF TECHNICAL COORDINATION METHODS mHIN THE FMED-SATELLITE SERVICE (Question 49/4) (1992) The CCIR, considering a) coordination with other existing and proposed networks; that under the I

2、TU Radio Regulations, proposed geostationary-satellite networks in the FSS may require b) that there is a need to determine whether a given FSS network might be affected by another FSS network; c) that it is desirable to eliminate from coordination those networks which are not likely to be affected;

3、 d) techniques to reduce the number of satellite networks involved in the coordination process; that as further information on proposed networks becomes available, it is possible to use one or more e) taking into account the actual signals being used, the system configurations, orbital spacing, etc.

4、; that detailed coordination entails calculation of the relative levels of the wanted and interfering carriers, f) indicating the relationship among these calculation methods, that several calculation techniques may be used in coordination. It would be efficient to have a diagram recommends 1. coord

5、ination among networks of the fixed-satellite service; that the method given in Recommendation 738 can be used for determining whether there is a need for 2. that when certain additional information is available, one or more of the methods given in Recommendation 739 can be used for determining whet

6、her further detailed coordination is required; 3. be used; that when detailed coordination is required, one or more of the methods given in Recommendation 740 can 4. Note 1 - The appropriate technical Annexes in connection with the calculation methods described in these recommends can be located usi

7、ng the diagram in Annex 1. that the method given in Recommendation 741 can be used for calculating carrier-to-interference ratios. CCIR RECMNx737 92 m 4855232 0538827 874 m Carrier-to-interference Rec. 737 ANNEX Relationship of technical coordination methods within the fixed-satellite service Recomm

8、endation 738 Annex 1 - ATIT method Recommendation 739 Additional methods for determining if detailed coordination is necessary Annex 1 - (ATION Annex 2 - Power density averaging bandwidth (Refers to I Recommendation 740 Technical coordination methods Annex 1 - General Annex2 - CII - Annex 3 - Power density averaging bandwidth I Annex4 - Isolation I 207


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