ITU-T B 13-1993 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS《术语和定义》.pdf

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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 “ TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU-%!.3G0G0/(b) that the CCIs are cooperating with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in the productionof the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) (see CCIR Resolution 66 and CCITT R

2、ecommendation A.12),recommends(1) that Administrations and recognized private operating agencies of the CCIs, as well as CCI Secretariats,should use as far as possible, technical terms in the field of telecommunications with the meaning given in the IEV, theplan of which is given in Appendix I to th

3、is Recommendation;(2) that general terms common to several Study Groups should be used with the meaning given in Appendix IIto this Recommendation, generally close to the meaning given in the IEV but adapted for CCI needs.Note The definitions given in the IEV Chapters, like those included in Appendi

4、x II, are of a general nature;their purpose is that all Study Groups should use general terms with the same meaning. In certain cases they may beslightly different from more complete definitions prepared, or being prepared, by some Study Groups for their specificneeds, but they are not in contradict

5、ion with the latter.These definitions do not replace definitions contained in CCIR or CCIIT Recommendations (or in the RadioRegulations, the Telegraph and Telephone Regulations or the ITU Convention) which are to be used in their respectivefields of application.APPENDIX I(to Recommendation B.13)“Tel

6、ecommunications” chapters of the InternationalElectrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV)The IEV is IEC Publication No. 50; it comprises a great number of chapters, published in separate fascicles.Chapters of the 700 series deal with telecommunications and are prepared by Joint Working Groups in which CCIexpe

7、rts take part, coordinated by the JCG (Joint Coordinating Group).Series 700 Chapters which are dealt with by Joint Working Groups are the following:_1)A similar text will be transmitted to the CCIR as a revision of Recommendation 662.2 Fascicle I.3 - Rec. B.13Chapters and Sections Status in 1988701

8、Telecommunications, channels and networks1 Forms of telecommunications2 Channels, circuits and networks3 Use and operation of circuits and networks702 Oscillations, signals and related devices1 Frequencies2 Oscillations and waves3 Pulses4 Signals; general terms5 Discrete signals and digital signals;

9、 coding6 Modulation and demodulation7 Noise and interference8 Transmission characteristics and performance, distortion9 Linear and non-linear networks and devices704 Transmission1 General aspects of transmission2 Analogue transmission3 Time division multiplexing4 Digital transmission5 Pulse code mod

10、ulation705 Radio waves propagation1 Essential characteristics of electromagnetic fields and waves2 Radiation, paths and velocity of electromagnetic waves3 Electromagnetic properties of propagation media4 Phenomena related to boundaries of propagation media5 Tropospheric propagation and effets of the

11、 ground6 Terrestrial ionized media7 Effects of the ionosphere on radio wave propagation8 Influence of propagation on radiocommunications712 Antennas1 Basic terms for antennas and antenna assemblies2 Electrical or radiating characteristics of antenna3 Types of antennas defined by their electrical or

12、radiatingcharacteristics4 Antennas and antenna elements consisting mainly of radiatingconductors5 Antennas and antenna elements consisting mainly of radiatingsurfaces and apertures6 Devices associated with antennas713 Radiocommunications: transmitters, receivers, networks andoperation714 Switching a

13、nd signalling (in telecommunications)01 General terms02 to 05 Switching functions and techniques06 to 14 Signalling functions and techniques15 and 16 Control functions and techniques17 to 20 Equipment and hardware21 to 24 Executive software715 Telecommunication networks teletraffic, trunking and ope

14、rating716 - Integrated services digital networks1 Basic terms on ISDNs2 Services3 Networks4 AccessBeing publishedApproved for publicationApproved for publicationBeing approvedApproved for publicationBeing preparedBeing publishedBeing preparedBeing prepared(one section being approved)Fascicle I.3 - R

15、ec. B.13 3Chapters and Sections Status in 1988720 Telematics721 Telegraphy and data communication1 Forms of telecommunications using discrete signals2 Discrete signals and transmission using discrete signals3 Telegraphy and data communication4 Facsimile5 Telegraph and data networks, switching, opera

16、ting and sources722 Telephony General terms Telephone set components Telephone set feeding and signalling Telephone set types Telephone set accessories Telephone networks Telephone exchanges Private telephone systems Telephone calls description Local line networks Telephone station usage Transmissio

17、n performance Measuring apparatus Telephonometry723 Broadcasting services: sound broadcasting and television1 General terms2 Common sound/television broadcasting terms3 Sound broadcasting4 Television: General terms5 Television: Picture analysis and display video signals6 Picture quality and impairme

18、nt7 Equipment devices used in television8 Specific terms for colour television systems9 Cable distribution system725 Space radiocommunications1 Satellites, space craft and arbits2 Space radiocommunication systems726 Transmission lines and waveguides1 Transmission line, waveguide and cavity resonator

19、 configurations2 Propagation in transmission lines and waveguides3 Waveguide connections4 Waveguide components5 Non-reciprocal effects and devices6 Measurements on transmission lines731 Optical fibre communication1 General concepts2 Fibre construction and optical characteristics3 Propagation charact

20、eristics4 Cables5 Connectors and couplers etc.6 Optical sources and detectors7 Measurement techniques8 SystemsBeing preparedBeing publishedBeing publishedBeing prepared(4 sections being approved)Published in 1982(Section 3“Technical aspects” being prepared)Published in 1982Being approved4 Fascicle I

21、.3 - Rec. B.13Chapters and Sections Status in 1988161 Electromagnetic compatibilitya)1 Basic concepts2 Waveforms3 Interference control related terms4 Measurements5 Equipment classification6 Receiver and transmitter terms7 Power control and network impedances8 Voltage changes and flicker9 Ignition sy

22、stems of internal combustion engines191 Reliability, maintainability and quality of serviceb)1 Dependability Common terms2 Quality of service in telecommunicationsBeing approvedApproved for publicationa)This Chapter has not been prepared under the responsibility of the JCG, but representatives of th

23、e JCG participated in the WorkingGroup.b)Although prepared by a Working Group of the JCG, in collaboration with TC 56 of the IEC, this Chapter is included in the IEV 100 Series (Basic terms).APPENDIX 11(to Recommendation B.13)General terminology of telecommunications(Terms common to CCIR and CCITT)I

24、n order to ensure that telecommunication terms employed by the CCIs have the same meaning, CMV hascollected general terms used in the texts of different Study Groups together with their definitions.Note - These terms and definitions in this Appendix have been arranged according to subject as follows

25、:1) Forms of telecommunications.2) Channels, circuits and networks.3) Use and operation of circuits and networks.4) Frequencies and bandwidths.Administrations and Study Groups are invited to comment on these terms and definitions, and particularly, toforward to CMV their proposals for revision or fo

26、r alternative applications, accompanied by appropriate justifications.When examining these definitions, it should be borne in mind that Recommendation 573 onradiocommunication vocabulary contains terms relating more specifically to the CCIR.The following Notes should also be taken into account:Note

27、I Definitions of “forms of telecommunication” have been produced by the CMV in cooperation with theCCI-IEC Joint Coordination Group on Vocabulary (JCG), to be used by CCIR and CCITT Study Groups.Fascicle I.3 - Rec. B.13 5These definitions of “forms of telecommunication” are of a general nature and a

28、re not in contradiction withdefinitions of services presently specified by CCITT and CCIR. Definitions of services are produced by the StudyGroups responsible for these services (mainly CCITT Study Groups I and II for telecommunication services, CCIRStudy Groups 10 and 11 for broadcasting services).

29、Note 2 - A number of terms in this Recommendation appear also in Article 1 of the Radio Regulations with adifferent definition. These terms are identified by (RR . . ., MOD). Modifications are proposed for two reasons:a) some Radio Regulations definitions only take into account regulatory aspects, w

30、hile the CMV proposesdefinitions of a technical nature;b) some Radio Regulations definitions give rise to difficulties of interpretation, in these cases, modificationsor additions proposed by the CMV may be useful later for draft revisions of the Radio Regulationsdefinitions in accordance with Recom

31、mendation No. 72 of WARC-79 and Study Programme 1A/CMV.For regulatory applications, only the terms and definitions in the Radio Regulations may be used.Note 3- Terms and definitions relating to reliability have not been included in this appendix because theyusually have rather specific applications.

32、 However, some terms (such as availability, reliability, maintainability) arecurrently used by a number of Study Groups. Many terms will be found in Recommendation G.106 “Concepts, termsand definitions related to quality of service, availability and reliability“.II.1 Forms of telecommunicationsII.1.

33、1 Information, Information, InformacinIntelligence or knowledge capable of being represented in forms suitable for communication, storage orprocessing.Note Information may be represented for example by signs, symbols, pictures or sounds.11.1.2 Signal, Signal, SealA physical phenomenon one or more of

34、 whose characteristics may vary to represent information.Note The physical phenomenon may be for instance an electromagnetic wave or acoustic wave and thecharacteristic may be an electric field, a voltage or a sound pressure.II.1.3 Transmission, Transmission, TransmisinThe transfer of information fr

35、om one point to one or more other points by means of signalsNote 1 Transmission can be effected directly, or indirectly, with or without intermediate storage.Note 2 The use of the English word “transmission” in the sense of “emission” in radiocommunication isdeprecated.II.1.4 Sending, (in telecommun

36、ication), Transmission (deprecated in this sense); Emission (en tlcommunication); Emisin (en telecomunicacin)The production of a signal at an input port of a transmission line or into a transmission medium.Note In French the term “mission” has other meaning in radiocommunications, as given in CCIRRe

37、commendation 573.II.1.5 Communication, Communication, ComunicacinInformation transfer according to agreed conventions.Note In French and Spanish the corresponding terms “communication” and “comunicacin” have additionalspecific meanings in telecommunications (see II.3.5 and II.3.2).II.1.6 Telecommuni

38、cation, Tlcommunication, TelecomunicacinCommunication by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems.Note The following definition is given in the International Telecommunication Convention (Nairobi, 1982)(and RR 4):Any transmission, emission or reception of signs, signals, writing, images

39、 and sounds or intelligence of anynature by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems.II.1.7 Telephony, Tlphonie, TelefoniaA form of telecommunication primarily intended for the exchange of information in the form of speech.6 Fascicle I.3 - Rec. B.13Note This is the definition given in t

40、he International Telecommunication Convention (Nairobi, 1982) (RR117, MOD).II.1.8 Telegraphy, Tlgraphie, TelegrafiaA form of telecommunication in which the transmitted information is intended to be recorded on arrival as agraphic document; the transmitted information may sometimes be presented in an

41、 alternative form or may be stored forsubsequent use.Note I- A graphic document records information in a permanent form and is capable of being filed andconsulted; for example, it may take the form of written or printed matter or a fixed image.Note 2- This is the definition given in the Internationa

42、l Telecommunication Convention (Nairobi. 1982)(RR 111, MOD).Note 3 Telegraph does not include television or videography.Note 4 Moreover, in the Convention and in the RR, the following restriction is given:“For the purpose of the Radio Regulations, unless otherwise specified therein, telegraphy shall

43、 mean a form oftelecommunication for the transmission of written matter by the use of a signal code” (RR I 1 1, extract).II.1.9 Telex (service), (service) Tlex, (servicio) TlexA telegraph service enabling subscribers to communicate directly and temporarily with each other by means ofstart-stop appar

44、atus and telecommunication circuits of the public telecommunication network.II.1.10 Facsimile, Tlcopie, FacsmilA form of telecommunication for the reproduction at a distance of graphic documents in the form of othergraphic documents geometrically similar to the original.II.1.11 Telewriting, Tlcritur

45、e, TeleescrituraA form of telecommunication for the purpose of transmitting graphical information as it is being manuallywritten or drawn and for simultaneously generating a reproduction at the distant terminal either on a screen or in someother form.Note In cases where the reproduction at the recei

46、ving end is in the form of a graphic document, the term“tlautographie” can be employed in French.II.1.12 Data, Donnes, DatosInformation represented in a manner suitable for automatic processing.II.1.13 Data communication, Data transmission (deprecated in this sense); Communication de donnes;Transmis

47、sion de donnes (deprecated in this sense); comunicacin de datos, Transmisin de datos (deprecated in thissense)A form of telecommunication intended for the transfer of information between data processing equipments.II.1.14 Data transmission, Transmission de donnes, Transmissin de datosThe conveying o

48、f data from one place to another by telecommunication.Note The term “data transmission” is deprecated in the sense of “data communication”.II.1.15 Teleprocessing, teleinformatics. Tlinformatique, Tltraitement; Teleinformtica, TeleprocesoThe association of telecommunication and data processing techniques to process information at a distance.II.1.16 Television, Tlvision, TelevisinA form of telecommunication for the transmission of signals representing scenes; images of the scenes beingreproduced on a screen as they are received.Note - The received signals may be stored for subsequent displa


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