ITU-T D 225-1997 Charging and Accounting Principles to Be Applied to Frame Relay Data Transmission Service - Series D General Tariff Principles - General Tariff Principles - Chargil T.pdf

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ITU-T D 225-1997 Charging and Accounting Principles to Be Applied to Frame Relay Data Transmission Service - Series D General Tariff Principles - General Tariff Principles - Chargil T.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T D 225-1997 Charging and Accounting Principles to Be Applied to Frame Relay Data Transmission Service - Series D General Tariff Principles - General Tariff Principles - Chargil T.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T D 225-1997 Charging and Accounting Principles to Be Applied to Frame Relay Data Transmission Service - Series D General Tariff Principles - General Tariff Principles - Chargil T.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T D 225-1997 Charging and Accounting Principles to Be Applied to Frame Relay Data Transmission Service - Series D General Tariff Principles - General Tariff Principles - Chargil T.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T TELECOMMUN KATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU D.225 (1 2/97) SERIES D: GENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLES General tariff principles - Charging and accounting p ri n ci pl es for i n tern at ion al te lecom m u n i cat ion services provided over the ISDN Charging

2、and accounting principles to be applied to frame relay data transmission service ITU-T Recommendation D.225 (Previously CCITT Recommendation) ITU-T D-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL TARWF PRINCIPLES TERMS AND DEFINITIONS GENERAL TARIFF PRTNCIPLES Private leased telecommunication facilities Tariff pri

3、nciples applying to data communication services over dedicated public data networks Charging and accounting in the international public telegram service Charging and accounting in the international telemessage service Charging and accounting in the international telex service Charging and accounting

4、 in the international facsimile service Charging and accounting in the international videotex service Charging and accounting in the international phototelegraph service Charging and accounting in the mobile services Charging and accounting in the international telephone service Drawing up and excha

5、nge of international telephone and telex accounts International sound- and television-programme transmissions Charging and accounting for international satellite services Transmission of monthly international accounting information Service and privilege telecommunications Settlement of international

6、 telecommunication balances of accounts D .O D. 1-D.9 D.10-D.39 D.40-D.44 D.45-D.49 D.60-D.69 D.70-D.75 D. 76-D. 79 D.80-D.89 D.90-D.99 D. iOeD.159 D. 160-D.179 D. 1 80-D. 184 D.185-D.189 D. 190-D. 19 1 D.192-D.195 D. 1 96-D .209 Charging and accounting principles for internationai telecommunication

7、 services provided over the ISDN D.21-D.279 Charging and accounting principles for universal personal telecommunication Charging and accounting principles for intelligent network supported services RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REGIONAL APPLICATION Recommendations applicable in Europe and the Mediterranean Ba

8、sin Recommendations applicable in Latin America Recommendations applicable in Asia and Oceania Recommendations applicable to the African Region D.280-D.284 D.285-D.299 D.300-D.399 D.400-D.499 D.500-D.599 D.600-D.699 For however, the network charging options provided in the following subclause may al

9、so be applied to network access. 2.2 Network charges The following charging options may be applied to the FRDTS. In addition, a non-recurring charge may be applied for the initial establishment of the service. 2.2.1 Dedicated circuits (permanent virtual circuits) Flat rate option Since this

10、option treats the permanent virtual circuit in a manner similar to a leased circuit, (i.e. independent of usage), the charges would be established consistent with other non-usage sensitive permanent virtual circuit applications, and would relate to the capabilities of the facilities provided (reserv

11、ed), and the charging interval (Le. the period that the facilities are reserved, for example, on a monthly basis). Administrations would each charge their customers for the portion of the permanent virtual circuit which they provide. Reservation and usage option Under this option, charges ar

12、e applied to both the reservation of network capabilities (as in the flat rate option) and the traffic usage. The traffic usage component would be based upon a specified charging unit (see It may be appropriate to establish a different charge (than that applied to units transferred below t

13、he CIR, if applicable) for charging units which are transferred above the committed information rate. Recommendation D.225 (12/97) 1 Usage option Under this option, charges are only applied to traffic usage, using the specified charging unit (see, without charging for the reservatio

14、n of network capabilities. It may be appropriate to establish a different charge (than that applied to units transferred below the CIR) for charging units which are transferred above the committed information rate. Usage charging unit Due to the variable sizes of fi-ames, charging for fiames

15、 transmitted to the network may not be appropriate for international application. Usage charging units of thousands or millions of octets are therefore recommended for intemational applications (for further study). 2.2.2 Switched virtual circuit option Under this option, calls are set up in a manner

16、 similar to circuit switched data communications with the customer and Frame Relay network establishing the CIR at call Set-up. Charges should be based upon call duration and the established CIR. 3 Accounting The following accounting options are applicable to the FRDTS: 3.1 Network access Ac

17、counting is not applicable for network access since this is a national matter. 3.2 Dedicated circuits (permanent virtual circuits) 3.2.1 Flat rate option Since Administrations charge their customers for the portion of the permanent virtual circuit that they provide, no intemational accounting is req

18、uired under this option. Reservation and usage option This option has two components: reservation and traffic usage. Since each involved Administration charges their customer for the reservation of the portion of the permanent virtual circuit that they provide, no international accounting is

19、 required for this component. For the traffic usage component, Administrations should agree as to the usage accounting unit (see to be used, and the accounting rate to be applied for the carriage of usage accounting units. In addition, Administrations may agree to apply a different accounti

20、ng rate (other than that applied to units transferred below the CIR) for usage accounting units which are transferred above the committed information rate. Usage option Administrations should agree as to the usage accounting unit to be used, and the accounting rate to be applied for their ca

21、rriage. In addition, Administrations may agree to apply a different accounting rate (other than that applied to units transferred below the CIR) to usage accounting units which are transferred at a rate above the committed information rate. Usage accounting unit Ideally, the usage accounting

22、 unit would be the same as the usage charging unit, although Administrations may agree to a different usage accounting unit, where appropriate. 3.2.2 Switched virtual circuit Under this option, calls are set up in a manner similar to circuit switched data communications with the customer and Frame R

23、elay network establishing the CIR at call Set-up. Accounting for this option should be based upon call duration and on the established CIR. 2 Recommendation D.225 (12/97) STD-ITU-T RECMN D-225-ENGL L997 4862591 06516117 2b1 H 4 Other options Charging and accounting options for other service

24、applications in the FRDTS are for further study. Recommendation D.225 (12/97) 3 STDmITU-T RECMN D.225-ENGL 1997 48b2591 0651648 IT8 Series A Series B Series C Series D Series E Series F Series G Series H Series I Series J Series K Series L Series M Series N Series O Series P Series Q Series R Series

25、 S Series T Series U Series V Series X Series Y Series Z ITU-T RECOMMENDATIONS SERIES Organization of the work of the ITU-T Means of expression: definitions, symbols, classification General telecommunication statistics General tariff principles Overall network operation, telephone service, service o

26、peration and human factors Non-telephone telecommunication services Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks Audiovisual and multimedia systems Integrated services digital network Transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals Protection against interfer

27、ence Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant TMN and network maintenance: international transmission systems, telephone circuits, telegraphy, facsimile and leased circuits Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits

28、Specifications of measuring equipment Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks Switching and signalling Telegraph transmission Telegraph services terminal equipment Terminals for telematic services Telegraph switching Data communication over the telephone network Data networks and open system communications Global information infrastructure Programming languages I illin *13703* IlIll IlIll IlIll IlIl IIII IlIl Printed in Switzerland Geneva, 1998


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