1、Union internationale des tlcommunicationsPlace des Nations 1211 GENVE 20 Suisse Switzerland Suiza%184+0) 016GENERAL SECRETARIAT INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNIONSubject: APPLICABILITY OF 1984 VALUES OF STANDARDTRANSITION AND TERMINAL RATE SHARES COMPONENTSGeneva, August 1998Recommendation ITU-T
2、D.302 R (03/95)TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITURecommendation ITU-T D.302 R (03/95)Determination of the accounting rate shares and collection charges for the internationalpublic telegram service applicable to telegrams exchanged between countries in Europeand the Mediterranean BasinThe
3、values of the standard transition and terminal rate shares components contained in Recommendation D.302 Rwere approved in 1984 and are therefore no longer regarded as applicable by the members of the TEUREM Group.Although therefore no longer current, the values are retained in this Recommendation for historic referencepurposes only to assist in bilateral negotiations pending a replacement mechanism based on the results of thecurrent Study Group 3 studies.