1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 $ TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU#(!2).G0G0!.$G0G0!#/5.4).G0G0).G0G0).4%2.!4)/.!,4%,%#/-5.)#!4)/.G0G03%26)#%3%.%2!,G0G0#(!2).G0G0!.$G0G0!#/5.4).02).#)0,%3G0G0).G0G04(%G0G0).4%2.!4)/.!,G0G04%,%83%26)#%G0G0&/2G0G0-5,4)G13!$2%33G0G0-%33!%36)!G0
2、G034/2%G13!.$G13&/27!2$G0G05.)43)45G134G0G0RecommendationG0G0$ (Extract from the “LUEG0“OOK)NOTES1 ITU-T Recommendation D.65 was published in Fascicle II.1 of the Blue Book. This file is an extract from theBlue Book. While the presentation and layout of the text might be slightly different from the
3、Blue Book version, thecontents of the file are identical to the Blue Book version and copyright conditions remain unchanged (see below).2 In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both atelecommunication administration and a recognized operating agen
4、cy. ITU 1988, 1993All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU.Fascicle II.1 - Rec. D.65 1Recommendation D.65Fascicle II.1 - Rec. D
5、.65GENERAL CHARGING AND ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLESIN THE INTERNATIONAL TELEX SERVICE FOR MULTI-ADDRESSMESSAGES VIA STORE-AND-FORWARD UNITS(Melbourne, 1988)PreambleThis Recommendation outlines general charging and accounting principles for the international telex servicevia store-and-forward units (SFUs)
6、in the case of multi-address delivery in the country or network of destination.1 General principles1.1 Four types of international telex store-and-forward facility have been defined in Recommendation F.72.1.2 The only type of facility considered in this Recommendation is the one in which a subscribe
7、r in country oforigin A, via an SFU in country A, requires delivery in the country of destination B via an SFU in country B ofmultiple address messages (case b), 2 of Recommendation F.72: interconnected store-and-forward refers).1.3 The following tariff components of the service need to be distingui
8、shed: the international transmission component and the destination country component for storage processing and national delivery.1.3.1 International transmission componentThe international transmission component refers to the transmission of a message from the SFU in country A tothe SFU in country
9、B requesting the establishment of a multi-address in country B.1.3.2 Destination country componentThe tariff principles for the destination country component should take into account the cost of storing andprocessing the message in the SFU as well as the cost for effective deliveries over the nation
10、al telex network.2 Collection charges2.1 Collection charges are a national matter.2.2 When a message has been effectively delivered to a number of addresses in country B, collection charges are inprinciple the sum of two components.2.2.1 The normal collection charge for a single international telex
11、call from the originating subscribers terminal tothe distant country SFU which is a function of message duration including all the addresses.2.2.2 A charge covering the distant countrys SFU storing and processing facility and the national delivery chargewhich is a function of the number and duration
12、 of the messages successfully delivered.2.3 However, for national reasons, administrations or RPOAs may insert the international transmission componentin a single charge per positive delivery in country B, or may adopt any other charging method tending to a total pricesimilar to the one resulting of
13、 the application of principles described in 2.2 above.2.4 There is no collection charge raised for non-delivery advices sent to the originating subscriber.3 International accounting3.1 International transmission componentThe level and division of the accounting rate applicable to the single internat
14、ional telex call made to the SFU incountry B should be based on that normally applied to the international telex service between country A and B.2 Fascicle II.1 - Rec. D.653.2 Destination country component3.2.1 The destination country should be entitled to remuneration which covers the costs for the
15、 use of its SFU(processing and storage functions) and for the delivery costs of multiple address messages successfully delivered overits national network.3.2.2 It is desirable that the destination country component be expressed as a function of the duration of the messagewith one address and of the
16、number of the effectively delivered messages.3.2.3 In the absence of specific cost studies, the establishment of this destination country component will be forbilateral agreement between the administrations concerned.3.3 Non-delivery advicesNon-delivery advice messages should not be included in the
17、international accounts.3.4 Status enquiries3.4.1 These messages sent back to the origin country As SFU, by the destination country SFU, at the request of theoriginating subscriber, may give rise to international accounting. One approach to this facility would be for the origincountry to credit the d
18、estination country its normal international accounting rate share for such calls, as if the calloriginated in country A, based on call data provided by country B.3.4.2 However, subject to bilateral agreement, administrations may agree to forego, on a mutual basis, accounting forsuch calls.3.5 Exchan
19、ge of accounting data3.5.1 The accounting rate related to the international transmission should be exchanged in the usual way betweenadministrations unless otherwise agreed bilaterally.3.5.2 Special accounts for multi-address messages in the destination country will be settled and exchanged accordingto bilaterally agreed rules and formats, as long as a specific Recommendation is not issued on this matter.4 ReferencesCCITT Recommendation F.72 International telex store-and-forwardCCITT Recommendation D.60 Charging and accounting in the international telex service.