2、(Previously “CCIlT Recommendation”) ITU-T RECNNrD.67 95 48h259L Ob00043 732 FOREWORD The ITU-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issui
3、ng Recommen- dations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on
4、these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). ITU-T Recommendation D.67 was revised by ITU-T Study Group 3 (1993-1996) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure o
5、n the 20th of March 1995. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. O ITU 1995 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
6、or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. ITU-T RECMN*D-b7 95 H 4862591 Ob00044 679 H CONTENTS PREAMBLE DIVISION A - COLLECTION CHARGES . 1 DIVISION B . INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING 1 General . 2 Remuneration of the desti
7、nation Administration . 3 Remuneration of transit Administrations . 4 Fixing of collection charges . Examples of the various procedures . Page 11 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Recommendation D.67 (03/95) 1 ITU-T RECMNsD-67 95 486259L Ob00045 505 PREAMBLE An explanation of some of the terms or of some of the express
8、ions used in this Recommendation is given in Recommendation D.OOO. 11 Recommendation D.67 (03/95) 1TU-T RECMN*D.b7 95 4862593 060004b 441 Recommendation D.67 CHARGING AND ACCOUNTING IN THE INTERNATIONAL TELEX SERVICE (Geneva, 1976; amended at Melbourne, 1988; revised in 1991 and in 1995) DIVISION A
9、COLLECTION CHARGES 1 Fixing of collection charges 1.1 Each Administration shall, subject to the applicable provisions of national law, fix the charges to be collected from its customers. The level of charges is a national matter; however, in establishing them, Administrations should try to avoid too
10、 great a dissymmetry between the charges applicable in each direction of the same relation. 1.2 Where, in accordance with national law, a fiscal tax is levied on collection charges for international telecommunication services, this tax shall be collected only in respect of international telecommunic
11、ation services, billed to customers in that country. 1.3 the same, in a given relation, regardless of the route chosen by that Administration. 1.4 each Administration should decide to fix its charges either: The charge levied by an Administration on the customer for a particular communication should
12、 in principle be In considering the collection charges for a relation in which automatic and semi-automatic working both exist, a) b) Safety of life and Government telex calls shall be charged as ordinary private telex calls. by establishing different charges for each method of operation; or by esta
13、blishing a single collection charge weighted according to the volume of each type of traffic. 1.5 1.6 Charges for telex calls exchanged over emergency routes shall be the same as when the normal route is used. Recommendation D.67 (03/95) 1 ITU-T RECMN*D*b7 75 H 4862571 O600047 388 H DIVISION B INTER
14、NATIONAL ACCOUNTING 1 General 1.1 Procedures relating to remuneration of Administrations of.destination and transit countries are as follows: 1.2 Destination Administrations will be remunerated by a procedure whereby the origin Administration keeps its revenue and remunerates the destination Adminis
15、tration for the facilities made available, including the international circuit, the international exchange and the national extension) either: a) on the basis of a flat-rate price per circuit (called theflat-rate price procedure); or b) on the basis of traffic units carried (called the trufic-unir p
16、rice procedure); In either case, the price will be fixed by the destination Administration; or by a procedure whereby accounting revenue is shared between terminal Administrations (called the accounting revenue division procedure). c) Transit Administrations will be remunerated for facilities made a
17、vailable, either: by theflat-rare price procedure relating in the main to direct transit operations; or by the trufic-unit price procedure relating in the main to switched transit operations. 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 In either case, the price will be fixed by the transit Administration. 1.4 Application of th
18、e flat-rate price procedure should be in accordance with the principles in Recommendation D. 160. In fixing flat rate prices, Administrations of countries within the same region should follow the principles in the appropriate Regional ITU-T Recommendations. 1.5 In fixing traffic-unit prices, Adminis
19、trations of countries within the same region should follow the principles in the appropriate Regional ITU-T Recommendations. For intercontinental telex relations, Administrations should follow the principles in Recommendation D.60. 1.6 In keeping with the International Telecommunication Regulations
20、and in the interest of the future viability of the service, telex accounting rates should be cost-orientated. 1.7 Traffic unit 1.7.1 For the purpose of the establishment of accounting rates, the traffic unit of one minute shall be used. 1.7.2 The traffic unit for use in the traffic unit pricing proc
21、edure for the measurement of total traffic exchanged is determined by the method of measuring call duration agreed between Administrations for the establishment of their international accounts as provided for in Recommendation F.61. Bearing in mind, as concerns this element, the location of the inte
22、rnational exchange and the distribution of the international traffic within the destination country. 2 Recommendation D.67 (03/95) 2 Remuneration of the destination Administration 2.1 Flat-rate price procedure Under this procedure the destination Administration receives payment for the facilities ma
23、de available by a flat-rate price fixed by it as a price per circuit. The price per circuit would cover: a) b) c) the national extension2). the international circuit section provided by the destination Administration; the use of its international exchange; 2.2 Trafic-unit price procedure Under this
24、procedure, the destination Administration receives payment on the basis of the price fixed by it per traffic unit. This price will be related to the facilities made available and will take account of: a) b) c) the national extension2). the international circuit section provided by the destination Ad
25、ministration; the use of its international exchange; 2.3 Accounting revenue division Administrations may agree to divide the total accounting rate into terminal shares payable to the terminal Administrations (and, where appropriate, into transit shares payable to the transit Administrations) in acco
26、rdance with the principles in Recommendation D.60. 2.4 2.4.1 example: Simplification of accounts and use of traffic sampling In certain conditions, terminal Administrations may agree not to exchange international accounts when, for a) b) c) 2.4.2 Traffic sampling may be used for the establishment of
27、 international accounts when the countries involved in a given traffic relation so agree. This sampling may then avoid the necessity for continuous traffic measurements. For example, the samples could cover five working days and could be taken at regular intervals, such as once a year or four times
28、a year, or they could be taken on the occasion of any significant change in the number of circuits in the given relation. Sampling is particularly useful when traffic in any international relationship is reasonably stable. the balance of settlement of their accounts is normally negligible; the temin
29、al countries traffic levels in both directions are more or less equal; there is approximate equivalence as regards their national extensionz). 3 Remuneration of transit Administrations 3.1 Fiat-rate price procedure 3.1.1 It is recommended that in the case of direct transit via other countries, the A
30、dministrations of these direct transit countries should be remunerated for the exclusive use of the facilities made available on the basis of a flat-rate price per circuit. 3.1.2 Under the flat-rate price procedure, the terminal Administrations will ensure that the best possible use is made of the c
31、ircuits because, if.those Administrations provide too few circuits, they pay the penalty in the form of the lower quality of service they offer to their subscribers. If they provide too many circuits, they will have to pay more in remuneration and will be penalized financially. 2, Bearing in mind, a
32、s concerns this element, the location of the international exchange and the distribution of the international traffic within the destination country. Recommendation D.67 (03/95) 3 3.2 Traffic-unit price procedure 3.2.1 When transit traffic is not handled on direct circuits, the remuneration for the
33、transit routing in the case of traffic passing by switched transit through one or more countries should be made to the Administration of the first transit exchange used, which fixes a price per unit of handled traffic. This price should also include the remuneration to the other transit Administrati
34、ons, if any, and to the destination Administration, where appropriate. 3.2.2 The procedure of remuneration to the first transit Administration for the entire routing of the traffic (remuneration of the first transit exchange) is necessary to meet the situation where traffic may be routed through sub
35、sequent transit exchanges, each of which, under automatic operation, will be unable to identify the origin country of the traffic. This procedure makes the source of the traffk irrelevant for the establishment of accounts. Depending on the accounting methods in force between Administrations, the rem
36、uneration of the first transit centre may or may not include payments for use of the facilities of the destination country. . 3.3 Establishment of a switched-transit relation 3.3.1 first switching transit exchange is situated for a price quotation per transit traffic unit to the destination country.
37、 Before switching traffic via a transit exchange, the origin Administration will request the country in which the 3.3.2 The Administration of the country to which the first transit exchange belongs advises the price per traffic unit for handling the traffic from the transit exchange to the destinati
38、on country, including remuneration of the latter country where appropriate. This price may be set by the Administration to which the transit exchange belongs on the basis either of a special study or of a price already fixed for the transit routing to the same terminal country of traffic originating
39、 in other countries. 3.3.3 consult the Administrations of several countries to ascertain which transit routing is the most economical. The Administration of any country with traffic to be routed in transit may, of course, find it advisable to 3.3.4 be in accordance with the principles of the interna
40、tional routing plan described in Recommendation F.68. The consultations by the origin Administration regarding the transit routing (by switching) of its traffic should 3.4 Calculation of the remuneration to the first transit Administration on the basis of traffic units 3.4.1 handled by its transit e
41、xchange. Remuneration to the Administration of the switched-transit country depends on the number of traffic units 3.4.2 traffic in minutes of call duration routed each month towards each destination country through this transit exchange. For the establishment of international accounts, the origin A
42、dministration should determine the volume of 3.4.3 An alternative version of this system can be contemplated when the traffic to the destination country routed via a given international transit centre is sufficiently stable; the origin Administrations and the first transit exchange might then agree
43、to settlement on the basis of an estimated number of traffic units determined by means of traffic sampling and subject to periodic revision (such as once a year or four times a year). 3.5 Use of emergency/overflow transit routes Where use is made of emergency or overflow transit routes, Administrations should follow the provisions of Recommendation D.60. 4 Examples of the various procedures Examples of the various procedures are given in Annex BD.150. 4 Recommendation D.67 (03/95)