ITU-T D 91-1996 Transmission in Encoded Form of Maritime Telecommunications Accounting Information (Study Group 3 29 pp)《海上电信结算信息以编码方式进行的传输 系列D 一般收费原则 一般收费原则-国际电信服务中的收费与核算》.pdf

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ITU-T D 91-1996 Transmission in Encoded Form of Maritime Telecommunications Accounting Information (Study Group 3 29 pp)《海上电信结算信息以编码方式进行的传输 系列D 一般收费原则 一般收费原则-国际电信服务中的收费与核算》.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T D 91-1996 Transmission in Encoded Form of Maritime Telecommunications Accounting Information (Study Group 3 29 pp)《海上电信结算信息以编码方式进行的传输 系列D 一般收费原则 一般收费原则-国际电信服务中的收费与核算》.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T D 91-1996 Transmission in Encoded Form of Maritime Telecommunications Accounting Information (Study Group 3 29 pp)《海上电信结算信息以编码方式进行的传输 系列D 一般收费原则 一般收费原则-国际电信服务中的收费与核算》.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T D 91-1996 Transmission in Encoded Form of Maritime Telecommunications Accounting Information (Study Group 3 29 pp)《海上电信结算信息以编码方式进行的传输 系列D 一般收费原则 一般收费原则-国际电信服务中的收费与核算》.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T D 91-1996 Transmission in Encoded Form of Maritime Telecommunications Accounting Information (Study Group 3 29 pp)《海上电信结算信息以编码方式进行的传输 系列D 一般收费原则 一般收费原则-国际电信服务中的收费与核算》.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU D.91 (07/96) SERIES D: GENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLES General tariff principles - Charging and accounting in the mobile services Transmission in encoded form of maritime telecomm un ications accounting information

2、 ITU-T Recommendation D.91 (Previously CCITT Recommendations) STD.ITU-T RECMN D-71-ENGL L99b 48b2591 Ob209bD 856 ITU-T - D SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLES TERMS AND DEFINITIONS GENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLES Private leased telecommunication facilities Tariff principles applying to data c

3、ommunication services over dedicated public data networks Charging and accounting in the international public telegram service Charging and accounting in the international telemessage service Charging and accounting in the international telex service Charging and accounting in the international facs

4、imile service Charging and accounting in the international videotex service Charging and accounting in the international phototelegraph service Charging and accounting in the mobile services Charging and accounting in the international telephone service Drawing up and exchange of international telep

5、hone and telex accounts International sound- and television-programme transmissions Charging and accounting for international satellite services Transmission of monthly international accounting information Service and privilege telecommunications Settlement of international telecommunication balance

6、s of accounts Chargin and accounting principles for international telecommunication services Charging and accounting principles for universal personal telecommunication Charging and accounting principles for intelligent network supported services Recommendations applicable in Europe and the Mediterr

7、anean Basin Recommendations applicable in Latin America Recommendations applicable in Asia and Oceania Recommendations applicable to the African Region provide a over the ISDN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REGIONAL APPLICATION D.0 D.1-D.299 D.1-D.9 D.10-D.39 D.40-D.44 D.45-D.49 D.60-D.69 D.70-D.75 D.76-D.79 D

8、.80-D.89 D. D.1 OO-D. 159 D. 160-D. 179 D. 180-D. 184 D.185-D.189 D. 190-D. 19 1 D.192-D.195 D.196-D.209 D.210-D.279 D .28O-D.284 D.285-D.299 D.300-D.699 D. 300-D. 399 D.400-D.499 D.500-D.599 D.600-D.699 For further details, please refer to ITU-T List ofRecornmendations ITU-T RECOMMENDATION D.91 TRA

9、NSMISSION IN ENCODED FORM OF MARITIME TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCOUNTING INFORMATION Source ITU-T Recommendation D.91 was revised by ITU-T Study Group 3 (1993-1996) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 1st of July 1996. FOREWORD ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is

10、the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (IU-T) is a permanent organ of the U. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standard

11、izing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the

12、 Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, th

13、e expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. O ITU 1996 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including phot

14、ocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. 11 Recommendation D.91 (07/96) CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Aim . Method 3 3.1 Data record . 3.2 Data transfer . 4 Specific recommendations 5 Code maintenance . Annex A . Monthly international accounting information . Fixed record form

15、ats A . 1 File description (Structure of data file, Appendix VI to Annex A) A . 1.1 A.1.2 Version diskette . Version magnetic tape . A.1.4 Record descnption . Physical structure of recording A.2 Characteristics and structure of the tape . A.2.1 A.2.2 Structure oftape A.2.3 Tape and file label . Appe

16、ndix A.1 - Table of service codes (CDKIND) Appendix A.11- Table of facility codes (CDFACI) . Appendix A.111 - Volume header label . Appendix A.IV - First file header label and end of file label . Appendix A.V - Second file header label and end of file label Appendix A.VI - Structure of data file Rec

17、ommendation D.9 1 . Appendix A.VII . Disk label . Appendix I . Procedures and actions for the international exchange of traffic information in encoded form I . 1 Introduction 1.2 Physical medium 1.2.1 General recommendations . 1.2.2 Mandatory rules . 1.2.3 Labelling of diskettes 1.2.4 Transportation

18、 procedures . Recommendation D.91 (07/96) 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 . 111 1.3 Contents of the data files 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 General Record O0 “Main header“ Record O 1 “Accounting authority“ Record 02 “Communication“ Record 03 “Su111nay“ . Rec

19、ord 99 ltTrailertl . Annex 1.A - Labelling of diskettes . Annex 1.B - Sending memorand um Annex 1.C - Correct diskette . Annex 1.D - Diskette with error Annex LE - Mailing list Annex 1.F - Structure of data file Recommendation D.91 Annex 1.G - Main header record (00) . Annex 1.H - Record accounting

20、authority (01) . Annex 1.1 - Record communication (02) . Annex 1.J - Summary record (03) . Annex 1.K - Trailer record (99) Page 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 21 21 iv Recommendation D.91 (07/96) Recommendation D.91 TRANSMISSION IN ENCODED FORM OF MARITIME TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCOUNT

21、ING INFORMATION (Melbourne, 1988; revised in 1990 and in 1996) 1 Introduction 1.1 Under the provision of Recommendation D.90, Administrations engage in international billing and accounting for radiocommunications handled each month. 1.2 A growing number of Administrations are processing this monthly

22、 intemational accounting data using computer-based billing and accounting systems. Information is drawn from traffic history tapes or diskettes or manually encoded from data, such as inward international accounts and statistical summaries prepared by manual abstraction from copies of traffic tickets

23、. 1.3 It is usual at present to complete computer processing by producing conventional printed accounts following the specifications described in the various accounting Recommendations (D.90). Where the receiving Administration also uses computer facilities, however, this information has to be re-en

24、coded for processing through its system. 1.4 Transmission of data in encoded form avoids the decodinghe-encoding step. It also offers a faster transfer of information than by printed forms through the mail. The latter remains true even if the forwarding Administration has prepared the data by manuaY

25、mechanica1 means. 2 Aim 2.1 The aim of this Recommendation is: 2.1.1 To enable Administrations using computer-based billing and accounting systems to transfer information to each other in encoded form, without the need for decoding into conventional printed form and subsequent encoding into machine-

26、readable form. 2.1.2 To enable other Administrations, if they so desire, to benefit from the greater efficiency of speedier transfer of information to them and to prepare themselves for the introduction of computer working by introducing transmission of data in encoded form in advance of installatio

27、n of a computer. 2.1.3 To facilitate provision of printed output from computer-based systems in a format suitable for manual/mechanical processing where it is to be forwarded to Administrations not using computer facilities. 2.1.4 To facilitate provision of printed output from manual/mechanical acco

28、unting systems in a format suitable for data encoding where it is to be forwarded to Administrations employing computer processing. 3 Method 3.1 Data record 3.1.1 The aim of this Recommendation can be met by use of a standard data record format for the various elements of information to be transferr

29、ed. The information elements and their sequence must be compatible with the provisions of the various accounting Recommendations so that decoding to Recommendation D.91 (07/96) 1 and encoding from printed output for exchange of infomation with Administrations using manual/mechanical systems will be

30、as simple as possible. 3.1.2 Between Administrations operating computer-based billing and accounting systems, adherence to the standard data record format for data transmission purposes will ensure that simple interface programme will be needed to enable any one computer installation to generate sui

31、table input for, and accept output from, other computer installations. 3.2 Data transfer 3.2.1 Procedures already exist for transfer of data in conventional (printed) form through the mails. Data in encoded form could be transferred by mailing of magnetic or paper tapes, diskettes, paper tape transm

32、ission by telex or data transmission over circuits utilized for this purpose. 3.2.2 While mailing of tapes avoids the encoding task for the receiving Administration there can be delays and loss in transit. In addition, there can be difficulties caused by the fragility of paper tape and incompatibili

33、ty of various forms of magnetic tape recording. 3.2.3 Transfer of data via the telex service using paper tape transmission and reception can be advantageous for Administrations whether they have computer-based accounting systems or manuaUmechanica1 systems. As both page copy and punched paper tape c

34、an be generated at the receiving point, users of either type of accounting system can benefit. Page copy can be used for checking paper tape, with the latter becoming input to a computer. Page copy can also be used as the incoming international account avoiding the need for use of the postal service

35、. 3.2.4 Where large volumes of data are to be exchanged, transmission over higher speed circuits offers significant benefits. Where suitable data links are in use for service transmissions, these could be utilized. Data terminals and modems capable of transmission speed in the range 600 to 2400 bits

36、 per second should be sufficient, but higher speeds could be used. For manuaVmechanical systems, data received on data terminals can be reproduced as page copy representing an incoming international account. For computer-based accounting systems, data transmission offers the possibility of complete

37、automation of the process by computer-to-computer transfer. 4 Specific recommendations 4.1 It is recommended that: 4.1.1 encoded form. Where possible data transferred in printed form should be replaced by data transferred in 4.1.2 should be followed. For data transferred in encoded form, the standar

38、d data record format detailed in Annex A 4.1.3 Transmission of data in encoded form should be by the following means: a) physical transfer of magnetic tapes (the standard file structure is given in Annex A); b) physical transfer of diskettes (3% inch/MS DOS); c) use of data transmission over telepho

39、ne circuits, dedicated circuits, telegraph circuits or special data links. 4.1.4 Transmission methods (international packet switching service, electronic mailbox, etc.), operating practices and technical standards should be agreed between the Administrations concerned and should conform to the appro

40、priate ITU-T Recommendations. 2 Recommendation D.91 (07/96) 5 Code maintenance 5.1 The Secretariat of the ITU-T is responsible for maintenance of the table of service codes and the table of facility codes in Appendices A.1 and A.11 to Annex A. 5.2 New codes can be allocated by the authority of the D

41、irector of the ITU-T. Applications should be made through the ITU-T Secretariat who will arrange for the notification of new codes in the Operational Bulletin. Annex A (to Recommendation D.91) Monthly international accounting information Fixed record formats A.l File description (Structure of data f

42、ile, Appendix A.VI to Annex A) A.l.l Version magnetic tape The version file has EBCDIC-format (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code). The length of the formatted records is 230 characters, blocked by 10. A.1.2 Version diskette 3% inch/MS DOS. The length of the formatted record is 230 chara

43、cters, labelling, Appendix A.VI to Annex A. A.1.3 The tape, which will contain a header and a trailer record, may consist of several batches. For each accounting authority or country there may be a batch (or, if more than one currency is involved, one batch for each currency) for each of the followi

44、ng services: - satellite from-ship traffic; - terrestrial radio from-ship traffic; - - - Each of the traffic batches will contain an accounting authority header record followed by the traffic items and ended by the summary record. terrestrial radio to-ship telephone and telegram traffic; terrestrial

45、 radio to-ship telex traffic; credit cardheversed charge from-ship traffic for both services. A.1.4 Record description Fields in numeric format should be right justified with zero filling. Fields in alphanumeric format should be left justified with space filling. Similarly unused fields should be ze

46、ro or blank filled as appropriate. Recommendation D.91 (07/96) 3 A.1.4.1 Main header record O0 Position 1 3 11 17 37 to 39 40-230 Length 2 8 6 20 3 - Format Numeric Alphanumeric Numeric Alp hanumeric Numeric Alphanumeric A.1.4.2 Record accounting authority O1 Position 1 3 11 12 62 65 73 74 78 79 to

47、230 Length 2 8 1 50 3 8 1 4 1 - Format Numeric Alphanumeric Numeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Name of field CODART CDAAIC CREATN REFERN RECLEN Name of field CODART CDAAIC CDDIRE NATADM CDCURR RATCON DECIMN YEAMON CDSUPP - Contents Determination of re

48、cord code AAIC of tape originator Creation date of tape YYMMDD Invoice number Record length Unused field Contents Determination of record code to O1 AAIC of accounting authority if traffic code 3 or 4, of origin (or recipient in the case of XCF or CC calls) Administration if traffic code 1,2 or 5 in

49、 field CDDIRE Traffic codes: 1 = Terrestrial telephone and telegram traffic chargeable to the shore customer 2 = Terrestrial telex traffic chargeable to the shore customer 3 = Terrestrial traffic chargeable to the ship customer 4 = Satellite traffic chargeable to the ship customer 5 = Credit cardreversed charge originating from ship (for use only if such traffic is not included in code 1 records) Name of Administration if codes 1,2 or 5. Name of accounting authority if codes 3 or 4 Monetary unit or currency of invoice using IS0 codes e.g. gold franc = XFO; Special Drawin

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