ITU-T E 153-1996 Home Country Direct - Series E Overall Network Operation Telephone Service Service Operation and Human Factors - Operation Numbering Routing and Mobile Services - .pdf

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ITU-T E 153-1996 Home Country Direct - Series E Overall Network Operation Telephone Service Service Operation and Human Factors - Operation Numbering Routing and Mobile Services - .pdf_第1页
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ITU-T E 153-1996 Home Country Direct - Series E Overall Network Operation Telephone Service Service Operation and Human Factors - Operation Numbering Routing and Mobile Services - .pdf_第2页
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ITU-T E 153-1996 Home Country Direct - Series E Overall Network Operation Telephone Service Service Operation and Human Factors - Operation Numbering Routing and Mobile Services - .pdf_第3页
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ITU-T E 153-1996 Home Country Direct - Series E Overall Network Operation Telephone Service Service Operation and Human Factors - Operation Numbering Routing and Mobile Services - .pdf_第4页
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ITU-T E 153-1996 Home Country Direct - Series E Overall Network Operation Telephone Service Service Operation and Human Factors - Operation Numbering Routing and Mobile Services - .pdf_第5页
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2、vices - I n tern at ion al ope rat ion - Operation of internat ional telephone services Home country direct ITU-T Recommendation E.153 (Previously CCITT Recommendation) ITU-T E-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS OVERALL NETWORK OPERATION, TELEPHONE SERVICE, SERVICE OPERATION AND HUMAN FACTORS I OPERATION, NUMBE

3、RING, ROUTING AND MOBILE SERVICES INTERNATIONAL OPERATION E. 100-E.229 Definitions E. 1 WE. 103 General provisions concerning Adminisirations E.104-E.119 General movisions concerning: users E.120-E.139 Y 11 Opera all users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibilit

4、y of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid IT-T Recommendations is regularly published. CCITT Recommendation E. 105 (1 992), International telephone service. IT-T Recommendation E. 1 16 (1 997), International telecomm

5、unication charge card service. IT-T Recommendation E. 141 (1993), Instructions for operators on the operator-assisted infernational telephone service. ITU-T Recommendation E. 152 (1 996), Internationalfisephone service. ITU-T Recommendation E. 169 (1 996), Application of Recommendation E. 164 number

6、ing plan for universal international fieephone numbers for international flee phone service. IT-T Recommendation D. 116 (1996), Charging and accounting principles relating to the home country direct telephone service. IT-T Recommendation D. 120 (1996), Charging and accounting principies for the inte

7、rnational charge card service. - - - - - - - 3 Definition of terms This Recommendation defines the following terms. 3.1 telecommunication services. caller: The person requesting the home country direct feature and providing information for the payment of 3.2 providing access and telecommunication tr

8、ansport to the home country direct service provider on behalf of the caller. service access provider: The Recognized Operating Agency (ROA) in the country of call origination 3.3 process, recording the details of the call, and initiating call establishment. home country direct service provider: The

9、ROA accepting payment information, performing the verification 3.4 service delivery provider: The ROA providing telecommunication transport at the call destination. NOTE - The service delivery provider may also be the home country direct service provider and in some cases, the service access provide

10、r. 3.5 routing number: A number specified by and identifying the home country direct service provider for routing purposes. The access number dialled by the caller is translated by the service access provider to this special routing number before the call is transferred to the home country direct se

11、rvice provider. STD-ITU-T RECMN E-153-ENGL 177b E 48b2571 Ob32187 2T7 W 4 Service definitions 4.1 home country direct): Home country direct is an optional feature of the international telephone service which enables a caller in one country to access directly the home country direct service provider

12、in a second country for the purpose of placing a call terminating within the second country. This feature shall be provided on the basis of a bilateral agreement between the cooperating ROAS. Home country direct involves a two-stage international call and will require the home country direct service

13、 provider to have a bilateral agreement in place with the service access provider. See Figure 1. Country of origin Country of home country direct service provider and call termination Caller a) Or automated operator function. Called party T0105960-961dOl Figure 1m.153 - Home country direct 4.2 home

14、country beyond2): Home country beyond is a particular case of home country direct which enables a caller in one country to access directly a home country direct service provider of a second country for the purpose of placing a call terminating outside of the second country. Home country beyond invol

15、ves a two-stage international call and will require the home country direct service provider to have bilateral agreements in place with both the service access provider and the service delivery provider which will permit calls between the origin and destination countries involved. See Figure 2. 5 Op

16、erational procedures The service access provider in the country of call origination should allocate and activate access numbers to home country direct service providers. Where universal international freephone numbers (see Recommendations E. 152 and E.169) are used for access to the home country dir

17、ect service, the service access provider is only responsible for the activation of the number. The caller will select an access number for the required home country direct service provider. The service access provider may designate calling stations within the country of call origination which have a

18、ccess to the home country direct service. The access numbers will normally be non-chargeable numbers which are translated into routing numbers and the call then routed to the home country direct service providers in the relevant countries. The call will be connected to an operator, or an automated o

19、perator function, provided by the home country direct service provider. In the case where an automated operator function is utilized, the home country direct service provider may optionally provide an operator fall-back capability. *) Also known as International Operator Direct Calling (IODC). *) Al

20、so known as third country calling. Country of origin Country of home country direct service provider Country of call termination Caller Called parly T0105970-Wd02 a) Or automated operator function. Figure 2K.153 - Home country beyond The caller will be requested by the home coun+xy direct service pr

21、ovider to provide any necessary identification information, call charging or reverse charge details where relevant, the appropriate destination address, and any other information required to enable the home country direct service provider to verify the caller, provide the desired service and bill th

22、e call. The home country direct service provider will verify the information provided, accept or deny access to the service, and complete the call via the service delivery provider. The home country direct service provider should separately identi home country direct traffic and record accurate and

23、complete call data. 6 Commercial arrangements The home country direct feature depends on agreements between service access providers and home country direct service providers, including the characteristics of calls and the means of payment by the caller. Where payment by card is to be offered, the a

24、greement may be limited to specific card-issuers cards. Major items for consideration may include, for example: - access and routing numbers; - calling stations from which access can be obtained; communication back to the country of the home country direct service provider; - - communication to coun

25、tries where the home country direct service provider has an agreement with the service delivery provider in the destination country for home country beyond calls; basis for settlement information to be provided, service charges and special charges; - STD-ITU-T RECMN E.153-ENGL 177b LiBb2571 Ob32191

26、755 M - fraud management; - - - points of contact. type of features and calls which may be used; which card-issuers cards may be accepted; 7 Charging and accounting The charging and accounting principles in respect of home country direct should be in accordance with the relevant D-Series Recommendat

27、ions. eries A ieries B ieries C !eries D Series E Series F Series G Series H Series I Series J Series K Series L Series M Series N Series O Series P Series Q Series R Series S Series T Series U Series V Series X Series Z ITU-T RECOMMENDATIONS SERIES Organization of the work of the ITU-T Means of exp

28、ression: definitions, symbols, classification General telecommunication statistics General tariff principles Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors Non-telephone telecommunication services Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks Audiovi

29、sual and multimedia systems Integrated services digital network Transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals Protection against interference Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant Maintenance: international transmission sys

30、tems, telephone circuits, telegraphy, facsimile and leased circuits Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits Specifications of measuring equipment Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks Switching and signalling Telegraph transmission Telegraph services terminal equipment Terminals for telematic services Telegraph switching Data communication over the telephone network Data networks and open system communication Programming languages


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