ITU-T E 210-1993 Ship Station Identification for VHF UHF and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services《甚高频(VHF) 超高频(UHF)和海上卫星移动业务的船载电台识别》.pdf

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ITU-T E 210-1993 Ship Station Identification for VHF UHF and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services《甚高频(VHF) 超高频(UHF)和海上卫星移动业务的船载电台识别》.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T E 210-1993 Ship Station Identification for VHF UHF and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services《甚高频(VHF) 超高频(UHF)和海上卫星移动业务的船载电台识别》.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T E 210-1993 Ship Station Identification for VHF UHF and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services《甚高频(VHF) 超高频(UHF)和海上卫星移动业务的船载电台识别》.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T E 210-1993 Ship Station Identification for VHF UHF and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services《甚高频(VHF) 超高频(UHF)和海上卫星移动业务的船载电台识别》.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T E 210-1993 Ship Station Identification for VHF UHF and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services《甚高频(VHF) 超高频(UHF)和海上卫星移动业务的船载电台识别》.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 % TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU4%,%0(/.%G0G0.%47/2+G0G0!.$G0G0)3$./0%2!4)/. G0G0.5-“%2). G0G02/54).!.$G0G0-/“),%G0G03%26)#%3()0G0G034!4)/.G0G0)$%.4) Recommendation F.125 for telex numbering in the Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service; numberi

2、ng plans for maritime mobile (terrestrial) systems for further study.Note 2 In this Recommendation the term ship station is intended to also include, for simplicity, ship earthstation.1.2.4 coast station identityF: identit de la station ctireS: identidad de estacin costeraThe coast station identific

3、ation X1, X2. Xktransmitted on the radio path.Note In this Recommendation the term coast station identity is intended to also include, for simplicity, coastearth station identity.1.3 Basic considerationsThe considerations that form the basis of this ship station identification system are:a) that eve

4、ry ship shall have a unique ship station identity;h) that the same unique ship station identity should be used in both VHF/UHF and Maritime Mobile-SatelliteSystems;c) that the same unique ship station identity should be used for all telecommunication services;d) that it is desirable that the ship st

5、ation number and the ship station identity are related in a simple andunambiguous manner;e) that the capacity of the ship station identification system shall be sufficient to admit all ships wanting, orrequired, to participate in the various Maritime Mobile Services at present and in the foreseeable

6、 future;f) that the ship identity system shall be a numerical system, and should use the full range of decimal digits;g) that two or three of the digits, X1X2X3, of the ship station identity shall indicate the ships nationality2 Ship station identificationShip station identity is established as nine

7、 digits.X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9The initial three digits define the nationality of the ship as indicated in the following sections.Since the whole or a part of the ship station identity is used in the ship station number, certain restrictions maybe imposed on the allocation of ship station identities for

8、the Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service. Such restrictions areidentified in Recommendations E.215 and F.125. The use of the ship station identity in maritime mobile (terrestrial)systems is for further study.Fascicle II.2 - Rec. E.210 33 Assignment of ship station identification3.1 Assignment of blocks

9、 of numbersBlocks of numbers should be assigned to countries so that individual Administrations may systematicallyassign ship station identities within those blocks.3.2 Identification of ships geographical regionThe first digit of each ship station identity is intended to identify the geographical r

10、egion to which thenationality (registry) of the ship relates. Only the digits 2 through 7 are used for this purpose to identify easily theworlds regions as follows:2 Europe3 North America4 Asia (except Southeast Asia)5 Oceania and Southeast Asia6 Africa7 South America.Arrangements may therefore be m

11、ade to systematically assign a ship station identity to each ship as soon asnational blocks are allocated. The digits zero (0) and one (1) are allocated for other purposes as indicated inTable l/E.210.The digits eight (8) and nine (9) are not used for identification of geographical regions. However,

12、 for maritimeVHF/UHF systems, the digits 8 and 9 may be used to expand network access as shown in 8.2. The allocation of thefirst digit of the ship station identity is summarized in Table l/E.210.3.3 Identication of ships nationalitySince blocks of the ship station identities would be systematically

13、 assigned by country, a ships nationality canbe determined by analysing the first three digits of its ship station identity.The digits to be analysed are called Maritime Identification Digits (MID). Examples of the maritimeidentification digits for ships are given in Table 2/E.210.4 Assignment of ma

14、ritime identification digitsEach MID represents a discrete capacity assigned according to a plan that relates assigned capacity to shippopulation. A plan has been developed by the World Administrative Radio Conference for the Mobile Services(MOB-83) 2 and is contained in Appendix 43 to the Radio Reg

15、ulations. The Radio Regulations make provision forthe allocation of additional MID for a specific country when necessary.4 Fascicle II.2 - Rec. E.210TABLE 1/E.210Allocations of first digit (X1) in the ship station identityFirst digit (X1) of shipstation identityUse0 Group call/ coast station identit

16、y1 Reserved for future expansion2 Europe3 North America4 Asia (except South East Asia)5 Oceania and South East Asia6 Africa7 South America8 See 8.29 See 8.2TABLE 2/E.210Country Maritime identificationsDigits (MID)Ship station identityP 231 from 231 000 000to 231 999 999Q 233,234 from 233 000 000to 2

17、34 999 999R 236, 237, 238 from 236 000 000to 238 999 999S 240 to 249 from 240 000 000to 249 999 9995 Group callsX1= 0, X2= 1 to 9 and X1= 0, X2= 0, X3= 0, X4= 0 to 9 are assigned to indicate a group call to a group ofships having a community of interest. Such calls may be barred in the public switch

18、ed network and/or at the coaststations. Control of group calls may also be achieved by the use of special group service access to the coast stations.The group call numbering scheme used in the INMARSAT system is given in Annex B to Recommendation E.215.Fascicle II.2 - Rec. E.210 56 Coast station ide

19、ntityX1 = 0, X2= 0, X3= 1 to 9 are assigned to indicate coast station identities in maritime mobile (terrestrial)systems.7 Future expansion of the ship station identification systemX1= 1 as in the format 1 XXXXXXXX has been reserved for future expansion.Note X1= 1 is used in the INMARSAT standard A

20、system for identification of ship earth stations (seeRecommendations E.215 and F.125).8 Considerations related to ship station identity assignments8.1 The ship station identity, or part of it, will be included in the ship station number. The way in which this isdone for INMARSAT mobile numbers is de

21、scribed in Recommendations E.215 and F. 125.In order to distinguish between INMARSA T mobile numbers consisting of 9 and 12 digits (if they coexist), thedigit X7of the ship station identity must take the fixed value 0. This constraint is not valid when only 12 digit numbersexist in the future (see R

22、ecommendation E.215).The relationship between the nine-digit ship station identity and the part of it which is used in the ship stationnumber is illustrated in Table 3/E.210. If the part of the identity used in the number is shorter than nine digits, then thecorresponding identity is obtained by add

23、ing trailing zeros to form nine-digit ship station identities. This principlemust be observed when allocating ship station identities for ships in the Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service (seeRecommendations E.215 and F.125).TABLE 3/E.210Part of ship station identityused in ship station numberDigits on

24、 the automaticnetworkShip stations identityDigits in the ship stationidentityMID X4X5X6MID X4X5X6X7MID X4X5X6X7X8MID X4X5X6X7X8X96789MID X4X5X6000MID X4X5X6X7 00MID X4X5X6X7X80MID X4X5X6X7X8X999998.2 Numbering plans for the maritime mobile (terrestrial) services are for further study. The principle

25、of 8.1 islikely to apply for these services also.For maritime mobile (terrestrial) services, additional ship station numbering techniques may be used to expandnetwork access to more ship stations on a regional and national basis as follows:6 Fascicle II.2 - Rec. E.210Ship station number Ship station

26、 identity(or part thereof)8Y X4X5X6X7MyIyDyX4X5X6X7009 X4X5X6X7X8MnInDnX4X5X6X7X80In this arrangement, the digits 8Y may be 80 to 89 to define as many as ten foreign MIDs (shown as MYIYDy) topermit automatic calling of ships of particular nationalities. The coast station would be required to transla

27、te a given 8Y to aparticular foreign MID. The digit 9 may be used to indicate the maritime identification digits for ships of the samenationality as the network and the coast station. The coast station would be required to translate 9 to one particular nationalMID (shown as MnInDn).Fascicle II.2 - Rec. E.210 7Reference1 Radio Regulations, ITU, Geneva, 1982.2 Final Acts of the World Administrative Radio Conference for the Mobile Services (MOB-83), ITU, Geneva, 1983.


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