ITU-T E 755-1996 Reference Connections for UPT Traffic Performance and GOS - Telephone Network and ISDN Quality of Service Network Management and Traffic Engineering《全球个人通信(UPT)话务特.pdf

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ITU-T E 755-1996 Reference Connections for UPT Traffic Performance and GOS - Telephone Network and ISDN Quality of Service Network Management and Traffic Engineering《全球个人通信(UPT)话务特.pdf_第1页
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2、ITU-T Recommendation E.755 (Previously “CCIT Recommendation”) ITU-T RECMN*E.755 9b - 4862573 Ob35383 754 FOREWORD The -T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (IT). The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and t

3、ariff questions and issuing Recommen- dations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, pr

4、oduce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the -T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). IT-T Recommendation E.755 was prepared by -T Study Group 2 (1993-1996) and was approved under the WTSC Resoluti

5、on No. 1 procedure on thel9th of February 1996. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. 0 ITU 1996 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

6、 utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the IT. ITU-T RECMN*E.755 96 4862591 ObL5184 690 CONTENTS Page Scope 1 Related Recommendations . 1 Definitions 1 Abbreviations . 2 Introduction 2 Reference connec

7、tions 2 History 3 Recommendation E.755 (02/96) 1 ITU-T RECMN*E.?55 96 4862593 ObL5385 527 m SUMMARY This Recommendation provides high level reference connections for UPT calkonnection setup. The primary purpose of reference connections is to provide a basis for developing traffic grade of service (G

8、OS) Recommendations for networks supporting UPT. ii Recommendation E.755 (02/96) ITU-T RECMN*E.55 96 4862593 0635386 463 Recommendation E.755 REFERENCE CONNECTIONS FOR UPT TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE AND GOS (Geneva, 1996) 1 Scope This Recommendation provides high level reference connections for UPT calLkon

9、nection setup. The primary purpose of reference connections is to provide a basis for developing traffic Grade of Service (GOS) Recommendations for networks supporting UPT. The traffic GOS takes into account the impact of both bearer network traffic and the associated traffic on the signalling netwo

10、rk. The traffic GOS includes delay and blocking performance as reflected in the specification of GOS parameters described in Recommendation E.775. The underlying UPT call flow model in the reference connections should be used as a basis for more implementation- specific configurations for detailed p

11、erformance analysis and GOS target setting. 2 Related Recommendations The following Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommen

12、dations and other references are subject to revision: all users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularl

13、y published. - ITU-T Recommendation E.168 (1993), Application of E.164 numbering plan for UPT. - ITU-T Recommendation E.174 (19959, Routing principles and guidance for universal personal telecommunication. - ITU-T Recommendation F.115 (1999, Service objectives and principles for future public land m

14、obile telecommunication systems. - ITU-T Recommendation F.850 (1993), Principles of Universal Personal Telecommunication (UPT). - ITU-T Recommendation F.85 1 (1993, Universal Personal Telecommunication (UPT) - Service description (service set I). - ITU-T Recommendation I. 1 14 (1993), Vocabulary oft

15、em for universal personal telecommunication. - ITU-T Recommendation 1.373 (1993). Network capabilities to support Universal Personal Telecommunication (UPT). - CCIT Recommendation Q. 1201 (1992), Principles of intelligent network architecture. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this Recommendation, d

16、efinitions provided in Recommendations 1.1 14 and F.85 1 will be applicable. Recommendation E.755 (OU96) 1 ITU-T RECflNtE.755 %b 48b2.593 Ob35367 3TT 4 Ab brevia tions For the purposes of this Recommendation, the following abbreviations are used. BSS Base Station System FPLMTS GOS Grade of Service G

17、W Gateway (Mobile switching centre) HLR Home Location Register IN Intelligent Network ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network LE Local Exchange MSC Mobile Switching Centre PLMN Public Land Mobile Networks PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network SCP Service Control Point SDP Service Data Point SRF Sp

18、ecialized Resource Function SS No. 7 Signalling System No. 7 SSP Service Switching Point UPT Universal Personal Telecommunication Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems 5 Introduction UPT represents an emerging telecommunications service concept which will provide personal mobility and

19、associated service portability features across both fixed and wireless access types using the advances in network intelligence and signalling. The Intelligent Network (IN) will support the necessary database requirements and provide personal mobility and call, connection and service management funct

20、ions for UPT. The Signalling System No. 7 (SS No. 7) network, with suitable application protocols for UPT, will provide the messaging backbone for UPT service. The scope of UPT includes provision of UPT service across multiple networks and different terminal types (fixed, mobile, portable). Thus, a

21、UPT user can originate and receive calls, and access subscribed services in a network different from his home network from a terminal designated by the user. The scenario where both the calling and called users are UPT subscribers and both users are visiting in different networks, will occur with in

22、creasing frequency as the demand for UPT service increases within the travelling public and increasing number of PT networldservice providers emerge. Because of the increased database look-ups in this scenario and attendant potential for increased call setup delays, it represents a suitable candidat

23、e for a benchmark configuration for setting traffic GOS standards for networks supporting UPT service. 6 Reference connections Reference connections are aimed at identifying representative cases without involving the specifics of actual realizations. (For example, databases should be considered - as

24、 far as practicable - at the functional level, without considering the specifics of actual partitioning and distribution.) 2 Recommendation E.755 (02/96) ITU-T RECPlNmE.755 96 m 4862591 Ob15188 23b m Though the initial implementations of UPT (Service Set 1) will be on fixed networks, both Recommenda

25、tions F.851 and F.115 require support of UPT on mobile networks in the longer term. To reflect this phased evolution of UPT, this Recommendation provides two reference connections (Figure 1) suitable for UFT traffic engineering and traffic GOS studies. Both reference connections assume the case of U

26、PT-to-UFT user connection, but in one reference connection the called UPT user is on a fixed terminal (medium term scenario) whereas in the other reference connection the called PT user is on a wireless terminal (longer term scenario). The reference connections of Figure 1 are intended to represent

27、nearly worst-case configurations with respect to UPT performance (database access requirements and call setup). The following assumptions are implicit: i) both UPT users are outside their respective home networks; ii) the service profile databases are available only in their respective home networks

28、; iii) the terminating user is already registered on a fixed - case a) - or wireless - case b) - terminal; iv) full SS No. 7/IN capabilities are assumed; v) each network maintains the service profile of the UPT user in a database. (The physical architecture of the database is not considered here.);

29、vi) the UPT number contains an indication of the location of the home network of the called user. 7 History Recommendation first published in 1995. Recommendation E.755 (02196) 3 - ITU-T RECMN*E-755 96 4862591 0615189 172 Hqme Network (calling UPT user) Originating .- NetWXk 0 Terminating Network *y

30、- . Calling UPT user - “ (fixed terminal) Called UPT user (fiM terminal) Home Network (called UPT user) Case a): Called UPT user registered via a fixed teminal Hqme Network (calling UPT user) L I 0 0 Originating Network -0 Terminating Network 0 Callina UPT UF / PLMN . “ Called UPT user . - (wireless

31、 terminall ,- - . . . . . . -i) . - Case b): Called UPT user regstered via a wireless terminal - - - - - - - Signalling connection Bearer connection NOTES 1 2 3 user; 3 and 4 indicate association of called UPT Number with Routing Number in case a), or with mobile station number in case b); 5 indicat

32、es bearer connection to the terminating network; 6 and 7 indicate mapping of mobile station number onto mobile station routing number; 8 indicates call completion to called (PLMN) user. The specific interface (Le. SCP-SCP, or SCP-SDP, or SDP-SDP) for internetwork signalling is for further study. Bea

33、rer and signalling circuits in each network may consist of terrestrial and/or satellite connections. Numbers 1 to 8 indicate the sequence of operations. in particular, 1 and 2 indicate registratiodauthentication of calling FIGURE 1E.755 Reference connections for UTP traffic performance and GOS (UTP user to UTP user) 4 Recommendation E.755 (02/96)

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