ITU-T E 771-1996 Network Grade of Service Parameters and Target Values for Circuit-Switched Public Land Mobile Services - Series E Telephone Network and ISDN Quality of Service Netff.pdf

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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU E.771 (1 0/96) SERIES E: TELEPHONE NETWORK AND ISDN Quality of service, network management and traffic engineering - Traffic engineering - Mobile network traffic engineering Network grade of service parameter



4、KMANAGEMENT E.400-E.489 International service statistics E.400-E.409 International network management E.410-E.419 Checking the quality of the international telephone service E.420-E.489 E.490-E.799 Measurement and recording of traffic E.490-E.505 Forecasting of traffic E.506-E.509 Determination of t

5、he number of circuits in manual operation E.510-E.519 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Determination of the number of circuits in automatic and semi-automatic operation E.520-ES39 Grade of service E. 540-E. 599 E.600-E.699 Definitions ISDN traffic engineering E.700-E.749 Mobile network traffic engineering E.750-

6、E.799 QUALITY OF TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES: CONCEPTS, MODELS, Terms and definitions related to the quality of telecommunication services Models for telecommunication services Objectives for quality of service and related concepts of telecommunication E.800-E.899 OBJECTIVES AND DEPENDABILITY PLANNIN

7、G E. 800-E. 809 E. 81 O-E. 844 E. 845-E. 859 services Use of quality of service objectives for planning of telecommunication networks Field data collection and evaluation on the performance of equipment, networks and services E.860-E.879 E.880-E.899 For further details, please refer to ITU-T List of

8、 Recommendations. STD-ITU-T RECMN E-77L-ENGL L77b 48b257L Ob2b35b 383 ITU-T RECOMMENDATION E.771 NETWORK GRADE OF SERVICE PARAMETERS AND TARGET VALUES FOR CIRCUIT-SWITCHED PUBLIC LAND MOBILE SERVICES Summary This Recommendation proposes network Grade of Service (GOS) parameters for current and evolv

9、ing land mobile services. These parameters are defined, and their target values specified, assuming that the network and the network components are operating in their normal mode (i.e. are fully operational). Further, the parameters and their target values assume normal (as opposed to distress or em

10、ergency) traffic. Source ITU-T Recommendation E.771 was revised by ITU-T Study Group 2 (1 993-1 996) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 8th of October 1996. FOREWORD IT (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of tel

11、ecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The Wor

12、ld Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the IT-T is covered by the procedure laid

13、down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness t

14、o indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. O ITU 1997 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing f

15、rom the ITU. II Recommendation E.771 (10/96) STD-ITU-T RECMN E-771-ENGL 199b m q8b257L ObZb358 L5b m 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 7 CONTENTS Page Scope 1 Related Recommendations . 1 Abbreviations . Grade of service parameters . Post-selection delay 4.1.1 Authentication and pri

16、vacy . Paging/alerting of a tenninal/user . 4.1.2 4.1.3 Routing number transfer Answer signal delay Call release delay Probability of end-to-end blocking . Probability of unsuccessful land cellular handover Definition of probability of unsuccessful land cellular handover . Post-selection delay 4.5.1

17、 Target values for GOS parameters - cellular systems 5.1.1 5.1.2 Post-selection delay in the fixed network Delay in authentication and cipher mode setting Delay in obtaining routing number . 5,1.3 Paging/alerting delay . Target values for post-selection delays . 5.1.4 5.1.5 Answer signal delay Call

18、release delay 5.3.1 Target values for call release delay . Probability of end-to-end blocking . 5.4.1 Probability of blocking on the radio channels . 5.4.2 Target values for blocking on the radio channels 5.4.3 Probability of blocking on PLMN-to-fixed network circuits 5.4.4 Target values for blockin

19、g on PLMN-to-fixed network circuits . Probability of unsuccessful land cellular handover 5.5.1 Target values for probability of unsuccessful handover handling . Target values for GOS parameters . non-cellular systems History 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 Bibliog

20、raphy 13 Annex A . Handover process 13 . Recommendation E.771 (10/96) 111 STD-ITU-T RECMN E-77L-ENGL L77b Li8b2571 062b357 O72 A.l Example of handover process . Annex B . Cellular systems B . 1 Post-selection delay iv Recommendation E.771 (10196) Page 13 15 15 STD-ITU-T RECMN E-77L-ENGL L77b m 48b25

21、7L Ob2b3b0 80i W Recommendation E.771 NETWORK GRADE OF SERVICE PARAMETERS AND TARGET VALUES FOR CIRCUIT-SWITCHED PUBLIC LAND MOBILE SERVICES (revised in 1996) 1 Scope This Recommendation proposes network Grade of Service (GOS) parameters for current and evolving land mobile services. These parameter

22、s are defined, and their target values specified, assuming that the network and the network components are operating in their normal mode (i.e. are fully operational). Further, the parameters and their target values assume normal (as opposed to distress or emergency) traffic. The target values speci

23、fied in this Recommendation apply primarily to second generation digital mobile systems. They should generally be considered as minimum requirements for evolving third generation systems, i.e. the target GOS for third generation systems should be equal to, if not more stringent than, the targets spe

24、cified in this Recommendation. 2 Related Recommendations The following Recommendations are the ones applicable at the time of publication of this Recommendation. CCITT Recommendation E.720 (1 988), ISDN grade of service concept. CCITT Recommendation E.721 (1991), Network grade of service parameters

25、and target values for circuit-switched services in the evolving ISDN. CCITT Recommendation E.723 (1 992), Grade of service parameters for Signalling System No. 7network.s. ITU-T Recommendation E.75 1 (1 996), Reference connections for trafic engineering of land mobile networks. ITU-T Recommendation

26、1.352 (1 993), Network performance objectives for connection processing delays in an ISDN. ITU-T Recommendation E.800 (1994), Terms and definitions related to quality of service and network performance including dependability. CCITT Recommendation Q, 1001 (1988), General aspects ofpublic land mobile

27、 networks. CCITT Recommendation Q. 1002 (1 988), Networkfnctions. CCITT Recommendation Q. 1003 (1 9SS), Location registrationprocedures. ITU-R M.817 (1994), Future Public Lund Mobile Telecommunication Systems (FPLMTSj. ITU-R M. 1079 (1 994), Speech and voiceband data performance requirements for Fut

28、ure Public Lund Mobile Telecommunication Systems (FPLMTSj. Abbreviations For the purposes of this Recommendation, the following abbreviations are used. AC Authentication Centre Recommendation E.771 (10/96) 1 ACM ANS BER BS BSS CCS CDMA STDOITU-T RECMN E.77L-ENGL L79b a lrAb259L ObZb3bL 740 Address C

29、omplete Message Answer Message Bit Error Rate Base Station Base Station System Common Channel Signalling Code Division Multiple Access CSMA-CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection DSS 1 FDMA F-F F-M FPLMTS GSM GOS HDLC HLR IAM IN ISDN ISUP LE MMF MS MSC M-F M-M PABX PDC PLMN PSTN SS No.

30、 7 TDMA TE Digital Subscriber Signalling No. 1 Frequency Division Multiple Access Fixed-to-Fixed Fixed-to-Mobile Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems Global System for Mobile communication Grade of Service High-level Data Link Control Home Location Register Initial Address Message Int

31、elligent Network Integrated Services Digital Network ISDN User Part Local Exchange Mobility Management Functions Mobile Station Mobile Switching Centre Mobile-to-Fixed Mobile-to-Mobile Private Automatic Branch Exchange Personal Digital Cellular Public Land Mobile Network Public Switched Telephone Ne

32、twork Signalling System No. 7 Time Division Multiple Access Transit Exchange 2 Recommendation E.771 (10196) STD-ITU-T RECMN E-77L-ENGL L77b qAb257L ObZb3b2 bA7 UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System UPT Universal Personal Telecommunication VLR Visitor Location Register 4 Grade of service par

33、ameters In this Recommendation, the following traffic GOS parameters are specified for mobile circuit- switched services: 8 post-selection delay; b answer signal delay; o call release delay; 8 probability of end-to-end blocking; this probability includes the following three components: - - - probabi

34、lity of blocking on radio links; probability of blocking on PLMN-to-fixed network circuits; probability of blocking in the fixed (transit) network, 8 probability of unsuccessful land cellular handover. fixed network-to-mobile network calls (F-M); mobile network-to-fixed network calls (M-F); mobile n

35、etwork-to-mobile network calls utilizing the fixed network as transit network Separate GOS targets are considered for the following three call types: 8 o o (M-M). Pre-selection delay for M-F and M-M calls is not included because mobile stations originate calls by simply keying in the called number a

36、nd pressing the Isend key. The definitions of these traffic GOS parameters are given below. The delay GOS parameters are based on the message flows in Recommendation 4.93 1 (DSS 1) and Signalling System No. 7 (ISUP) protocols as indicated, for example, in Figure A.lE.713. 4.1 Post-selection delay Po

37、st-selection delay (enbloc sending) is defined as the time interval from the instant the first bit of the initial SETUP message containing all the selection digits is passed by the calling terminal to the access signalling system until the last bit of the first message indicating call disposition is

38、 received by the calling terminal (ALERTING message in case of successful call). NOTES 1 In the case of mobile-originated (i.e. M-F or M-M) connections, the starting instant is the In case of automatic answering terminals, the ALERTING message is replaced by the CONNECT message. The post-selection d

39、elays comprises delays associated with operations such as authentication, paging/alerting and transfer of routing number. activation of the “Send“ key in the calling terminal. 2 Recommendation E.771 (10196) 3 STD-ITU-T RECMN E.77L-ENGL L77b LIBb2573 Ob2b3b3 513 4.1.1 Authentication and privacy Authe

40、ntication of users andor terminals in a public land mobile network is a key requirement to provide protection against unauthorized (fraudulent) access and misuse of information about subscribers, and to provide privacy during radio transmissions (protection against eavesdropping). In the second and

41、third generation digital mobile system, the latter is achieved through encryption of voice, data and signalling information and requires exchange of encryption parameters (keys) during the authentication process. The authentication procedure involves at least one set of challenge-response messages i

42、n order to exchange and compare appropriate authentication parameters and set up the encryption mode (privacy) over the radio path. It is assumed that the authentication procedure is invoked at call origination by a mobile station and will impact post-selection delays for M-F and M-M calls. For mobi

43、le terminated calls (F-M and M-M calls), the delay for paginglalerting includes the time required for authentication and cipher mode setting for the called mobile station (see 4.1.2). 4.1.2 Paginualerting of a terminayuser Before an incoming call can be established to a mobile user, the exact locati

44、on (the current serving base station system) for the mobile station needs to be identified. This is achieved through the “paging procedure“ whereby the current serving mobile switching centre pages the mobile station with a paging broadcast to all base station systems within its domain. The paged te

45、rminal (if in “attached“ state) automatically responds to the page and establishes its current location. User alerting at the mobile station (ringing) and alerting message to the calling user (ring back) is applied only after the terminal has answered the page. Though no database access is associate

46、d with the paging procedure itself, a number of operations need to be completed before the “alert“ procedure can be invoked for the called and calling parties e.g. authentication and cipher mode setting which requires interaction with the local database of a visited network (VLR) and possibly with t

47、he users home network database (HLR), sending of call Set-up message to the mobile station. 4.1.3 Routing number transfer For every call terminating at a mobile station (from a fixed or mobile network), the home network database (HLR) of the called mobile user needs to be interrogated to obtain a “r

48、outing number“. If the called mobile user is roaming in another mobile network (or the same network but within the domain of another HLR), the HLR in turn will interrogate the serving VLR for the called mobile station to obtain the routing number. Thus, in the worst case two database consultations w

49、ill be required to obtain a routing number (Figure 3E.751). The queryhesponse delays involved in obtaining the routing number for the mobile station will contribute to the post-selection delays for F-M and M-M calls. 4.2 Answer signal delay Answer signal delay is defined as the time interval from the instant that the called terminal passes the first bit of the CONNECT message to its access signalling system until the last bit of the CONNECT message is received by the calling terminal. 4.3 Call release delay Call release delay is defined as the time interval from the instant t

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