ITU-T F 125-1993 Numbering Plan for Access to the Mobile-Satellite Services of INMARSAT from the International Telex Service - Operations and Quality of Service Mobile Service (Stu.pdf

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ITU-T F 125-1993 Numbering Plan for Access to the Mobile-Satellite Services of INMARSAT from the International Telex Service - Operations and Quality of Service Mobile Service (Stu.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T F 125-1993 Numbering Plan for Access to the Mobile-Satellite Services of INMARSAT from the International Telex Service - Operations and Quality of Service Mobile Service (Stu.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T F 125-1993 Numbering Plan for Access to the Mobile-Satellite Services of INMARSAT from the International Telex Service - Operations and Quality of Service Mobile Service (Stu.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T F 125-1993 Numbering Plan for Access to the Mobile-Satellite Services of INMARSAT from the International Telex Service - Operations and Quality of Service Mobile Service (Stu.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T F 125-1993 Numbering Plan for Access to the Mobile-Satellite Services of INMARSAT from the International Telex Service - Operations and Quality of Service Mobile Service (Stu.pdf_第5页
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2、RSAT ITU-T Recommendation F.125 (Previously “CCITT Recommendation”) ITU-T RECMN+F.L25 73 = 48b257L 0584852 TO8 FOREWORD The -T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union o. The m-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and

3、tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, established the topics for study by the i-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produ

4、ce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). -T Recommendation F.125 was revised by IW-T Study Group 1 (1993-1996) and was approved under the WTSC Resolutio

5、n No. 1 procedure on the 31st of August 1993. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. O 1994 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utili

6、zed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the . ITU-T RECMN*F=L25 93 48b259L 0584853 944 CONTENTS Introduction 1.1 Purpose . 1.2 Terminology . 1.3 Basic considerations . Format of INMARSAT mobile international

7、number Telex destination codes for INMARSAT . Format of INMARSAT mobile number . 4.1 General format 4.2 Formats of the INMARSAT mobile number for INMARSAT-A system 4.3 Formats of the INMARSAT mobile number for INMARSAT-B system . 4.4 Format of the INMARSAT mobile number for INMARSAT-C system 4.5 For

8、mat of the INMARSAT mobile number for INMARSAT aeronautical system 4.6 Future INMARSAT systems Digit analysis Presentation of INMARSAT mobile numbers in directories . 6.1 General Annex A . Use of ship station identification for maritime applications of systems operated by INMARSAT A.l General A.2 Co

9、nstraints on ship station identification and numbering . A.3 Applications of ship station identity . Annex B - Group call numbering scheme for the INMARSAT system . B.l Categories for group call services . B.2 Group call formats Reference . Recommendation F.125 (OW93) Page 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4

10、5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 i ITU-T RECMN*F-125 93 D 48b259L 0584854 880 D Recommendation F.125 NUMBERING PLAN FOR ACCESS TO THE MOBILE-SATELLITE SERVICES OF INMARSAT FROM THE INTERNATIONAL TELEX SERVICE (revised at Geneva, 1993) 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Recommendation is to specify

11、a telex numbering plan for mobile earth stations in systems operated by INMARSAT. Such systems may include maritime land and aeronautical satellite systems. In the future the range of mobile satellite systems may also include satellite systems for other applications. 1.2 Terminology The telephonebSD

12、N numbering plan for INMARSAT is contained in Recommendation E.215. Recommendations E.215 and F. 125 are designed to be as similar as possible. For the purpose of this Recommendation, the following definitions apply: 1.2.1 ship station identity: As defined in the Radio Regulations, Appendix 43. See

13、also Recommendation F.120. 1.2.2 INMARSAT mobile international number: The addressing information, excluding any prefix, comprising a telex destination code and INMARSAT mobile number, used to access a terminal equipment connected to an INMARSAT mobile earth station from the intemational telex servi

14、ce. 1.2.3 telex destination code allocated to an INMARSAT satellite region. 1.2.4 specific terminal equipment connected to the mobile earth station. INMARSAT mobile number: The part of the INMARSAT mobile international number which follows the INMARSAT mobile terminal number: That part of the INMARS

15、AT mobile number which identifies a 1.2.5 Other definitions For definition of terms such as maritime mobile-satellite service, aeronautical mobile-satellite service, ship earth station, etc., see the Radio Regulations. 1.3 Basic considerations The considerations which form the basis for the numberin

16、g plan are: 1.3.1 1.3.2 all types of public network. 1.3.3 INMARSAT requirements should be as few as possible. 1.3.4 standards. It should be possible to identify a mobile earth station, uniquely from the INMARSAT mobile number. The INMARSAT mobile number should have a format where the same number co

17、uld be used for access from The number of telex destination codes listed in Recommendation F.69 required for supporthg future Different routings may be used for calls to mobile earth stations designed to different INMARSAT system 13.5 different INMARSAT system standards. 1.3.6 mobile earth station.

18、Recognized operating agencies (ROA) and INMARSAT may apply different charging and accounting rates to The numbering plan should provide capacity for the identification of terminal equipment connected to a 1.3.7 The numbering plan should support access to multichannel mobile earth stations. Recommend

19、ation F.125 (O93) 1 ITU-T RECMN+F.325 93 m 4862593 0584855 717 m Telex destination code 581 582 1.3.8 INMARSAT-A system. 1.3.9 Recommendations U.11 and U.12. Any new mobile earth station numbering plan should incorporate numbering plan(s) already in use for the The length of the INMARSAT mobile inte

20、rnational number should not exceed 12 digits to comply with Geographical destination Atlantic-east satellite region, INMARSAT Pacific satellite region, INMARSAT 1.3.10 stations in the same ship within one ship station identity. 13.11 0s) for a specific country, when necessary. For maritime-satellite

21、 applications the ship station numbering plan should support access to several ship earth The Radio Regulations should make provision for the allocation of additional maritime identification digits 583 584 2 Format of INMARSAT mobile international number Indian satellite region, INMARSAT Atlantic-we

22、st satellite region, INMARSAT The format of the INMARSAT mobile international number is: CCCT X1 . Xk where CCC is the telex destination code, in accordance with Recommendation F.69, allocated to INMARSAT and T XI . xk is the INMARSAT mobile number. The format of the INMARSAT mobile number is given

23、in 4. NOTE - The INMARSAT mobile intemational number will vary depending on the satellite region selected by the caller in which connection with the MES is to be attempted. 3 The telex destination codes (see Recommendation F.69) allocated for MMARSAT are shown in Table 1. Telex destination codes for

24、 INMARSAT TABLE 1F.125 Telex destination codes for INMARSAT 4 Format of INMARSAT mobile number 4.1 General format 4.1.1 The general format of the INMARSAT mobile number is: where the digit T is used for discrimination between different INMARSAT systems. The formats used for the various INMARSAT syst

25、ems are defined below. The values of the T digits are summarized in Table 2. The T digits represent a limited resource and a new T digit should therefore only be allocated when necessary for technical or operational reasons. The TSB is responsible for coordinating the allocation of new T (or U) (see

26、 4.6) digits with the competent Study Groups. 2 Recommendation F.125 (OW93) ITU-T RECMN*F.125 93 48b259L 0584856 b53 4.1.2 T digit O 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 TABLE 2E.125 Value of T digit for various applications Applications Group call in INMARSAT-A, see 4.2.2 Ordinary call in INMARSAT-A, see 4.2.1 Reserv

27、ed for future use Ordinary call in INMARSAT-B. see 4.3 Ordinary call in INMARSAT-C, see 4.4 Ordinary call in INMARSAT aeronautical system, see 4.5 INMARSAT-M (excluding telex) Reserved for future use Expedient access to special service terminations in INMARSAT-A, see Recommendation E.215 Reserved fo

28、r future expansion, see 4.6 To meet the rauirements of the international telex service, and, in particular, the signalling conditions specified in Recommendations U. 1 1 and U. 12, the INMARSAT mobile number should not contain more than 9 digits. 4.2 Formats of the INMARSAT mobile number for INMARSA

29、T-A system 4.2.1 Ordinary calls The format of the INMARSAT mobile number used for ordinary calls to mobile earth stations in INMARSAT-A system is as follows: 1 X1X2X3- the possibility of several ship earth stations on the same ship where all ship earth stations have a number associated with the uniq

30、ue ship station identity of the ship; the capability of supporting multichannel ship earth stations. - These capabilities may require digits in block 3 of the INMARSAT mobile number, thus reducing the available space for block 2. A.3 Applications of ship station identity A.3.1 Digit capacity in bloc

31、k 2 The INMARSAT-A system can only support 6 digits in block 2 because of the addressing capacity on the radio path. The addressing capacity of INMARSAT-B and -C systems on the radio path can cater for up to 7 digits in block 2. However, the limited digit capacity of the terrestrial networks puts th

32、e following initial constraints to the number of digits in block 2: for the INMARSAT-B system, the initial digit capacity in block 2 is 6 digits in order to allow sufficient capacity in block 3 for supporting the capabilities listed in A.2.2 above; for the INMARSAT-C system, the initial digital capa

33、city in block 2 is 6 digits to allow sufficient capacity in block 3 for supporting the possibility of identifying several terminal equipments connected to a ship earth station and of several ship earth stations on the same ship. - - A.3.2 Mapping between ship station identity and digits in block 2 T

34、he mapping between ship station identity and digits in block 2 is shown in Table A. 1. TABLE A.lE.125 For ship earth stations, the ship station identity is thus derived from the digits in block 2 by adding Os at the end until the identity consists of 9 digits. 6 Recommendation F.125 (OW3) ITU-T RECf

35、lN*F-125 93 4862591 0584860 084 The digit T in block 1 determines the type of ship earth station and, implicitiy, the number of digits in block 2. The relationship is shown in Table A.2. Further details of the number structure are given in the main part of the Recommendation. TABLE A.uF.125 Relation

36、ship between the digit T and the format of the ship station identity in 12 igit INMARSAT mobile international numbers Value of digit T O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INMARSAT standard system A A Reserved B C Aeronautical Reserved (INMARSAT-M) Reserved A Future expansion Number of digits in block 2 (Note 1) 6 -

37、 6 6 (Note 3) 6 - (Note 4) Further study Format of ship station identity (Note 1) (Note 2) - xxx xxx o00 xxx xxx o00 (Note 3) (Note 5) - (Note 4) Further study NOTES 1 2 Appendix 43, Radio Regulations. 3 identification plan of Appendix 43, Radio Regulations. 4 5 INMARSAT-M (excluding telex). Group c

38、all address (see Annex B for format of group call addresses). The INMARSAT mobile number is not related to the ship station identification plan of The numbering plan for the aeronautical-satellite service is not related to the ship station See clause 4 for the use of this T digit. A.3.3 Ships equipp

39、ed with several INMARSAT systems The ship station identity for such ships is the one derived from the ship earth station standard having the smallest size of block 2. This applies only if the numbering systems for the ship earth station standards are related to the ship station identification plan.

40、Annex B Group call numbering scheme for the INMARSAT system (This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation) B.l Categories for group call services At present, four different categories of group call service have been envisaged within the maritime mobile-satellite service. Recommendation F

41、.125 (OW93) 7 B.l.l National group calls The category is defined to address all ships of the same nationality. B.1.2 Fleet group calls This category is defined to address all ships within one fleet. B.1.3 Selected group calls This category is defined to address a number of ships having a community o

42、f interest irrespective of nationalities or fleets, and forming a predefined group. B.1.4 Area group caiis This category is defined to adkss all ships of any nationality located within a predetermined geographical area. B.2 Group dl formats B.2.1 values in B.2.2 for INMARSAT. The general group call

43、format is T X1X2X3X&X&Xg, where the digits T x1x2x35x6x7x8 take the B.2.2 following the T digit, with T = O, allocated as follows: The group call numbering schemes for the INMARSAT-A system will use eight decimal digits X1 . x8 M213D4050690g09 National group Call M213D&F&F8Fg Fleet group call 234567

44、89 Selected group call 0304A5A&AgA9 Area group call whereMz#O M2#l F5#O &#O. For T = 1 or 8, the group call number is not valid. B.23 B.2.4 Regulations i. B.2.5 In accordance with category 4 of the above-mentioned appendix, the particular MID reflects only the country allocating the group call ident

45、ity and, therefore, does not prevent group calls to fleets containing more than one ship nationality. Allocation of selected group numbers should be avoided when the same group could equally well be assigned a fleet group number. B.2.6 National group numbers and fleet group numbers should be allocat

46、ed by countries. Selected group numbers and area group numbers as applicable to the INMARSAT system should be allocated by INMARSAT: allocation of such numbers may require cooperation with other organizations. B.2.7 INMARSAT if those numbers are going to be used within the INMARSAT system. For INMAR

47、SAT-B and INMARSAT-Aeronautical, the format of the digits X1 . x8 is for further study. The MIDs in national and fleet group numbers are those allocated in Table 1 of Appendix 43, Radio A country having assigned a national group or fleet group number should notify the Director-General of Reference i Radio Regulations, Appendix 43, ITU, Geneva, 1982, revised in 1985, 1986 and 1988. 8 Recommendation F.125 (OW93)

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