ITU-T F 182-1996 Operational Provisions for the International Public Facsimile Service between Subscribers with Group 3 Facsimile Terminals (Telefax 3)《支持通过公用网的用户终端使用3类传真的文件通信的指南》.pdf

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ITU-T F 182-1996 Operational Provisions for the International Public Facsimile Service between Subscribers with Group 3 Facsimile Terminals (Telefax 3)《支持通过公用网的用户终端使用3类传真的文件通信的指南》.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T F 182-1996 Operational Provisions for the International Public Facsimile Service between Subscribers with Group 3 Facsimile Terminals (Telefax 3)《支持通过公用网的用户终端使用3类传真的文件通信的指南》.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T F 182-1996 Operational Provisions for the International Public Facsimile Service between Subscribers with Group 3 Facsimile Terminals (Telefax 3)《支持通过公用网的用户终端使用3类传真的文件通信的指南》.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T F 182-1996 Operational Provisions for the International Public Facsimile Service between Subscribers with Group 3 Facsimile Terminals (Telefax 3)《支持通过公用网的用户终端使用3类传真的文件通信的指南》.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T F 182-1996 Operational Provisions for the International Public Facsimile Service between Subscribers with Group 3 Facsimile Terminals (Telefax 3)《支持通过公用网的用户终端使用3类传真的文件通信的指南》.pdf_第5页
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2、tional public facsimile service between subscribers with Group 3 facsimile terminals (Telefax 3) ITU-T Recommendation F.182 (Previously CCITT Recommendation) COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesITU-T F-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS

3、 NON-TELEPHONE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES TELEGRAPH SERVICE Operating methods for the international public telegram service The gentex network Message switching The international telemessage service The international telex service Statistics and publications on international telegraph services Sched

4、uled and leased communication services Phototelegraph service Mobile services and multidestination satellite services MOBILE SERVICE F.1-F.109 F. 1 -F. 19 F.20-F.29 F.30-F.39 F.40-F.58 F.59-F.89 F.90-F.99 F. 100-F. 104 F.105-F.109 F.110-F.159 F.110-F.159 F. 160-F.399 TELEMATIC SERVICES Teletex servi

5、ce F.200-F.299 F.300-F.349 Videotex service General provisions for telematic services F.350-F.399 F.400-F.499 F.500-F.549 F.550-F.599 MESSAGE HANDLING SERVICES DIRECTORY SERVICES DOCUMENT COMMUNICATION F.550-F.579 F.580-F.599 F.600-F.699 Document communication Programming communication interfaces DA

6、TA TRANSMISSION SERVICES AUDIOVISUAL SERVICES ISDN SERVICES UNIVERSAL, PERSONAL TELECOMMUNICATION F.70eF.799 F. 800-F. 849 F.850-F.899 HUMAN FACTORS F.900-F.999 For further details, please refer to ITU-T List of Recommendations. COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU Telecommunications

7、Licensed by Information Handling Services STD-ITU-T RECMN F.182-ENGL L77b Li8b2571 Ob32229 703 m FOREWORD The IT-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff

8、 questions and issuing Recommen- dations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the IT-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce

9、Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). ITU-T Recommendation F.182 was revised by IT-T Study Group 1 (1993-1996) and was approved by the WTSC (Geneva, 9-1

10、8 October 1996). NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. O ITU 1997 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any

11、 means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. Recommendation F.182 (10/96) i COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling Services1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 STD.ITU-T RECM

12、N F-lZ-ENGL 199b D 48b2591 b32230 425 = CONTENTS Introduction Service definitions 2.1 General 2.2 Basic requirements 2.3 Standardized options . 2.5 Restrictions on the use of the Telefax 3 Service . Network requirements Procedures for the transmission of documen Coding scheme . Operation of the Tele

13、fax 3 Service Quality of service . Terminal identification . Subscriber terminals . Directories Tariff principles Recommendation F . i 82 (1 0196) Page 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSUMMAR

14、Y This Recommendation defines the operational provisions for the international Telefax 3 service. The revisions to this Recommendation are to align it with the recently agreed changes to the related T-Series Recommendations regarding the addition of new optional features, deletion of Group 1, Group

15、2 and AYA6 size facsimile terminals. Some editorial changes have been made to align the terminology as well as including references to new Recommendation F. 182 bis. . Recommendation F.182 (10/96) 111 COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Hand

16、ling ServicesRecommendation F.182 OPERATIONAL PROVISIONS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC FACSIMILE SERVICE BETWEEN SUBSCRIBERS WITH GROUP 3 FACSIMILE TERMINALS (TELEFAX 3) (Melbourne, 1988; revised Helsinki, 1993 and Geneva, 1996) 1 Introduction 1.1 Service. This Recommendation defines the rules to be

17、followed in the international Group 3 Facsimile (Telefax 3) 1.2 either manually or automatically via telecommunication networks. 1.3 The basic element of the correspondence between people using the service is the page, as the smallest unit of text treated as an entity. No restrictions shall exist as

18、 far as the operator procedures or generation of the text or the positioning of text within the reproducible area on a page are concerned. 1.4 Recommendations. be given to the use of Recommendation F. 182 bis. The Telefax 3 is an intemational service offered by ROAS enabling subscribers to exchange

19、correspondence Questions of an essentially technical nature concerning the Telefax 3 Service are dealt with in the T-Series NOTE -If an ROA does not wish to offer a Telefax 3 service as defined in this Recommendation, then consideration could 2 Service definitions 2.1 General The essential character

20、istic of the Telefax 3 Service is that it provides a basic level of compatibility between all terminals participating in the service. 2.2 Basic requirements a) The basic level of compatibility is provided between any two terminals both nationally and internationally so that they may communicate imag

21、e-coded information to each other. This is to be achieved by requiring that terminals comply with Recommendations T.4 and T.30; it is for each ROA to decide on the network(s) on which the Telefax 3 Service will be carried. There shall be no restriction on the type of network to be used; it should be

22、 possible to extend the Telefax 3 Service to any number of countries; b) c) d) to permit private use options, for example encryption, there shall be no technical limitation on the bit sequence of the subscribers information that may be transmitted; a received Telefax 3 message can be printed or disp

23、layed as decided by the recipient and the terminal characteristics. If the message is printed, the receiving subscriber will be furnished with a document that is identical with that produced by the sending subscriber as far as its contents, layout and format are concerned; it is intended that the Te

24、lefax 3 Service should require no changes to the Recommendations for existing services or networks. e) 0 2.3 Standardized options 2.3.1 It is recognized that some subscribers may need to use their Group 3 facsimile terminals to communicate nationally and internationally using service features that a

25、re not included in the basic requirements. A number of ITU-T standardized options have therefore been defined. However, the provision of any option in a service leads to some Recommendation F.182 (10196) 1 COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information

26、 Handling ServicesSTD-ITU-T RECMN F.LB2-ENGL 199b D -Idb257L Ob32233 134 degree of incompatibility and the number of standardized options has been restricted to those features which are listed below for which a clear international need can be foreseen. The sending terminal shall ensure the transmiss

27、ion of documents using only those options that have been indicated as being available at the receiving terminal. 2.3.2 The standardized options provide means for: a) b) subscriber identification (Recommendation T.30); c) d) higher resolutions (Recommendation T.4); e) f) g) polling (Recommendation T.

28、30); h) i) j) k) Sub-addressing (SUB) (Recommendation T.30); i) coded character mode (Recommendation T.4); m) Binary File Transfer mode (BFT) (Recommendation T.4); n) Basic Transfer Mode (BTM) (Recommendation T.4); o) Document Transfer Mode (DTM) (Recommendation T.4); p) Electronic Document Intercha

29、nge (EDI) (Recommendation T.4); q) simple mixed mode (Recommendation T.4); r) processable mode 26 (Recommendation T.505); s) digital network operation (Recommendation T.30). NOTE 1 - ROAS are encouraged to ensure that standardized and nationally defined options are used in such a way as to NOTE 2 -A

30、s the service develops, there is a need for further study and consequently changes may be required to the higher data signalling rates (Recommendation T.4); Error Correction Mode (ECM) (Recommendation T.4); optional coding schemes (Recommendation T.4); optional page sizes (Recommendation T.4); Selec

31、tive Polling (SEP) (Recommendation T.30); Password for polling (PWD) (Recommendation T.30); Sender Identification (SID) (Recommendation T.30); minimize the need for the introduction of private use options. above list. 2.4 Communication between terminals should take place at the level of compatibilit

32、y at, or nearest to, the parameters initially selected by the originating user. The determination of this level should be camed out automatically via the pre-message procedures. This should take into account aspects of the quality of transmission media available in the participating networks and the

33、 options available on the receiving terminal. 2.5 Restrictions on the use of the Telefax 3 Service Please refer to Recommendation F.160. 3 Network requirements 3.1 It is the responsibility of each ROA to decide on which network(s) the Telefax 3 Service is to be provided. 3.2 Recommendations. The Tel

34、efax 3 Service may be provided over all public networks using the appropriate ITU-T technical If the Integrated Services Digital Network is used, the Telefax 3 Service will be provided as appropriate. 3.3 automatically with terminals belonging to the Telefax 3 Service on any other public network. Te

35、rminals on any public network which belong to the Telefax 3 Service shall be able to communicate 2 Recommendation F.182 (10/96) COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ITU-T RECMN F.IA2-ENGL L77b 48b257L Ob32234 070 4 Proced

36、ures for the transmission of documents The technical procedures for transmitting documents in the Telefax 3 Service are given in Recommendation T.30. 5 Coding scheme 5.1 The basic coding scheme for the Telefax 3 Service is given in Recommendation T.4 5.2 The optional image coding schemes are given i

37、n Recommendation T.4. 5.3 The optional character coding repertoire is given in Recommendation T.4. 6 Operation of the Telefax 3 Service 6.1 The Telefax 3 Service in each country and the interconnection between countries or networks shall use fully automatic switching so that it is possible for any T

38、elefax 3 subscriber to reach any other Telefax 3 subscriber using fully automatic selection. This shall not, however, preclude, on a purely interim basis, the use of manual call Set-up by intemational operators, where the calling terminal is served from a PSTN in which international call access to a

39、nother PSTN serving the called terminal cannot be automatically provided. 6.2 It is a requirement to allow the through connection of a call between Group 3 facsimile terminals connected to a private automatic branch exchange (or similar systems) and those connected to public exchanges used for the T

40、elefax 3 Service. 6.3 Interworking with other facsimile services - Please refer to Recommendation F.180. 6.4 Interworking with Message Handling Services - Please refer to Recommendation F.423 (for further study). 6.5 Interworking with the Telex Service - Please refer to Recommendation F.87. 7 Termin

41、al identification 7.1 an automatic identification shall be provided, see 7.3. On the PSTN, an answering tone of 2100 Hz shall identi connection to a non-voice terminal. Additionally, 7.2 If the pages are printed, it is desirable for the identification of the transmitting terminal to appear at the re

42、ceiving terminal, in the form of an identification line printed at the top of each page received, in an area 10 mm deep extending across the whole width of the page. This area may be either inside or outside the nominal A4 page, in accordance with the option selected by the user. 7.3 The digital ter

43、minal identification shall consist of up to 20 characters (including only digits and spaces). For the PSTN and the ISDN, the identification shall be the international telephone number and the format should be as follows: plus sign, country code, space, area code, space, subscribers number. The codin

44、g arrangements are defined in Recommendation T.30. The form of the digital terminal identification on other networks is for further study. 7.4 At the transmitting terminal, the identification of the receiving terminal may be displayed or printed. 8 Quality of service For further study. Recommendatio

45、n F.182 (“96) 3 COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD*ITU-T RECMN F-LBZ-ENGL L99b 48b2571 Ob32235 TO7 9 Subscriber terminals 9.1 In order to support a high quality of service, a range of data signalling rates has been defi

46、ned as follows: 9.1.1 Public switched telephone network Terminals on the public switched network shall be able to operate at the basic data signalling rate of 4800 bitls with fallback to 2400 bitls. In addition, higher data signalling rates may be provided. Details are given in Recommen- dation T.30

47、. 9.1.2 If the Integrated Services Digital Network is used, the Telefax 3 Service will be provided as appropriate. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 9.1.3 Public data networks For further study. 9.2 following subclauses. 9.2.1 Group 3 facsimile terminals shall have the ability to send, rece

48、ive and display documents encoded with the image coding scheme defined in Recommendation T.4. In addition, they may have the ability to utilize the optional coding schemes defined in Recommendation T.4. 9.2.2 The facilities required in terminals participating in the international Telefax 3 Service a

49、re listed in the No constraints shall be placed upon the type of presentation technology employed. io Directories Please refer to Recommendation F. 180. 11 Tariff principles Please refer to Recommendation F. 180. 4 Recommendation F.182 (10/96) COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling Services STD-ITU-T RECMN F-LBZ-ENGL L77b H 48b2571 Ob3223b 743 W ITU-T RECOMMENDATIONS SERIES Series A Series B Series C Series D Series E Series F Series G Series H Series I Series J Series K Series L Series M Series N Series O Series P


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