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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 (b) the strategic and commercial importance of standardization of message handling services;(c) the urgent need for intercommunication arrangements for existing telematic services, and other serviceswith public message handling services;(d) the need for a

2、 clear distinction between the responsibilities to be allocated to service providers and those ofsubscribers and/or users;(e) the need for establishing international compatibility between different messaging systems;(f) the growth of the installed base of terminals and personal computers with the ab

3、ility to access messagehandling systems;(g) that several F series Recommendations describe public message handling services;(h) that certain X and T series Recommendations cover relevant aspects of systems used for the provision ofmessaging services;(i) that there is a requirement for delivery of me

4、ssages from message handling services in physical form topostal addresses;unanimously declaresthe view that the requirements specified in this Recommendation should be applied for the provision ofintercommunication between public message handling services and public physical delivery services intern

5、ationally.CONTENTS1 Introduction2 Scope3 Features3.1 General description3.2 Application4 Physical rendition4.1 Basic rendition capabilities4.2 Rendition of IPM headers4.3 Additional rendition capabilities5 Naming and addressing6 Quality of service6.1 Service objectives6.2 Message status2 Fascicle II

6、.6 - Rec. F.4156.3 Delivery and notification times model6.4 Time targets6.5 Responsibility for messages6.6 Handling of incompatibilities7 User information and support8 Network requirements9 Tariff and accounting considerationsAnnex A AbbreviationsAnnex B Physical rendition detailsAnnex C Undeliverab

7、le mail diagnosticsAppendix I Naming and addressing examples1 IntroductionThis Recommendation specifies the general, operational and quality of service aspects of intercommunicationbetween public message handling (MH) services and public physical delivery (PD) services.This intercommunication may be

8、 offered by Administrations, enabling subscribers to send messages to one ormore recipients though telecommunications means for final delivery in physical form through a PD service. The postalservices are general examples of public PD services.The general principles of intercommunication between MH

9、services and PD services are overviewed inRecommendation F.400, and as a generic capability of the message transfer (MT) service in Recommendation F.410.The capabilities described in this Recommendation cover message transfer (MT) and interpersonal messaging(PM) service intercommunication with PD se

10、rvices.The output media addressed at this time is hard-copy; other forms of physical delivery media are for furtherstudy.The terms used in this Recommendation are defined in Recommendation F.400.Technical specifications and protocols to be used for MH/PD service intercommunication as covered in this

11、Recommendation are defined in the X.400 series Recommendations.2 ScopeThe model for MH/PD service intercommunication as covered in this Recommendation is shown inFigure 1/F.415. The actual provisions of PD services are not covered in this Recommendation.3 Features3.1 General descriptionThe MH/PD int

12、ercommunication provides MH users with a variety of facilities to be performed in the processof physical rendition, physical transport, and physical delivery of messages. The elements of service available tooriginating users are grouped into specific categories as shown in Table 1/F.415.Fascicle II.

13、6 - Rec. F.415 3TABLE 1/F.415MH/PD elements of serviceCategory Elements of service F.400 Ref.Physical delivery request Requested delivery method B.76Modes of physical transport and delivery Ordinary mailSpecial deliveryEMS (express mail service)Counter collectionCounter collection with adviceDeliver

14、y via Bureaufax serviceB.53B.81B.28B.16B.17B.23Registrations Registered mailRegistered mail to addressee in personB.70B.71Physical delivery notifications Undeliverable mail with return of physicalmessagePhysical delivery notification by PDSPhysical delivery notification by MHSB.91B.58B.57Physical fo

15、rwarding Physical forwarding allowedPhysical forwarding prohibitedRequest for forwarding addressB.59B.60B.75Physical rendition capabilities Basic physical renditionAdditional physical renditionB.7B.2The definition and classification of MH/PD elements of service are found in Recommendation F.400; bas

16、eelements of service and optional user facilities are defined. Base capabilities are inherent to the MH/PD serviceintercommunication and have to be made available internationally by all Administrations supporting thisintercommunication. Optional user facilities are selectable by the originator on a

17、per-recipient basis. These areclassified as either essential or additional. Essential optional user facilities shall be made available internationally by allAdministrations. Additional optional user facilities may be made available by some Administrations for national useand internationally on the b

18、asis of bilateral agreement.3.2 ApplicationAll MH/PD elements of service apply on a per-recipient basis.Various combinations of elements of service are possible. For example, the elements of service categoryphysical delivery notifications are useable with all modes of physical transport and delivery

19、, with registrations and withphysical forwarding categories.The elements of service submission time stamp and delivery time stamp also apply to MH/PD serviceintercommunication although they are not listed. These are MH elements of service whose definitions include MH/PDintercommunication.In all case

20、s of physical delivery, it is highly desirable that the originator provide a postal O/R address for PDnotifications to be sent by PDS, particularly when these are explicitly requested. To facilitate this, the originating UAcould prompt the originator for this information or obtain it from a director

21、y.4 Fascicle II.6 - Rec. F.415Optional user facilities selectable by originating users affecting physical delivery are rendered on the physicalmessage above the recipients address visible through the window of the envelope to ensure that the proper handlingprocedures are taken in the PDS. Details of

22、 this are described in Annex B.In the case where the physical message cannot be delivered, it is returned to the originator, depending on theoptions selected and on national regulations, firstly as a vehicle to carry the non-delivery notification, and secondly toinform the originator on what has hap

23、pened to the message. Notifications include undeliverable mail diagnostics asdefined in Annex C.Where more than one notification is to be returned to the originator, these are returned together at the farthestdelivery point. For example, physical forwarding and physical delivery notification are gen

24、erated as a combinednotification after delivery.Where the recipients forwarding address is returned, based on the originators request, it is returned in the formof a postal address, as defined in Recommendation F.401.The element of service additional physical rendition is meant to establish generic

25、place holders for use underbilateral agreements and possible future standardization.The actual methods of physical rendition, routing, and delivery used by Administrations may vary.4 Physical rendition4.1 Basic rendition capabilitiesThe PDAU and associated PDS provide the capabilities for rendition,

26、 routing, transport, and delivery ofphysical messages based on inherent and user selected facilities as defined by the elements of service.Details of the basic physical rendition (hard copy) process are provided in Annex B.4.2 Rendition of IPM headersIn the case of IP-messages, heading information i

27、s printed on the physical message. The language selected isbased on either the language indication element of service (provided that this is supported in the receiving country) orthe default national language(s) of the receiving country. Originators and/or originating UAs are encouraged to specifyth

28、e language.4.3 Additional rendition capabilitiesAdditional physical rendition capabilities of the PDAU are for further study, but may be provided byAdministrations on the basis of bilateral agreements.Possible additions include: use of extended character sets; ability to select pre-encoded informati

29、on (such as digitized logos and signatures) for rendition; support of other encoded information types.5 Naming and addressingNaming and addressing in message handling services is described in Recommendation F.400.For the purpose of physical delivery, the recipient of the physical message is identifi

30、ed by means of a postalO/R address as defined in Recommendation F.401.PD country name and country name would normally be identical, except in the case of transit mail. This occurswhen a message is destined to a country which does not offer MH/PD service intercommunication; the message wouldthen be r

31、outed and printed in the nearest country (or another country based on established agreements), andsubsequently physically delivered to the final destination.A postal code is required for the routing of the MHS message to the proper PDAU. It may default tounspecified if no postal code exists.Two vers

32、ions of postal O/R address are provided to allow:a) the use of the postal address as it commonly exists (Version 1 unformatted postal O/R address);b) for further automatic routing within the PDS (Version 2 formatted postal O/R address).Administrations should support both versions of the Postal O/R A

33、ddress, and should encourage MH users touse the Formatted Postal O/R Address (Version 2).Fascicle II.6 - Rec. F.415 5Users should be made aware that sufficient address information about the recipient and final destination has tobe provided in either version of the postal O/R address in order to enab

34、le the PDS to route, transport and deliver aphysical message properly.In terms of formatted postal address attributes, these generally comprise: one attribute of O/R address componets; one attribute of physical delivery address components; and the required set of attributes of physical delivery offi

35、ce address components.The postal O/R address is also used to supply the postal address of the originator of a physical message.Examples of postal O/R addresses are provided in Appendix I.6 Quality of service6.1 Service objectivesAdministrations are responsible for providing the service requested by

36、the originator. In the event of failure, itwould be beneficial if accepted and non-delivered messages would be traceable and the originator informed.6.2 Message statusAdministrations could provide assistance to their subscribers with regards to delivery status. The extent towhich provisions are made

37、 for support of status and tracing of messages is a national matter.6.3 Delivery and notification times modelFigure 2/F.415 depicts a model of delivery and notification times relative to MH/PD serviceintercommunication.The meaning of times “Tn“ in Figure 2/F.415 are defined as follows:T1 = delivery

38、time of MH message1) Start time corresponds to the submission time stamp.2) End time corresponds to the delivery time stamp.T2 = delivery notification of MH message1) Start time corresponds to the delivery time stamp.2) End time corresponds to the time that the MH notification is made available to t

39、he user through the UA orMS.T3 = physical delivery notification by MHS1) Start time corresponds to the time at which the physical delivery notification by MHS has been generated.2) End time corresponds to the time that the physical delivery notification by MHS is made available to theuser through th

40、e UA or MS.Ta = physical handling1) Start time corresponds to the delivery time stamp.2) End time corresponds to the time at which the physical message is delivered to the recipient.Note Physical handling includes physical rendition, transport, and delivery.Tb = generation of physical delivery notif

41、ication by MHS1) Start time corresponds to the time at which the physical message is delivered to the recipient.2) End time corresponds to the time that the physical delivery notification by MHS is generated in the MHS.Tc = physical delivery notification by PDS1) Start time corresponds to the time a

42、t which the physical message is delivered to the recipient.2) End time corresponds to the time that the physical delivery notification by PDS is delivered to theoriginator.6 Fascicle II.6 - Rec. F.415Note This time includes the generation of the physical delivery notification by PDS.6.4 Time targets

43、Time targets for MH (T1, T2, T3 in Figure 2/F.415) are specified in Recommendations F.410 and F.420. Inaddition, times for physical handling (Ta, Tb, Tc in Figure 2/F.415) need to be considered. These time targets are notspecified in this Recommendation but could be defined in the MH/PD service prof

44、ile table described in 7.Time targets for physical handling are dependent on the modes of physical transport and delivery requested bythe originator and on the modes offered by the destination Administration.6.5 Responsability for messagesFrom the point of view of MH/PD service intercommunication, r

45、esponsibility for physical delivery starts at thepoint where the MTA passes the messages to the PDAU. Responsibility for messages prior to that belongs in MHS.Delivery through a specific PDS is a user option. If the user does not specify a certain PDS, messages arehandled by the PDS associated with

46、the MH domain. If there is more than one PDS, the traffic is routed based onadministrative agreements.Although MH messages with incomplete physical routing data may cause problems or delays, service providersshould accept such messages in at least one gateway station and arrange for further routing

47、as appropriate.The MHS could check whether the requested elements of service and rendition capabilities are compatible withthose offered by the destination MTA/PDAU and PDS. If this check is positive, the message is accepted by theMTA/PDAU which generates the delivery time stamp indication. This tim

48、e stamp appears in the field service data asdetailed in Annex B.Fascicle II.6 - Rec. F.415 76.6 Handling of incompatibilitiesIf MH messages are destined for a MH/PD service which does not offer the requested elements of service, oradditional capabilities, the messages should be transferred to anothe

49、r suitable MH/PD service in the same managementdomain, or in another management domain (another country in the case of transit mail), based on establishedagreements.Another method for handling incompatible messages is to replace requested additional optional elements ofservice and printing capabilities by the best comparable service and to inform the originator, and if necessary also therecipient, about the chosen alternatives.If neither of these methods of handling incompatibilities are possible the MTA/PDAU shall reject the MSmessage and initiate a non-delivery rep

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