1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU).4%2.!4)/.!,G0G0!.!,/5%G0G0#!22)%2G0G03934%-3%.%2!,G0G0#(!2!#4%2)34)#3G0G0/2) the characteristics of the multiplex terminal equipment, where applicable (see Recommendations G.232and G.412);3) the method of sig
2、nalling over international circuits, the relevant Recommendations are contained inVolume VI; see also the following Note:Note - Since the CCITT Recommendations mentioned in 2) above envisage the use of well-defined audiosignalling frequencies sent over the speech path, no signal repetition problems
3、should arise.When different signalling methods are used on a cable system and a radio-relay system, equipment will benecessary at the interconnection point to convert the two types of signalling to a common type, preferably d.c. signalling.Reference1 CCIR Recommendation Interconnection at audio frequencies of radio-relay systems for telephony, Vol. IX,Rec. 268, Dubrovnik, 1982.