ITU-T G 601-1993 TERMINOLOGY FOR CABLES《电缆的术语》.pdf

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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU42!.3-)33)/.G0G0-%$)!G0G0#(!2!#4%2)34)#34%2-)./,/9G0G0 analog repeaterF: rpteur analogiqueS: repetidor analgicoA repeater for amplifying analogue signals or digital signals and capable of other functions, but e

2、xcludingregeneration of digital signals.1003 regenerative repeaterF: rpteur rgnrateurS: repetidor regenerativoA repeater ensuring regeneration of digital signals, and capable of other functions.Note - This definition is different from that given in Recommendation G.701 1. At the time whenRecommendat

3、ion G.701 was drafted, a suitable CCITT definition of repeater was not available. The ensemble ofdefinitions given here makes it desirable to incorporate the regenerative repeater in the family of transmission systems,instead of defining it only as a device, as is the case in Recommendation G.701.10

4、04 directly powered (repeater) stationF: station (de rpteurs) alimentation indpendanteS: estacin (de repetidores) alimentada directamenteA repeater station which receives its electric power directly from the local mains or from a local generator.1005 power feeding (repeater) stationF: station dalime

5、ntation (de rpteurs)S: estacin (de repetidores) de telealimentacinA directly powered repeater station which supplies electric power to other repeater stations2 Fascicle III.3 - Rec. G.6011006 dependent (repeater) stationF: station (de rpteurs) tlalimenteS: estacion (de repetidores) telealimentadaA r

6、epeater station which receives its electric power supply from a power feeding repeater station.Note - Electric power may be conveyed to the dependent station either by the physical transmission mediumitself, or by conductors in the same cable sheath, or by exterior cables.1007 section terminationF:

7、extrmit de sectionS: extremo de seccinA point selected conventionally to be the interface between the physical transmission medium and associatedequipment such as repeaters.Note - The precise selection of the point to constitute the section termination should take into accountassociated accessories

8、such as splices, connectors or flexible connecting cables in order to include them, as the casemay be, on one side or on both sides of the termination.1008 elementary cable sectionF: section lmentaire de cbleS: seccin elemental de cableAll of the physical transmission media and accessories such as s

9、plices, connectors or flexible connectingcables included between two consecutive section terminations.1009 elementary repeatered sectionF: section lmentaire amplifieS: seccin elemental con amplificacinIn a given direction of transmission an elementary cable section together with the immediately foll

10、owinganalogue repeater, all included between two section terminations.1010 elementary regenerated sectionF: section lmentaire rgnreS: seccin elemental con regeneracinIn a given direction of transmission, an elementary cable section together with the immediately followingregenerative repeater, all in

11、cluded between two section terminations.1011 take-up factorF: facteur de cblageS: factor de cableadoRatio between the value of a linear parameter measured on the length unit of a cable and the value of the sameparameter measured on the length unit of a pair of that cable.The result of cabling (assem

12、bly of components and possibly twisting of wires in pairs and then in quads) isthat the length of the cable components is greater than that of the axial length of the cable. The take-up factor is theratio between these two lengths.1012 Graphic illustration of the use of some terms in 1.Fascicle III.

13、3 - Rec. G.601 32 Terms concerning cables measurements2.1 Use of the word echo, in cable testing only2101 echoF: choS: ecoAn electric, acoustic or electromagnetic wave which arrives at a given point, after reflection or indirectpropagation, with sufficient magnitude and delay for it to be perceptibl

14、e at the given point, as a wave distinct from thatdirectly transmitted.2102 backward echoF: cho (vers lamont)S: eco hacia atrsAn echo arriving at a defined point and having a direction of transmission opposite to that of the direct signal.4 Fascicle III.3 - Rec. G.6012103 forward echoF: cho vers lav

15、al,. tranageS: eco hacia adelanteAn echo arriving at a defined point and having the same direction of transmission as that of the direct signal.2.2 Pulse measurements2201 echometric measurementF: mesure chomtriqueS: medicin ecomtricaA measurement made by studying the echo which follows the emission

16、of a signal of limited duration, knownas a “measuring signal“, with a view to analyzing all the causes of reflections.2202 pulse durationF: dure dune impulsionS: duracin del impulsoThe interval of time between the first and last instant at which the instantaneous value of a pulse (or of itsenvelope

17、if a carrier frequency pulse is concerned) reaches a specified fraction of the peak amplitude.2203 sine-squaredF: impulsion en sinus carrS: impulso en seno cuadradoA unidirectional pulse defined by the expression:y = K sin2(pit/2T); 0 t 2Ty = 0; t 2TwhereK is the amplitudeT is the pulse duration at

18、half-amplitudet is the time.2204 pulse echo meterF: chomtre impulsionsS: ecmetro de impulsosApparatus designed to take echometric measurements by means of pulses.2205 elementary echoF: cho lmentaireS: eco elementalIn an echometric measurement, the state of the echo in a time interval of a duration c

19、omparable to that of thetest signal.Fascicle III.3 - Rec. G.601 52206 peak amplitude of an elementary echoF: amplitude de crte dun cho lmentaireS: amplitud de cresta de un eco elementalMaximum value of echo amplitude reached in the duration of an elementary echo2207 relative amplitude of an elementa

20、ry echoF: amplitude relative dun cho lmentaireS: amplitud relativa de un eco elementalRatio between the peak amplitude of an elementarv echo and the maximum amplitude of the measuring signal,evaluated at the emission point.2208 pulse echo return loss ; pulse echo attenuationF: affaiblissement dchoS:

21、 prdida de retorno para el eco; atenuacion de ecoRelative amplitude of an elementary echo expressed in transmission units.2209 amplitude-corrected echoF: cho corrig en amplitudeS: eco corregido en amplitudAn echo observed, after processing to carry out at least partial correction of propagation effe

22、cts.2210 amplitude- and phase-corrected echoF: cho corrig en amplitude et phaseS: eco corregido en amplitud y en faseAn echo observed, after processing has been made to correct the propagation effects on the amplitude andshape of the echo.2211 echo curveF: courbe dchoS: curva de ecoA graphic or osci

23、lloscopic representation of echo amplitude function of time.Note - The echo may be corrected in amplitude or in amplitude and phase; the curve is then called, as the casemay be, “amplitude-corrected echo curve“ or “amplitude- and phase-corrected echo curve“.2212 equivalent resistance errorF: cart qu

24、ivalentS: error de resistencia equivalenteThe value of a hypothetical impedance deviation which, if situated at the end of a section of a transmissionmedium, would produce in an echometric measurement at that end the same reflected energy as all the irregularities ofthe section.6 Fascicle III.3 - Re

25、c. G.6012213 corrected equivalent resistance errorF: cart quivalent corrigS: error de resistencia equivalente corregidoEquivalent resistance error evaluated by an echometric measurement comprising echo correction. Thecorrection may be effected in amplitude or in amplitude and phase or according to o

26、ther criteria (e.g. in energy).Note - The corrected equivalent resistance error may be evaluated in terms of one kilometre, as the ratio kbetween corrected equivalent resistance error eas measured on a cable section, and the square root of the length L ofthis section, in km. keL=/km-122.3 Measuremen

27、ts made with sine-wave signals2301 irregularity reflection coefficientF: facteur de rflexion sur les irrgularitsS: coeficiente de reflexin de las irregularidadesThe reflection coefficient measured at one end of a section of a transmission medium, for a specified mode ofpropagation, under conditions

28、allowing for the elimination of the effects of reflections other than those due toirregularities inherent in the section concerned.2302 regularity lossF: affaiblissement de londe rflchie sur les irrgularitsS: prdida de retorno por irregularidadesThe expression in transmission units of the modulus of irregularity reflection coefficient Pi. Its value indecibels is equal to:Ai= -20 log10|Pi|.Reference1 CCITT Recommendation Vocabulary of pulse code modulation (PCM) and digital transmission terms,Vol III, Rec. G.701.


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