ITU-T G 854 6-1999 Computational Viewpoint for Trail Management - Series G Transmission Systems and Media Digital Systems and Networks Digital Transmission Systems - Digital Networ.pdf

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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU G.854.6 (03199) SERIES G: TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS AND MEDIA, DIGITAL SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS Digital transmission systems - Digital networks - Management of transport network Computational viewpoint for trail manag

2、ement ITU-T Recommendation G.854.6 (Previously CCITT Recommendation) STD-ITU-T RECNN G-854-b-ENGL modi trail; release trail; create trail termination point; delete trail termination point; associate trail termination point with access group; disassociate trail termination point fi-om access group; a

3、ssociate trail termination point with subnetwork; disassociate trail termination point from subnetwork; report trail Set-up; report trail release; report trail modification; report trail termination point creation; report trail termination point deletion; report association of trail termination poin

4、t with access group; report disassociation of trail termination point from access group; report association of trail termination point with subnetwork; report disassociation of trail termination point from subnetwork. Source ITU-T Recommendation G.854.6 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 4 (1997-2000

5、) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 26th of March 1999. 1 Recommendation G.854.6 (03/99) STDmITU-T RECMN Ga85+*b-ENGL 1993 YBb2591 Obb0359 241 FOREWORD ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommunicati

6、ons. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommu

7、nication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTS

8、C Resolution No. 1. In some areas of information technology which fali within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation the term recognized operating agency (ROA) includes any individual, company, corporation or govern

9、mental organization that operates a public correspondence service. The terms Administration, ROA and public correspondence are defined in the Constitution of the ITU (Geneva, 1992). INTELLECTUAL PROPERTI RIGHTS The ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Re

10、commendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. The ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date

11、 of approval of this Recommendation, the ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to cons

12、ult the TSB patent database. O ITU 1999 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. 11 Recommendation G.854.6 (03/99) 1 2 3 4 5

13、6 STD-ITU-T RECMN G.854.b-ENGL 5999 = 4862591 OhhO3bO Tb3 E CONTENTS Page 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Scope References Definitions Abbreviations . Conventions Label references Interfaces Query interfaces Operational interfaces . 7.2.1 Trail provisioning interface . Reporting interfaces 7.3.1 Trail provisionin

14、g reporting interface . ASN . 1 supporting productions . 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 16 16 25 . Recommendation G.854.6 (03/99) Ill Recommendation G.854.6 COMPUTATIONAL VIEWPOINT FOR TRAIL MANAGEMENT (Geneva, 1999) 1 Scope This computational viewpoint specification is related to the trail management enterpri

15、se specification defined in Recommendation G.852.6 and the trail management information specification defined in Recommendation G. 853.6. 2 References The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Reco

16、mmendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; all users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other r

17、eferences listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. i ITU-T Recommendation G.85 1.1 (1 996), Management of the transport network - Application of the RM-ODP fiamework. 2 ITU-T Recommendation G.853.1 (1999), Common elements of the information viewpoint

18、for the management of a transport network. 3 ITU-T Recommendation G.852.6 (1 999), Enterprise viewpoint for trail management. 4 ITU-T Recommendation G.853.6 (1 999), Information viewpoint for trail management. 3 Definitions None. 4 Abbreviations This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations:

19、ASN. 1 Abstract Syntax Notation One Id Identifier Ifce Interface inv invariant ITU International Telecommunication Union layerND 1ayerNetwork Domain LC LinkConnection ND Network Domain RM-ODP Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing Recommendation G.854.6 (03/99) 1 tm trail management TTP Tra

20、il Termination Point 5 Conventions In order to increase the readability of the behaviour in the operations: 0 parameters are written in bold; elements defined in the information viewpoint specification are written in italic. - tmNetworkTTP tmsubnetwork tmSubnetworkConnection 6 Label references I 1 t

21、mAccessGroup _ subnetworkIsDelimitedBy subnetworkTP1sReiatedToExtremit-y tmTrailHasImmediateTraffkDescriptor tmTrailHasTSC trailIsTerminatedBy PointToPoint directionality resourceId sianalldentification I I tmLayerNetworkDomain I Full ASN.l production reference Local label reference I I tmSubnetwork

22、TP I I I userlabel I I I commonReportResourceIdChangeIfce 1 I 1 I cornmonResourceIfce I I I GrauhicStrine 2 Recommendation G.854.6 (03/99) 7 Interfaces This specification does not define operations which change the userlabel of the resources or report this change to the notification receiver because

23、 they do not change the state of the system. Their exact signature will be developed as part of the engineering viewpoint specification with the concerned technology. Interface name mAccessGroupQuery Ifce 7.1 Query interfaces This specification refers to interfaces that allow get access to identific

24、ation and properties of resources involved in the “trail management“ community. As the invocation of the contained operations do not modi any state, there is no interest to develop them explicitly. Their exact signature will be developed as part of the engineering viewpoint, with the concerned techn

25、ology. These interfaces are listed in Table 1 with the information they allow access to. Information object Table UG.854.6 - Query interfaces tmSubnetworkConnectionQuerylfce tmSubnetworkQueryIfce tmLayerNetworkDomainQuery Ifce Attributes and relationships :resourceId :signaIIdentitication :topologic

26、alEndDirection 4ayerNetworkDornainIsMadeOf, ROLE: ContainerLNDr Recommendation G.854.6 (03/99) 3 STDmITU-T RECMN G*BSq.b-ENGL 1777 9 48b259L Obh03b4 b09 Table 1/G.854.6 - Query interfaces (concluded) CtmTrailHasTSC, ROLE: transportQualifiedTraib Interface name I Information object I I tmTrafficDescr

27、iptorQuery Ifce tmTrailServiceCharacteristicsQueryIfce Attributes and relationships 7.2 Operational interfaces 7.2.1 Trail provisioning interface The trail provisioning interface manages the immediate Set-up, release and modification of point-to- point trails as well as the creation and deletion of

28、network TTPs and the association and disassociation of network TTPs witWfrom access groups and subnetworks. The interface is required to satis the enterprise requirements stated in: , , , , , , , , 4 Recommendation 6.854.6 (03/99) STDmITU-T RECMN G.BS4-b-ENGL 1999 W 4Bb259L Obb03b5 545 By inheriting

29、 the properties of the cornonResourceIfce, the trailProvisioningIfce provides the capability to change the resource identifier of the resources involved. COMPUTATIONAL INTERFACE trailProvisioning Ifce DERIVED FROM OPERATION ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 1 1 Set-up point-to-point trail OPERATION setupPoint

30、ToPointTrai1 INPUT-P AMMETERS aEnd: AEndChoice := CHOICE networkTTP NetworkTTPChoice, accessGroup AccessGroupChoice) ; networkTTP NetworkTTPChoice, accessGroup AccessGroupChoice ; zEnd: ZEndChoice := CHOICE layerND: LayerNetworkDomainChoice; dir: Directionality; suppliedUserIdentifier: UserIdentifie

31、r; servicecharacteristics: TrailServiceCharacteristicsId; trafficDescriptor: ImmediateTrafficDescriptorId; supplieduserlabel: Graphicstring; - zero length string or O implies none supplied. - reference can be used to determine any QOS or routing characteristics; - zero length string implies none sup

32、plied OUTPUT-P ARAMETERS newTrai1: Trailchoice; ConnectedAEndNetworkTTP: NetworkTTPChoice; ConnectedZEndNetwrkTTP: NetworkTTPChoice; RAISEDEXCEPTIONS networkTTPsNotPartOfLayerND: Sequenceof NetworkTTPChoice; - the list contains one element when only one point is incorrect, i.e. is not part of the -

33、1ayerNetworkDomain. aEndNetworkTTPConnected:NetworkTTPChoice; networkTTPsInAEndAccessGroupConnected: AccessGroupChoice; ZEndNetworkTTPConnected: NetworkTTPChoice; networkTTPsInZEndAccessGroupConnected: AccessGroupChoice; userIdentifierNotUnique: UserIdentifier; failureToSetUserIdentifier: NULL; fail

34、ureToCreateTrai1: NULL; invalidTrancportServiceCharacteristics: NULL; invalidTrafficDescriptor: NULL; Recommendation G.854.6 (03/99) 5 STD*ITU-T RECMN G.854.b-ENGL 1999 4Bb259L 0660366 481 9 elementTTP BEHAVIOUR SEMIFORMAL P ARAMETER-MATCHING networkTTP: ; accessGroup: ; layerND: ; dir: ; suppliedUs

35、erIdentifier: ; serviceCharacteristics: ; trafficDescriptor: ; supplieduserlabel: ; newTrai1: ; ConnectedAEndNetworkTTP: ; connectedZEndNetworkTTP: ; (IN) accessGrouplsMade OjNelworkTPs PRECONDITIONS inv-1ayerNDContainment “aEnd and zEnd are referring to element in a relationship where this accessGr

36、oup refers to contanerAG, must not refer to a-endNTTP or z-endNTTP in any relationship where this accessGroup refers to contanerAG, must not refer to a-endNTTP or z-endNTTP in any of any element in the of referred to by newTrail is equal to suppliedUserIdentifier, if it is supplied.“ invconnectedTra

37、i1 “connectedAEndNetworkTTP, connectedZEndNetworkTTP and newTrail must respectively refer to a-endNTTP, z-endNTTP and transportEntityTrai1 in a relationship.“ inv - transportServiceCharacteristics “newTrail and serviceCharacteristics must refer to transportQualfledTrai1 and transportQualflerTSC in a


39、kTTPsInAEndAccessGroupConnected ; IF PRE_CONDITION inv-fieeZEndNetworkTTP NOT-VERIFIED RAISE-EXCEPTION zEndNetworkTTPConnected ; IF PRE-CONDITION inv-fieeZEndAccessGroupMember NOT-VERIFIED RAISE-EXCEPTION networkTTPsInZEndAccessGroupConnected ; IF PRECONDITION invuniqueUserIdentifier NOT-VERIFIED RA

40、ISE-EXCEPTION userIdentifierNotUnique; IF POST-CONDITION inv-agreedUserIdentifer NOT VERIFIED RAISE-EXCEPTION failureToSetUserIdentifier; IF POST-CONDITION invconnectedTrai1 NOT-VERIFIED RAISE-EXCEPTION failureToCreateTrai1; IF POST-CONDITION inv-transportServiceCharacteristics NOT-VERIFIED RAISE-EX

41、CEPTION invalidTransportServiceCharacteristics; IF POST-CONDITION inv-trafficDescriptor NOT-VERIFIED RAISEEXCEPTION invalidTrafficDescriptor; 1 Release trail OPERATION releaseTrai1 INPUT-PARAMETERS trail: Trailchoice; layerND: LayerNetworkDomainChoice; OUTPUT-PARAMETERS trail: Trailchoice; R

42、AISED-EXCEPTIONS unknownTrai1: Trailchoice; trailconnected: NULL; failureToReleaseTrai1: NULL; Recommendation G.854.6 (03/99) 7 STD-ITU-T RECMN Gm854mb-ENGL 1999 = 4862591 Obb036 PRE-CONDITIONS inv-existing Trail “trail must refer to element in the relationship where IayerND refers to containerLND.

43、“ inv-trailconnected “trail must not refer to transportEntityTrai1 in a CtrailIsTerminatedByPointToPoinP relationship, I POST-CONDITIONS inv-trailReleased “trail must not refer to any element in a OPERATION modifyTrai1 INPUT-PARAMETERS trail: Trailchoice; layerND: LayerNetworkDomainChoice; newTraffi

44、cDescriptor: ImmediateTrafficDescriptorId; newServiceCharacteristics: TrailServiceCharactensticsId; OUTPUT-PARAMETERS agreedTrafficDescriptor: ImmediateTrafficDescriptorId; agreedServiceCharacteristics: TrailServiceCharacteristicsId; - The old traficDescriptor is maintained ifthe new one cannot be s

45、upported - The old serviceCharacteristics is maintained ifthe new one cannot be supported RAISED-EXCEPTIONS unknownTrai1: Trailchoice; invalidServiceCharacteristicsRequested: NULL; invalidTrafficDescriptorRequested: NULL; BEHAVIOUR SEMIFORMAL PARAMETER-MATCHING trail: ; IayerND: ; newTrafficDescript

46、or: ; newServiceCharacteristics: ; agreedTrafficDescriptor: ; agreedservicecharacteristics: ; 8 Recommendation G.854.6 (03/99) STDOITU-T RECMN G-854-b-ENGL 1999 = 48b2591 Obb03b9 190 E PRECONDITIONS invexistingTrai1 “trail must refer to element in a relationship.“ inv-agreedTrafficDescriptor “trail

47、and agreedTrafficDescriptor must be involved as trailTD and immediate TraflcDescriptorTraiI in a relationship.“ EXCEPTIONS IF PRECONDITION inv-existingTrai1 NOT-VERIFIED RAISE-EXCEPTION IF POST-CONDITION inv-agreedServiceCharacteristics NOT-VERIFIED RAISE-EXCEPTION IF POST-CONDITION inv-agreedTraffi

48、cDescriptor NOT-VERIFIED RAISE-EXCEPTION unknownTrai1; invalidServiceCharacteristicsRequested; invalidTraffkDescriptorRequested; Create networkTTP OPERATION createNetworkTTP INPUT-PARAMETERS layerND: LayerNetworkDomainChoice; pointDir: PointDirectionality; suppliedUserIdentifier: UserIdentif

49、ier; suppliedUserLabe1: GraphicString; - zero length string or O implies none supplied. - zero length implies none supplied. OUTPUT-PARAMETERS networkTTP: NehvorkTTPChoice; RAISED EXCEPTIONS usirIdentifierNotUnique: UserIdentifier; failureToCreateNetworkTTP: NULL; failureToSetUser1dentifier:NULL; BEHAVIOUR SEMIFORMAL PARAMETER-MATCHING layerND: INFORMATION OBJECT: tmLayerNetworkDomain; suppliedUserIdentifier: ; pointDir: ; networkTTP: ; suppliedUserLabe1: ; PU-CONDITIONS inv-UniqueUserIdentifier “suppliedUserIdentifi

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