ITU-T I 140-1993 Attribute Technique for the Characterization of Telecommunication Services Supported by an ISDN and Network Capabilities of an ISDN (Study Group XVIII) 19 pp《表征由综合.pdf

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ITU-T I 140-1993 Attribute Technique for the Characterization of Telecommunication Services Supported by an ISDN and Network Capabilities of an ISDN (Study Group XVIII) 19 pp《表征由综合.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T I 140-1993 Attribute Technique for the Characterization of Telecommunication Services Supported by an ISDN and Network Capabilities of an ISDN (Study Group XVIII) 19 pp《表征由综合.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T I 140-1993 Attribute Technique for the Characterization of Telecommunication Services Supported by an ISDN and Network Capabilities of an ISDN (Study Group XVIII) 19 pp《表征由综合.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T I 140-1993 Attribute Technique for the Characterization of Telecommunication Services Supported by an ISDN and Network Capabilities of an ISDN (Study Group XVIII) 19 pp《表征由综合.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T I 140-1993 Attribute Technique for the Characterization of Telecommunication Services Supported by an ISDN and Network Capabilities of an ISDN (Study Group XVIII) 19 pp《表征由综合.pdf_第5页
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2、TU-T Recommendation 1.1 40 (Previously “CCIlT Recommendation”) ITU-T RECMN*I.340 (REV*L) 93 m 4862593 0582594 93T I FOREWORD The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the International Telecom- munication Union. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical,

3、operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, established the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in t

4、heir turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. ITU-T Recommendation 1.140 was revised by the ITU-T Study Group XVIII (1988-1993) and was approved by the WTSC (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). NOTES 1 As a consequence of a reform process within the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the CC

5、ITT ceased to exist as of 28 February 1993. In its place, the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) was created as of 1 March 1993. Similarly, in this reform process, the CCIR and the IFRB have been replaced by the Radiocommunication Sector. In order not to delay publication of this R

6、ecommendation, no change has been made in the text to references containing the acronyms “CCITT, CCIR or IFRB” or their associated entities such as Plenary Assembly, Secretariat, etc. Future editions of this Recommendation will contain the proper terminology related to the new ITU structure. 2 telec

7、ommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a O ITU 1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mecha

8、nical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. CONTENTS 1 Scope 2 Attribute technique . 2.1 Outline of the technique 2.2 Basic rules . 2.3 Attribute lists 2.4 Attribute definition . 3 Application to the I-Series Recommendations . Annex A - List of definition

9、s of attributes and attribute values A.l Definitions of the attributes A.2 Definition of the attribute values A.3 Service attributes for broadband ISDN monomedia and multimedia bearer services Recommendation 1.140 (03/93) Page 1 1 1 1 2 7 7 7 7 11 14 i ITU-T RECMN*I.340 (REV*L) 93 = 4862593 0582596

10、702 W Recommendation 1.140 ATTRIBUTE TECHNIQUE FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES SUPPORTED BY AN ISDN AND NETWORK CAPABILITIES OF AN ISDN (Melboiirrie, 1988; revised Helsinki, 1993) 1 Scope The purpose of this Recommendation is to introduce the attribute technique and to describ

11、e attributes and list attribute value. Attributes are used in the characterization of services and network capabilities provided by an ISDN. The attribute technique can also be used to describe the salient featiires of other objects of study in telecoiiiniunicatiois, c.p. charging. Thi Recoiiirnencl

12、tion (in the general I. 100-Series) will act as a library of all attributes and attribute values used in other I-Serie Reconiriiendatioris. The inclusion of a particular attribute value in this Recommendation does not mean that this particular object is being rreoniriiended by CCITT, but that it is

13、a potential attribute (or attribute value) which niay be iiwd in a particuliir RecoriiIiiendaticin in the I-Series (e.g. to describe a CCITT-reconmiended service). Annex A include all attributes and their values so far identified and defined. 3 Attribute technique 2.1 Outline of the technique Thi te

14、chnique is used to dewribe objects in a stnictured, simple nianner and to highlight the important aspects of the object. In order to be able to identify coniparable objects, e.g. bearer services. the general concept of the object is broken dwn in a number of salient features. The salient featiires a

15、re termed attributes. Each attribute is independent of the other4 o that a change in the value of one will not affect the others. To describe a particular object the attributes are aUyed value which identify that object. Multiniedia services are characteri7ed by service dependent attributes (service

16、 attributes) describing the means of cuniniiinication offered by interactive or distribution services and by service components describing the characteristics of the information to be tranifened (e.g. audio, video, data). It i not ahvays necewry or iiefiil to describe an object in great detail and s

17、o attributes have been graded into three tel: dominant attributes: these define a sub-set containing similar objects, this sub-set is termed a class or category: ccondar)- attributes: these define a particular object; and yutilifying attributes: these define variants of an object. - - - Characterimt

18、ion of attributes should be niade in the I-Series of Recommendations when appropriate. 2.2 Basic rules - - Each attribute is assigned a name and definition. Sume attributes niay apply to only one object, others may be applicable to several objects. In this case the same attribute nanie is used. A gi

19、ven value shiiuld have the same naine and definition in all Reconimendations. Depending on the nature of the object described, a particular attribute may need to be used inore than once. Each attribute should be described by three perspectives: generic, service and network. - - - Recommendation 1.14

20、0 (03/93) 1 ITU-T RECMN*I.LYO (REV*L) 93 m YBb2591 0582577 bY7 - The service attributes and their values are valid for all communication relations of the service including all types of information supported by the service. The service component attributes and their values are associated to a specifi

21、c type of information described by the service component. Several services may support the same service component. - 2.3 Attribute lists 2.3.1 Generic attributes Information transfer mode Information transfer rate Information transfer capability Establishment Symmetry Configuration Structure Channel

22、 (rate) Control protocol Information transfer protocol Performance Interworking Operations Type of user information High layer protocol NOTE - This list will be completed according to further results on studies of connectionless, multimedia, broadband and mobile services. 2.3.2 Service attributes 2.

23、3.2.1 Bearer services Service attributes for 64 kbit/s-ISDN bearer services 1) Information transfer mode 2) Information transfer rate) 3) Information transfer capability 4) Structure 5) Establishment of communication 6) Symmetry 7) Communication configuration 8) Access channel and rate 9)

24、Access protocol 9.1) 9.2) 9.3) 9.4) Signalling access protocol layer 1 Signalling access protocol layer 2 Signalling access protocol layer 3 information access protocol layer 12) Service information transfer rate considered at the access point. 2, Information access protocol (layer 1 to 3) at the ac

25、cess point. 2 Recommendation 1.140 (03/93) ITU-T RECMN*I.340 (REV*3) 93 9 4862593 0582598 585 9.5) 0.61 Inforination access protocol layer 221 Information access protocol layer 32) 10) Supplementary services provided 1 1) Quality of Service 12) Interworking capabilities 13) Operational and commercia

26、l aspects Service attributes for broadband ISDN monomedia and multimedia bearer services 1) Inforniation transfer niode 1.1) Connection mode 1.2) 1.3) 1.4) Information transfer rate: Peak bit rate, niean bit rate for virtual channels or virtual path3) Information transfer capability of vir

27、tual channels or virtual path3) Structure of virtual channels or virtual path3) Symmetry of virtual channels or virtual path3) Traffic type of virtual channels or virtual path) Tiniing end-to-end of virtual channels or virtual path3) VCI transparency (for virtual path services) 2) 3) 4) 5) Establish

28、nient of communication 6) 7) Coiiiniunication configuration 8) Access channels and rates 8.1) For user information 8.1.1) Number of channels 8. 1.2) Type of channels 8.2) For signalling 9) Access protocols 9.1) 9.2) 9.3) 9.4) 9.5) 9.6) 9.7) 9.8) Signalling access protocol - Physical layer Signalling

29、 access protocol - ATM layer Signalling access protocol - ATM adaptation layer (AAL) Signalling access protocol - Layer 3 (above AAL) Inforniation access protocol - Physical layer Information access protocol - ATM layer Inforniation access protocol - ATM adaptation layer (AAL) for virtual channels o

30、r virtual path) Infornution access protocol - Layers above AAL for virtual channels or virtual path) 10) Supplementary services provided 11 j Quality of Service of virtual channels or virtual path3) (sub-attributes are for further study) 12) Interworking capabilities 13) Operational and commercial a

31、spects Teleservices Service attributes for 61 kbit/s-ISDN teleservices, 8,9.1,9.2,9.3,9.4,9.5,9.6:referto2.3.2.1. Virtual path for virtual path bearer services; for further study. Recommendation 1.140 (03/93) 3 ITU-T RECMN*I-340 (REV*:L) 93 m 4862593 0582599 413 = 10)

32、 Type of user information 11) Layer 4 protocol 12) Layer 5 protocol 13) Layer 6 protocol 14) Layer 7 protocol 15) Supplementary services provided 16) Quality of Service 17) Interworking capabilities 18) Operational and commercial aspects Service attributes for broadband ISDN monomedia and

33、multimedia teleservices i) Information transfer capability, service components - Mandatory service components (see Note) - Optional service components (see Note) 2) Information transfer mode 2. i) Connection mode 2.2) 2.3) Information transfer rate (service specific): - Structure (service specific)

34、of virtual channels (see Note) Traffic type (service specific) of virtual channels (see Note) Timing end-to-end (service specific) of virtual channels (see Note) 3) Peak bit rate, mean bit rate of virtual channels (see Note) 4) 5) Establishment of communication 6) 7) Communication configuration 8) A

35、ccess channels and rates Symmetry of service components (see Note) 8. i) 8.2) For signalling For user information, service components 9) Access protocols 9.1) 9.2) 9.3) 9.4) 9.5) 9.6) 9.7 Signalling access protocol - Physical layer Signalling access protocol - ATM layer Signalling access protocol -

36、ATM adaptation layer (AAL) Signalling access protocol - Layer 3 (above AAL) Information access protocol - Physical layer Information access protocol - ATM layer Information access protocols - ATM adaptation layer (AAL) for virtual channels (see Note) 10) Supplementary services provided 11) Quality o

37、f Seilrice (service specific) of virtual channels (sub-attributes are for further study) (see Note) 12) Interworking capabilities 13) Operational and commercial aspects NOTE - This attribute may have multiple values when more than one virtual channel (VC) or service component (SC) is offeredhpported

38、 by the service. Service component attributes 1) 2) Traffic type (service component specific) Timing end-to-end (service component specific) 4 Recommendation 1.140 (03193) 3 j Information transfer rate (service component specific) 3.1) Peak bit rate 3.2) Mean bit rate 4) Structure (service

39、 component specific) 5) Layer 3 protocol functions 6) Layer 4 protocol functions 7) Layer 5 protocol functions 8) Layer 6 protocol functions 9) Layer 7 protocol functions 10) Quality of Service (service component specific) (sub-attributes are for further study) Supplementary services For fur

40、ther study. Charging For further study. 2.3.3 Network attributes 23.3.1 Connection types Connection attributes for 64 kbih-ISDN connection types 1) Information transfer mode 2) Information transfer rate4) 3) Information transfer capability 4) Establishment of communication 5) Symme

41、try 6) Connection configuration 7) Structure 8) Channel (rate) 9) Connection control protocol 10) Information transfer coding/protoco15) 11) Network performance 12) Network interworking 13) Operations and management aspects Connection attributes for broadband ISDN connection types (see Not

42、e 1) 1) Information transfer mode 1.1) Connection mode 1.2) Traffic type I 1.3) Timing end-to-end 1.4) Virtual channel (VC) transparency (for connection oriented (CO) connections only) 2) Information transfer rate 2.1) Physical layer, pedmean bit rate 4, Information transfer rate is considered betwe

43、en access points. Information transfer protocol is considered between access points. Recommendation 1.140 (03/93) 5 2.2) ATM layer, peumean throughput 2.3) ATM adaptation layer (AAL), pealmean throughput 3) Information transfer capability 4) Establishment of connection 5) Symmetry 6) Connection conf

44、iguration 6.1) Topology 6.2) Dynamics 7) Structure 7.1) Physical layer 7.2) ATM layer 7.3) 7.4) ATM adaptation layer (AAL) (see Note 2) Above AAL (for connectionless (CL) connections only) 8) Access channels 8.1) For user information - Type of channel 8.2) For signalling 9) Connection access control

45、 protocols 9.1) Physical layer 9.2) ATM layer 9.3) 9.4) Layer 3 ATM adaptation layer (AAL) (see Note 2) 10) Information transfer coding/protocols 10.1) Physical layer 10.2) ATM layer 10.3) 10.4) 11) Nehvork performance ATM adaptation layer (AAL) (see Note 2) Above AAL (for CL connections only) 11.1)

46、 Cell error ratio 1 1.2) 11.3) Cell loss ratio 11.4) Celi misinsertion rate 11.5) Mean cell transfer delay 11.6) Cell delay variation Severely errored cell block ratio 12) Network interworking 13) Operations and management aspects NOTES 1 2 In a multimedia or multi-connection call (of multimedia ser

47、vices) each connection will be L-scribed by t-.: same set of connection attributes, but may be characterized by different attribute values. So far applicable for B-ISDN connection types. Connection elements 1) Information transfer mode 2) Information transfer rate 3) Information transfer cap

48、ability 6 Recommendation 1.140 (03/93) ITU-T RECMN*I.L40 (REV*L) 93 M 48b259L 0582b02 83b W 4) Establishment of communication 5) Symmetry 6) Connection configuration 7) Structure 8) Channel (rate) 9) Connection control protocol 1 O) Information transfer coding/protocol 1 1 ) Network performance 12)

49、Network interworking 13) Operations and managenient aspects Other network entities The definition of attributes for basic connection components and network capabilities to support supplementary services need.; further study. 2.4 Attribute definition A list of deilnitions of attributes and attribute values is contained in Annex A to this Recommendation. 3 Thi technique has been applied in 1.200-Series Recoinmendations for the specification of the telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and in Reconmendation 1.340 for the characterization of ISDN connectio


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