ITU-T L 24-2009 Classification of outside plant waste《局外损耗的分类》.pdf

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1、 International Telecommunication Union ITU-T L.24TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU (11/2009) SERIES L: CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND PROTECTION OF CABLES AND OTHER ELEMENTS OF OUTSIDE PLANT Classification of outside plant waste Recommendation ITU-T L.24 Rec. ITU-T L.24 (11/2009) i Rec

2、ommendation ITU-T L.24 Classification of outside plant waste Summary Recommendation ITU-T L.24 specifies a classification for products as toxic and dangerous waste (TDW) and methods to carry out a screening of the characterization of the different residues emanating from the outside plant. Appendix

3、I presents materials and products considered by Recommendation ITU-T L.24, and Appendices II and III provide information on legislations applied to waste and chemical substances. Source Recommendation ITU-T L.24 was approved on 29 November 2009 by ITU-T Study Group 5 (2009-2012) under Recommendation

4、 ITU-T A.8 procedures. ii Rec. ITU-T L.24 (11/2009) FOREWORD The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of telecommunications, information and communication technologies (ICTs). The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a p

5、ermanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years, esta

6、blishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary st

7、andards are prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the R

8、ecommendation may contain certain mandatory provisions (to ensure e.g., interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words “shall“ or some other obligatory language such as “must“ and the negative equivalent

9、s are used to express requirements. The use of such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed

10、 Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had not

11、received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementers are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database at http:/

12、T/ipr/. ITU 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written permission of ITU. Rec. ITU-T L.24 (11/2009) iii CONTENTS Page 1 Scope 1 2 References. 3 3 Definitions 3 4 Abbreviations and acronyms 3 5 Conventions 3 6 Waste prod

13、uct characterization tests 3 6.1 Content declared to be carcinogenic . 4 6.2 Flammability screening 4 6.3 Burning point 5 6.4 Determination of pH . 5 6.5 Cyanides . 6 6.6 Corrosion 7 6.7 Oxidants 8 6.8 Sulphides 9 6.9 Humidity and hygroscopic capacity test . 10 6.10 Lixiviation 11 6.11 Ecotoxicity 1

14、1 6.12 Pathogenicity 12 6.13 Bacterial mutagenesis . 12 6.14 Toxicity and irritability screening 12 6.15 Final action . 13 Annex A Exclusion list products 14 Appendix I Information from Telefonica of Spain . 17 Appendix II Information from CPqD of Brazil 22 Appendix III EEC legislation 28 III.1 Soli

15、d urban waste . 28 III.2 Toxic and dangerous waste 28 III.3 Chemical substances . 28 Appendix IV Questionnaire on “Classification of outside plant waste“ . 30 Rec. ITU-T L.24 (11/2009) 1 Recommendation ITU-T L.24 Classification of outside plant waste 1 Scope After ISO 14000 (Environmental management

16、), the environmental activities in the operators companies, manufacturers and contractors had to adapt their procedures of classification of outside plant waste in the infrastructure of telecommunication networks. There is a very considerable amount of outside plant waste, some of which includes pro

17、ducts that may be considered to be dangerous, toxic or ecotoxic. A waste product may be classified as toxic and dangerous waste (TDW) if, and only if, it contains any of the constituents listed in Table 1, and if these, in turn, present any of the characteristics shown in Table 2, in the proportions

18、 and limits considered in the current international regulations (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive or RoHS). Table 1 Constituents which, depending on the amount, concentration and form of presentation of the waste, may make the latter toxic and dangerous Code No. Waste with the following

19、 constituents C1 Beryllium, beryllium compounds C3 Hexavalent chromium compounds C6 Soluble copper compounds C8 Arsenic, arsenic compounds C9 Selenium, selenium compounds C11 Cadmium, cadmium compounds C13 Antimony, antimony compounds C14 Tellurium, tellurium compounds C16 Mercury, mercury compounds

20、 C17 Thallium, thallium compounds C18 Lead, lead compounds C21 Inorganic cyanides C23 Acidic solutions and acids in solid form C24 Basic solutions and bases in solid form C25 Asbestos (powder and fibres) C26 Metallic carbonyls C28 Peroxides C29 Chlorates C30 Per chlorates C31 Nitrides C32 PCBs and/o

21、r PCTs C33 Pharmaceutical or veterinary compounds C34 Pesticides and other biocides 2 Rec. ITU-T L.24 (11/2009) Table 1 Constituents which, depending on the amount, concentration and form of presentation of the waste, may make the latter toxic and dangerous Code No. Waste with the following constitu

22、ents C37 Isocyanates C38 Organic cyanides C39 Phenols, phenolic compounds C40 Halogenate solvents C41 Organic, non-halogenate solvents C42 Organo-halogenate compounds, excluding inert polymerized matter and other substances which appear in this table C43 Aromatic compounds, polycyclic and heterocycl

23、ic organic compounds C44 Ethers C49 Any product from the polychlorate dibenzosulphide family C50 Any product from the polychlorate dibenzoparadioxin family C52 Tar-based products from refining operations and tarry waste from distillation operations C53 Used mineral or synthetic oils, including water

24、-oil mixtures and emulsions C54 Unidentifiable and/or new chemical laboratory substances whose effects on the environment are not known Table 2 Characteristics of the waste which may make it toxic and dangerous Code No. Characteristics H1 Explosive. Substances and preparations which could explode un

25、der the effect of a flame or which are more sensitive to shocks or friction than benzene dinitrate. H2 Comburent. Substances and preparations which, in contact with others, particularly flammable ones, give rise to highly exothermic reactions. H2A Easily flammable substances. The following are defin

26、ed as such: Substances and preparations which, at ambient temperature, in the air and without input, can heat up and even ignite. Substances and preparations in a liquid state which at ambient temperature have a flash point lower than 21C. Substances and preparations which could easily ignite under

27、the brief action of a strong ignition source and which continue burning or being consumed after the source is removed. Gaseous substances and preparations which are flammable in the air at normal pressure. Substances and preparations which, in contact with water or damp air, give off easily flammabl

28、e gases in dangerous amounts. H2B Flammable. Substances or preparations whose flash point is greater than or equal to 21C and lower than or equal to 55C. H2C Highly flammable. Liquid substances and preparations whose flash point is lower than 0C and whose boiling point is lower than or equal to 35C.

29、 Rec. ITU-T L.24 (11/2009) 3 Table 2 Characteristics of the waste which may make it toxic and dangerous Code No. Characteristics H4 Irritants. Non-corrosive substances and preparations which, on immediate, prolonged or repeated contact with the skin or mucous membranes, could provoke an inflammatory

30、 reaction. H5 Noxious products. Substances and preparations which, on inhalation, ingestion or cutaneous penetration, could entail risks of limited gravity. H6 Toxic. Substances or preparations which, due to inhalation, ingestion or cutaneous penetration, could produce serious acute or chronic risks

31、, or even death (including very toxic substances and preparations). H7 Carcinogenic. Substances or preparations which, due to inhalation, ingestion or cutaneous penetration, could produce cancer or increase its frequency. H8 Corrosive. Substances or preparations which, in contact with living tissue,

32、 could exercise a destructive action thereon. H9 Infectious. Matter containing viable micro-organisms or their toxins which are known to cause disease in animals and man or are strongly suspected of doing so. H10 Teratogenic. Substances and preparations which, due to inhalation, ingestion or cutaneo

33、us penetration, could cause damage to the foetus during its intrauterine development. H11 Mutagenic. Substances and preparations which, due to inhalation, ingestion or cutaneous penetration, could produce alterations in the cells genetic material. H12 Substances or preparations which, in contact wit

34、h water, air or acid, release a toxic or a very toxic gas. H13 Materials which may, after disposal, produce another substance by whatever means, for instance, a lixiviation product possessing any of the characteristics listed above. H14 Ecotoxic. Substances or preparations which are dangerous for th

35、e environment. Waste which entails immediate or deferred risks for the environment. 2 References This clause has been intentionally left blank. 3 Definitions None. 4 Abbreviations and acronyms None. 5 Conventions None. 6 Waste product characterization tests It is recommended that a screening of the

36、characterization of the different residues emanating from the outside plant be carried out in accordance with the following waste product characterization tests. 4 Rec. ITU-T L.24 (11/2009) 6.1 Content declared to be carcinogenic The constituents of the waste are compared with the list of agents whi

37、ch may be considered as carcinogenic for man, in accordance with the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). Waste products which contain any agent included in the aforementioned list in a concentration of 0.01% are assigned the code H7. 6.2 Flammability screening This method allows the

38、flammability potential of the residue to be characterized, whether it is liquid, solid or semi-solid. According to law, a residue is to be identified by an H code if its burning point is less than or equal to 55C, the burning point being defined as the temperature, adjusted for an atmospheric pressu

39、re of 101.325 kPa, at which the test liquid gives off vapours in a sealed container under the conditions defined in the test method and in amounts which produce a flammable vapour/air mixture in the aforementioned container. Two tests are performed: Test A Five grammes of the finely crushed sample a

40、re placed in an aluminium crucible and a reducing flame is applied for 2 or 3 s, without touching it. If the sample ignites, the burning point should be ascertained. Otherwise, the flame should be applied directly to the sample for at least 15 s. If the sample ignites, it is to be considered as havi

41、ng a positive flammability. If the sample melts, boils or decomposes, the flammability test is to be considered as negative. Test B For liquid waste, 100 ml of the sample is used for carrying out the test. In the case of solids, 2 g should be dissolved in 100 ml of water and the test performed on th

42、e resulting solution. The solution containing the residue is placed in a beaker which is then covered with a watch-glass and left to sit at an ambient temperature for five minutes, after which sparks are applied to the vapour area located immediately above the sample. The sample is considered to pre

43、sent a positive flammability potential if a flash appears in the vapour or the sample ignites. The methods described are based on 67/548/EEC and on ASTM Standard D4982-89, Standard Test Methods for Flammability Potential Screening Analysis of Waste. The positive or negative results of both tests are

44、 to be noted on the waste product characterization screening sheet, together with the ambient temperature at the time the test was performed. In the event of a clearly negative result, full flammability screening will not be necessary since, if the sample withstands the temperature of a Bunsen burne

45、r without igniting, its burning point is very much higher than that established by law. In the event of a positive result in Test A, a more detailed analysis of the wastes behaviour may be necessary in order to ascertain its burning point according to the methods described in clause 6.3. Once the bu

46、rning point has been determined, the waste may be classified as easily flammable (H2A), flammable (H2B) or highly flammable (H2C). In the event of a positive result in Test B, the waste product shall be designated by the code H2A. Rec. ITU-T L.24 (11/2009) 5 6.3 Burning point As indicated above, a w

47、aste product shall be considered dangerous and toxic if its burning point is less than or equal to 55C, as defined in clause 6.2. The methods to be followed for determining the burning point of liquid substances whose vapours may be kindled by ignition sources are described here, since the law does

48、not describe any method for determining the burning point of solid samples. Solid specimens should be dissolved in a sufficient amount of water and the test performed on the resulting liquid. There are two acceptable methods for determining the burning point of waste, according to 67/548/EEC and sta

49、ndards ISO 1516, ISO 3680, ISO 1523, ISO 3679, ISO 2719 and ASTM D-56. 1) Balanced method i) Balanced method in a closed beaker The sample is placed in a closed beaker, submerged in a bath and heated by slowly raising the temperature of the bath so that the temperature difference between the bath and the sample does not exceed 2C. Moreover, it should be ensured that the temperature of the sample increases at a rate which does not exceed 0.5C in 1.5 min. At intervals of at least 1.5 min, ignition tests should be carried out through the a


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