1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 - TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU-!).4%.!.#% ).4%2.!4)/.!,G0G0,%!3%$G0G0#)2#5)4335“G13#/.42/,G0G034!4)/.G0G0 the circuit outage time; the location of the fault, that is, in a national or international circuit section or in the renters equipm
2、ent; the general nature of the fault.4 Appointment of sub-control stationsFor each international leased or special circuit a terminal circuit sub-control station is appointed. This is asclose as practical to the end of the circuit remote from the circuit control station.In transit countries in which
3、 a circuit is brought to audio frequencies or 64 kbit/s etc., an intermediate circuitsub-control station is appointed at a suitable point for each direction of transmission. It is left to the Administrationconcerned to choose: where this point shall be, whether the sub-control functions for the two
4、directions of transmission are vested in one station or twostations, whether, as may be desirable in the case of a large country, each direction of transmission has more thanone circuit sub-control station per transit country.The technical service of the Administration concerned indicates its choice to the Administration responsiblefor the control station._1)Where no such unique reference number exists, Administrations may wish to consider a format containing the following elements:serial number/day of month/time (e.g. 47/03/1400G).