ITU-T M 1560-1992 Escalation Procedure for International Leased Circuits - Maintenance Designations and Information Exchange (Study Group IV) 14 pp《国际租用线路升级程序-维修 番号和信息交流(第4研究组)4页》.pdf

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ITU-T M 1560-1992 Escalation Procedure for International Leased Circuits - Maintenance Designations and Information Exchange (Study Group IV) 14 pp《国际租用线路升级程序-维修 番号和信息交流(第4研究组)4页》.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T M 1560-1992 Escalation Procedure for International Leased Circuits - Maintenance Designations and Information Exchange (Study Group IV) 14 pp《国际租用线路升级程序-维修 番号和信息交流(第4研究组)4页》.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T M 1560-1992 Escalation Procedure for International Leased Circuits - Maintenance Designations and Information Exchange (Study Group IV) 14 pp《国际租用线路升级程序-维修 番号和信息交流(第4研究组)4页》.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T M 1560-1992 Escalation Procedure for International Leased Circuits - Maintenance Designations and Information Exchange (Study Group IV) 14 pp《国际租用线路升级程序-维修 番号和信息交流(第4研究组)4页》.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T M 1560-1992 Escalation Procedure for International Leased Circuits - Maintenance Designations and Information Exchange (Study Group IV) 14 pp《国际租用线路升级程序-维修 番号和信息交流(第4研究组)4页》.pdf_第5页
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2、n M.1560 CCITT RECMN*M=3560 32 W 4862533 0578849 184 FOKEWORD The CCITT (the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). CCITT is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing

3、Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The Plenary Assembly of CCIT which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study and approves Recommendations prepared by its Study Groups. The approval of Recommendations by the members of CCITT

4、 between Plenary Assemblies is covered by the procedure laid down in CCITT Resolution No. 2 (Melbourne, 1988). Recommendation M.1560 was prepared by Study Group IV and was approved under the Resolution No. 2 procedure on the 5th of October 1992. CCIlT NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Adm

5、inistration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized private operating agency. O IU 1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying a

6、nd microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. CCITT RECMN*M.L560 92 I 486259L 0578850 9rb Recommendation M.1560 ESCALATION PROCEDURE FOR INTERNATIONAL LEASED CIRCUITS (I 992) Abstract This Recommendation defines an escalation procedure for the resolution of problems or difficulties in th

7、e provision or maintenance of international leased circuits where normal cooperation of maintenance elements does not. This procedure supplements the general escalation procedure given in Recommendation M.1550 Il. Keywords - escalation, - fault restoration, - leased circuit, - maintenance, - procedu

8、re. 1 General Customers using international leased circuits, have ever increasing demands for - faster installation times, and consequent need for cooperation between Administrations to achieve required in-service dates: higher availability of leased and special circuits, and hence faster resolution

9、 of faulits or impairments, - and have an expectation that Administrations should meet these demands in delivering quality services over the international network. Normally cooperation between maintenance elements in different Administrations will result in the efficient provision line-up, designati

10、on and restorationhepair of international leased circuits. There may be circumstances, however, where this escalation procedure needs to be used. Generally this will occur when: - timings for certain activities in the procedures for provision and line-up (setting of intemational circuit test appoint

11、ments) are in jeopardy or exceeded (failed); service is not restored or is not likely to be restored within agreed time periods (ba.sed on experience of average restoration time) (e.g. mean time to restore service MTRS); the same fault recurs within short intervals; indications of network malfunctio

12、n persist despite repeated fault investigations. - - - This Recommendation supplements the procedure given in Recommendation M.1550 I in respect of the provision, line-up, designation and restorationhepair of international leased circuits. 2 Escalation process In order to improve the quality of serv

13、ice to customers, Administrations shall (bilaterally or multilaterally) agree to apply time targets in performing functions related to the provision, line-up, designation and restorationhepair of international leased circuits on an end-to-end basis. These agreements would normally be made by the tec

14、hnical service (see Recommendation M.75 2) between the Administrations concerned. Recommendation M.1560 (10/92) 1 CCITT RECflN*fl=L560 92 D 4862533 0578851 832 D The general concept of escalation and the definition of an escalation point are given in Recommen- dation M.1550 i, however, as it applies

15、 to international leased circuits, the following shall prevail: - for provision of international leased circuits the time targets are usually applied during the normal working day; for maintenance of international leased circuits the time targets for restoration of service are to be applied on a 24

16、hours/day, 365 daydyear end-to-end basis when customers require this level of performance. Administrations will need to agree on the level of performance bilaterally or multilaterally taking into consideration what organization they require to deliver this level of performance (see M.700-Series 3 an

17、d M. 1000-Series 4 Recommendations). - A fault can be the result of any type of failure (see Recommendation M.20, 3 3.2 5) either as reported by a customer to an Administration, or as notified by the network through an alarm or monitoring functions. Administrations should encourage customers to norm

18、ally contact escalation points within their own organization. Customers should only be encouraged, to contact the distant Administration if agreed by the Administrations involved. For further information on interworking, see Annex D. 2.1 Escalation leveldescalation points A number of escalation leve

19、ls should be established (this will depend upon the specific organization of an Administration) and is subject to bilateral agreement. If there is more than one escalation point, then these must not be vested in the same person/organization element. For example, in this Recommendation three levels o

20、f escalation have been used to demonstrate the principles to be used. At each level there will be an appointed ?escalation point? which is an element of the general maintenance organization (see Recommendation M.85 6). The primary escalation point is the next level of management (supervision) within

21、 the organization of the Administration (see Recommendation M.75,O 2 2). The personlorganization unit receiving the escalation request should have the required expertise and authority to deploy the required resourcedexpertise to resolve the problems. 2.2 Performance targets time interval These are t

22、argets for particular actions or activities which should be achieved within a particular time interval, e.g. where in the case of a faulty international leased circuit it is agreed that the circuit should be restoredhepaired within an agreed time period. A target is considered to be ?in jeopardy? wh

23、ere a situation exists which will or may prevent the achievement of agreed target timings. Administrations should agree to advise each other when such situations arise. A target is considered to have been ?exceeded?, or ?failed?, when the agreed target has been missed, without the agreed action havi

24、ng taken place. The targets to be applied are given in the following sub-sections. 2.2.1 Provision and line-up The prime objective is to ensure that Administrations are able to deliver the required type of circuit, working to specification, on the required date, to the customers. To do this the foll

25、owing targets should be set: - Circuit routing proposal: The date by which Administrations should have made a response to proposals (see Recommendation M. 1045 7) received from the other Administration(s). Line-up: The date by which the line-up date is to be reviewed with the objective of ensuring t

26、hat the agreed Ready for Service (RFS) date can be met. National circuit section tests: The date by which the national circuit section tests are to be performed, completed and advised to the partner Administration. - - 2 Recommendation M.1560 (1082) CCITT RECMN*M*LSbO 92 m 48b2591 0578852 779 m - In

27、ternational circuit section tests: The date by which the international circuit section tests are performed, completed and advised to the partner Administration. - End-to-end tests: The date by which the end-mend tests are to be performed and completed. - Ready for service date: The date by which the

28、 circuit is to be ready for customer service. 2.2.2 Maintenance (fault localization, repair and make good) The prime objective is to ensure that Administrations are able to restore service to the customers/users within an agreed time period. To do this the following types of targets should be set: -

29、 Service restoration: The period within which fault localization and repair or make good, to restore service to the customer is achieved (see Recommendation M.1016 fi). - Intermittent fault recurrence: Where there are more than an agreed number of faults within an agreed period (e.g. 2 x faults/y da

30、ys). 2.2.3 Maintenance peormance Escalation will only occur for the following criteria if no identifiable reason can be established for the deterioration in performance, e.g. a major cable failure (which would be subject to escalation procedures in Recommendation M.1550 i). - Fault rate: Where the a

31、greed fault rate of circuits (generally expressed as number of faults per 100 circuits per month) between Administrations is exceeded in a three month period. - Restoration time: Where the agreed average restoration time (expressed as the mean hours/faults/month) between administrations is exceeded

32、in a three month period. - % circuits restored in x hours: Where the performance (expressed as % of faulty circuits restored in x hours/faults/month) drops below the agreed % in a three month period. Examples of escalation target criteria are given in Annex B. 2.3 Escalation steps In general the fol

33、lowing steps shall be taken to escalate a problem or situation in .the provision, line-up, designation and restorationhepair of international leased circuits. The principle of the following three step escalation procedure (see also Figure 1M.15601, aiming at a close and coordinated cooperation of Ad

34、ministrations is recommended in order to reduce the number and frequency of occasions of failure to meet targets. - Step 1 - When the initial target (To) is in jeopardy, or has been exceeded (failed), the organization element of one Administration informs its First Level Escalation Point which is th

35、en expected to assume the responsibility and control over ali actions associated with the resolution of the target failure within step 1 period (Ti). If the distant Administrations cooperation is required to resolve the problem, then the matter should also be escalated to the distant First Level Esc

36、alation Point of the equivalent organization element. - Step 2 - If step 1 fails a Second Level Escalation Point within the organization is to be advised of the situation and requested to initiate further actions suitable to resolve the reported problem within step 2 period (Tz) Also information abo

37、ut the actions taken up to this time for clearing, the reported problem can be given (when appropriate) to the customer/user concerned during step 2. If the distant Administrations cooperation is still required to resolve the problem, then the matter should be escalated to the distant Second Level E

38、scalation Point by the First Level Escalation Point in the distant Administration. Recommendation M.1560 (10/92) 3 CCITT RECMNwM.15bO 92 Y862591 0578853 bo5 m - Step 3 - In the event that steps 1 and 2 fail the Third Level Escalation Point, within the organization which is not normally concerned wit

39、h the day-to-day operation of international services, will be alerted by the Second Level Escalation Point mentioned in step 2 above. If the distant Administrations cooperation is still required to resolve the problem, then the matter should be escalated to the distant Third Level Escalation Point b

40、y the Second Level Escalation Point in the distant Administration. Step 3 period (T3) is initiated during which information can (when appropriate) also be given to the customerhser concerned. Period T, Step 3 Escalate to third level Period T, f Step 2 Escalate to second level “- Step I Escalate to f

41、irst level f Target missed Period To f FIGURE 1/M.1560 Escalation steps TO402560-91 /do1 Where a problem or situation is escalated, an acknowledgement should be issued by the Escalation Point receiving the escalation to the contact point which is escalating the problem. Examples of escalation timing

42、s between escalation levels are given in Annex C. 2.4 Escalation communication Escalation communications between Administrations should normally occur (horizontally in diagram below) between peer levels, e.g. escalation communications should only occur between the same escalation levels. However, in

43、 exceptional circumstances, communication can occur between Administrations between different escalation levels. In cases where language difficulties exist it is recommended that electronic text communication be used which can be translated by the receiving point if necessary. 3 Exchange of informat

44、ion It is recommended that information be exchanged between Administrations in a standardized format to convey fault information, escalation points, and contact points. 4 Recommendation M.1560 (10192) CCITT RECMN*M.LSbO 92 II 4862591 0578854 541 m Third level m-a Third level t t Second level D-a Sec

45、ond level First level D-a First level t t Operational levei O+ - - - - - - - - - +O Operational levei 0 Escalation point f Escalation TO404 130-93/d 02 - Escalation communication 4- - - -b Normal communication FIGURE 2/M.1560 Escalation communication paths In order to facilitate the communication be

46、tween - provision liaison points; - fault report points; - escalation points; as covered in this Recommendation, standardized information must be provided updated and exchanged, as detailed in Annex A. ANNEX A (to Recommendation M. 1560) nformation to be provided and exchanged A. 1 Maintenance infor

47、mation exchange Part 1 - Centre-to-centre information 1 2 Operating hours 3 Designation of the Administration 4 Telephone numbers (at least two) 5 Facsimile number 6 Telex number 7 8 9 Designation of fault report point (see Recommendation M.95 6) Designation and responsibility of First Level Escalat

48、ion Point Relevant telephone, fax and telex numbers Designation and responsibility of Second Level Escalation Point Recommendation M.1560 (1 0192) 5 CCITT RECMN*M.L560 92 I 4862571 0578855 488 10 11 12 13 14 Designation of customers organization 15 Relevant telephone, fax and telex numbers Position

49、and responsibility of Third Level Escalation Point Relevant telephone, fax and telex numbers Out of hours contact and escalation points if different from above Operating hours of control and sub-control stations (see Recommendation M.1510 9) Part 2 - (variable) Information concerning the circuit 1 2 Urgency of restoration 3-14 15 16 17 Customers telephone number (Note) Designation of the international leased circuit Other relevant information (according to Recommendation M.1400 lo) Information on whether circuit is permanent or temporary Designation o


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