ITU-T M 762-1988 Maintenance of common channel Signalling System No 6《公共信道No 6信令系统的维护》.pdf

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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 - TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU-!).4%.!.#% G0G0#/-/.G0G0#(!%,G0G03).!,).3934%-3-!).4%.!.#%G0G0/ rather, it proposes criteria regardingwhen and how such actions are to be initiated. Moreover, the general administration of the systems is con

2、sidered andnot the detailed interworking of its various equipments.1.3 Various maintenance organizational units may have functional responsibility for individual sub-systems whichcomprise a common channel signalling system (for example signalling terminals, processors, etc.). As the activities ofany

3、 of these units will have an effect on the overall operation of the signalling system, and because in some cases itmay not be possible to independently determine a need for maintenance attention, one point should be designated as anoverall signalling system control. This point is titled signalling s

4、ystem administrative control. The corresponding pointat the distant terminal is known as the signalling system administrative sub-control.2 Appointment of administrative control and sub-control2.1 The appointment of administrative control and sub-control will be made by agreement between theAdminist

5、rations involved. These two points must be assigned for each signalling system which is placed in operation.It is suggested that the most appropriate point to act as administrative control or sub-control is the maintenance unithaving responsibility for the signalling terminal and processor. However,

6、 this matter is left to the discretion of theAdministrations concerned.2.2 In the case of multiple signalling systems between the same two points, it may be appropriate to divide controland sub- control assignments, therefore sharing the burden of control responsibility. This is a subject for agreem

7、entbetween the Administrations concerned; however, this assignment and that of the control station for the transfer linkshould be to the same Administration.3 Functions and responsibilities of the administrative controlThese responsibilities fall into four main areas:i) day-to-day maintenance of wor

8、king systems;ii) history and long-term analysis;iii) operation under signal transfer point (STP) configurations;iv) implementing a new signalling system, or an existing signalling system modification.3.1 Day-to-day maintenance of signalling systems3.1.1 Except as noted in 3.1.2, maintenance activity

9、 on any part of a common channel signalling system must onlybe undertaken with the agreement and knowledge of the administrative control. Such activities might relate to routinemaintenance measurements of the transfer link, service affecting reconfigurations of transmission systems over whichthe tra

10、nsfer link is routed (i.e. planned outages), the temporary removal from service of a signalling terminal, etc.2 Fascicle IV.1 - Rec. M.7623.1.2 In the event of total failure of a signalling system due to a malfunction of one of its parts, immediate stepsshould be taken to remedy the fault condition.

11、 As soon as possible, the administrative control should be informed sothat the event can be correlated with other reported events or known signalling failures. An example of such a faultevent might be the failure of a transmission system over which the transfer link is routed1).3.1.3 Faults which ar

12、e observable only at a signalling system terminal, for example intermittent failures resultingfrom an apparent high data bit error rate, must be analysed by the administrative control (and sub-control, dependingon the direction of the indicated fault) in order to determine where maintenance attentio

13、n is required. Such dynamicanalysis might involve terminal diagnostic tests, error performance tests with the distant terminal, etc. The result of thisdynamic analysis and tests will be corrective action, taken either by the administrative control or the sub-control ifunder eithers jurisdiction, or

14、the referral by the administrative control to the indicated part of the maintenanceorganization, for example the control station for the transfer link.3.2 History and long-term analysis3.2.1 The administrative control should maintain a record of all recognized or reported faults pertaining to eachsi

15、gnalling system for which it is responsible.This information includes (but is not limited to) the following:i) date and time a fault was reported or actually occurred;ii) the nature of the reported fault;iii) the reporting location;iv) the location of the fault, when found;v) the actual fault condit

16、ion found and the corrective action taken.This information should become a part of the history record maintained by the administrative control.3.2.2 History records will enable long-term analysis to identify repeated faults of a signalling system. Such effortsshould improve the long-term operation o

17、f a signalling system and therefore afford more economical maintenance.It is suggested that historical records should be retained for at least 12 months. From the provision of a newsignalling system, the history record should be initiated and continued until 12 months have passed. After analysis,eac

18、h succeeding month will permit the discarding of records accrued during that same month of the previous year.Therefore, an administrative control can examine 13 months of (possible) events, which should be adequate to identifypersistent faulty conditions.3.3 Operations under signal transfer point (S

19、TP) configurations3.3.1 With two or more signalling systems in tandem used to convey signalling information between twointernational centres, signal transfer point operation presents possible maintenance complications. Events which occurin one system can affect the functioning between centres which

20、have no control or sub-control responsibility for thefaulty signalling system. If an administrative control determines that a fault has occurred in its signalling system whichis part of an STP configuration, it must apprise the administrative control of the signalling system not directly involved,th

21、at a fault exists that affects (or will affect) signalling processes. The advice should also include an estimate of thetime necessary to correct the condition and, when appropriate, the time the condition was actually corrected.3.3.2 When a condition affecting signalling via an STP warrants coordina

22、ted testing in order to determine the faultypart of either signalling system, the administrative control first involved in the fault report should coordinate testingefforts. Once the fault is localized, referrals can be made via normal procedures to achieve maintenance action.When the fault is corre

23、cted, the administrative control for each of the signalling systems should be advised andthe administrative control which was first involved should confirm proper signalling via the STP._1)See Recommendation M.760, 4 and Figure 2/M.760 which illustrate a possible series of events following the failu

24、re of a transfer link of thecommon channel Signalling System No. 6.Fascicle IV.1 - Rec. M.762 33.4 Implementing a new signalling system3.4.1 The Administrations involved must reach all of the agreements necessary for the orderly provision of acommon channel signalling system, such as label assignmen

25、ts, constitution of the transfer link routing, securityarrangements, initial testing, etc. (see also Recommendation M.750).3.4.2 The administrative control should receive and record for future reference the results of tests carried out prior toputting a new system into service. In the event of subse

26、quent failures, a reference to these test results may be valuableto the fault location process and also a significant factor in assessing signalling system performance and faultoccurrences over the long term.4 Functions and responsibilities of the administrative sub-controlIn general, the responsibi

27、lities of the administrative sub-control with respect to its own terminal are similar tothose of the administrative control. Additionally, the administrative sub-control should:i) cooperate with the administrative control in fault localization and clearing activities as necessary;ii) respond with al

28、l relevant details of investigations and fault clearance activities to the administrative control;iii) advise the administrative control of any known present or future event likely to impact on the operation ofthe signalling system(s) for which it has responsibility.5 Contact point informationIt is essential that contact point information be exchanged between Administrations in order to minimizemaintenance difficulties and speed fault localization and clearance activities, (see Recommendation M.93).


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