1、5)4 4 - SECTEUR DE LA NORMALISATION (07/95)DES TLCOMMUNICATIONSDE LUIT-!).4%.!.#%2 3%!5 $% %34)/. $%34 , #/-5.)#!4)/.3$ #,!2!4)/.3 $% #/. tous les utilisateurs de laprsente Recommandation sont donc invits rechercher la possibilit dappliquer les ditions les plus rcentes desRecommandations et autres r
2、frences indiques ci-aprs. Une liste des Recommandations UIT-T en vigueur est publiergulirement. Recommandation UIT-T M.3100 (1995), Modle gnrique dinformation de rseau. Recommandation UIT-T Q.821 (1993), Description des tapes 2 et 3 pour linterface Q3 Supervisiondes alarmes. Recommandation UIT-T X.2
3、91 (1995), Spcification des suites de tests abstraites. Recommandation UIT-T X.296 (1996), Dclaration de conformit de lapplication. Recommandation UIT-T X.721 (1992), Technologie de linformation Interconnexion des systmesouverts Structure des informations de gestion Dfinition des informations de ges
4、tion. Recommandation UIT-T X.724 (1993), Technologie de linformation. Interconnexion des systmesouverts. Gestion des systmes: Spcifications et directives pour ltablissement des formulaires dedclaration de conformit des instances de protocole associes aux informations de gestion.3 AbrviationsPour les
5、 besoins de la prsente Recommandation, les abrviations suivantes sont utilises:GNIM Modle gnrique dinformation de rseau (generic network information model)MCS Rsum de conformit de gestion (management conformance summary)MOCS Dclaration de conformit dobjet gr (managed object conformance statement)MRC
6、S Dclaration de conformit de la relation gre (managed relationship conformance statement)4 Prescriptions de conformit des informations de gestionPour tre conforme aux dispositions de la prsente Recommandation, le texte dun formulaire de rsum de conformitde gestion (MCS) doit tre identique celui du f
7、ormulaire MCS reproduit dans lAnnexe A, sauf en ce qui concerne lapagination et les en-ttes de page.Pour tre conforme aux dispositions de la prsente Recommandation, le texte dun formulaire de dclaration deconformit dobjet gr (MOCS) applicable aux classes dobjets grs dfinies dans la Recommandation M.
8、3100 doit treidentique celui du formulaire MOCS reproduit dans lAnnexe B, sauf en ce qui concerne la pagination et les en-ttes depage.2 Recommandation M.3101 (07/95)Pour tre conforme aux dispositions de la prsente Recommandation, le texte dun formulaire de dclaration deconformit de la relation gre (
9、MRCS) applicable aux rattachements de noms dfinis dans la Recommandation M.3100doit tre identique celui du formulaire MRCS reproduit dans lAnnexe C, sauf en ce qui concerne la pagination et lesen-ttes de page.Le fournisseur dun systme conforme aux dispositions de la prsente Recommandation et de la R
10、ecomman-dation M.3100 doit: fournir les informations ncessaires pour identifier de faon univoque le fournisseur et lapplication; remplir le formulaire du rcapitulatif de conformit de gestion figurant dans lAnnexe A; remplir les formulaires de dclaration de conformit de lobjet gr figurant dans lAnnex
11、e B; remplir les formulaires de dclaration de conformit de la relation gre figurant dans lAnnexe C.5 StructureLe formulaire du rcapitulatif de conformit de gestion est reproduit dans lAnnexe A. Le rcapitulatif ne porte pas surles rattachements de noms et les classes dobjets grs jugs obsoltes et figu
12、rant dans lAppendice II/M.3100.LAnnexe B dfinit les formulaires MOCS applicables aux classes dobjets grs dfinies dans le corps du texte de laRecommandation M.3100, cest-dire lexclusion des classes dobjets grs juges obsoltes et dfinies danslAppendice II/M.3100.LAnnexe C dfinit les formulaires MRCS ap
13、plicables aux rattachements de noms dfinis dans laRecommandation M.3100.LAppendice I dfinit les formulaires MOCS applicables aux rattachements de noms et aux classes dobjets grs jugsobsoltes et dfinis dans lAppendice II/M.3100.LAppendice II dfinit les formulaires MRCS applicables aux rattachements d
14、e noms obsoltes mentionns danslAppendice II/M.3100.6 Lignes directrices supplmentaires6.1 Utilisation de la syntaxe ASN.1 NameTypeLa syntaxe de dfinition de type de nom NameType, qui est utilise des fins de dnomination, est dfinie sous la formedune structure de choix dun entier ou dune chane. Lappli
15、cation peut utiliser lune ou lautre de ces possibilits, ou lesdeux, pour diffrentes instances dobjets. Lutilisation de ces syntaxes influe sur le comportement des oprationsavec filtrage.Pour chaque attribut faisant appel la syntaxe NameType, le fournisseur dun systme conforme aux dispositions de lap
16、rsente Recommandation et de la Recommandation M.3100 doit indiquer le rsultat escompt dans la colonneinformations supplmentaires.Annexe AFormulaire du rsum de conformit de gestion (MCS)1)(Cette annexe fait partie intgrante de la prsente Recommandation)A.1 IntroductionA.1.1 Purpose and structureThe M
17、anagement Conformance Summary (MCS) is a statement by a supplier that identifies an implementation andprovides information on whether the implementation claims conformance to any of the listed set of standards that specifyconformance requirements to OSI management._1)Les utilisateurs de la prsente R
18、ecommandation sont autoriss reproduire le formulaire MCS de la prsente annexe pour utilisercelui-ci conformment son objet. Ils sont galement autoriss publier le formulaire une fois celui-ci complt.Recommandation M.3101 (07/95) 3The MCS proforma is a document, in the form of a questionnaire, designed
19、 by a proforma specifier, that when completedby the supplier of an implementation becomes the MCS.A.1.2 Instructions for completing the MCS proforma to produce the MCS2)The supplier of the implementation shall enter an explicit statement in each of the boxes provided. Specific instruction isprovided
20、 in the text which preceedes each table.A.1.3 Symbols and abbreviationsThe following abbreviations are used throughout the proformas of Annexes A, B and C.m3100InformationModel ccitt(0) recommendation(0) m(13) gnm(3100) informationModel(0) m3100ObjectClass m3100InformationModel managedObjectClass(3)
21、 m3100NameBinding m3100InformationModel nameBinding(6) m3100Attribute m3100InformationModel attribute(7) m3100Action m3100InformationModel action(9) q821InformationModel ccitt(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q821(821) informationModel(0) q821Parameter q821InformationModel parameter(9) smi2MobjectClass jo
22、int-iso-ccitt(2) ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) managedObjectClass(3) smi2NameBinding joint-iso-ccitt(2) ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) nameBinding(6) smi2AttributeID joint-iso-ccitt(2) ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) attribute(7) smi2Notification joint-iso-ccitt(2) ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) notification(10) A.2 Identification of
23、the implementationA.2.1 Date of statementThe supplier of the implementation shall enter the date of this statement in the box below. Use the format DD-MM-YYYY.A.2.2 Identification of the implementationThe supplier of the implementation shall enter information necessary to uniquely identify the imple
24、mentation and thesystem(s) in which it may reside, in the box below._2)On trouvera larticle 5 de la Rec. X.724 | ISO/CEI 10165-6, des instructions concernant la faon dont il faut remplir leformulaire MCS.Date of statement4 Recommandation M.3101 (07/95)A.2.3 Identification of the implementationThe su
25、pplier of the implementation shall enter information necessary to uniquely identify the implementation and thesystem(s) in which it may reside, in the box below.A.2.4 ContactThe supplier of the implementation shall provide information on whom to contact if there are any queries concerning thecontent
26、 of the MCS, in the box below.A.3 Identification of the Recommendation in which the management information is definedThe supplier of the implementation shall enter the title, reference number and date of the publication of theRecommendation | International Standard which specifies the management inf
27、ormation to which conformance isclaimed, in the box below.A.3.1 Technical corrigenda implementedThe supplier of the implementation shall enter the reference numbers of implemented technical corrigenda which modifythe Recommendation to the identified Recommendation, in the box below.Recommendation to
28、 which conformance is claimedRecommandation M.3101 (07/95) 5A.4 Management conformance summaryThe supplier of the implementation shall provide information on whether the implementation claims conformance to anyof the set of standards globally representing the implementation under claim. For each sta
29、ndard the supplier of theimplementation claims conformance to, the corresponding conformance statement(s) shall be filled in, or referenced by,the MCS. Columns 7 (Support), 8 (Table numbers of PICS/MOCS/MRCS) and 9 (Additional information) are to befilled in by the supplier of the implementation.The
30、 following common notations, defined in Rec. X.291 | ISO/IEC 9646-2 and Rec. X.296 | ISO/IEC 9646-7 are usedfor the status value column:m mandatory;o optional;c conditional;x prohibited; not applicable or out of scope.Note that “c”, “m”, “o” and “x” are prefixed by a “c:” when nested under a conditi
31、onal or optional item of the sametable.Note that “o” may be suffixed by “.n” (where “n” is a unique number) for mutually exclusive or selectable optionsamong a set of status values.The following common notations, defined in Rec. X.724 | ISO/IEC 10165-6 and Rec. X.296 | ISO/IEC 9646-7 are usedfor the
32、 support answer column:Y implemented;N not implemented; no answer required;Ig the item is ignored (i.e. processed syntactically but not semantically).See Tables A.1 to A.3.TABLE A.1/M.3101PICS support summaryIndex Identification of thedocument including thePICS proformaTable numbers ofPICS proformaD
33、escription Constraints andvaluesStatus Support Tablenumbers ofPICSAdditionalinformation6 Recommandation M.3101 (07/95)TABLE A.2/M.3101MOCS support summaryIndex Identification of thedocument including theMOCS proformaTable numbers ofMOCS proformaDescription Constraints andvaluesStatus Support Tablenu
34、mbers ofMOCSAdditionalinformation1 Rec. M.3101 B.1/M.3101 B.4/M.3101o2 Rec. M.3101 B.5/M.3101 B.9/M.3101o3 Rec. M.3101 B.10/M.3101 B.12/M.3101B.12A/M.3101o4 Rec. M.3101 B.13/M.3101 B.17/M.3101o5 Rec. M.3101 B.18/M.3101 B.22/M.3101o6 Rec. M.3101 B.23/M.3101 B.27/M.3101o7 Rec. M.3101 B.28/M.3101 B.32/
35、M.3101o8 Rec. M.3101 B.33/M.3101 B.35/M.3101o9 Rec. M.3101 B.36/M.3101 B.40/M.3101o10 Rec. M.3101 B.41/M.3101 B.45/M.3101o11 Rec. M.3101 B.46/M.3101 B.50/M.3101o12 Rec. M.3101 B.51/M.3101 B.54/M.3101o13 Rec. M.3101 B.55/M.3101 B.58/M.3101B.58A/M.3101o14 Rec. M.3101 B.59/M.3101 B.61/M.3101o15 Rec. M.
36、3101 B.62/M.3101 B.66/M.3101o16 Rec. M.3101 B.67/M.3101 B.72/M.3101o17 Rec. M.3101 B.73/M.3101 B.75/M.3101o18 Rec. M.3101 B.76/M.3101 B.78/M.3101o19 Rec. M.3101 B.79/M.3101 B.81/M.3101o20 Rec. M.3101 B.82/M.3101 B.84/M.3101o21 Rec. M.3101 B.85/M.3101 B.88/M.3101o22 Rec. M.3101 B.89/M.3101 B.93/M.310
37、1o23 Rec. M.3101 B.94/M.3101 B.96/M.3101o24 Rec. M.3101 B.97/M.3101 B.101/M.3101o25 Rec. M.3101 B.102/M.3101 B.106/M.3101o26 Rec. M.3101 B.107/M.3101 B.111/M.3101o27 Rec. M.3101 B.112/M.3101 B.116/M.3101o28 Rec. M.3101 B.117/M.3101 B.119/M.3101o29 Rec. M.3101 B.120/M.3101 B.123/M.3101oRecommandation
38、 M.3101 (07/95) 7TABLE A.3/M.3101MRCS support summaryAnnexe BFormulaire de dclaration de conformit dobjet gr (MOCS)3)(La prsente annexe fait partie intgrante de la Recommandation)B.1 IntroductionThe purpose of this MOCS proforma is to provide a mechanism for a supplier of an implementation which cla
39、imsconformance to a managed object class to provide conformance information in a standard form.B.2 Instructions for completing the MOCS proforma to produce a MOCS4)The supplier of the implementation shall state which items are supported in the tables and if necessary provide additionalinformation.Th
40、e following common notations, defined in Rec. X.291 | ISO/IEC 9646-2 and Rec. X.296 | ISO/IEC 9646-7 are usedfor the status value columns:m mandatory;o optional;c conditional;x prohibited; not applicable or out of scope.Note that “c”, “m”, “o” and “x” are prefixed by a “c:” when nested under a condi
41、tional or optional item of the sametable.Note that “o” may be suffixed by “.n” (where “n” is a unique number) for mutually exclusive or selectable optionsamong a set of status values.In the status column, the static requirements are stated as follows:m for characteristics contained in mandatory pack
42、ages or in conditional packages if the GDMO condition isalways true;o for characteristics of conditional packages with GDMO conditions that indicate static optionality, e.g. “ifan instance supports it”;cn for all other conditions, where “n” is a unique integer and “cn” is a reference to a conditiona
43、l statusexpression as defined in Rec. X.291 | ISO/IEC 9646-2 and Rec. X.296 | ISO/IEC 9646-7. Each conditiondenoted by “cn” is relative to the containing table;x for characteristics explicitly prohibited by the definition; for characteristics that are not mentioned by the definition._3)Les utilisate
44、urs de la prsente Recommandation sont autoriss reproduire le formulaire MOCS de la prsente annexe pour utilisercelui-ci conformment son objet. Ils sont galement autoriss publier le formulaire une fois celui-ci complt.4)On trouvera larticle 5 de la Rec. X.724 | ISO/CEI 10165-6, des instructions conce
45、rnant la faon dont il faut remplir leformulaire MOCS.Index Identification of thedocument including theMRCS proformaTable numbers ofMRCS proformaDescription Constraints andvaluesStatus Support Tablenumbers ofMRCSAdditionalinformation1 Rec. M.3101 C.1/M.3101 C.2/M.3101o8 Recommandation M.3101 (07/95)T
46、he following common notations, defined in Rec. X.724 | ISO/IEC 10165-6 and Rec. X.296 | ISO/IEC 9646-7 are usedfor the support answer columns:Y implemented;N not implemented; no answer required.B.3 Statement of conformance to the alarmSeverityAssignmentProfile object classSee Table B.1.TABLE B.1/M.3
47、101Managed object class supportIf the answer to the actual class question in the managed object class support table is no, the supplier of theimplementation shall fill in the actual class support in Table B.2.TABLE B.2/M.3101Actual class supportB.3.1 AttributesThe supplier of the implementation shal
48、l state whether or not the attributes specified by all packages instantiated in amanaged object of this class are supported, in the “Support” and “Additional information” columns in Table B.3. Thesupplier of the implementation shall indicate support for each of the operations for each attribute supported.TABLE B.3/M.3101Attribute supportIndex Managed object class templatelabelValue of object identifierfor classSupport of all mandatoryfeaturesIs the actual class the same as themanaged object class to wh