ITU-T Q 2610-1999 Usage of Cause and Location in B-ISDN User Part and DSS2 - Series Q Switching and Signalling - Broadband ISDN - Common Aspects of B-ISDN Application Protocols for In.pdf

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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU=T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU Q.261 O (1 2/99) SERIES Q: SWITCHING AND SIGNALLING Broadband ISDN - Common aspects of B-ISDN application protocols for access signalling and network signalling and interworking Usage of cause and location in

2、 B-ISDN user part and DSS2 ITU-T Recommendation Q.261 O (Previously CClTT Recommendation) INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU=T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU Q.261 O (1 2/99) SERIES Q: SWITCHING AND SIGNALLING Broadband ISDN - Common aspects of B-ISDN application protocols fo

3、r access signalling and network signalling and interworking Usage of cause and location in B-ISDN user part and DSS2 ITU-T Recommendation Q.261 O (Previously CCITT Recommendation) ITU-T Q-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS SWITCHING AND SIGNALLING SIGNALLING IN THE INTERNATIONAL MANUAL SERVICE INTERNATIONAL AUT



6、DN General aspects Signalling ATM adaptation layer (SAAL) Signalling network protocols Q.l-Q.3 Q.4-Q.59 Q.60-Q.99 Q.100-Q.119 Q.120-Q.249 Q.250-Q.309 Q.310-Q.399 Q.400-Q.499 Q.500-Q.599 Q.60 0-Q.699 Q.700-Q.849 Q.850-Q.999 Q.lOOO-Q.1099 Q.1100-Q.1199 Q.1200-Q.1699 Q.1700-Q.1799 Q.200 0-Q .2999 Q.200

7、 O-Q.2099 (2.21 004.21 99 Q.2200-Q.2299 B-ISDN application protocols for the network signalling Q.2700-Q.2899 B-ISDN application protocols for access signalling Q.2900-Q.2999 Forfirther details, please refr to ITU-T List of Recommendations. ITU-T RECOMMENDATION 4.2610 USAGE OF CAUSE AND LOCATION IN

8、B-ISDN USER PART AND DSS2 Summary This Recommendation describes the usage of cause and location for Digital Subscriber System No. 2 (DSS2) and signalling system No. 7 (B-ISUP). It defines the format, encoding and semantics of the Cause information element/Cause indicator parameter and the usage of t

9、he location field. Source ITU-T Recommendation 4.2610 was revised by ITU-T Study Group 1 1 (1997-2000) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on 3 December 1999. Recommendation 4.2610 (12/99) i FOREWORD ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized

10、 Agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on

11、 a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is co

12、vered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. l. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to

13、 indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. The ITU takes no posit

14、ion concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, the ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, pr

15、otected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. O ITU 2000 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be r

16、eproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing fiom the ITU. ii Recommendation Q.2610 (12199) 4 5 CONTENTS Page 1 Scope 2 References . 3 Cause 3.1 Format . 3.2 Cause value . 3.3 Diagnostics 3.3.1 Cause

17、No . 82 3.3.2 Identified subfield identifier . General rules for handling of the location field . Handling of cause and location at the international interface . Recommendation Q.2610 (12199) 1 4 4 iii Recommendation Q.2610 USAGE OF CAUSE AND LOCATION IN B-ISDN USER PART AND DSS2 (revised in 1999) 1

18、 Scope This Recommendation defines the format, encoding and semantics of the Cause information element/Cause indicator parameter and the usage of the location field, in the broadband UNI and NNI signalling systems. 2 References The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisi

19、ons which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; all users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possi

20、bility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. ITU-T Recommendation Q.850 (1998), Usage of cause and location in the digital subscriber signalling systems No. 1 and the s

21、ignalling system No. 7 ISDN user part. ITU-T Recommendation 4.293 1 (1995), Digital subscriber signalling system No. 2 - User-network interface (LUVI) layer 3 speciJication for basic call/connection control. ITU-T Recommendation 4.2764 (1999), Signalling system No. 7 B-ISDN user part (B-ISUP) - Basi

22、c call procedures. ITU-T Recommendation 4.2971 (1995), Digital subscriber signalling system No. 2 - User-network interface layer 3 specification for point-to-multipoint call/connection control. ITU-T Recommendation 4.2961.2 (1997), Digital subscriber signalling system No. 2 - Additional traffic para

23、meters: Support of ATM transfer capability in the broadband bearer capability information element. ITU-T Recommendation 4.2961.3 (1997), Digital subscriber signalling system No. 2 - Additional traffic parameters: Signalling capabilities to support traffic parameters for the available bit rate (ABR)

24、ATM transfer capability. ITU-T Recommendation 4.2961.5 (1999), Digital subscriber signalling system No. 2 - Additional traffic parameters: DSS2 additional traffic parameters for cell delay variation tolerance indication. ITU-T Recommendation 4.2962 (1998), Digital subscriber signalling system No. 2

25、- Connection characteristics negotiation during calUconnection establishment phase. ITU-T Recommendation 4.2934 (1998), Digital subscriber signalling system No. 2 - Switched virtual path capability. ITU-T Recommendation 4.2766.1 (1998), Switched virtual path capability. Recommendation 4.2610 (12/99)

26、 1 3 Cause 3.1 Format The format of the DSS2 Cause information element and B-ISDN is shown in Figures 1 and 2 respectively. 8 7 6 5 4 3 user part Cause indicator parameter 2 1 Octet O Cause information element identifier 11 ext. 1 I Codingstandard I Information element instruction field l2 Length of

27、 cause information contents 13 ext. Spare 1 101010 I Location I: ext. 1 Cause value Diagnostic(s) (if any) 6 7* 7n* * Optional octets Figure UQ.2610 - Detailed formatting scheme of the DSS2 Cause information element 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Octet Parameter name 1 I Length of cause information contents ext. 5

28、 Codinestandard I Smre 1 Location ext. 4a ext. 4 Parameter compatibility information ext. 1 Cause value 6 Diagnostic) (if any) 7* 7n* * Optional octets Figure 2/Q.2610 - Detailed formatting scheme of the B-ISDN user part Cause indicator parameter 3.2 Cause value The cause values defined in 2.2.5/Q.8

29、50 l and 2.2.7/Q.850 13 are applicable. In addition the following cause values are applicable: I 32 P5 Definition Too many pending add party requests Requested VPCWCI not available VPCWCI assignment failure Diagnostics (Not applicable) (Not applicable) (Not applicable) Application 4.2931 2 DSS2 4.29

30、71 4 DSS2 Reference 4.2934 9 DSS2B-ISDN 4.293 1 2 userpart 4.2766.1 101 I 4.2764 3 2 37 DSS2B-ISDN Identified User cell rate not available subfield identifier user part 4.2931 2 4.2764 3 4.2961.3 6 4.296 1.5 7 Q.2962 8 4.2766.1 lo No VPCWCI available 4.293 1 2 DSS2/B-ISDN (Not applicable) 4.2934 191

31、 4.2766.1 1 O Unsupported combination of traffic (Not applicable) parameters 4.2764 3 DSS2 Q.2971 4 Q.2961.2 5 4.2962 8 4.2934 9 user part 2.3.UQ.2764 3 89 Q.2931 2 DSS2 (Not applicable) AAL parameters cannot be supported 93 4.2971 4 DSS2 (Not applicable) Invalid endpoint reference value Additional

32、definitions: - Cause No. 32 - Too many pending add party request - Cause No. 35 - Requested VPCWCI not available This cause is returned when the network is unable to queue any additional add party requests. This cause is returned when the VPCINCI indicated by the requesting entity cannot be provided

33、 by the other side of the interfkce. - Cause No. 36 - VPCINCI assignment failure This cause indicates that assignment of VPCINCI values is not functioning correctly and that maintenance should be informed. - Cause No. 37 - User cell rate not available This cause is returned when the user cell rate r

34、equested by the user cannot be provided by the network. - Cause No. 45 - No VPCINCI available This cause indicates that there is no appropriate VPCVVCI presently available to handle the call. - Cause No. 73 - Unsupported combination of traffic parameters - Cause No. 89 - Invalid endpoint reference v

35、alue - Cause No. 93 - AAL parameters cannot be supported This cause is returned when the combination of traffic parameters is illegal. This cause is returned when the invalid endpoint reference is included in the message. This cause is used to indicate that the requested AAL parameters cannot be pro

36、vided. Recommendation 4.2610 (12/99) 3 3.3 Diagnostics The diagnostics defined in 2.2.6/Q.850 l are applicable. In addition the diagnostics applicable to Cause No. 82, when generated within the B-ISDN, is modified as described below. 3.3.1 Cause No. 82 The channel identity diagnostic is encoded as f

37、ollows: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Octet I WC1 I WC1 (continued) VCI VCI (continued) NOTE - Octets 7b and 7c are present if a VCI is to be indicated with the VPCI. If only the VPCI is to be indicated octets 7b and 7c are not present. 3.3.2 Identified subfield identifier The identified subfield identifier diagn

38、ostic is encoded as follows: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Octet 1 ATM user cell rate subfield identifier 17 NOTE 1 - Octet 7 may be repeated to report multiple ATM user cell rate subfield identifiers. NOTE 2 - All the subfield identifiers can be included in this field, not just the subfield identifiers for the A

39、TM user cell rate parameters. 4 General rules for handling of the location field The location field shall be handled as described in clause 3/Q.850 l. 5 Handling of cause and location at the international interface Clause 4/Q.S50 13 is applicable. Series A Series B Series C Series D Series E Series

40、F Series G Series H Series I Series J Series K Series L Series M Series N Series O Series P Series Q Series R Series S Series T Series U Series V Series X Series Y Series Z ITU-T RECOMMENDATIONS SERIES Organization of the work of the ITU-T Means of expression: definitions, symbols, classification Ge

41、neral telecommunication statistics General tariff principles Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors Non-telephone telecommunication services Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks Audiovisual and multimedia systems Integrated services

42、digital network Transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals Protection against interference Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant TMN and network maintenance: international transmission systems, telephone circuits, telegr

43、aphy, facsimile and leased circuits Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits Specifications of measuring equipment Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks Switching and signalling Telegraph transmission Telegraph services terminal equipment Terminals for telematic services Telegraph switching Data communication over the telephone network Data networks and open system communications Global information idkastruchie Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems Printed in Switzerland Geneva, 2000

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