1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 1 TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU).4%27/2+).G0G0/2 Fascicle VI.6 - Rec. Q.605b) capital letters, where the horizontal line of a multiple branching of the process is to be interrupted.Subscripts outside the connectors indicate the sheet numbe
2、rs, on which the associated connectors appear;c) “Pi“ to indicate that the procedures are not completed (e.g. a subroutine or another detailed procedure).The connector symbol will then be non-subscripted with sheet numbers but be provided with the comment“to be completed“ associated with a reference
3、 to the Recommendation concerned, if any.The connector reference is always shown in the left-hand column of each sheet of the interworking diagrams.5.4 Procedures not presentedIn general, possible signals which are not shown as inputs in a given state are to be considered as consumed butdiscarded, i
4、.e. ignored. A special treatment may be required in the following cases:a) electrical conditions not recognized as regular signals (e.g. 1 out of 6 frequencies in the case of MFCsignalling);b) regular signals, but not relevant to interworking (e.g. blocking, identification);c) any other regular sign
5、al recognized as an abnormality (e.g. out of sequence).In the cases a) and c), the appropriate actions to be taken are not specified in the existing Recommendations.Further study is required.Fascicle VI.6 - Rec. Q.605 3The reactions in case of signals out of sequence can be shown by means of a state
6、/signal matrix as auxiliarydocumentation. The interpretation of the diagrams will then be unambiguous.5.5 Presentation of time supervisionThe method of time supervision presentation to be used is shown in Figure 5/Q.605.If two timers are running in a state such that the longer timer can never mature
7、, the input “time release“ shouldnevertheless be shown for both timers in order that no misunderstanding can result. The meaning of start t1also includesthe possibility of restart t1, means the expiry of t1,5.6 Storage of inputsDuring the method of register function activation, all inputs are implic
8、itly stored and the sequence of FITEs isalso recorded. When the register function is not activated, inputs must explicitly be stored if required in a later statetransition.5.7 Method of changing the order of signalsIn several interworking situations, the order in which signals are received is not ne
9、cessarily the order of theirutilization. Therefore, a rearrangement of the order is necessary. To change the signalling sequence in the interworkingdiagrams, the method indicated in Figure 6/Q.605 should be applied. Figure 6/Q.605 shows how such a situation can becoped with by SDL.5.8 Multiple sendi
10、ng of FITEs 1 or digitsThe case of multiple sending of FITEs 1 or digits often occurs in the logic procedures: in the former case in theincoming or interworking procedures, and in the latter case in the outgoing procedures of the en-bloc Signalling SystemsNo. 5 and R1. The presentation of Figure 7/Q
11、.605 should be used. a) of Figure 7/Q.605 is used for multiple FITEs 1,while b) of Figure 7/Q.605 is used for outgoing Signalling Systems No. 5 or R1. In b) of Figure 7/Q.605 the outgoinglogic has already received all the FITEs 1 and has established the “ST condition“ prior to the logic sequence sho
12、wn.4 Fascicle VI.6 - Rec. Q.605 Fascicle VI.6 - Rec. Q.605 55.9 Different signalling speedsIn interworking cases where the signalling system at the outgoing end uses the overlap signalling mode withacknowledgements (Signalling Systems No. 4 and R2) or where the signalling speed of the system at the outgoing end islower than that at the incoming end, the presentation method indicated in Figure 8/Q.605 should be used.