ITU-T X 207-1993 Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Application Layer Structure - Data Networks and Open System Communications Open Systems Interconnection - G.pdf

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ITU-T X 207-1993 Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Application Layer Structure - Data Networks and Open System Communications Open Systems Interconnection - G.pdf_第1页
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2、ON LAYER STRUCTURE ITU-T Recommendation X.207 (Previously “CCilT Recommendation”) COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesITU-T RECMNtX.207 93 m 48b2591 05861170 I184 m Foreword ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the

3、 United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (IT-T) is a permanent organ of the . Some 179 member countries, 84 telecom operating entities, 145 scientific and industrial organizations and 38 international organizations partic

4、ipate in ITU-T which is the body which sets world telecommunications standards (Recommendations). The approval of Recommendations by the members of -T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, 1993). In addition, the World Telecommunication Standardization Conference

5、(WTSC), which meets every four years, approves Recommendations submitted to it and establishes the study programme for the following period. In some areas of information technology, which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. The

6、text of ITU-T Recommendation X.207 was approved on 16th of November 1993. The identical text is also published as ISOAEC International Standard 9545. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recogni

7、zed operating agency. O ITU 1994 A11 rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/IT

8、U TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesITU-T RECNN*X=207 93 48b2591 05Bb47L 010 H CONTENTS Scope Normative references . 2.1 Identical Recommendations I International Standards 2.2 Paired Recommendations I Intemational Standards equivalent in technical content Definitions Abbrev

9、iations . Application Layer concepts 5.1 Introduction . 5.2 Application-processes . 5.3 Application-entities . 5.4 Application-service-objects 5.5 Application-service-elements 5.6 Control functions 5.7 ASO-associations 5.8 ASO-context . 5.10 Application-associations . 5.1 1 Application-context . 5.1

10、2 Names and directory functions . Operation of application-entity-invocations . 6.1 Use of application-associations . 6.2 Operation of ASO-invocations and ASE-invocations . 6.3 Interaction with the supporting service . 6.4 Interaction with the Presentation Layer 6.5 Application Layer specifications

11、7.1 Categories of specification 7.2 Relationships among specifications 7.3 Properties of specifications . Abstract syntax definition . 5.9 ASO naming Error recovery and ASO-association Registration requirements Annex A . Some aspects of combining ASES and ASOS . Annex B . Relationship between applic

12、ation-contexts and application profiles . Annex C . Relationship of the terms between this edition and the previous edition of ISO/IEC 9545 . ITU-T Rc . X.207 (1993 E) Page 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 II 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 15 15 16 18 19 i COPYRIGHT International Telecommunicati

13、ons Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesITU-T RECflN*X-207 93 4862573 0586472 T57 Summary This Recommendation I International Standard provides a framework for the development of OS1 application layer Recommandations I International Standard. The framework provided i

14、s flexible and modular, to allow reuse and coordination of application layer Recommendations I International Standard. This Recommendation I International Standard does not specify services and protocols for OSI. Introduction This Recommendation I International Standard is a refinement of the descri

15、ption of the OS1 Application Layer contained in ITU-T Rec. X.200 I ISOAEC 7498-1. The purpose of this Recommendation I International Standard is to facilitate a coherent and modular approach to Application Layer standardization. It defines a set of architectural principles and concepts that provide

16、a basis for structuring and relating the specifications contained in Application Layer Recommendations and Standards. It defines the internal structure of the Application Layer, providing a framework for the development of Application Layer Recommendations and Standards. It also describes the genera

17、l principles underlying the operation of application- protocols. The following subjects are covered by this Recommendation I International Standard: a) b) the structure of application-entities; c) d) ASO-context and application-context. the relationship between distributed information processing and

18、 OS1 communication services; the OSI-service and protocol structure in the Application Layer; and This Recommendation I International Standard only considers those aspects of distributed information processing for an application which are relevant for the derivation of generic requirements for the s

19、tructuring of Application Layer communications. The architectural framework specified in this Recommendation I International Standard embodies concepts that may not be fully supported by existing Application Layer Recommendations and Standards. However, these concepts have been specified so as to pr

20、ovide a basis for the development of future Application Layer Recommendations and Standards which, it is anticipated, will require their use. This Recommendation I International Standard may be subject to future expansion, particularly with regard to multi-peer communication, security, application-c

21、ontext management, recovery, and Open Distributed Processing. A companion Technical Report, which is currently under development, will provide guidance on applying this Application Layer Structure during the creation of Application Layer service and protocol Recommendations and Standards. ii ITU-T R

22、ec. X.2M (1993 E) COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesITU-T RECMN*X=207 93 LI862591 0586473 993 ISO/EC 9545 : 1994(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ITU-T RECOMMENDATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION - APPLIC

23、ATION LAYER STRUCTURE 1 Scope This Recommendation I International Standard refines the description of the Application Layer contained in the Basic Reference Model for OS1 (ITU-T Rec. X.200 I ISO/IEC 7498-1). It provides a framework for coordinating the development of existing and future Application

24、Layer Recommendations and Standards. It is provided for reference by Application Layer Recommendations and Standards. In particular this Recommendation I International Standard: defines the nature of Recommendations and Standards in the Application Layer and the relationships among them; defines the

25、 architectural framework in which individual OS1 Application Layer protocols are developed. defines concepts which provide a flexible approach to structuring in the Application Layer; defines the categories of identifiable objects which are necessary for the specification and operation of relates di

26、stributed information processing activities to the Recommendations and Standards in the Application Layer; structures, and relates, specifications in Application Layer Recommendations and Standards; identifies the various kinds of specification necessary in Application Layer Recommendations and Stan

27、dards. protocols; This Recommendation I International Standard is provided for reference by Application Layer Recommendations and Standards. Its purpose is to facilitate a coherent and modular approach to the structuring of specifications for Application Layer behaviour. It neither specifies service

28、s nor protocols for OSI; nor is it an implementation specification for systems, nor a basis for appraising the conformance of implementations. 2 Normative references The following Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisi

29、ons of this Recommendation I International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation I International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility

30、 of applying the most recent editions of the Recommendations and Standards listed below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the IT maintains a list of currently valid IT-T Recommendations. 2.1 Identica

31、l Recommendations I International Standards - ITU-T Recommendation X.200 (1994) I ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model. -T Recommendation X.210 (1993) I ISOAEC 10731:1993, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Convention

32、s for the Definition of OS1 services. CC Recommendation X.660 (1992) I ISOAEC 9834-1: 1993, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities: General Procedures. - - *) Presently at the stage of draft. ITU-T RW. X.207 (1993 E) 1 COP

33、YRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesITU-T RECMN*X=207 93 4Bb259l1 0586474 82T W ISO/EC 9545 : 1994(E) 2.2 Paired Recommendations I International Standards equivalent in technical content - CCITT Recommendation X.217 (1992). Ser

34、vice definition for the Association Control Service Element. IS0 8649: 1989, Informution technology - Open System Interconnection - Service Definition for the Association Control Service Element. CCITT Recommendation X.216 (1988), Presentation service definition for Open Systems Interconnection for

35、CCLT applications. IS0 8822: 1988. Information processing system - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection oriented presentation service definition. CC Recommendation X.650 (1992), Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model for naming and addressing. IS0 7498-3: 1989, Informution processin

36、g system - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model: Naming and Addressing. - - 3 Definitions 3.1 Rec. X.200 I ISO/IEC 7498-1 apply: For the purposes of this Recommendation I International Standard, the following terms as defined in ITU-T a) abstract syntax; b) application-entity; c) app

37、lication-process; d) application-process-invocation; e) application-process-type; f) (N)-address; g) (N)-association; h) (N)-entity; i) (N)-entity-invocation; j) (N)-entity-type; k) (N)-function; I) (N)-layer; m) (N)-protocol; n) (N)-protocol-control-information; o) (N)-protocol-data-unit; p) (N)-se

38、rvice-access-point; q) presentation context; r) real open system; and s) transfer syntax. For the purposes of this Recommendatan I International Standard, the following terms as defined in CCIT a) AEI-identifier; b) AE-qualifier; c) AE-title; d) AE-type-title; e) AP-invocation-identifier; f) applica

39、tion-association-identifier; g) AP-title; h) (N)-directory-function; and i) (N)-protocol-addressing-information. 3.2 Rec. X.650 I IS0 7498-3 apply: 2 ITU-T RX X.207 (1993 E) COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesITU-T RECMN*X-

40、207 93 = 48b259L 0586475 7bb IsO/EC 9545 : 1994(E) 3.3 Rec. X.210 I ISOAEC 10731 apply: For the purposes of this Recommendation I Intemational Standard, the following terms as defined in -T a) deliver (primitive); b) OSI-service; c) OSI-service primitive; d) OSI-service-user; and e) submit (primitiv

41、e). For the purposes of this Recommendation I International Standard, the following definitions apply. NOTE -The word “object” is used here in the general English sense. 3.4.1 AE-invocation: A specific utilization of part or all of the capabilities of a given application-entity in support of the com

42、munications requirements of an application-process-invocation. NOTE -This is a specific use of the ASO-invocation concept. AE-type: A description of a class of application-entities in terms of a set of capabilities defined for the NOTE - This is a specific use of the ASO-type concept. 3.4.3 applicat

43、ion-association, association: A cooperative relationship between two ASO-invocations which governs their bilateral use of the Presentation Service for communication of information and coordination of their joint operation. 3.4 3.4.2 Application Layer. NOTE -This is a specific use of the ASO-associat

44、ion concept. application-association-identifier: A name that unambiguously identifies an application-association within application-conext A set of rules shared in common by two ASO-invocations in order to support an NOE -This is a specific use of the ASO-context concept. 3.4.6 application-context-d

45、efioitioa: A specification of an application-context. 3.4.7 application-conext- name: A name that unambiguously identifies an application-context-definition. 3.4.8 application-service-element: A set of application-functions that provides a capability for the interworking of application-entity-invoca

46、tions for a specific purpose; application-service-elements are a component of application- service-objects. NOTE-This definition refines the original definition of application-service-elements in ITU-T Rec. X.200 I 3.4.9 application-service-object: An active element within (or equivalent to the whol

47、e of) the application-entity embodying a set of capabilities defined for the Application Layer that corresponds to a specific ASO-type (without any extra capabilities being used). 3.4.4 the scope of the participating ASO-invocations. 3.4.5 application-association. ISO/IEC 7498- 1. NOTE - This is a s

48、pecific use of the (N)-entity concept defined in ITU-T Rec. X.200 I ISO/IEC 7498-1. 3.4.10 ASE-invocation: A specific utilization of part or all of the capabilities of a given application-service-element. 3.4.11 ASE-type: A description of a class of application-service-elements in terms of a set of

49、capabilities defined for the Application Layer. 3.4.12 ASO-association: A cooperative relationship among two or more ASO-invocations for the purpose of communication of information and the coordination of their joint operation. NOTE -This is a specific use of the (N)-association concept. ASO-association-identifier: A name that unambiguously identifies an ASO-association within the scope of 3.4.13 the participating ASO-invocations. 3.4.14 ASO-context: A set of rules shared in common among ASO-invocations in order to support an ASO-association. 3.4.15 ASO-context


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