ITU-T X 215 AMD 1-1997 Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Session Service Definition Amendment 1 Efficiency Enhancements - Series X Data Networks and Open Syst.pdf

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1、4862591 0645669 693 = INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UN ION ITU-T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECT0 R OF ITU X.215 Amendment 1 (08/97) SERIES X: DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMM UN KATION Open System Interconnection - Service definitions Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection

2、 - Session service definition Amendment 1 : Efficiency enhancements ITU-T Recommendation X.215 - Amendment I (Previously CCITT Recommendation) ITU-T X-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMMUNICATION Transmission, signalling and switching , Network aspects I/ Service defnitions Con

3、nection-mode protocol specifications Connectionless-mode protocol specifications PICS proformas Protocol Identification Security Protocols Layer Managed Objects Conformance testing INTERWORKING BETWEEN NETWORKS General Satellite data transmission systems MESSAGE HANDLING SYSTEMS DIRECTORY OS1 NETWOR

4、KING AND SYSTEM ASPECTS Networking Efficiency Naming, Addressing and Registration Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1) OS1 MANAGEMENT Systems Management framework and architecture Management Communication Service and Protocol Structure of Management Information Management functions SECURITY OS1 APP

5、LICATIONS Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Transaction processing Remote operations OPEN DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING X. 1-X. 199 X. 1 -X. 1 9 x.20-x 49 X .50-X, 89 X.90-X. 149 X.150-X. 179 X. 180-X. 199 X.200-X.299 X.200-X.209 X.220-X.229 X.230-X.239 X.240-X.25 9 X.260-X.269 X.270-X.279 X.280-X.289 X

6、 .290-X. 29 9 X.300-X.399 X.300-X.349 X.350-X.399 X.400-X.499 X.500-X.599 X.600-X.699 X.600-X.629 X.630-X.649 X.650-X.679 X.680-X.699 X.700-X.799 X.700-X.709 X.710-X.719 X.720-X.729 X.730-X.799 X.800-X. 849 X.850-X.899 X.850-X.859 X. 860-X. 879 X.880-X.899 X.900-X.999 For further details, please ref

7、er to ITU-T List of Recommendations. m 4862591 0645671 241 m INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 8326 ITU-T RECOMMENDATION X.215 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION - SESSION SERVICE DEFINITION AMENDMENT 1 Efficiency enhancements Summary The fast associate (upper-layer context identifier) mecha

8、nism is an efficiency enhancement which allows a session connection, and the upper-layer connectionlassociation it carries to be established using a compressed form of the information that would otherwise be sent onlhe S-CONNECT exchange. A conceptual parameter is added which summarizes the contents

9、 of the user-data of the S-CONNECT primitives. Source The ITU-T Recommendation X.215, Amendment 1 was approved on the 9th of August 1997. The identical text is also published as ISOIEC International Standard 8326. ITU-T Rec. X.215 (1995)lAmd.l (1997 E) i m 4862593 0645672 188 m FOREWORD IT (Internat

10、ional Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommuni- cations. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommen

11、dations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics.

12、 The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the IT-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommend

13、ation, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The IT draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use

14、of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. The ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendati

15、on, the ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. O IT

16、U 1998 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. 11 ITU-T Rec. X.215 (1995)/Amd.l (1997 E) CONTENTS New subclause 2.3 Subclaus

17、e 3.3 . Subclause 9.1 . New subclause 9.1.1 bis . Subclause 11.1 . Subciause 12.1.2 Subclause . New subclauses 1 and . Subclause 13.1.2 Subclause 14.1.1 . Subclause AS . 1 Subclause A.5.4.14 . . ITU-T Rec . X.215 (1995)/Amd.l (1997 E) Page 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 . 111 IS

18、OAEC 8326 : 1996/Amd.l : 1998 (E) Functional unit No-orderly-release INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ITU-T RECOMMENDATION Service(s) Reference Note 9.1.1 bis INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION - SESSION SERVICE DEFINITION AMENDMENT 1 Efficiency enhancements 1) New subclause 2.3 Add a new s

19、ubclause as shown below: 2.3 Additional references - ITU-T Recommendation X.225lAdd. 1 (1 999, Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol speclfication for Session layer eficiency enhancements. 2) Subclause 3.3 Add a new subclause 3.3.12, after 3.3.11 as shown below: 3.3.12 SS-users to indicate the nat

20、ure of the encodings in the SS-user-data parameter. Special-user-data: A parameter exchanged in the S-CONNECT and S-DATA primitives between the 3) Subclause 9.1 Add the following row and the following Note to Table 2: NOTE -This functional unit removes the orderly release services from the kernel fu

21、nctional unit. This “negative” functional unit provides compatibility with IT-T Rec. X.2 I 5 1 ISOiEC 8326 which requires the (non-negotiable) kernel to be indivisible. 4) New subclause 9.1.1 bis Add the following new subclause after 9. I. 1 9.1.1 bis No-orderly-release functional unit This function

22、al unit removes orderly release from the kernel functional unit. Abortive release is available. It is not possible to select this functional unit and the negotiated release functional unit for use on the same session connection. NOTE - This orderly release capability would more logically be a functi

23、onal unit separate from the kernel; this “negative” functional unit provides compatibility with earlier specifications that require the (non-negotiable) kernel to be indivisible. 5) Subclause 11.1 In Table 5, add User Summary and Special-user-data a1 the end of the list ofparameters. ITU-T Rec. X.21

24、5 (1995)/Amd.l (1997 E) 1 4b259L Ob45b74 T50 = M 4862591 0645675 997 H - Primitive Request Parameter User Summary U Special user-data U ISOREC 8326 : 1996/Amd.l : 1998 (E) Indication Response Confirm C(=) U C(=) C(=) U C(=) 6) Subclause 12.1.2 Add two rows in Table 9, after SS-user data: - Primitive

25、 Request Parameter -z Special user-data U Indication C(=) 7) Subclause Add the following item to the list of functional units: n) no-orderly-release functional unit . Add the following sentence to the antepenultimate sentence of this subclause: It is not possible to select the no-orderly-re

26、lease functional unit and the negotiated release functional unit for use on the same session connection. 8) New subclauses and Add after User Summary is a parameter that summarizes the semantic content of the User data, by reference to an Upper-layer context

27、specification. Special user-data is a parameter that may be exchanged by SS-users to indicate the nature of the encodings of the SS-user-data parameter. NOTE - The Special user-data parameter is not visible at the Presentation service interface defined in In-T Rec. X.216 I ISO/IEC 8822. Th

28、is parameter is intended for use at the PresentatiodSession boundary. 9) Subclause 13.1.2 Add the following text to the end of this subclause with the accompanying Note: The Special user-data parameter may be exchanged between two SS-users. NOTE-The Special user-data parameter is not visible at the

29、Presentation service interface defined in ITU-T Rec. X.216 j ISO/IEC 8822. This parameter is intended for use at the PresentationSession boundary. Add the following row in Table IO, affer SS-user data: 10) Subclause 14.1.1 Change the Jirst sentence as shown by the underlined text: The orderly-releas

30、e service is always provided and allows either SS-user to release the session connection in an orderly manner unless the no-orderlv-release functional unit is selected on the session connection. 2 ITU-T Rec. X.215 (1995)/Amd.l (1997 E) - W 4862593 06456b 823 W ISOAEC 8326 : 1996Amd.l : 1998 (E) rdrt

31、p 188 11) Subclause A.5.1 Add the following shown underlined to the dejntion of fu-dom: fu-dom = FD, HD, EXCEP, TD, NR, SY, SS, DS, MA, RESYN, EX, ACT, CD, NOR Add the following definition of NOR to the list of abbreviations, by alphabetical order: NOR No orderly release functional unit -FU(NOR) 12)

32、 Subclause A.5.4.14 Add a new row at the end of Table A. 7 as shown below: STA03 STA09 STA7 13 await await data Event SRELcnf SRELrcp transfer STA09 SRXLind I81 STA09 SRELreq 765 pl 88 81 p63 Iisl STA03 I81 STA09 Any other state Change Tables A.15 (Connection release state table without the symmetri

33、c synchronize functional unit) and A.23 (Connection release state table with the symmetric synchronize functional unit) in the identified rows according to the underlined changes shown below: . ,. ITU-T Rec. X.215 (1995)/Amd.l (1997 E) -I 3 4862593 0645b77 7bT Series A Series B Series C Series D Ser

34、ies E Series F Series G Series H Series I Series J Series K Series L Series M Series N Series O Series P Series Q Series R Series S Series T Series U Series V Series X Series Z ITU-T RECOMMENDATIONS SERIES Organization of the work of the ITU-T Means of expression: definitions, symbols, classificatio

35、n General telecommunication statistics General tariff principles Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors Non-telephone telecommunication services Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks Audiovisual and multimedia systems . Integrated ser

36、vices digital network Transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals Protection against interference Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant TMN and network maintenance: international transmission systems, telephone circuits,

37、telegraphy, facsimile and leased circuits Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits Specifications of measuring equipment Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks Switching and signalling Telegraph transmission Telegraph services terminal equipment Terminals for telematic services Telegraph switching Data communication over the telephone network Data networks and open system communication Programming languages


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