ITU-T X 485-1992 Message Handling Systems Voice Messaging System Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma - Data Communication Networks (Study Group VII) 32 pp.pdf

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ITU-T X 485-1992 Message Handling Systems Voice Messaging System Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma - Data Communication Networks (Study Group VII) 32 pp.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T X 485-1992 Message Handling Systems Voice Messaging System Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma - Data Communication Networks (Study Group VII) 32 pp.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T X 485-1992 Message Handling Systems Voice Messaging System Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma - Data Communication Networks (Study Group VII) 32 pp.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T X 485-1992 Message Handling Systems Voice Messaging System Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma - Data Communication Networks (Study Group VII) 32 pp.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T X 485-1992 Message Handling Systems Voice Messaging System Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma - Data Communication Networks (Study Group VII) 32 pp.pdf_第5页
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2、ATEMENT (PICS) PROFORMA i Recommendation X.485 CCITT RECMN*X.485 92 m 4862593 0580034 076 m FOREWORD The CCIT (the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). CCIT is responsible for studying technical, operat

3、ing and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis, The Plenary Assembly of CCITT which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study and approves Recommendations prepared by its Study Groups. The approval of R

4、ecommendations by the members of CCIT between Plenary Assemblies is covered by the procedure laid down in CCITT Resolution No. 2 (Melbourne, 1988). procedure on the 10th of September 1992. Recommendation X.485 was prepared by Study Group VI1 and was approved under the Resolution No. 2 CCIIT NOTE In

5、this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized private operating agency. O IT 1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic

6、 or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. CCITT RECMN*X-485 92 = 4862573 0580035 TO2 CONTENTS Page 1 Scope . 2 Normative references . 2.1 2.2 Additional references . Paired CCIT Recommendations I International Siandards equivalent in technical

7、content 3 Definitions . 4 Abbreviations 5 Conventions . 6 Conformance clause Annex A . PICS proforma for the VMG protocol in X.440 (1992) 1 2 2 2 2 3 Recommendation X.485 (09/92) 1 CCITT RECMN*X-485 92 W 4862593 058003b 949 INTRODUCTION This Recommendation defines the VM Protocol Implementation Conf

8、ormance Statement (PICS) proforma that shall be used when claiming support for an OS1 Message Handling System (MHS) protocol that is intended to be used in the exchange of voice encoded messages in a store-and-forward manner as specified in Recom- mendation F.440. The PICS proforma in this Recommend

9、ation is a adjunct to other MHS specifications as defined in the CCITT XAOO-Series Recommendations or in International Standard 10021. Recommendation X.485 (09/92) iii CCITT RECMN*X=485 92 4862591 0580037 885 m Recommendation X.485 MESSAGE HANDLING SYSTEMS: VOICE MESSAGING SYSTEM PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTA

10、TION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (PICS) PROFORMA (1 992) 1 Scope To evaluate conformance of a particular implementation, it is necessary to have a statement of which capabilities and options have been implemented for a given OS1 protocol. Such a statement is called a Protoco Implementation Conformance Sta

11、tement (PICS). This Recommendation provides the PICS proforma for the VMG protocol in Recommendation X.440 and Recommendation F.440. 2 Normative references The following CCIT Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions o

12、f this Recommendation. At the time of publication the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations I Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendation

13、s and Standards listed below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. The CCITT Secretariat maintains a list of currently valid CCITT Recommendations. 2.1 Paired CCIT Recommendations /International Standards equivalent in technical content - CCIT Recomme

14、ndation X.400 (1988), Message Handling System and Service Overview. ISO/IEC 10021-1: 1990, Information Technology - Text Communication - Message Oriented Text Interchange System -Part I: Service Overview. CCITT Recommendation X.402 (1988), Message Handling Systems: Overall Architecture. ISO/IEC 1002

15、1-2: 1990, Information Technology - Text Communication - Message Oriented Text Interchange System - Part 2: Overall Architecture. CCIT Recommendation X.407 (1988), Message Handling Systems: Abstract Service Definition and Conventions. ISO/IEC 10021-3: 1990, Information Technology - Text Communicatio

16、n - Message Oriented Text Interchange System - Part 3: Abstract Service Definition and Conventions. CCITT Recommendation X.411 (1988), Message Handling Systems: Message Transfer System: Abstract Service Definition and Procedures. ISO/IEC 10021-4: 1990, Information Tecnology - Text Communication - Me

17、ssage Oriented Text Interchange System - Part 4: Message Transfer Systems, Abstract Service Definition and Procedures. CCITT Recommendation X.413 (1988), Message Store: Abstract Service Operation. ISOIlEC 10021-5: 1990, Informution Technology - Text Communication - Message Oriented Text Interchange

18、System - Part 5: Message Store: Abstract Service Operation. - - - - Recommendation X.485 (09/92) 1 CCITT RECMN*X=485 92 4862593 0580038 711 M - CCIT Recommendation X.419 (1988), Message Handling Systems: Protocol Specifications. ISO/IEC 10021-6: 1990, Information Technology - Text Communication - Me

19、ssage Oriented Text Interchange System - Part 6: Protocol Specification. - CCITT Recommendation X.290 (1991), OSI Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework: General Concepts. ISOilEC 9646-1: 1991, Information Technology - OSI Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework - Part I: General Concep

20、ts. - CCITT Recommendation X.291 (1991), OSI Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework: Abstract Test Suite Specification. ISO/IEC 9646-2: 1991, Information Technology - OSI Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework - Part 2: Abstract Test Suite Specijcation. 2.2 Additional references - CCIT

21、T Recommendation F.440 (1992), 7he Voice Messaging Service. - CCITT Recommendation X.440 (1992), Message Handling Systems: Voice Messaging System. 3 Definitions This Recommendation uses the terms defined in Recommendation X.440. 4 Abbreviations This Recommendation uses the abbreviations defined in t

22、he CCIT Rec. X.440 I ISO/IEC 10021. 5 Conventions The PICS proforma is defined as an annex to this Recommendation. 6 Conformance clause The supplier of a protocol implementation which is claimed to conform with Recommendation X.440 is required to complete a copy of the PICS proforma provided in Anne

23、x A and is required to provide information necessary to identify both the supplier and the implementation. 2 Recommendation X.485 (09192) CCITT RECMN*X=485 92 4862593 0580039 658 M ANNEX A (to Recommendation X.485) PICS proforma for the VMG protocol in X.440 (1992) (This annex forms an integral part

24、 of this Recommendation) A. 1 A. 1.1 Identification of PICS PICS cover page profonna I PICS seriai NO.: I I Date: I A. 1.2 Identification of the implementation Name: Version: Special configuration: Other information: A.1.3 Identification of the the system supplier Protocol supplier (if not the syste

25、m supplier) Name: Contact: Street: Phone No.: city: Telex No.: Country: Fax No.: Rec. X.400: A. 1.4 Identification of the protocol Numberrnevision date: Addenda applicable: Implementors Guide version: Copyright release for PICS proformas User of this Recommendation may freely reproduce the PICS prof

26、orma in this Annex, so that it can be used for its intended purpose and may furtber publish the completed PICS. Recommendation X.485 (09/92) 3 CCITT RECMN*X.LiBS 92 Li862591 0580040 37T Item A.1.6.1 A. A. A. i .6.1.3 A.1.5 Global statement of conformance Reference (9) Type of V

27、M Application Entity and Functionality OR I to Rec. X.440 15.1 and 21 VM User Agent OR I1 with VM-Forwarding O/R I 15.1, 17.3.3 and 21 with Message Store OR I 15.2 and 21 with Message Store and VM-Forwarding O/R I1 15.2, 17.3.3 and 21 VM Message Store OR I 15.2 and 21 I Are all mandatory features im

28、plemented? (Yes or No): A. i .6.2.1 A. A.1.6.3 Answering “No” to this question indicates non-conformance to the protocol specification. Non-supported mandatory capabilities are to be indicated in the PICS, with an explanation of why the implementation is non-conforming . A.1.6 VM application

29、entity implemented when completing the PICS. A. shall be indicated. Three groups of VM application entities are specified. At least one VM application entity shall be identified Note - If the implementation supports both the VM User Agent and VM Forwarding, both items A. 1.6.1 and VMGS-MS At

30、tributes OR I1 Table 1 VMGS-MS Auto Actions OR Il 18.4 VM Telephone Service Access Unit (TSAU) OR I 15.3 A.2 A.2.1 Abbreviations and keys Instructions for completing the PICS proforma The following abbreviation is used in this Recommendation: PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement Each l

31、ine within the PICS proforma which requires implementation detail to be entered is numbered at the left Rand edge of the line. This numbering is inluded as a means of uniquely identifying au possible implementation detail within the PICS proforma. The S/M column in AS, Message Store Attributes, indi

32、cates whether single-valued(S) or multi-vaiued(M) support is required. The AEi column of A.6 means VM application entity. The D column reflects the definitions in this Recommendation. Each entry in this column is chosen from the following list: m Mandatory support is required; O C Optional support i

33、s permitted. If implemented it shall conform to the Recommendation; Conditional the support of this element is subject to a predicate which is referenced in the Note column (see 6 A.4.4); n/a Not Applicable. 4 Recommendation X.485 (09/92) CCITT RECMN*X.485 92 = 48b259L 0580043 206 The I column descr

34、ibes the actual capabilities of the implementation and shall be completed by the supplier Y N Item is not implemented; - Item is not applicable. The O/R column separates the capabilities for Origination and ReceptionRelay. O Origination; R ReceptionRelay. using a symbol chosen from the following lis

35、t: Item is implemented (subject to stated constraints); A.2.2 Supported functions A function is supported for Origination if the corresponding element of service is made available by the A function is supported for Reception if the service provider actually handles the protocol element(s) Mapping be

36、tween F.440 keys and PICS entries: F.440 PICS service provider to the end-user, which if required can invoke the element of service itself. associated with the element of service and makes the service available to the end-user. Basic Services M Essential Optional M Additional Optional O Protocol dat

37、a unit (PDU) parameters A Protocol element is supported for Origination if the IUT is able to generate it under some circumstances A protocol element is supported for Reception if it is correctly interpreted and handled. When required it will 8.2.3 (either automatically or because VMGS-user explicit

38、ly required a related service). be made available to the VMGS-user. A.2.4 Predicate definitions of a predicated item is mandatory when the related predicate is true. Otherwise support of the item is optional. The classification of an element of service or a protocol element may be subject to a predi

39、cate. The support Within that annex predicates are defined as follow: px = “Item-number”. where: “item” is a column title in the tables starting in A.3. List of predicates: Predicate item Pl A. 1.6.3 P2 A. orA. P3 A. P4 P5 A.1.6.2 or A. P6 A. P7 A. or A.1.

40、6.1.4 P8 A.3.62 or A.5.54 A. 1.6.(1.2 or 1.3 or 2 or 2.2) Recommendation X.485 (09/92) 5 CCITT RECMN*X-485 92 4862593 0580042 342 H A.3.1 A.3.2 A.3.3 A.3.4 A.3.5 A.3.6 A.3.1 A.3.8 p8 and (A.1.6.1 or A. 12.1 of Rec. X.413 (1992) A. 1.6.2 Access Management O M I R M 11 Attendant Assisted Deliv

41、ery O O I R C 11 Auto-Forwarding Indication O O 11 R M 11 Body Part Encryption Indication O O I R O I Content Confidentiality O O Il R O I Content Integrity O O 11 R O Il Content Type Indication O M Il R M Il Conversion Prohibition O M I R M I A.2.5 Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used

42、 in the beadings of this proforma: O/R OriginatiodReception; D Defined in this Recommendation; I Implemented. Note Predicate Reference A.3 Major Capabilities: Voice Messaging Elements of Service Item 1 Element of Service lo41 1 I teference to Recs F.400 or X.440 (Note) (0) B.l E. 1 Pl B.6 B.9 B.10 B

43、.11 B.12 B.13 B.15 B.19 B.20 B.24 B.21 B.22 B.25 6 Recommendation X.485 (09192) Element of Service ON Message Flow Confidentiality Message Identification MS Register O R O R O R Non-repudiation of Content Received Request Non-repudiation of Voice Notification Non-repudiation of Voice Notification Re

44、quest Obsoleting Indication Prevention Non-Delivery Notification O R O R O R O R O R D Reference to Recc F.400 or X.440 (Note) (9 Item A.3.16 DL Expansion Prohibited I: O da A.3.17 Expiry Date (+Time) Indication I: O O 1 I B.29 I A.3.18 O R C M Forwarding Voice-Message Indicator A.3.19 O R M M Grade

45、 of Delivery Selection A.3.20 Hold for Delivery O R O C MTS dependenc! MTS dependenc! A.3.21 Implicit Conversion O R O C A.3.22 Importance Indication I: M M 1 1 B.35 I A.3.23 Language Indication I: O O A.3.24 Latest Delivery Designation I: O da 1 I B.39 I A.3.25 O O A.3.26 M M A.3.27 O da 1 1 B.95 I

46、 A.3.28 Multi Destination Delivery I: M da A.3.29 Non-Delivery Notification I: M M A.3.30 Non-Receipt Notification I: M M i 1 IB.48 I A.3.31 I: Non-repudiation of Content Originated O O 1 1 G.l I A.3.32 I: Non-repudiation of Content Received O O A.3.33 O O I I G.3 A.3.34 O O 1 1 G.4 I A.3.35 O O A.3

47、.36 O O A.3.31 M na Recommendation X.485 (09/92) I CCITT RECMN*X.485 92 m 48b25L 0580044 TL5 A.3.43 Redirection Disallowed by Originator A.3.44 Redirection of Incoming Message A.3.45 A.3.46 A.3.47 A.3.48 A.3.49 Replying Voice-message Indicator Restricted Delivery Secure Access Management Sensitivity

48、 Indication Stored Message Alert A.3.50 Stored Message Auto Forward A.3.51 Stored Message Deletion A.3.53 Stored Message Listing A.3.55 A.3.56 A.3.57 Stored VM-auto-forward Submission Time Stamp Indication TS-recipient Spoken Name Indication A.3.59 Typed Body ceference to Recs F.400 or X.440 (Note)

49、(I G.6 Item 1 Element of Service D I Proof of content received I A.3.38 O R O O I I A.3.39 Proof of content received request O R O O I I G.7 O R O O G.8 A.3.40 Proof of voice notification A.3.41 Proof of voice notification request O R O O G.9 A.3.42 1 Receipt Notification Request Indication O R M M B.67 O R O M B.68 O R O C I I B.68 MTS dependenc; O R O M E.3 O R O C I I B.77 MTS dependenc: B.79 O R O O O R M M B.80 O R O C B.82 P3 I I O R O C I I B.83 P3, P4 O R da C I I B.84 P3, P4 Store


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