2、T INFORMATION MODEL Recommendation X.720 ITU-T RECflN*X.720 92 4862593 0613583 5T3 Foreword ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Speciaiized Agency in the field of telecommunications. The CCITT (the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) is a perma
3、nent organ of the ITU. Some 166 member countries, 68 telecom operating entities, i63 scientific and industnal organizations and 39 intemationai organizations participate in CCITT which is the body which sets world telecommunications staricixds (Recommendations). The approval of Recommendations by th
4、e members of CCITT is covered by the procedure laid down in CCITT Resolution No. 2 (Melbourne, 1988). In addition, the Plenary Assembly of CCITT, which meets every four years, approves Recommendations submitted to it and establishes the study programme for the following period.? In some areas of inf
5、ormation technology, which fall within CCITT?s purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. The text of CCITT Recommendation X.720 was approved on 17th January 1992. The identical text is also published as ISOAEC International Standard 10 165- 1. CCIT NOTE
6、 In this Recommendation, the expression ?Administration? is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized private operating agency. O ITU 1993 Ail rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, elect
7、ronic or mechanical. including photocopying and microfh, without permission in writing from the KU. Contents 1 Scope . i 2 Nonnative references . 1 Identical Recommendations i International Standards 1 2 .i 2.7 2.3 Additional referencc . - 3 i Paired Recommendations I International Standards equival
8、ent in technical content - 3 . 3.1 Basic reference model definitions . . 1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Additional definitions . 3 4 Abbreviations 5 5 nformauon Model . 5 Management framework definitions 3 Systems management overview definitions . 3 Common management information service definitions 3
9、 Abstract Syntax Notation One definitions . 3 2 Guidelines for tbe definition of managed objects definitions . a Security architecture definitions 3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Managed object concepts using object-oriented design . 6 5.1. I Encapsulation 7 5.1.2 Managed object classes and their characterist
10、ics 7 5.1.3 Specialization and inheritance . 9 Compatibiiity and interoperability 10 5.2. i Requirements . 10 Methods for providing interoperability . 12 Systems management operations . 13 Control of access to management information . 13 Attribute oriented operations 13 Operations that apply to mana
11、ged objects as a whole . 17 Filters . 21 Notifications . 23 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 Rules for compatibility 10 Atomic synchronization of management operations . 13 6 7 Principles of containment and naming . 23 6.1 Containment . 23 6.2 The naming tree 24 6.3 Name suucture 25 Managed objec
12、t class identification . 25 Managed object identification 25 Attributes of top . 26 6.3. I 6.3.2 6.3.3 Attribute identification . 26 ITU-T RECMN*X-720 92 48b259L Ob13585 37b = X.712 19596-2 X.720 I 10165-1 X.721 110165-2 INFORMATION NOTE CMIP PICS Management Information Model Definition of Managemen
13、t Information The following table gives a list of X.700 Series Recommendations which were developed in collaboration with the ISO/IEC and are identical to the corresponding International Standard. Cross-references to the corresponding ISOEC International Standard number and the short title of the Re
14、commendation 1 International Standard are provided. X.730 I 10164-1 X.731 110164-2 X.732 110164-3 I I I Object Management Function State Management Function Attributes for Representing Relationships CCm Recornmendation ISOIIEC International Standard X.700 I 7498-4 (Note) X.701 I10040 X.710 I 9595 (N
15、ote) X.734 I 10164-5 X.735 I 10164-6 X.736 I 10164-7 Sbort Title Management Framework System Management Overview Event Management Function Log Control Function Security Alarm Reporting Function Common Management Infomation Service Definition I X.71 I 19596-1 (Note) I Common Management Information Pr
16、otocol Specification I 101 65 -4 I Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects I FI 10164-4 I Alarm Reporting Function I X.740 I 10164-8 I Security Audit Trail Function I I Note -This Recommendation and International Standard are not identical, but are technically aligned. I NTERNATIONAL STANDA
17、RD CCITT RECOMMENDATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION - STRUCTURE OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION MODEL 1 Scope This Recommendation I International Standard is one of the set of Recommendations I International Standards for the OS1 Management Information Ser
18、vice (MIS). It defines the Information Model of managed objects and their attributes that corresponds to the Information aspects of the systems management model introduced in the Systems Management Overview CCITT Rec. X.701 I ISOEC lOO40, thus providing the modelling concepts necessary for the devel
19、opment of the other systems management Recommendations I Intemational Standards. It also defines the principles of naming managed objects and attributes. This Recommendation I International Standard defines the logical structure of systems management information. In accordance with CCITT Rec. X.700
20、I IS0 7498-4 and X.701 I ISO/IEC 10040 management information is structured in terms of managed objects, their attributes, the management operations that can be performed upon them, ,and the notifications that they can emit. The set of managed objects in an open system, together with their attribute
21、s. constitutes that open systems management information base (MIB). This Recommendation I International Standard defines thc concepts of managed objects in the Information Model, and prescribes the principles for naming the managed objects and their attributes so that they may be identified in and a
22、ccessed by management protocols. This Recommendation I International Standard also describes the concept of managed object classes and the relationships into which managed objects and managed object classes can enter, including: inheritance, specialization, allomorphism and containment. This Recomme
23、ndation I International Standard applies to ail definitions of managed objects and their attributes for the purposes of systems management. when defined, can also use this Recommendation I International Standard. NOTE - Although this Recommendation I International Standard applies to systems managem
24、ent. layer management. 2 Normative references The following CCITT Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which. through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation I International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid
25、. Ail Recommendations and Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation I International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the Recommendations and Standards listed below. Members of EC and IS0 mai
26、ntain registers of currently valid International Standards. The CCITT Secretariat maintains a list of currently valid CC Recommendations. 2.1 Identical Recommendations I International Standards - CCITT Recommendation X.701 (1992) I ISOEC 1o040: 1992. information technology - Open Systems Interconnec
27、tion - Systems management overview. CCITT Recommendation X.722 (1992) I ISOEC 1016541992, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of management information: Guidelines for the definition of management objects. CCITT Recommendation X.734 (1992) I ISOEC 10164-5:1993, Informat
28、ion technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management - Event report managernent function. - - CCTT Rec. X.720 (1992 E) II 2.2 Paired Recommendations I International Standards equivalent in technical content - CCITT Recommendauon X.200 (19881, Reference Model of Open Systems Interconnec
29、tion for CCm Applications. IS0 7498: 1984, inform(iion processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - b) systems management; c) 0-entity; d) (W-layer, e) (N)-protocol. 2 CCm Rec. X.720 (1992 E) 3.2 Management framework definitions This Recommendation I International Standard makes use of the fo
30、llowing terms defined in CCITT Rec. X.700 i IS0 7498-4. a) management information base; b) managed object. 3.3 Systems management overview definitions This Recommendation I International Standard makes use of the following terms defined in CCITT Rec. X.701 I ISO/IEC 10040. a) agent; b) manager: c) n
31、otification; dl managed object class; e) (systems management) operation. 3.4 This Recommendation I International Standard makes use of the following terms defined in CCITT Rec. X.710 I ISOnEC 9595. Common management information service definitions a) attribute; b) set-valued attribute. 3.5 This Reco
32、mmendation I International Standard makes use of the following terms defined in CCITT Rec. X.219 I ISOKEC 8824. tY Pe Abstract Syntax Notation One definitions 3.6 This Recommendation I International Standard makes use of the following terms defined in CCITT Rec. X.772 I ISOEC I O 165-4. template Gui
33、delines for the definition of managed objects definitions 3.7 Security architecture definitions This Recommendation I International Standard uses the following terms defined in CCIIT Rec. X.800 i IS0 7498-2. a) access control; b) security policy. 3.8 Additional definitions 3.8.1 class definition. ac
34、tion: An operation on a managed object, the semantics of which are defined as part of the managed object 3.8.2 allomorphic class of that managed object. 3.8.3 managed object can be managed as, using allomorphism. 3.8.4 instance of one or more other managed object classes. actual class: The managed o
35、bject class of which a managed object is an instance, as distinct from an allomorphic class (of a managed object): A class, other than the managed objects actual class, which a aiiomorphbm: The ability of a managed object that is an instance of a given class to be managed as CCT Rec. X.720 (1992 E)
36、3 ITU-T RECMN*X.720 92 m 4862591 Ob13589 TL1 m ISO/IEC 10165-1 : 1993 (E) 3.8.5 3.8.6 attributes. attribute group: A group of attnbures which have been assigned a single identifier for ease of access. attribute identifier: An idenufier used to distinguish an attnbute of a managed Object class from n
37、il odier 33.7 and semantics. An attribute is an instance of an attnbute type. 3.8.8 3.8.9 3.8.10 other. 3.8.11 attribute type: A named definitioii of a specific kirid ot attnbute, including definitions of its yiiux (type) attribute value assertion: A statement, which may be true or false, concerning
38、 the value of an attribute. attribute value set: A set of values, members of which are valid values of an attribute. behaviour: The way defined elements of management information relate to resources they model and to each A A characteristic: An element of a class definition. 3.8.12 managed object cl
39、ass definition is sausfied. 3.8.13 dependent on the existence of a containing managed object. 3.8.14 its superior objects. 3.8.15 encapsulation: A relation between a managed object and its attributes and behaviour, which represents the property that attributes and behaviour may be observed only thro
40、ugh management operations on the managed Object or notifications emitted by it. conditional package: A package which is present in a given managed object if the condition given III ILS containment: A suuctunng relauonship for managed objects in which the existence of a managed object IS distinguishe
41、d name: The name of an object formed from the sequence of the RDNs of the object and each of 3.8.16 acquired by a subclass from its superclass. 3.8.17 basis of the class specialization. 3.8.18 another managed object. 3.8.19 inheritance: The conceptual mechanism by which attributes, notifications, op
42、erations and behaviour are inheritance hierarchy: An hierarchical arrangement of like classes where the hierarchy is organized on the initial value managed object: A managed object that serves as a source for the derivation of initial values of instantiation: The process of creating a managed object
43、 according to a managed object class definition. 3.8.20 invariant: A logical predicate that must remain true for a specified scope. A 3.8.21 visible to management and which bounds the scope of the managed objects definition. 3.8.22 mandatory package: A package which must be present in all instances
44、of a given managed object class. 3.8.23 multiple inheritance: A conceptual mechanism that allows a subclass to acquire characteristics from more than one like superclass. 3.8.24 name binding: A relation between object classes which specifies that an object of one identified class may be the superior
45、 of an object of another named class. A name binding definition also includes other information about the relation, and may be defined to also apply to subclasses of the superior or the subordinate class or both. 3.8.25 naming schema: A collection of name bindings. 3.8.26 naming tree: A hierarchical
46、 arrangement of objects where the hierarchy is organized on the basis of the name binding relationship. An object used to name another managed object is higher io the hierarchy than the named object. The naming object is referred to as the superior of the named object, which is referred to as the su
47、bordinate. 3.8.27 package: A coilection of attributes, notifications, operations and/or behaviour which is treated as a single module in the specification of a managed object class. Packages may be specified as being mandatory or conditional when referenced in a managed object class definition. 3.8.
48、28 parameter: A value of a type which has associated SemaOtics and is associated with an object identifier and other infomarion where the value of the type may be carried in protocol. managed object boundary: The conceptual location where aspects of an underlying resource are made A . ._- . - 4 3.8.
49、29 attribute type is permitted to tie. 3.8.30 immediately before the emission of a notification. 3.8.31 immediately after the emission of a notification. 3.8.32 rellitie distinguished name: Aii attribute value aisscrtioii that a p;uticular aittribute liis ;I piuticular value uilcti to identify one object out of all those irnmediitely suhordiiinte to i1 given object. It serves als ;I cornpririeiit (ti ;i tlitiiiuiltcil ii;unt of ;U) ithject. 3.8.33 ,ituihuic type i required io iakc. 3-83 and by the addition of new characteristics. 3.8.35 3.8.36 3.8.37 superior ob